For The Paranoid: Extra Defenses Against Unpackers and Strippers
If we gave specific defenses, crackers would be able to look for them as well, so we will just give guidelines, hints, and suggestions here. None of these defenses will stop a determined attacker, but anything that slows him or her down will help your program, and will discourage many into giving up completely. Note that these defenses are only necessary if you believe that your program will be stripped out of the protective SoftwarePassport/Armadillo shell; as long as SoftwarePassport/Armadillo is protecting your program, none of them are required.
First and foremost: Get a custom build! We cannot over-stress the importance of this. A custom build of SoftwarePassport/Armadillo is automatically immune to automated attack programs; all programs protected by a custom build must be cracked manually, which means only the most skillful crackers can do it. A custom build also provides extra protection features, such as the Nanomites. Since most would-be crackers simply use the tools provided by more skilled ones, this will stop almost all of them cold.
Be subtle! Do something that won't be detected quickly!
If a cracker can see a problem, such as a crash, he or she can alter the code to change or avoid it. Since most cracked programs are released as soon as possible after being cracked, a delay of a few days or a week or more before causing problems with the cracked version will cause no end of headaches for the cracker.
Some crackers are now testing their cracked programs at various future dates as well, to detect this kind of thing. To deal with that, it's best to delay the crash by ten minutes or more, and don't have it happen every time -- maybe only randomly, once out of every five or more runs, or only when run during normal working hours or in the evening, whenever your program is likely to be used.
一些破解者现在也测试他们破解的程序在不同的未来日期,来探测这种事情。要处理这种情况,最好延迟crash 10 分钟或更多,不要让他每次都发生―或许只是随机的,一旦超过每5次或更多次运行,或者只是当在通常工作时间或者在晚上运行时,那个时候你的程序可能被使用。
Encrypt the string names that you're checking for
Use some form of encryption (a simple XOR will do for most cases) to hide the names of environment variables and other text strings from anyone looking at the raw program.
Don't be too efficient! Check it separately every time!
If you do all your checking in one function, then it's possible for a cracker to find that function and modify it. If you check things (such as if the program is still protected, or what certificate it's running under) separately in multiple places, then the cracker has to track down each and every instance of the checking code.
Check for different strings
Don't put all your proverbial eggs in one basket. Use SoftwarePassport/Armadillo's "extra strings" feature to store several unique strings in each certificate, and check for a different one in each place you check for them.
不要把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里。使用SoftwarePassport/Armadillo的"extra strings"功能来出错几个独特的字符串在每个证书,并勾选他们在每个地方勾选不同的。
Load the GetEnvironmentVariable function dynamically, and hide the name of the function and the DLL
Consider loading the GetEnvironmentVariable dynamically every once in a while, instead of using the statically-linked version, and use a simple form of encryption to hide the name of the function and the DLL you're loading it from.
Contact us for other ways to detect this
There are a few other very simple and efficient ways to determine whether the protection has been removed from your programs, and to add other defenses. For security reasons, we will only pass them on to people who have already purchased SoftwarePassport/Armadillo.
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最初由 mjahuolong 发布 How can I defend my program from crackers? 如果防止我的程序被破解? SoftwarePassport/Armadillo is good, but it's not perfect. It works best when both you and your program cooperate in the defenses. We have a complete description of the various attacks and how you can defend against them here. SoftwarePassport/Armadillo保护是好的但是不是完美的。当你和你的程序在保护上协作时工作最好。我们有一个完整的描述关于各种攻击和你如何对抗他们。