发表于: 2006-12-21 20:43 55210


2006-12-21 20:43
免费 7
最新回复 (119)
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Creating Keys 创建密匙
To create a key: 要创建一个密匙:
• Select Create Key from the Keys menu;  从密匙菜单选择创建密匙
• Select the certificate that the key will unlock (the default certificate is always available; you need not and cannot create a key for it);  
• Enter the name of the person to whom you're binding the key (optional if you're using the ShortV3 key system; see Nameless Keys for details);  
• Enter the machine fingerprint (if this key is for a hardware-locked certificate);  
• Enter expiration information or the number of copies allowed (if not specified by certificate), or any extra information you wish to store in the key;  
• Press the "Generate Key" button.  点击生成密匙按钮 。
That's it! The key, and the person's name, will appear in the box in the middle of the screen, already highlighted so that you can easily use cut-and-paste to add it to a letter or e-mail message. For information on how the user can install the key, see the Installing Keys entry.
The Extra Info fields (Pro Only) 额外信息区域(pro版提供)
SoftwarePassport/Armadillo keys can have up to thirty-two bits of unused space, which you can put to use for your own purposes in the Professional Edition. You can store a single number between zero and 4.2 billion, or use the bit-fields to note up to thirty-two yes-no options (only sixteen in unsigned keys). The information can be retrieved in your program by using the EXTRAINFO or EXTRAINFOBITS environment strings.
SoftwarePassport/Armadillo密匙可以有最多32个位的不使用空间,你可以使用为了你自己的意图,在专业版。你可以储存一个0倒4.2十亿的数字,或者使用该位区域注释最多32个yes-no选项(在无符号密匙里只有16个)。该信息能被找回,在你的程序里通过使用EXTRAINFO or EXTRAINFOBITS环境字符串。
This can be used for anything you wish; it was designed to allow you to code information in a single certificate which you could then use to selectively enable certain features or modules in your program.
There are some limitations to this feature. When used with unsigned keys, it cannot be used in the following instances:
• if you store expiration information in the key;  
• if you store the number of copies to allow in the key;  
• if you use an expire-by-uses certificate.
If you select a certificate with one of these options, you won't be given the option to enter extra information; the fields will be disabled, and the text field will show "No room". The EXTRAINFO environment string will be zero, and the bits will all be zero as well. When you're using a certificate with a signed key, these limitations do not apply.
如果你选择一个证书,使用这些选项中的一个,你不能选择输入额外信息,那个区域是禁用的,文本区域将显示"No room". EXTRAINFO环境字符串将是0,并且那些位也都是0。当你使用一个有符号密匙的证书,不受这些限制。
2007-1-3 23:15
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Creating Mass Amounts of Keys, or Creating Keys from a Custom Program
The procedure detailed in the previous section is good for creating one key at a time, but quickly becomes tedious if you need to generate a large mass of predefined keys (as some registration systems need you to do). For this purpose, we have provided a way to automate the process, using the CodeGen.DLL now provided in the distribution package (in the CodeGen directory under your main SoftwarePassport/Armadillo installation directory).
This file and its functions are described in the separate API help file.
2007-1-4 11:53
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Modification Keys 修改密匙
(Professional Edition only.) 只在专业版提供
Modification Keys allow you to send a user a key that will just modify the information contained in his or her original key. This would let you alter an expiration date, a number of copies allowed, or the "extra information" in a key. You could use them to, for example, license different optional modules of your program after the user has purchased the original license.
Note: Modification Keys can only be used to modify information stored in the key. For example, if your program does not store expiration information in the key, then you won't be able to modify the expiration information on that user's system.
Also note: There is nothing to prevent a user from using a Modification Key multiple times. It is therefore NOT SAFE to use a Modification Key to change an expire-by-days value -- the user could simply use the key multiple times to bypass the expiration completely. Expire-by-date values, and any other values, are safe.
You can create a Modification Key by selecting the option on the Keys menu. Select the certificate that the key will modify from the list, enter the name that the key is meant for, and if necessary enter the hardware fingerprint of the machine that the original key was locked to. Then select the value to modify, and the new value, from the right-hand side, and press the Generate Key button.
Please note that the certificate and the user's name must be the same as the ones that the original key was made for, for security reasons; the user must have the original key installed before a Modification Key is installed. No log is kept of Modification Keys.
SoftwarePassport/Armadillo sees Modification Keys as standard keys with a special date. The user simply enters the modification key the same way he or she did the original key. If SoftwarePassport/Armadillo accepts the Modification Key, then the user's original key data is modified; SoftwarePassport/Armadillo continues to show his unmodified original key in the INFO box and in the USERKEY environment variable, although the new information is given in the appropriate environment variables.
2007-1-4 13:03
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Nameless Keys无名密匙
SoftwarePassport/Armadillo normally requires all keys to be created for a particular name. As of version 3.70, you can have "nameless" keys as well. These are designed for situations where you don't know the name of the person who will get the key, such as for boxed software sold through retail outlets.
Nameless keys can only be created for the ShortV3 key system. They aren't truly nameless, the name is simply a randomly generated group of characters which is embedded in the key (the first six digits, starting with '2', after any leading zeros). After the key is installed, your protected program will see those digits as the name, and they will be removed from the key.
To create nameless keys using the Armadillo/SoftwarePassport program, just leave the name field blank.
2007-1-4 13:21
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Upgrade Keys 升级密匙
Upgrade keys (and their corresponding upgrade certificates) give you the ability to create keys that will only work if the user already has a valid key installed. This permits SoftwarePassport/Armadillo to keep track of the various details itself -- you don't have to see whether the user has already purchased the program, and whether the version(s) he purchased allow him to upgrade to the present version, before issuing the key.
To create an upgrade certificate, set the "Upgrade Key" checkbox (on the Edit Certificate window), then mark the certificates that this one should be allowed to upgrade in the window that will appear.
要创建一个升级证书,设置"Upgrade Key"被勾选( 在编辑证书窗口),然后在窗口里标记将被允许升级的证书
Things to Note: 注意事项
• You can only upgrade expired keys if they are not set to revert to the default certificate on expiration. If they're set to revert and they expire, then they won't be there when the user tries to install the upgrade key, so it will be rejected.  
• You cannot set a key to upgrade the default certificate.  
• All upgrade keys will upgrade their own certificates, regardless of any other certificates you mark.   
2007-1-4 13:59
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Installing Keys 安装密匙
When you send someone a key, it will usually be obvious what he has to do with it; the reminder message window (and most other windows that SoftwarePassport/Armadillo puts up) give the user the option to enter a registration key.
If your project doesn't use a reminder message, there is another way to enter a registration key. SoftwarePassport/Armadillo monitors the command line you pass to it. In most cases, it simply passes the command line along to your program, but if you use the word REGISTER (in upper- or lower-case) on the command line of a SoftwarePassport/Armadillo-protected program, SoftwarePassport/Armadillo will pop up the Enter Key window instead of running your program. (You can pre-load the Enter Key window with a name and key by adding the name, followed by a comma, followed by the key, after the REGISTER command. You can also suppress the "success" message-box by using QUIETREGISTER instead of REGISTER, but if you don't supply a valid name and key on the command line, the other dialogs will still be shown.) Similarly, the command INFO will let a user see the name and key he's currently using.
The final, and most popular, method involves having your program use the ArmAccess.DLL to handle registration codes yourself; however, this method requires you to make changes to your program..Please see the entry titled Doing It Yourself for details.
最后,最通用的做法是让你的程序使用ArmAccess.DLL来自己处理注册码;然而,这种方式需要你修改程序。请看the entry titled Doing It Yourself了解详细内容。
On your local system, you can use the "Clear Local Keys for This Project" command (on the Keys menu) to remove registration keys you may have added for testing purposes. Note that this command will only work if the key installed is still a valid key for the current project; this prevents potential pirates from using it to remove and re-enter expired codes.
在你的本地系统,你可以使用"Clear Local Keys for This Project"命令(在Keys菜单)来删除你为测试已经增加的注册密匙。注意这个命令将只有效如果该安装的密匙仍然是当前工程的一个有效密匙;这防止潜在的盗版者使用他来移除和重新输入已终止注册码。
2007-1-4 14:53
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Checking Keys 检查密匙
You can check a key's encoded information, and verify that it will work with your program, very easily. Just select Check Key from the Keys menu, enter the name and key (and machine fingerprint, if it's a hardware-locked key), and press Check. SoftwarePassport/Armadillo will tell you whether the key is valid, and if so what security certificate it unlocks, the date it was created, any expiration information encoded into it, and any extra information. If the key is in the Stolen Codes Database, it will inform you of this as well.
You can also use this dialog to verify an uninstall code. Enter all the information to check the key (as described above), and then enter the uninstall code your user gives you. If the key is good, then SoftwarePassport/Armadillo will also tell you whether the uninstall code is good or not.
你也可以使用这个对话框验证卸载代码。输入所有的信息检查该密匙(就像上边描述的),然后输入你的用户给你的卸载代码。如果该密匙是good的,那么SoftwarePassport/Armadillo也将告诉你该卸载代码是否good or not。
2007-1-4 19:11
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
The Key Log密匙日志
The Key Log is a simple text file, containing one line for each key you've created using SoftwarePassport/Armadillo.
In this file, you will find some header lines describing its format, followed by the entries themselves, one entry per line. Each entry contains the date (in year.month.day format), the name of the person the key is registered to, the key itself, the certificate that was used to create it, the hardware fingerprint (if used; otherwise this field will contain N/A), and any extra information (such as expiration data stored in the key, the number of copies to allow if stored in the key, or any "extra info" that you have specified).
Note: The Key Log file does not work until you have saved your project for the first time. It only records keys made using the key generator screen built into SoftwarePassport/Armadillo; if you're using CodeGen.DLL or another method, and need to have a record of the keys created, then you need to make one yourself.
Where is it?
To find the Key Log file for a particular project, go to the directory you store the project file (the .ARM file) in. The Key Log will have the same name, but the extension .KeyLog. (For example, if your project file were Notepad.ARM, the Key Log would be Notepad.KeyLog in the same directory.)
Notes for Key Log importers
The Key Log is designed primarily for easy searching, but it can be imported into most standard database programs with little work. In this case, please note that any line preceded by two colons is a comment, and should be ignored. The number of fields is now fixed (as of version 1.90).
2007-1-4 20:44
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Portable Keys 便携式密匙
A Portable Key, available in Professional Editions starting with version 4.01, is a key listed in the INI file's PortableKey= setting, and which does not use some setting in its certificate that doesn't allow it to be portable (see below). It is designed to be placed on removable media, with the program it's for, and carried to different computers. When a valid Portable Key is used, it overrides any key for the program that might be on the system, and Armadillo/SoftwarePassport will not write it to the system.
一个便携式密匙,从专业版4.01开始提供,是一个列在INI file's PortableKey=设置里的密匙,该密匙不使用他的证书里的一些设置(那些不允许便携,见下边)。他设计为了放置在可以动媒体上,和相应的程序,并被携带到不同的计算机。当一个有效的便携式密匙被使用,他覆盖可能在系统上的程序的任何密匙,Arm不把他写入系统。
Use a Portable Key only when you want to allow your customers to use a program on multiple systems, but you don't want to write the key to those systems.
Portable Keys are only available in the Professional Edition of Armadillo/SoftwarePassport, and will not be recognized if the "Disable REGISTER command" option is selected. In addition, selecting any of the following options in the certificate will prevent a key for that certificate from being used as a portable key:
便携式密匙只在Arm的专业版提供,并将不能被识别,如果"Disable REGISTER command"选项被选择。而且,在证书里选择任何下边的选项将阻止一个证书的密匙被作为便携式密匙使用:
• Any form of expiration other than doesn't-expire or expire-by-version;  
• The total-time timer (which would cause the key to expire when the time is up);  
• The Limit Install Time option;  
• Hardware locking;  
• A non-zero days-before-showing-message setting;  
一个非0 days-before-showing信息设置
• Upgrade keys (the program can't see any keys that might already be installed, when using a Portable Key);  
• Client/server keys.  
In general, anything that requires date-checking or storing any kind of protection information on the system will prevent the key from being used as a Portable Key.
In addition, while using a Portable Key, certain ArmAccess.DLL functions will fail with an ERROR_SPECIAL_USER code. These include SetDefaultKey, CheckKey/InstallKey, ExpireCurrentKey, SetUserString/GetUserString, FixClock, and possibly others.
而且, 当使用一个便携式密匙,某些使用ERROR_SPECIAL_USER 代码的ArmAccess.DLL函数将失败,这些包括SetDefaultKey, CheckKey/InstallKey, ExpireCurrentKey, SetUserString/GetUserString, FixClock, 和可能其他的.
2007-1-4 21:35
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Doing It Yourself: Using ArmAccess.DLL to integrate SoftwarePassport/Armadillo with your programs
ArmAccess.DLL is a dynamic-link library which hooks into the SoftwarePassport/Armadillo shell around your program, allowing you two-way communication with it.
Please refer to the ArmAccess.DLL documentation in the separate API help file.
2007-1-4 21:40
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Using the Environment Strings feature
SoftwarePassport/Armadillo allows you to make fine distinctions between different security certificates, as well as letting your program retrieve specific information about the key and security certificate the user is using.
To find information about these SoftwarePassport/Armadillo-defined environment variables, please see the separate API help file.
2007-1-4 21:45
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Automating Protection 自动保护
You can automate SoftwarePassport/Armadillo protection on your programs using the command-line switch /P. When you call SoftwarePassport/Armadillo with a project filename and the /P switch, it loads the project, protects it with the current settings, and exits without prompting you for any information. It returns an errorlevel code to the command processor, so you can tell if it worked or not; if it returns zero, all is well; a one means that Armadillo ran into some error, and the program was not protected.
你可以使用命令行开关/P使SoftwarePassport/Armadillo自动保护你的程序。当你使用一个工程文件名和/P开关调用SoftwarePassport/Armadillo,他加载工程,使用当前设置保护,并退出不提示任何信息。他返回一个错误级别代码到命令处理程序,因此你将告知他是否工作了;如果他返回0 ,所有都正常,返回1意味着Armadillo运行遇到错误,程序没有被保护。
You can also use the /U command-line option to unprotect the primary file, and the /C option to clear the keys for that project (if any are installed). You can only use one of /C, /P, or /U per call to Armadillo; if you want to protect a project and clear keys for it, you'll have to make two separate calls.
你也可以使用/U命令行选项取消主要文件的保护,/C选项清除该工程的密匙(已经安装的)。每次调用Armadillo你只能使用/C, /P, or /U其中之一;如果你想保护一个工程并清除他的密匙,你必须进行2次单独的调用。
Automating via a Batch File
If you compile programs with a command-line tool, you can add something like this to your "compile" batch file (replace YourProject.arm with your own SoftwarePassport/Armadillo project file):
start /wait Armadillo YourProject.arm /P   
if errorlevel 1 goto armadillo_error  
  You can also use the ArmCLine.exe utility, with SoftwarePassport/Armadillo 3.75 or later, like this:
你也可以使用ArmCLine.exe应用程序,SoftwarePassport/Armadillo 3.75版或以后,像这样:
ArmCLine YourProject.arm /P   
if errorlevel 1 goto armadillo_error   
You'll need to ensure that the SoftwarePassport/Armadillo program directory is on your path, and you may need to specify the full pathname to the YourProject.arm file if it isn't in the current directory.
Automating a Visual C/C++ Project
Recent versions of Microsoft Visual C allow you to specify a "Post-Build" command. You can use this option to call SoftwarePassport/Armadillo automatically; simply add the command "Armadillo Test.arm /P", or put it in a batch file as described above and call the batch file as your post-build command.
最近版本的VC允许你指定一个"Post-Build"快速创建命令。你可以使用这个选项来自动调用SoftwarePassport/Armadillo,只是增加命令"Armadillo Test.arm /P",或者把他放置到一个批处理文件,就像上边描述的那样,并调用该批处理文件作为你的post-build命令。
Overriding Project File Parameters
There are a few parameters that you can override from the command line, if necessary. Please note that these parameters will only be overridden if the /P option is specified, and only for one run (the project file will not be changed to reflect the new information, it will just be coded into the protected program):
   /file=<filename> (to override the primary file-to-protect)
   /web=<website/buynow URL> (to override the buy-now URL for all certificates in the project)
   /language=<language name> (to override the language setting)

If the parameter includes spaces, be sure to put double-quotes around it, like this:
   /file="D:\My Projects\Test\Test.exe"
2007-1-5 13:27
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
The ArmCLine Utility
ArmCLine.exe is a small utility that works with SoftwarePassport/Armadillo to allow batch file or text-mode protection, unprotection, and clearing of keys. The output can then be redirected to a log file for later perusal, using standard redirection symbols.
To use it, simply replace Armadillo.exe with ArmCLine.exe, and virtually all output will be sent to standard output instead of the GUI.
Limitations: Please note that the ArmCLine interface can only be used with the /p, /u, or /c command-line options; everything else requires the GUI version (see the page on Automating Protection for details on the command-line options and how to use them). Also, it will only work with version 3.75 or later of the Armadillo engine.
限制:请注意ArmCLine界面只能被使用和/p, /u, or /c命令行选项;任何其他的需要GUI翻译(见命令行选项自动保护细节和如何使用它们)。同时,他将只和v3.75和以后版本的Armadillo引擎合作。
Advanced usage: By default, ArmCLine.exe tries to call Armadillo.exe in the same directory as ArmCLine.exe itself. If you want it to use a different copy of the Armadillo engine, you can set the full path and filename of the copy you want it to use in the ARMADILLO environment variable (with a SET command) before calling ArmCLine.
2007-1-5 13:38
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Special Considerations for Screen Savers
SoftwarePassport/Armadillo (versions 1.82 and above) is designed to work seamlessly with any program. When protecting a screen saver, however, you need to tell SoftwarePassport/Armadillo to make a couple of changes.
The primary change you need to make when protecting a screen saver is to check the "Use Screen Saver Protocols" on the Edit Project screen. This will suppress the Reminder window (if you've configured one) when the user is simply passing the Screen Saver tab of the Display properties.
你需要做的最主要的改变是,当你保护一个屏保程序时,勾选"Use Screen Saver Protocols"在编辑工程屏幕。这将禁用提醒窗口(如果你已经配置了一个),当用户只是经过显示属性的屏幕保护tab时。
A few other things to keep in mind:
• Windows must run your screen saver twice (simultaneously) under some circumstances. Because of this, if you use SoftwarePassport/Armadillo's Network Licensing capability, always set it to count "multiple copies on a single computer" as a single copy.   在一些环境下,win很可能运行你的屏幕保护程序两次(同时地),因为这,如果你使用SoftwarePassport/Armadillo的网络许可能里,总是设置他计算"multiple copies on a single computer"为一个副本。
• If you use a Splash Screen, it will appear every time your screen saver is loaded. This includes when it's being loaded for the Preview window, and when the user chooses to configure it. We recommend against using a splash screen for screen savers.  
• The SoftwarePassport/Armadillo command line options cannot be called from the command line under Win95/98. These versions of Windows do not pass command-line options to screen savers. There are three simple ways around this problem: the first and easiest is to use a Reminder screen (usually set to show after the screen saver is executed, and/or with auto-acknowledge), which will give them a button to get to the Register window. The second is to use the ArmAccess.DLL provided with SoftwarePassport/Armadillo (this only works if you have the source code to your screen saver; if you're using a third-party screen saver package, you won't have this option). The third is to simply rename your screen saver to *.EXE instead of *.SCR, use the appropriate command line, and then rename it back. You can also create a do-nothing program, protect it with the same project settings as your screen saver, and use that to access any command-line options you need.
不能从Win95/98下的命令行调用SoftwarePassport/Armadillo命令行选项。这些版本的windows不传递命令行选项给屏保程序。有3个简单的方法绕过这个问题:第一个和最容易的就是使用一个提醒屏幕(通常设置为在屏保执行后显示,和/或使用auto-acknowledge?)这将给他们一个按钮打开注册窗口。第二个是使用SoftwarePassport/Armadillo 提供的ArmAccess.DLL(这只当你有屏保程序的原代码时有效;如果你使用一个第三方的屏保包,你没有这个选项)。第三个是只需重命名你的屏保为*.EXE代替*.SCR,使用适当的命令行,然后把他重命名回来。你也可以创建一个do-nothing什么也不做的程序,使用和屏保相同的工程设置保护他,并使用他访问你需要的任何命令行选项。
2007-1-5 15:05
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
The INI File
Most settings for SoftwarePassport/Armadillo are made before your program is protected, but there are a few that can only be done at run-time. For these, SoftwarePassport/Armadillo looks for a [License] section in an INI file in the same directory, and with the same base name, as your program. (For example, if your program has the filename C:\MyProg\MyProgram.exe, you need to make a file called C:\MyProg\MyProgram.INI.) If you already have an INI file of that name, you can simply add the desired entries to it.
The settings SoftwarePassport/Armadillo will recognize in this [License] section are:
在这个[License] 中,SoftwarePassport/Armadillo将识别的设置是:
• Key=<name>, <key> If this entry is in the INI file, SoftwarePassport/Armadillo will try to silently enter the name and key you specify here when the program starts up. If it is successful, this line is removed from the INI file; if not, it is ignored. Note that this is only checked if the command-line REGISTER option is allowed (that option controls this too), and that the <key> portion cannot contain spaces or any punctuation (other than the dashes that are part of a key to begin with). The comma between the name and key is optional, you can use a space instead if you wish. Both the name and the key are still limited to 255 characters apiece.  
• Key=<name>, <key>如果INI文件里有这个条目,SoftwarePassport/Armadillo将尝试默默地上输入你在这里指定的用户名和密匙,当程序启动时。如果成功,这行被从INI文件中删除;如果没有成功,他被忽略。注意这只检查如果允许命令行选项REGISTER时(那个选项也控制这个),并且<key>部分不包括空格或者任何标点符号(除了以作为密匙部分的破折号开始)。用户名和密匙之间的逗号是可选的,你可以使用一个空格代替如果你想的话。用户名和密匙仍然被限制到255个字符。
• Language=<language name> If your program uses the Multi-Language setting, this is where you specify the language it should use. If you don't specify one, or if SoftwarePassport/Armadillo can't find the language that you've specified in the executable file, it will default to the primary language you've defined in the project file.  
• Language=<language name>如果你的程序使用多语种设置,这是你指定他使用的语种的地方。如果你没有指定一个,或者如果SoftwarePassport/Armadillo找不到你在执行文件里指定的语种,他将默认到你在工程文件里定义的主要语种。
• PortableKey=<name>, <key> If the name/key listed in this entry is a valid Portable Key (in the same format as for Key=, above), and the command-line REGISTER option is allowed, this key is used instead of any key that might be on the system. Note: this is available in the Professional Edition only.  
• PortableKey=<name>, <key>如果列在这个条目里的用户名/密匙是一个有效的便携式密匙(和上边的key相同的格式),并且允许命令行选项REGISTER,这个密匙用来代替可能在系统上的任何秘匙,注意:这只在专业版提供。
• Server=<IP address> For client/server Network Licensing, this overrides the UDP broadcast that SoftwarePassport/Armadillo generally uses to locate the server, and will let it work on networks that block UDP broadcasts, or over the Internet. It will also allow one program to have multiple servers, to get around the 255 computer limit on a single server. Note that this does NOT eliminate the need for UDP, only the need for broadcasts.  
  • Server=<IP address>对于客户端/服务器端网络许可,这个覆盖SoftwarePassport/Armadillo通常用于定位服务器的UDP广播,并使他在网络上工作,阻止UDP广播,或者在互联网上。他将也允许一个程序有多个服务器,在一个服务器有255个计算机限制,注意这不排除UDP需要,只是广播需要???
• ServerKey=<name>, <key> Same as the Key= entry (above), but for server keys.  
• ServerKey=<name>,<key> 和上边的 Key= entry一样但是为服务器密匙。  
• Timeout=<seconds> For either type of Network Licensing, this overrides the amount of time the SoftwarePassport/Armadillo shell waits for a response. The default value is three seconds, and should be sufficient for most purposes.  
• Timeout=<seconds>对于任何类型的网络许可,这个覆盖了SoftwarePassport/Armadillo外壳等待响应的时间。默认值是3秒,对大多数目的来说是足够的。
Here's a sample [License] section:
  Language=English (US)  
2007-1-5 16:41
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
SoftwarePassport/Armadillo supports UNICODE characters (as of version 3.75), but only in some places. The places where it supports them are:
• Reminder messages, Expiration messages, and Expiration Warning messages (in text mode -- see note on HTML-format messages below);  
• Translatable messages, i.e. anything that you can change with the Language Editor;  
• User-defined environment variables in certificates.  
SoftwarePassport/Armadillo can only support UNICODE characters (in the places listed above) on systems that support UNICODE (Windows NT4, 2000, XP, and future versions) and have the appropriate fonts loaded and set as the default ones, or systems that support the language that your messages are in (i.e. the Japanese version of Windows 98). On systems that do not support UNICODE or the language, or do not have the fonts loaded and set as default to show the language, the program will still run, but the messages will be unreadable (they will probably come up as garbage, question marks, or boxes).
在支持UNICODE的并且加载适当的字体并设置默认的系统上,SoftwarePassport/Armadillo只在上边列出的地方支持UNICODE字符, 或者系统支持你的信息的语言(例如日语版win98。在不支持UNICODE或者该语言的系统上,或者没有字体加载并设置为默认来显示语言,程序仍然运行,但是那些信息将不可读(他们将可能显示为乱码、问号或者方框)。
These places specifically do NOT support UNICODE characters:
• Usernames and keys;  用户名和密匙
• Project IDs;  工程ID
• Certificate names;  证书名
• Encryption templates.  加密模板
If you need UNICODE support for usernames, you'll need to find or invent some ASCII coding for them, for now. We're looking at ways to do this automatically; when we find a universal one, we'll add support for it.
As of this writing, we're uncertain how to support right-to-left languages. If Windows automatically provides the underlying support for them, then SoftwarePassport/Armadillo should as well; otherwise we'll add it as soon as we understand how to do so.
NOTE: HTML messages are a special case. SoftwarePassport/Armadillo will allow you to enter UNICODE characters there (if your development system supports UNICODE), but the Internet Explorer component that it uses to display them will not understand them directly. To display UNICODE characters in your HTML messages, you must use proper HTML coding for them; we recommend using a standard HTML editing program (such as FrontPage or DreamWeaver) to create the pages in that language, then copying the raw HTML code to the SoftwarePassport/Armadillo HTML window.
注意:HTML信息是一个特殊情况。SoftwarePassport/Armadillo允许你在那里输入UNICODE字符(如果你的开发系统支持UNICODE),但是用来显示他们的IE组件并不直接理解。要在你的信息里显示UNICODE字符,你必须为他们使用适当的HTML编码;我们建议使用一个标准的HTML编辑程序,(例如FrontPage or DreamWeaver)来创建网页,用那种语言,然后复制源HTML代码到岛SoftwarePassport/Armadillo 的HTML窗口。
Also, HTML windows do not support UNICODE characters in their titles, for reasons as yet unknown.
2007-1-5 21:28
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
HTML Screens HTML屏幕
When you select the HTML option for any screen, you can enter raw HTML code. HTML code is displayed in a window that is 800x600, or a maximum of 3/4 the desktop's width and height, unless you specify otherwise. (To specify the window size, use this meta-tag: <meta size=XXXX,YYYY>, where XXXX is the external width of the window, and YYYY is the external height. You can also disable the close-window button by including <meta noclose>.You must specify these tags in the EXACT format shown, with only the one space, or they will not be recognized.)
当你为任何屏幕选择HTML选项,你可以输入源HTML代码。HTML代码显示在一个800*600的窗口,或者最大为桌面宽度和高度的3/4,,除非你指定别的方式。(要指定窗口尺寸,使用这个媒体标签:<meta size=XXXX,YYYY>,,这里XXXX是窗口的外部宽度,YYYY是窗口的外部高度。你也可以禁用惯不窗口按钮通过包括<meta noclose>.你必须指定这些标签用准确的格式,只有一个空格,或者他们将不能被识别。
To link in file resources (such as graphic files), either link to a version on the Internet or (by preference) installed on the user's hard drive. You can use the PROTECTEDFILEPATH macro to locate the protected file and navigate from there. For example, if you installed the graphic file banner.jpg under the Image directory below your protected file, you can show it (regardless of where the program is installed) with this tag:
要链接文件资源(例如图像文件),或者链接到internet上的一个版本,或者(通过preference)安装在用户的硬盘上的。例如如果你安装图像文件banner.jpg在你保护的文件的图像目录下,你可以显示他(忽略程序按装在哪里)使用这个标签 :
<img src="file:///%PROTECTEDFILEPATH%Image/banner.jpg">
You can put an Enter Key link on the HTML window by putting a link to the address 'close:enterkey' (without the quotation marks). Similarly, you can call up the website/buy now link (specified in your project file) in the user's browser of choice by jumping to the URL 'close:website'. Or you can simply close the window with a jump to 'close:close', 'close:ok', or 'close:cancel', or by having the user close the window with the close button in the upper-right corner.
你可以方式一个输入密匙链接在HTML窗口通过防止一个链接到地址'close:enterkey'(没有引号)。同样地,你可以调用website/buy now链接(在你的工程文件里指定)在用户的浏览器,通过跳转到URL'close:website'.或者你可以只是关闭窗口用一个跳转到'close:close', 'close:ok', or 'close:cancel',或者通过让用户关闭窗口用右上角的关闭按钮。

2007-1-5 21:43
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Step-By-Step Examples  按部就班例子(略)
How To Protect Specific Kinds of Programs 如何保护特定类型的程序(略)

Clock-Back and FixClock Utility
Clock Problems and the FixClock Utility
SoftwarePassport/Armadillo has a sophisticated set of tests to ensure that the system clock hasn't been set back in an attempt to bypass your program's license restrictions. If the user sets the clock to a date earlier than the present, and it's running a time-limited certificate, SoftwarePassport/Armadillo will not let the program run until the date is set to the present again.
However, it is possible to trigger SoftwarePassport/Armadillo's clock-back detection system by accident, for instance by setting the clock to a future date and then later setting it back to the present. If this happens to one of your customers, you'll need to issue a FixClock key, with instructions on how to use it.
Using a FixClock key
An integrated FixClock utility is automatically included in every program protected by SoftwarePassport/Armadillo. Using it is simple:
• First, create a FixClock key for your project with the option under the Keys menu. Send this key to the user.  
• The user runs your program with the command line option "fixclock" (as in "Armadillo.exe fixclock") and enters the key you've given him.  
用户运行你的程序使用命令行选项"fixclock"(as in "Armadillo.exe fixclock"),然后输入你给他的密匙。
• [...OR...]  
  • The user runs your program as normal, and gets the clock-back error message. Tell him to hold down a shift key while clicking the OK button; this will call up the FixClock window if your program was protected with a version of SoftwarePassport/Armadillo later than 2.10, and he can enter the key you've given him there.  
• If his system clock is now correct, SoftwarePassport/Armadillo will then fix the system. The user will receive a report telling him whether the system was fixed. In some extremely rare cases it may be necessary for him to reboot the system and try a second time.  
FixClock keys are valid only for the project they were created for, and only for a few days. Once they are successfully used, they are invalidated, and the user must get a new key if he breaks the system again.
2007-1-5 23:12
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Designing Your Program's Defenses
SoftwarePassport/Armadillo is very good at what it does, but it cannot defend your program against everything. It is very similar to the lock on your home's front door; it will keep honest people honest, but a thief with a good set of tools and enough time and determination can get it open (although there are ways to make SoftwarePassport/Armadillo more like a bank vault, which is much harder to crack). This section details the (successful) attacks against it that we've seen, and tells you ways that you can improve the defenses in your program. If you're not interested in the details, and just want to dive right into the defenses, you can jump directly to the summary at the end of this section
2007-1-5 23:22
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Stolen Keys 被盗密匙
Credit card fraud is a fact of life. If your program is sold on the Internet, then you're almost certainly aware of this. Someone steals a card (or just a card number), uses it to buy a lot of programs, and gets the activation codes and runs before anyone is aware of their actions. They then usually post the stolen codes on web sites for everyone to use. So long as the credit card companies are making money whether the charge is valid or not (from you, the vendor, in the form of extra charges and processing fees), this isn't likely to change.  
SoftwarePassport/Armadillo offers several ways to defend against this kind of fraud. If your program is at risk from this, we recommend using a temporary key system (as described in the example here), which will prevent almost all such problems, but it requires a little extra work on your part.  
If you discover, after sending someone a permanent key, that the card has been stolen or the user demands a refund, you can use the Stolen Codes Database to invalidate the key in the next release of your program.  
2007-1-5 23:43
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Keygens and Frontal Assaults
Keygens, or key generators, are probably the most annoying attacks against your program. Someone creates a little utility whose sole purpose is to create keys for your program. Any of the Signed Key options (v2, v3, or ShortV3) will prevent most crackers from doing so, but only level 10 will stop all of them (please see here for a full explanation of key signatures).  
密匙生成器或许是你程序的最恼人的攻击。一些人创建一个小的应用程序,它们的唯一目的就是为你的程序创建密匙。任何有符号密匙选项(v2, v3, or ShortV3)将防止大多数破解者这么做,但是只有level 10将完全防止他们。(请看这里关于密匙签名的完整解释)
Please note that, regardless of the type of key you use, the security is based on the encryption template that you choose. This template MUST be kept secret -- share it ONLY with those you have to, such as your trusted registration service! If anyone can guess your encryption template, then the best encryption in the world won't protect your program. Because of this, we recommend you use a phrase instead of a single word (to prevent "dictionary" attacks), and add some numbers and/or symbols as well; use the same defenses you would use against any malicious network activity (such as using the free utility ZoneAlarm) when on the Internet; and keep your office doors locked when you're away. :-)  
请注意,不管你使用什么类型的密匙,安全基于你选择的加密模板。这个模板必须保持秘密―共享他只和那些你必须的,例如你信任的注册服务机构!如果任何人能猜到你的加密模板,那么世界上最好的加密也不能保护你的程序。因此,我们建议你使用一个短语而不是一个单词(为防止:字典 攻击),并也增加一些数字和/或符号;使用你愿意使用的相同的防卫防止任何恶毒的网络行为(例如使用免费应用程序ZoneAlarm)当在互联网上时,并锁好你的办公室门,当你离开时。)
2007-1-6 00:00
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Memory Dumping
Memory dumpers, programs which simply dump the contents of your program's memory after SoftwarePassport/Armadillo has unpacked and decrypted it, are no longer a real threat, especially if you're using the memory-dumping protections: Nanomites, Import Table Elimination, Strategic Code Splicing, or CopyMem-II. Even if you cannot use the higher levels of protection for some reason, the standard defenses will provide decent protection.
Memory dumpers,只是在SoftwarePassport/Armadillo已经解包和解密之后,转存你的程序的内容,不再是一个真实的威胁,特别是如果你使用内存转存保护:Nanomites, Import Table Elimination, Strategic Code Splicing, or CopyMem-II.即使如果你不能使用高级别的保护因某些原因,标准防卫将提供相当好的保护。
2007-1-6 00:05
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Unpackers and Strippers
"Unpackers" are programs designed to work against a specific version of SoftwarePassport/Armadillo. They take advantage of the default certificate to pry your program out of the SoftwarePassport/Armadillo shell and discard the shell code itself. "Strippers" are similar to unpackers, but wait until the program is loaded into memory (either by the default key or with another valid key), then attempt to neutralize the defenses and dump the program to disk, similar to the memory dumpers listed above. The main difference between them is that the unpacker relies on a default certificate, while the stripper just has to have a valid key (default or otherwise) to work.  
The best defense against this is a custom build of SoftwarePassport/Armadillo, which will be immune to such generic attack programs. For other defenses, we recommend always using the latest version of SoftwarePassport/Armadillo, using the memory-dumping protections (Nanomites, Import Table Elimination, Strategic Code Splicing, and/or CopyMem-II) whenever possible, reporting any successful unpacker/stripper to us so we can design defenses against it for the next version (if we don't know it exists, we can't defend against it), and using Secured Sections if you feel them necessary.  
对抗这个的最好防卫是一个定制结构的SoftwarePassport/Armadillo,他将对这样的普通攻击程序免疫。对其他防卫,我们建议总是使用最新版本的SoftwarePassport/Armadillo,使用防内存转存(Nanomites, Import Table Elimination, Strategic Code Splicing, and/or CopyMem-II)当可能时。报告任何成功的解包/脱壳给我们,我们能设计防卫对抗他在下一个版本(如果我们不知道他存在,我们不能防止他),并使用安全段如果你感到他们必需。
Also, think carefully before using a default certificate. They are very handy for letting people test-drive your program with a minimum of effort, but they are a vulnerable spot in SoftwarePassport/Armadillo's armor. With one, SoftwarePassport/Armadillo will keep honest people honest; without it, it will pose a formidable barrier to even the most skilled crackers. It is the difference between the lock on your front door and the lock on a bank vault.  
Finally, if your program must have a default certificate but you're concerned about crackers stripping SoftwarePassport/Armadillo's protections off of it, there are a number of subtle "traps" you can lay for them if they do so. We've included a section with hints on adding extra defenses for those who feel it's worth their effort to do so.  
最后,如果你的程序必须有一个默认证书但是你担心破解者脱去SoftwarePassport/Armadillo的保护,有大量的subtle "traps"你可以设置给他们,如果他们这么做的话。我们包括了一个有暗示的段在增加额外的防卫。对那些他们感到他们这么做是值得他们努力的人。
2007-1-6 00:42
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Altered ArmAccess.DLL
One of our competitors was trying to scare potential customers away from SoftwarePassport/Armadillo by telling them that SoftwarePassport/Armadillo-protected programs could easily be cracked through an altered ArmAccess.DLL file. Thanks to the virtual ArmAccess.DLL built into every copy of SoftwarePassport/Armadillo, this is no longer even a theoretical threat, as long as you use it instead of the external file.  
2007-1-6 00:48
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Registry Cleaners, Uninstallers, Clock-Back, Clock-Forward, etc.
So long as you don't disable the features of SoftwarePassport/Armadillo (like the clock-back and clock-forward checking), SoftwarePassport/Armadillo will take care of all of these itself.  
只要你没有禁用SoftwarePassport/Armadillo的特征(像clock-back and clock-forward检查),SoftwarePassport/Armadillo将自己关心所有这些。
2007-1-6 00:50
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