发表于: 2006-12-21 20:43 55462


2006-12-21 20:43
免费 7
最新回复 (119)
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
How can I set certain parts of my program so only certain people can use them?
The most secure way is to use Secured Section markers to completely remove the sections that you don't want certain people to have access to. With this option, anyone who doesn't have a key that can access those sections, simply won't see them -- they won't be in your program at all.
For those who don't need the extra security that this offers, there is another option; just include an Environment Variable in each certificate, then test for it in your program. For example, add an environment variable labelled PAIDFOR in your certificate, set to YES or NO. Then in your program, check for this (using the environment variable functions -- please see the FAQ questions on this for more information on how to use them with Visual BASIC, C/C++, Delphi, Visual FoxPro, or Clarion) before allowing your customers to access the appropriate areas.
对于那些不需要这个提供的额外的安全的人,有另一个选项;仅包括一个环境变量在每个授权,然后在你的程序里检测他。例如,增加一个环境变量PAIDFOR在你的授权,设置为YES or NO。然后在你的程序里,检查这个变量(使用环境变量函数-另见FAQ里关于这个问题的更多信息,如何在Visual BASIC, C/C++, Delphi, Visual FoxPro, or Clarion里使用)在允许你的用户访问适当的区域前。
2006-12-22 13:22
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
How do I use the environment variables that SoftwarePassport/Armadillo passes to my program? (Visual Basic 5.0 or higher)
我如何使用SoftwarePassport/Armadillo传递到我的程序的环境变量?(Visual Basic 5.0 或更高版本)
The easiest way is to use the Visual BASIC built-in Environ$ function. You can also do it by way of the Windows API function GetEnvironmentVariable, but we no longer recommend that; Environ$ is much easier to deal with and has no conversion and comparison problems.
最简单的方法就是使用Visual BASIC内建的环境函数。你也可以通过使用Windows API 函数GetEnvironmentVariable来做,但是我们不推荐;Environ$很容易处理,没有变换和比较问题。
To make Visual BASIC programs work with SoftwarePassport/Armadillo's Environ$ function, rather than the one built into Visual BASIC itself (which cannot access the SoftwarePassport/Armadillo-generated environment variables), add the following line to any module file:
为了使Visual BASIC程序与SoftwarePassport/Armadillo的环境变量函数合作,而不是Visual BASIC自身内建的(他不能访问SoftwarePassport/Armadillo生成的环境变量),增加下边的一行到任何模块文件:
Public Declare Function Environ Lib "ArmAccess.DLL" (ByVal Name$) As String  
Then use Environ$ normally. For more information on how to use it, please refer to the Visual BASIC documentation.
Note: While this works for most people, several have still had problems after adding it; apparently VB uses the original Environ function in some projects despite this declaration. If you have this problem, you must use an alias to access the function by a different name:
Public Declare Function ArmEnviron Lib "ArmAccess.DLL" Alias "Environ" (ByVal Name$) As String  
Then use the function ArmEnviron$ in place of Environ$ to retrieve the strings.
然后使用函数ArmEnviron$ 代替 Environ$来找回字符串。
Another possible problem is caused by setting Intercept None. SoftwarePassport/Armadillo must intercept the MSVBVM?0.DLL file appropriate to your version of VB (MSVBVM50.DLL or MSVBVM60.DLL) to provide access to the virtual ArmAccess.DLL's functions. If you set it to Intercept None, or remove those entries from the default interception list, then it won't be able to.
另一个可能的问题是通过设置中断None引起。SoftwarePassport/Armadillo必须中断MSVBVM?0.DLL文件,根据你的VB版本(MSVBVM50.DLL or MSVBVM60.DLL)来提供到virtual ArmAccess.DLL's函数的访问。如果你设置中断None或者你移除了那些入口从默认的中断列表,他将不能访问。
If you continue to have problems, please check the version of the MSVBVM60.DLL file that the affected customer is using. The version that ships with Windows Millennium (marked or 6.00.8495, with a comment of "May 10, 1999") has issues with SoftwarePassport/Armadillo (version (or 6.0.9237), with a comment of "May 29, 2001", works), and some versions of installation programs (such as Wise Install v7) won't always update it properly -- we're told that the current version (Wise Install v9) works as it should.
如果你还是有问题,请检查受影响的用户使用的MSVBVM60.DLL文件的版本。和Windows Millennium一起发布的版本(标记为 or 6.00.8495, 注释 "May 10, 1999")有问题,(版本 (or 6.0.9237), 注释 "May 29, 2001",工作正常),并且一些版本的安装程序(例如 Wise Install v7)并不总是完全更新―我们被告知当前的版本(Wise Install v9)工作正常。
If all else fails, you can select the "Store Environment Variables Externally" option, on the Other Options page of the Project Settings, and use VB's built-in Environ$ command. You won't be able to update the variables after your program starts, and they'll be visible to anyone with the right tools, but it will work.
如果所有这些都失败了,你可以选择"Store Environment Variables Externally"在外部储存环境变量选项,在工程设置的另一个选项页,并使用VB内建的Environ$命令。你不能在程序启动后更新变量,他将是可见的对那些使用正确工具的人,但是他工作正常。
Example 例如
The following example simply retrieves the USERNAME environment variable, and stores it in the User variable. To retrieve a different variable, simply replace the name.
Dim User as String
User = Environ$("USERNAME")
2006-12-22 18:06
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
How do I use the environment variables that SoftwarePassport/Armadillo passes to my program? (Visual C/C++)
如何使用SoftwarePassport/Armadillo传递到我的程序的环境变量(Visual C/C++)
We recommend using the GetEnvironmentVariable() Windows API function. The standard C library includes a function to retrieve environment variables as well (getenv()), but we've found that it does not recognize changes made to the environment after the program is started (such as by the ArmAccess.DLL).
我们建议使用GetEnvironmentVariable() Windows API函数。标准C库还包括一个函数(getenv())用来找回环境变量,但是我们发现他不能识别程序启动后对环境变量进行的改变(例如通过 ArmAccess.DLL).
Example 例如
This example code tests the environment variables to see what the user's name and key are, and displays them.
#include <windows.h> /* For declaration of GetEnvironmentVariable() */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
bool ShowUserNameAndKey(void) {
    char name[256]="", key[256]="", display[512];
    /* Check the USERNAME; it should always be set if the program is protected */
    if (!GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME", name, 255)) {
        MessageBox(0, "Is the program protected?", "Error!", MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
        return false;
    if (!GetEnvironmentVariable("USERKEY", key, 255)) strcpy(key, "No key!");
    if (!stricmp(name, "DEFAULT")) {
        strcpy(display, "Program is using the default key; no username or key is available.");
    } else {
        sprintf(display, "Program is registered to %s (%s).", name, key);
    MessageBox(0, display, "Information", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION);
    return true;
2006-12-22 18:12
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
How do I use the environment variables that SoftwarePassport/Armadillo passes to my program? (Delphi)
Thanks to Carl Peeraer for contributing this information.
感谢Carl Peeraer贡献这个信息。
The following code uses the Windows API function GetEnvironmentVariable() to access an environment string, the name of which you can pass to it:
下边的代码使用Windows API函数GetEnvironmentVariable()来访问一个环境字符串,字符串的名你可以传送给他:
function GetEnvironmentVariable(lpName: PChar; lpBuffer: PChar; nSize: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall;  
  Function Read_Arm_Var(XENV:PCHAR) : String;  
  Var Env_String : ARRAY[0..255] OF CHAR;  
       If (GetEnvironmentVariable(XENV,@Env_String,255)<>0)  
       Then Read_Arm_Var:=Trim(Env_String)  
       Else Read_Arm_Var:='';  
      Dmitry Skorniakov suggests the following instead, as being simpler:
function GetEnvVar(Name:string):string;  
      Result := SysUtils.GetEnvironmentVariable(Name);  
2006-12-22 18:14
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
How do I use the environment variables that SoftwarePassport/Armadillo passes to my program? (Visual FoxPro)
如何使用SoftwarePassport/Armadillo传递到我的程序的环境变量(Visual FoxPro)
Use the GetEnvironmentVariable function, from the Windows API. Here's an example which checks to see whether the program is using the default certificate by retrieves the username:
从Windows API使用GetEnvironmentVariable函数。这里有一个例子检查程序是否使用了默认的授权通过找回用户名:
DECLARE LONG GetEnvironmentVariable IN Kernel32.dll STRING, STRING, LONG  
   GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME", @strVar, 256)  
   IF strVar = "DEFAULT"  
      MESSAGEBOX("Using default certificate!")  
      messagebox("Not using default certificate.")  
2006-12-22 18:17
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
How can I extend someone's evaluation period without giving them a whole new program?
If you know that you're going to need to do this, or just think you might, it's easy to set your program up to handle it in advance. Simply make another certificate with the same information as your default one (the Dupe button comes in handy for this) and give it a different encryption template. When someone requests an extended evaluation period, you can give them a key made from this certificate, which will give them a whole new evaluation period. Variations on this theme could allow a longer evaluation by people who are seriously testing your programs.
2006-12-22 19:12
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
How do I use the Network Licensing (Limit Copies) option in peer-to-peer mode?
Very simply. Set up a certificate with Network Licensing turned on. On the Network Licensing page, select peer-to-peer, then select the other options you want and protect your program.
You give your user a single key, which he must enter on all the computers he wishes to use the program on. SoftwarePassport/Armadillo will take care of limiting the number of copies he can use at a time.
Generally, the only requirement for this option to work is a working network. SoftwarePassport/Armadillo will use Windows' native communications support, so it should be independent of the network and the protocols loaded (but see note below). You will notice that your program takes roughly three seconds longer to start up -- that's the minimum time required to query the network and see how many other copies are running. If the network is busy and there are a lot of computers running your program, the time required will be higher, though it should never be more than a few seconds. (You can change the default time-out value using an INI file entry.)
Note: Although SoftwarePassport/Armadillo uses Windows' native communications support, Windows may opt to use UDP packets on port 138, which can be blocked by firewalls (and as of this writing, is blocked in one direction by Windows XP SP2's automatic firewall settings). SP2 machines can see non-SP2 machines on the network, but non-SP2 machines cannot see machines with the firewall active. We're exploring ways around this problem.
注意:尽管SoftwarePassport/Armadillo使用Windows自身的通讯支持Windows将选择使用UDP包在138端口,他可能被防火墙阻止(就像这里写的,被Windows XP SP2's的自动防火墙设置在一个方向阻止。SP2及其可以看见网络上的非SP2机器,但是非SP2 的机器不能看见防火墙激活的机器。我们在探索解决这个问题的方法。
2006-12-22 20:24
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
How do I use the Network Licensing (Limit Copies) option in client/server mode?
(See the end of this page for information on making it work with the Windows XP SP2 firewall.)
(见本页末尾了解更多信息关于使其与Windows XP SP2防火墙合作)
This is a little more difficult to set up than peer-to-peer mode, but it's also more powerful. Set up a certificate with Network Licensing turned on. On the Network Licensing window, select client/server, then select the other options you want and protect your program.
You give your user a single key for that certificate. He must enter it using the SERVER REGISTER command-line options (for example, "YourProgram.exe SERVER REGISTER" -- the SERVER command must be the first one on the command line).
你给你的用户那个授权的一个密匙。他必须输入密匙使用服务器注册命令行选项(例如"YourProgram.exe SERVER REGISTER"―服务器命令必须是命令行的第一个)
Now, each time your user wishes to use the program, he should start up the server with the SERVER command-line option (i.e. "YourProgram.exe SERVER"). This will start a server instance (and display the window for sixty seconds). Then he just runs your program on whatever other systems he wants to; those systems will get the appropriate key information from the server. There can only be one server instance at a time per program; if a second server instance is started, it will politely inform the user that a server is already running and exit.
现在,每次你的用户希望使用程序时,他应该启动服务器使用服务器命令行选项(i.e. "YourProgram.exe SERVER").这将启动一个服务实例(并显示窗口60秒)然后运行你的程序在任何其他系统,那些系统将从服务器获得适当的密匙信息。每个程序同一时间只能有一个服务实例,如果启动第二个服务实例,他将通知用户一个服务已经运行并退出。
There are several alternative forms of the SERVER command-line option:
• You can use a number after it (with no spaces, i.e. SERVER10) to override the default sixty-second delay before the window disappears. The number that you specify will tell SoftwarePassport/Armadillo how long (in seconds) to display the window; for example, SERVER0 will start up the server without showing the window at all.  
• You can use SERVERX to start it up without a timeout, so that the window will remain on the screen until the user dismisses it.  
• You can use SERVERDOWN to programmatically shut down a server copy of your program.  
Note that when using this method, all users must be using the same version of your program as the server. If they're not, they will be informed of the problem.
If you run a program that includes a client/server certificate, it will search first for a serv er. If no server is found, it will check the system for a valid local key, then fall back to the default certificate (if any).
This option requires a working TCP/IP network to function. Since this protocol is loaded by default in most versions of Windows, and is needed for Internet access, this should cause no hardship.
You can optionally specify the TCP/IP address where your program should look for the server, or change the time-out value, using an INI file setting. Note that this is seldom necessary, it's needed only if your protected program cannot automatically locate the server using UDP broadcasts.
Working with the Windows XP SP2 firewall
与Windows XP SP2 防火墙一同工作
Windows XP Service Pack 2 introduced the Windows Firewall. Although far better than no firewall at all, it leaves something to be desired in the realm of compatibility. Here is the way to open the proper UDP port and make the client/server Network Licensing work:
Windows XP Service Pack 2引进了Win防火墙。尽管比没有防火墙好,他在兼容性领域产生一些延缓。这里是打开正确的UDP端口使客户端/服务器端网络许可正常工作的方法:
• First, run the software in server mode, and note the UDP port number that it is listed on the server message window. It will be on the line saying something like "Locator started on UDP port XXXXX", where XXXXX is the number.  
• Go to your Control Panel and click on the Security Center icon.  
• Click on Windows Firewall.  
• Select the "exceptions" tab on the dialog that will appear.  
• Click on the button labelled "Add Port". It will ask for a program name and a port number.  
• Enter the full path and filename for the program file, and the port number you found in the first step, into the edit boxes on that dialog. Also, press the UDP radio button, to change it from TCP to UDP. Then click the OK button.  
输入程序文件的完整路径和文件名和你在第一步中发现的端口号到对话框上的编辑框。而且,点击UDP单选按钮 ,从TCP改变到UDP,然后点击OK按钮
That should let the client copies locate the server and work as designed.
2006-12-22 22:46
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
How do I determine which systems are using the Peer-to-Peer Network Licenses?
Your protected program has a command-line option, SHOWNETUSERS, which will display the computers currently using the peer-to-peer licenses for your program. Just start your protected program with the SHOWNETUSERS option, like this...
YourProgram.exe SHOWNETUSERS  
  ...and SoftwarePassport/Armadillo will show a message-box containing the names of all the systems using licenses for your program, along with the number of licenses they're using (if it's counted by copy).
2006-12-22 22:54
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Hardware Locking/Hardware Fingerprints in detail
The concept behind the hardware locking feature of SoftwarePassport/Armadillo is simple: it allows you, the software author, to prevent your program from being used on any computer besides the one(s) you've licensed it for. For a simpler (though less secure) method of enforcing your licensing agreements, please see the Network Licensing option.
SoftwarePassport/Armadillo does this by looking carefully at the user's computer and calculating a number that it believes uniquely describes it. It gives this number to the user on the Register dialog box (and passes it to your program in the FINGERPRINT or ENHFINGERPRINT environment strings). The user then gives the number to you (or whoever is generating the key); you put it into SoftwarePassport/Armadillo, and SoftwarePassport/Armadillo creates a key that will only work on that computer, which you then return to the user.
SoftwarePassport/Armadillo仔细寻找用户的计算机并计算一个他认为可以唯一描述的值(机器码)。在注册对话框上把机器码给到用户,(并在FINGERPRINT or ENHFINGERPRINT环境变量字符串传递到你的程序)。用户把这个机器码给你(或任何产生这个机器码的人),你把他放入SoftwarePassport/Armadillo, and SoftwarePassport/Armadillo将生成一个只在该计算机上有效的密匙,然后你把他返回到用户。
What are the pros and cons of using hardware locking?
Most of the pros should be obvious: the user can't use your program on a dozen computers while only paying for one copy. One that might not be obvious is that only Hardware Locked keys can be securely removed from a system, if (for example) a customer wants a refund.
The drawbacks all stem from the same problem: if the hardware fingerprint changes for any reason (the user upgrades the motherboard or CPU, the user's computer breaks and he gets a new one, the user replaces his hard drive, etc), the old key won't work anymore, and you'll have to issue the user a new one. We recommend that only those who truly need this feature enable it; it can become an annoyance for the legitimate users, and a maintenance nightmare for you if you have a popular program. For ways to minimize this risk, please see the customized hardware locking options page.
Do I need the "standard" or the "enhanced" hardware locking?
Armadillo originally didn't have the customizable hardware locking options. You could only use the Standard or Enhanced hardware locking. For backward compatibility, we've kept that model for the default hardware locking options (although you can now customize it to make it more or less sensitive).
If you're using the custom hardware locking option, then you'll simply have two hardware locking "slots" to customize -- you can use either one, or both if you wish, just make sure you're using the right setting in each certificate, and the right environment variable (FINGERPRINT or ENHFINGERPRINT) if you're retrieving them in your program.
如果你使用定制硬件锁选项,你只有简单的2个硬件锁选项来定制―你可以使用其中一个,或者2个同时使用,如果你想的话,确定你在每个证书里使用正确的设置和正确的环境变量(FINGERPRINT or ENHFINGERPRINT)如果你要在你的程序里找回他们。
How do I use it?
如何使用 ?
Two parts: first, before you protect your program, you have to set up a certificate that uses it (the default certificate cannot, since it is intended to work on any system). This takes nothing more than selecting a radio button on the Edit Certificate screen.
Then, when you create keys for that certificate, you'll have to get and enter the user's hardware fingerprint (which SoftwarePassport/Armadillo will give to your program by way of the FINGERPRINT or ENHFINGERPRINT environment strings, and show to the user on the Enter Key dialog). That's all there is to it!
然后,当你创建了证书的密匙,你将不得不输入用户的硬件指纹(SoftwarePassport/Armadillo 将通过FINGERPRINT or ENHFINGERPRINT环境字符串给到你的程序没,并显示在用户的输入注册码对话框)。这就是如何使用的全部内容。
2006-12-23 12:47
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Keys and Security Certificates in detail
The security certificates you define control who can use your program, and for how long. They are the heart of SoftwarePassport/Armadillo's license manager.
Every security certificate has an encryption template (this is referred to as encryption key in the SoftwarePassport GUI). This is what SoftwarePassport/Armadillo uses to create the encryption for the certificate, and is the primary reason it's so hard for someone to create a bogus "key generator" crack for a SoftwarePassport/Armadillo-protected program -- unless a cracker can get your encryption template (which he would have to get from you, since it isn't stored anywhere else except in valid keys), he can't know which of the over four billion possible key values you used. (Note: with Signed Keys, even if a cracker DOES get a valid key from you, he wouldn't be able to create a key generator -- he would need your actual encryption template for this.)
每个安全证书有一个加密模板(这在SoftwarePassport GUI中指加密匙)。这就是SoftwarePassport/Armadillo用来创建证书加密,也是一些人创建伪造的注册机来破解SoftwarePassport/Armadillo保护的程序如此困难的主要原因―除非破解者获得了你的加密模板(他不得不从你那里得到,因为他不储存在任何地方除了有效的密匙。)他不可能知道你可能使用的超过40亿密匙中的那个。(注意:使用有符号的密匙,即使一个破解者却实得到一个有效的密匙,他也不能都生成注册机―要这样做,他需要你的实际的加密模板。
A special security certificate, called the default certificate, works a little differently. Used mostly for evaluation versions of programs, this certificate uses a fixed encryption template ("DEFAULT"), which allows SoftwarePassport/Armadillo to access it even when the user doesn't have a key for your program. Note that the default certificate is optional; if you don't want to allow people to use your program without a key, you don't have to make one. If SoftwarePassport/Armadillo doesn't have a key, and doesn't find a default certificate, it tells the user he can't access the program until he gets a key from you.
一个特殊的安全证书,称作默认证书,工作有些不同。主要用户程序评估版本,这个证书使用一个固定的加密模板("DEFAULT"),允许SoftwarePassport/Armadillo访问,即使用户没有你的程序的密匙。注意:默认模板是可选的;如果你不想你的用户在没有密匙的情况下使用你的程序, you don't have to make one.如果SoftwarePassport/Armadill没有密匙,又找不到默认的证书,他将告诉用户他不能访问程序知道他从你那里获得一个密匙。
A SoftwarePassport/Armadillo key is to a security certificate what a physical key is to a lock. It lets a user into the program. There are literally billions of keys that will unlock a certain security certificate, but they're hidden in the many octillions of possible keys. Pure math makes SoftwarePassport/Armadillo's keys secure; in order to crack the encryption template on a single certificate by brute force, a cracker would have to try every possible key combination. If the cracker's smart about it, it would only take 2,000 years on a 100MHz Pentium-class system; if not, it could take exponentially longer. Since there is no mathematical way to attack this encryption system (like the quadratic sieve or general number sieve for RSA encryption), it would have to be done with a brute force attack, probably with a much faster system (a 200 gigahertz system would still need about a year to go through them all... at the time of this writing, Intel and AMD are just about to come out with the first 2.5 gigahertz chips). We can increase the difficulty by an arbitrary amount (with no other changes) as computers get faster.
When a user enters a key, it is stored on that system, in an encrypted form, in such a way that it's very difficult to tamper with it without SoftwarePassport/Armadillo knowing. After that, the key is on the system permanently, unless the user enters another valid one. Even if your program is uninstalled and reinstalled at a later date, SoftwarePassport/Armadillo will remember it.
Every key stores the date that it was made (you can use SoftwarePassport/Armadillo's key-checker to see the information coded into a key), which helps SoftwarePassport/Armadillo to determine if a key is valid or not, and if the user's system clock has been set back.
That's all there is to keys and security certificates. If something still isn't clear about them, please contact us for more information.
2006-12-23 20:47
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
The Network Licensing option 网络许可选项
In the Professional Edition of SoftwarePassport/Armadillo, you have the option of setting a "limit copies" number for a certificate. This is a simpler way to help you enforce your program's licensing agreement than hardware locking.
How is this different from the hardware locking option?
The hardware locking feature is the most secure that SoftwarePassport/Armadillo can provide, but it can also be a pain to support... if the user upgrades the computer, you have to re-issue the key. If the user wants to run the program on five different computers, you're forced to issue five separate keys. You have to get the hardware fingerprint code for the user's machine before you can issue the keys. All this makes hardware-locked keys very difficult to manage.
The Network Licensing option (previously known as the Limit Copies option) offers a simpler way to protect your work. You can offer a  company a single key which will unlock between 1 and 255 different computers at the same time, and let SoftwarePassport/Armadillo take care of enforcing the number. In the peer-to-peer model, the user is responsible for entering the key on all the computers using the program; in the client/server model, he or she only needs to enter it on one system, and you can combine it with hardware-locking for the most possible protection.
How does it work? 如何工作?
The Network Licensing option uses the customer's local-area network (LAN) to confirm that no more than the specified number of copies are running at the same time using the same key.
Why might I choose to use (or not use) it? 为什么选择是否使用他?
There are several considerations. First of all, can you use it? To make effective use of this option, the customer's computers must be on a LAN. With the peer-to-peer model, they must share the same primary domain or workgroup, and must be using the same key -- a different key will allow that many more users to use your program, even if it's for the same certificate. For the client/server option, they all must have the TCP/IP protocol installed.
How do I use it? 如何使用?
The usage is different depending on which model you use. You can find more information about using them by clicking the appropriate link, peer-to-peer or client/server.
依赖于你使用的模式使用方法是不同的。你可以找到关于使用他们的更多信息通过单击适当的链接peer-to-peer 或 client/server.
If you have any further questions regarding this option, please contact us. We will be more than happy to answer them.
2006-12-23 21:26
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
My customer's hardware fingerprint keeps changing!
When a hardware fingerprint changes enough to break a key (for reasons other than being transferred or invalidated by your program), the Hardware Change Log will show the recently history of what has changed on that system.
2006-12-23 21:33
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Can I use SoftwarePassport/Armadillo to protect my database/spreadsheet program?
SoftwarePassport/Armadillo can only directly protect PE-format EXEs at present. However, it is possible to license programs designed for Microsoft Office with SoftwarePassport/Armadillo, just not directly: you would need to write a small "gateway" program that just sets something that an Office program can detect, like a mutex, then protect that gateway program with SoftwarePassport/Armadillo. If your Office program doesn't detect that the mutex has been set, then it would refuse to allow access to the rest of the program.
SoftwarePassport/Armadillo目前只能直接保护PE格式的EXE.可是,可能使用SoftwarePassport/Armadillo许可使用Microsoft Office设计的程序。非直接的:你需要写一个小的“网关”程序,设置一些Office程序可以检测的东西
The gateway application can be written in any language, but the Office program has to use Visual BASIC for Applications -- that's the only language Office understands.

This is not overly secure, because SoftwarePassport/Armadillo cannot actually protect the program file, but it is enough to keep most honest people honest.,就像一个mutex,然后使用SoftwarePassport/Armadillo保护“网关”程序。如果你的Office程序检测不到设置的mutex,他将拒绝允许访问程序的其余部分。
Unfortunately we don't have any code detailing this method -- we know that several of our customers are using it, but they haven't supplied us with their code. It shouldn't be difficult, if you know a little VB programming, though. We can help with the mutex stuff, contact us if you need it.
2006-12-23 22:10
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Can I use SoftwarePassport/Armadillo to protect my .NET program?
.NET programs are designed to operate together easily, and use a standard interpreted language. Because of this, they are even more difficult to protect than non-.NET ("unmanaged") programs. We have an idea how it could be done, but we'll need to some time to experiment with it and see how useful it might be -- we don't know when we might get the time necessary to do this. SoftwarePassport/Armadillo cannot protect such programs at present.
If you understand that limitation, but still want to use SoftwarePassport/Armadillo for licensing purposes, it can be done. You'll need to make an "unmanaged" DLL (i.e. a non-.NET DLL), which you can protect with SoftwarePassport/Armadillo, and somehow make your .NET program dependent on that DLL, so that it cannot run without it. Then just use the licensing portion of SoftwarePassport/Armadillo normally, for that DLL.
如果你理解了这些限制,但是仍然想使用SoftwarePassport/Armadillo做许可,他也可以做。你将需要做一个"unmanaged" DLL (i.e. a non-.NET DLL),,你可以使用SoftwarePassport/Armadillo保护他,使你的.NET程序依赖于那个DLL,因此程序没有他将不能运行。然后只对DLL使用SoftwarePassport/Armadillo许可。
2006-12-23 22:29
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
How do I get rid of the "key required" window?
如何去掉"key required"窗口?
The "key required" dialog appears when SoftwarePassport/Armadillo doesn't have a key to decrypt the program with. Since the program can't be decrypted, there's no way to get into it to run your replacement enter-key dialog. You can change the text of that dialog in SoftwarePassport/Armadillo's language editor, but the only way to get rid of it completely is to provide a default certificate.
当SoftwarePassport/Armadillo没有密匙解密程序时将出现"key required"对话框。因为程序不能解码,没有办法进入运行你的输入密匙对话框。你可以改变对话框的文本在SoftwarePassport/Armadillo的语言编辑器里,但是完全去掉他的唯一方法是提供一个默认证书。
If you don't want to let your program run when the default certificate is used, just make the customer enter a key, you can check the USERNAME environment variable when the program is first starting up. If it is "DEFAULT" (without the quotes), then the customer is using the default certificate, and you should immediately go to your replacement Enter Key dialog instead of letting the program run. There are ways to make that more secure, using Secured Sections for example, if you're concerned about it (for most programs, you probably don't need to be).
2006-12-23 22:42
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
How can I increase the start-up speed of my protected program?
There are several options that can affect the start-up speed of your protected program.
The biggest time-eater is the Network Licensing code. Turning that off (if you're using it) should reduce the startup time by about three to six seconds. Please note that if you have any certificates that use client/server Network Licensing, your program will be affected, even if the customer is not using a client/server certificate. Peer-to-peer Network Licensing only affects the program if the customer is using a certificate that includes it.
After that, the compression level affects the startup time somewhat. Lowering the compression level will increase the start-up speed, but will result in a larger EXE file, which usually cannot be compressed afterwards because of the encryption SoftwarePassport/Armadillo employs -- encrypting data hides the redundancies that compression programs use to compress it.
The more certificates you have, and the higher the signature level on them, the longer it may take to process them and locate the one that a key was made for, and confirm that a key is valid.
Using CopyMem-II or the Debugger-Blocker can also have an impact (CopyMem-II more than the Debugger-Blocker).
使用CopyMem-II 或者 Debugger-Blocke也有影响。(CopyMem-II 比 Debugger-Blocker更多).
So far as we know, nothing else should have much effect on it.
Besides the above, we recommend using a startup bitmap if at all possible... it shows people that your program really is starting, and (for some psychological reason we can't determine) it gives the impression that your program starts faster than it really does.

2006-12-23 23:29
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Why are my keys always different?
Unsigned keys will be the same only if you use the same name, hardware fingerprint, and other-info number, and make them on the same day.
Signed keys will always be different, even if you make two of them simultaneously for the same information. This is because the signature algorithm that SoftwarePassport/Armadillo uses contains a random value. The only way to confirm if a key will work or not is to try using it in your program, or run it through SoftwarePassport/Armadillo's key-checking dialog.
2006-12-24 12:26
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Why does my SoftwarePassport/Armadillo-protected program start up so slowly on systems with VIA C3 CPUs?
为什么我用 SoftwarePassport/Armadillo保护的程序在使用VIA C3 CPUs的系统上启动时如此的慢?
VIA C3 CPUs (a very low-power, low-heat CPU) seem to be badly underpowered for their megahertz rating. Reports suggest that a C3 system rated at 500MHz can take up to fifteen seconds to load a SoftwarePassport/Armadillo-protected program; by comparison, a 300MHz Celeron can start such a program in under three seconds. The problem seems to be endemic to the cur rent crop of C3 CPUs. At present, there is no known work-around for this.
VIA C3 CPUs(非常低能耗、低发热CPU),在他们的Mhz频率似乎严重能力不足。报告显示一个运行在500Mhz的C3系统将使用15秒来加载一个SoftwarePassport/Armadillo保护的程序;通过比较,一个300MHz Celeron可以在3秒内启动这样一个程序。这个问题似乎只是对于C3 CPUs。目前,还不知道其他CPU有这个问题。
2006-12-24 12:34
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Some of my customers are complaining that their trial versions expire long before they should. Why does this happen?
We've had a number of scattered complaints of this, but we were never able to reproduce it, until one of our customers discovered the source of the problem: under Windows 95, 98, and earlier service packs of NT4, the Control Panel date/time dialog does not need the OK or Apply buttons to change the date, it does so immediately. See the Microsoft articles 174229, 194078, and 237493 for more information on the problem.
我们收到许多关于这个问题的零散的抱怨,但是我们不能再现他,直到我们的一个用户发现这个问题的原因:在Windows 95, 98,和早期的NT4 的服务包,控制面板的date/time(日期/时间)对话框不需要OK 或Apply(应用)按钮来改变时间,他是立即起效的。见Microsoft 文章174229, 194078, and 237493了解关于这个问题的更多信息。
Many people use that dialog as a general calendar, and set the month or year forward to see what day a specific date falls on. This was changing the date on their systems, usually without their knowledge, and triggering the clock-back error or the expiration of their time-limited key.
Resolution: if you've included an extended trial certificate (a duplicate of your default certificate, but with a different encryption template and probably using a different key system), you can just issue them a key for that certificate. If you did not (most people don't think to until after they run into this problem), then there is no easy solution except to add such a certificate, re-protect your program, and send the new executable file to the customer, along with a key for the new extended-trial certificate.
2006-12-24 12:51
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
SoftwarePassport/Armadillo-Protected Programs Won't Run Under VirtualPC for the Mac
Apparently, VirtualPC for the Macintosh pre-translates blocks of Windows code to Mac-native code to achieve good speed. However, this causes problems with programs that use self-modifying code (like SoftwarePassport/Armadillo). To use a SoftwarePassport/Armadillo-protected program on VPC/Mac, you need to disable this pre-translation. Fortunately, this is possible, as of VirtualPC 6.1 (which is a free update for VirtualPC 6.0 users):
显然地,Mac机的虚拟PC预先转化Windows代码块到Mac自己的代码来达到较好的速度。然而,这对使用自解压代码程序导致问题(像 SoftwarePassport/Armadillo).为了在VPC/Mac上使用SoftwarePassport/Armadillo保护的程序,你需要禁止这个预先转化。幸运的是,这是可能的,在VirtualPC 6.1(VirtualPC 6.0来说是免费更新的)
• Start the Virtual PC session as normal.  
• In the Mac Finder, navigate to the 'Documents' folder in your 'Home' folder. Open the 'Virtual PC Scripts' folder.  
在Mac管理器(像win的资源管理器?)导航到你的'Home'文件加里的'Documents'文件夹,打开'Virtual PC Scriptss文件夹
• Open the 'Toggle Compatibility Mode' script by double clicking it.  
打开'Toggle Compatibility Mode'脚本通过双击。
• The script opens in Script Editor.  
• Click the 'Run' button at the top of the script window.  
• Click 'OK' to the informational dialog that appears.  
• Click 'Enable' in the next dialog.  
• Return to the PC session, which is now running in compatibility mode and will be slower, and run the SoftwarePassport/Armadillo-protected program as normal.  
• When complete, close the program and return the Virtual PC to normal mode by re-running the script above and selecting 'Disable' at the appropriate time.  
Note that this "compatibility mode" is not the same as the Windows 2000 and XP Compatibility Modes, which SoftwarePassport/Armadillo is generally incompatible with.
注意这个“兼容模式”不同于Windows 2000 和 XP的兼容模式,SoftwarePassport/Armadillo一般不兼容(适合?)
2006-12-24 13:09
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
My program crashes on shutdown!
There are a few common causes of access violations when your protected program exits.
The easiest one to test is SoftwarePassport/Armadillo's "monitoring thread." To test this, set the "Disable Monitoring Thread" option (on the Edit Project dialog) and re-protect your program, then see if it still happens. (Please note, with the monitoring thread disabled, some options in SoftwarePassport/Armadillo won't operate any more, so if that's not the problem, be sure to turn it back on.)
最容易的就是SoftwarePassport/Armadillo'的 "monitoring thread."监视线程的检测。为了测试这个,设置"Disable Monitoring Thread"选项(在编辑工程对话框上)并重新保护你的程序,然后是否仍然发生。(请注意,在监视线程选项禁用时,一些SoftwarePassport/Armadillo选项不再启动,因此如果不是这个问题,确定重新打开。
If that's not the problem, then are you using HTML Help? There's a known timing bug in the de initialization function of the HTML Help control. The best solution we've found is NOT to call the deinitialization function at all. If you must call it, try putting a short (one-tenth of a second or so) delay between calling the deinitialization function and letting your program exit, or use one of the recommendations listed in the page that the above link will take you to.
Even if you're not using HTML Help, you might consider putting a short delay before the shutdown of your program. We've heard of a couple cases where that solved the problem.
The final option isn't a SoftwarePassport/Armadillo problem per se, though it may aggravate an already existing one. There may be something in the deinitialization code for one of your global variables, or one of the variables declared in your entrypoint function, that is causing the crash. This will usually appear even without SoftwarePassport/Armadillo protecting the program, but it's worth checking if the above solutions don't help.
(If you're protecting an Explorer extension DLL, or one that is loaded and unloaded from the host program instead of just unloaded when the host program exits, you may also need to try Intercept None.)
(如果你在保护一个Explorer extension DLL,或者一个从主程序加载和卸载的dll而不是只是在主程序退出时卸载的dll,你或许需要尝试None中断。)
2006-12-24 14:40
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
What command line options does Armadillo recognize in my protected program?
The following is a list of the command line parameters that will be recognized by your Armadillo protected program:
• FIXCLOCK - shows a screen where the user can enter a FIXCLOCK code.  
• HWCHANGELOG - shows a hardware change log, itemising which components of a hardware fingerprint have changed.  
• INFO - displays registration name and key*.  
INFO 信息-显示注册名和密匙
• QUIETEXIT - added in v4.10, this will programmatically exit your program (with no dialogs).  
QUIETEXIT 安静退出-在v4.10中增加,将有计划的退出你的程序(没有对话框)
• QUIETREGISTER - same as REGISTER without the confirmation dialog box.  
• QUIETUNREGISTER - same as UNREGISTER without the confirmation dialog box.  
• REGISTER - displays the built-in Enter Key dialog*.  
REGISTER 注册-显示内奸的输入密匙对话框
• SHOWNETUSERS - displays all computers running your peer-to-peer protected program.  
• TRANSFER - used for transferring a hardware locked key to a new machine.  
TRANSFER传送 ?用于传送一个硬件锁密匙到一个新的机器
• UNREGISTER - unregisters a hardware locked program by changing the hardware fingerprint*.  
UNREGISTER反注册 ?反注册一个硬件锁程序通过(因)改变硬件指纹(机器码)
The following is a list of the command line parameters that will be recognized by your Armadillo protected SERVER program, for use in Client/Server networks:
• SERVER - starts the license server for client/server network licensing. Can also be appended with a timeout value (see: How do I use the Network Licensing (Limit Copies) option in client/server mode?)  
• SERVERDOWN - used to programmatically shut down a server copy of your program.  
SERVERDOWN ?常用于有计划的关闭你的程序的服务的副本
• SERVERX - used to start the server copy without a timeout, so that the window will remain on the screen until the user dismisses it.  
SERVERX ?常用于启动服务的副本而没有timeout,因此那个窗口将保持在屏幕上直到用户取消他。
• SERVER FIXCLOCK - shows a screen where th e user can enter a FIXCLOCK code.  
• SERVER HWCHANGELOG - shows a hardware change log, itemising which components of a hardware fingerprint have changed.  
SERVER HWCHANGELOG ?显示硬件改变日志,组成一个硬件指纹的内容?发生改变。
• SERVER INFO - displays registration name and key*.  
SERVER INFO ?显示注册名和密匙
• SERVER QUIETEXIT - added in v4.10, this will programmatically exit your program (with no dialogs).  
SERVER QUIETEXIT ? 在 v4.10,增加,将有计划的退出你的程序(没有对话框)
• SERVER QUIETREGISTER - same as REGISTER without the confirmation dialog box.  
• SERVER QUIETUNREGISTER - same as UNREGISTER without the confirmation dialog box.  
• SERVER REGISTER - displays the built-in Enter Key dialog for entering the registration name and key into the license server for client/server licensing*.  
SERVER REGISTER ?显示内建的输入密匙对话框用来输入注册名和密匙到许可服务,对于客户端/服务器端许可。
• SERVER SHOWNETUSERS - displays all computers running your peer-to-peer protected program.  
SERVER SHOWNETUSERS -显示对等网内运行你的保护程序的所有的计算机
• SERVER TRANSFER - used for transferring a hardware locked key to a new machine.  
SERVER TRANSFER -用于传送一个硬件锁密匙到一个新的机器
• SERVER UNREGISTER - unregisters a hardware locked program by changing the hardware fingerprint*.  
ERVER UNREGISTER -反注册一个硬件锁程序通过(因)改变硬件指纹(机器码)
2006-12-24 15:21
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Overviews and Details
This section is designed to give you a brief tour of SoftwarePassport/Armadillo's features. The interface is very simple; these overviews are all you will probably need to get SoftwarePassport/Armadillo to do what you wish.
2006-12-26 12:48
雪    币: 214
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
Security Features
There are a number of features built into SoftwarePassport/Armadillo to enhance the security of programs protected by it. They were specifically designed to give program-crackers and would-be pirates a very bad day.
Encryption/Compression  加密/压缩
SoftwarePassport/Armadillo encrypts your program's information, creating a different randomly-generated encryption key each time you use it. This encryption key is stored in the security certificates, which are themselves encrypted with a secret encryption template you specify. If anyone tries to decompile or reverse-engineer your program, all they'll get is garbage.  
It also compresses your program's information; many programs will actually be smaller when protected by SoftwarePassport/Armadillo than in their original unprotected forms.  
Stolen Codes Database  
Occasionally, a code slips through the cracks and gets posted to the 'net. SoftwarePassport/Armadillo lets you selectively invalidate certain codes as they're discovered via the Stolen Codes database.  
Tamper-Resistant Digital Packaging  防修改数据包装
Your program, and the security features of SoftwarePassport/Armadillo, are kept in a tamper-resistant digital "envelope." This prevents a program-cracker from modifying your program or the SoftwarePassport/Armadillo protection code to avoid the security features.  
Security Certificates  安全证书
Security certificates are like the doors into your program -- locked and guarded doors, that is. They let you control who can enter, the Reminder Message they have to see when they run it, what features they will be permitted to access (by way of the additional strings), and how long they can use the program.  
Clock-Back Checking  始终后退检测
  This feature prevents a would-be pirate from setting his system clock back to avoid the expiration date on a security certificate.  
  Debugger Checking  调试检测
   A special function checks for debuggers (including NuMega's SoftICE) and will refuse to decrypt/decompress the program if one is running, depriving program-crackers of many of their favorite tools.  
  Custom Builds  定制的构造
  Anyone who has purchased SoftwarePassport/Armadillo may obtain a custom build of the latest version at any time.  
  一个购买了SoftwarePassport/Armadillo 的人可能获得一个最新版本的定制的构造,在任何时候。
Other Features  其他功能
  This is only a partial list of the measures SoftwarePassport/Armadillo employs to keep your programs safe. Other features (which, for security purposes, we won't describe) act as additional traps for the unwary program-cracker to stumble over.  
2006-12-26 12:50
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