The vendor gave me a site key in the form of
which looks like extra protection.
I haven't used it yet but I assume it's for another 15 days.
I will be starting from scratch again with a clean install as stated earlier from a remapped fresh drive so I can look at all the files the program installs.
To easy Dr pete;
watch as program installs,remeber directory
paths especially dll in window/system32.
Also has an install log file in directory;saw mcld84dll
and mcld85dll went after them with ida.
Opened mcld84dll and hit string values and there they
are dr pete.
Your next move is to use this info to make an extended
key and paste it into *key file.
Hi Mozzie,
Couple of points, I screwed up :(
This version of program is NOT the one I have been working on it's 5 years old.
Good news, I forgot I had this one (4 computers at 2 different locations working on problem) I'll look into this and "fix it"
Will help to learn :)
The other program (newer version) is 30 mb and it doesn't have the same file system :(
So I continue the search, but I appreciate your finding so quickly the key files in the program for me!
I must do some more reading, I read something and it just doesn't sink in and then I think about it later and it makes sense!
Still learning!
Ultimate goal is learn since this was supposed to be "easy"
Then on to harder stuff!
Thanks again for all your help!
Your a hard person to please.
Think you find userkey be the same
in later version anyway.Master key
may differ.Could try using info gleaned
from this to make substitite key for other
later application.
Wow, I hang my head in shame :(
I have worked all night & day to generate a site key and no luck (shouldn't be luck because numbers are in front of me)
This old program which says it's V5.7 build 1021
gives me site code of
YVAD 65Z0 XY00 04U6 3RGR 5K7
I run script but every code comes back with key parsed incorrectly ??
I ran keys just as you did above and found them in .dll file using Ollydbg.
I guess I am in need of some hand holding and real pointing to solution please.
This is supposed to be easy stuff!
why u need to worry about the site code.
u can make one with info u have.
Then use to generate a 300 day lic key
and substitute it into where your 15 day is.
If u get it wrong can always put back your
15 day key.
Too many windows open :)
I did get SKG 7.1 configured to accept the license but it says it can only generate code for my company! ???
Ok, nice hint.
I'll go back, close windows and read some more.
Drives me crazy, everything is asking me for site code which is wrong format, sending me down
wrong path, time to take a break :(
I need some gentle guidance again.
Why is ckinfo asking me for a site code?
I try to generate site key from user key & master key but this gives me script error.
All the example files ask for site code.
I generated a site code using ckinfo from user key and hash code to put into ckinfo but no luck generating key that program will accept.
And to clarify a point, I have been inputting the site key into the program NOT pasting it into the .key file correct?
your program takes ascii characters and converts
to hex characters for crypkey.
You could spend weeks trying to decrypt this conversion.
Why bother ; just create a site key and change it with the
one u have in *key (the hidden folder).
yes u need to make a site code for ckinfo to make a site key.
For it gives ckinfo information like crypkey libraries and company
But it can be done. From site key u have u can get site or company
id. The userhash(seed) u can make by XOR the userhash key in site
key and the userhash (2) from userkey. the crypkey libraries u can
work out from that crp32002.ngn file.
once u have made a site code then make a 300 day site key and change
with your 15 day key.
leave me your 15 day site key here and i will have a go.
Oh and which company was the SDK saying you could only licence it
for. Your company or crypkeys?
I assume with this key we can alter it? I have been inputting the site key :(
by hand instead of replaceing the .key file in windows directory.
I used ckinfo to license SDK V7.1 but it won't give me any codes, always
says can't be used for another company? Not sure what company it's
working for? Maybe just crypkey?
I tried lots of stuff and kept going back and reading all the posts but I kept doing the
wrong things.
Again, I appreciate your gentle guidance, I have learned much and need to learn much more.
P.S. How do you create a site code correctly? I did this but it gives me wrong information?
Ok, I looked over everything again and generated the site code correctly ( I hope)
Generated codes with the scripts for different options.
Will paste them into the .key file to test.
I think I have them :) Will report back.
On to the SDK V7.1 to make it generate code for all companies :)
Assuming I get this one to work (optimistic aren't I ? )
Update, no joy :(
I generated 2 site codes using library V6.0 & V4.4 (I saw version 6.0 but didn't work with site key so I generated using V4.4 just to try)
When I generate site key and change the duration to 30 days it gives me not authorized to run but does show up as 29 days left on license.
When I generate site key and change the duration to unlimited it checks for updates and when I close this box it gives me an
internal error code 309 and no time is listed in the dialog box.
Running out of options again.
Some more gentle (maybe a kick) is required :)
Any help greatly appreciated.
Update :)
Interesting, the user key hash wasn't the same when I generate a site key, so I generated a site key using a different
script which asks for this hash code.
I set the license duration for 30 days.
I get now authorized to run but the duration is showing -9961 days ?
Wonder what will happen when the date changes?
Any thoughts?
I did set the license previously in the site key just before I generated this one to 9991
so something else is keeping track of things, this just gave me license expired.
Now my license is going backwards?
Tempting to reimage this drive and put this .key file in again with a more sane number of 300 days?
Update #3
I set the date ahead 2 days and get not authorized to run.
Well glad to hear u got it sorted at long last.
I thought that *key must have been from 30mb
program because i couldnt make that 15 day lic key
with my userkeyhash(seed).
The sitekey given by DrPete is of Crypkey v5.7 or earlier, so you have to
use User Key Hash (1) instead of User Key Hash (2) in order to calculate the
User Key Hash (Seed). The XOR method is only valid for Crypkey (>= v6.0) which
apply User Key Hash (2). For Crypkey (<= v5.7), it apply User Key Hash (1).
So, you need to use the "Addition" method stated in mr. exefoliator's essay
instead of the "XOR" method.
So, for DrPete case, his User Key Hash (Seed) & sitecode should be
PS: Sorry for not posting for a long time as I have been very busy recently
& don't have much time to deal with Ollydbg. Another thing is I find that
more & more people posting here just for the purpose of getting a quick
solution for their problem instead of spending some times to read through
all threads where some of the problems might already been discussed and
solved in previous threads.
Well thanks Yinhuo for your tip.
i wondered why i got an error
on some calculations with the xor
trick and other times it was spot on.
I will reread exfoliators great essay again
until "i get it". All which i have learnt has
come from your posts , some from thewd and
of course exfoliators famous essay.
Yes Mozzie I am slow, BUT without your gentle help I would not have learned as much.
I can appreciate the fact that it has taken me ~45 days to get my head around some of this.
I would have never learned as much if I had said "someone give me"
Yes Yinhuo, the majority of people just want a quick fix, thats the way it is.
I LOVE to learn new stuff, just takes me a bit longer regarding this.
Kind of like learning a foreign language with only the book.
The XOR method is only valid for Crypkey (>= v6.0) which apply User Key Hash (2). For Crypkey (<= v5.7), it apply User Key Hash (1). So, you need to use the "Addition" method stated in mr. exefoliator's essay instead of the "XOR" method.
Could you please explain the Addition Method and how to calculate/find user key hash (1) from a Known Site Code & Key Pairfor for crypkey v4.3 .
You need to find userkey to get userkey hash(1)
Is usually in windows/sytem32 in dll file that has
a name slightly similar to your program or an abbreviation
of it.
The XOR method is only valid for Crypkey (>= v6.0) which apply User Key Hash (2). For Crypkey (<= v5.7), it apply User Key Hash (1). So, you need to use the "Addition" method stated in mr. exefoliator's essay instead of the "XOR" method.
Could you please explain the Addition Method and how to calculate/find user key hash (1) from a Known Site Code & Key Pairfor for crypkey v4.3 .