makekey -
Copyright (c) 1988-2003 by Macrovision Corporation. All rights reserved.
You will be prompted for a list of server names and hostids.
When the list is complete, type <CR> at the hostname prompt.
NOTE: The server node name(s) and TCP/IP port numbers
can be changed by the end-user of your product.
Enter hostname (RETURN for all uncounted/node-locked):
No SERVER name, all licenses will be node-locked, uncounted
You will be prompted for feature names.
When the list is complete, just type <CR> to the Feature name prompt.
To get the default answer to any question, type a <CR>.
To re-start specifying the feature, just type "-" to any of the prompts.
Feature name: ImarisBase
FEATURE/INCREMENT/UPGRADE line? [f/i/u, default: f]: i
Version of ImarisBase [default 1.0]: 4.100
You have specified node-locked, uncounted license.
HOSTID(s) (required [? for help], or RETURN to enter new count)
Expiration date [dd-mmm-yyyy, default: permanent]: 14-feb-2004
Enter an optional attribute [? to list]:
==>INCREMENT ImarisBase Bitplane 4.100 14-feb-2004 uncounted HOSTID=ANY \