微软正式承认因为技术问题而推迟释出 Windows 10 Spring Creators Update。微软在上个月释出了 Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17133 (RS4),该版本被认为是 Spring Creators Update 的 RTM,意味着微软应该在这个月释出正式更新。
然而,微软本周释出的却是 Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17134 (RS4)。官方博客的解释是 17133 存在需要修复的可靠性问题,在特定情况下会导致更高比率的蓝屏死机。看起来 Spring Creators Update 很有可能在下个月释出,然而夏天要到了,Spring 越来越名不副实了,微软不应该使用季节来命名它的重大更新。
Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17134 (RS4) to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring.
This build has no new features and includes the fixes from KB4100375 as well as some fixes for general reliability of the OS.
Reliability n. 可靠性
reliability design 可靠性设计 reliability theory 可靠性理论 software reliability 软件可靠性
As Build 17133 progressed through the rings, we discovered some reliability issues we wanted to fix.
在Build 17133 通过信道时,我们发现了一些可靠性问题需要解决。
In certain cases, these reliability issues could have led to a higher percentage of (BSOD) on PCs for example.
蓝屏死机(Blue Screen Of Death)
Instead of creating a Cumulative Update package to service these issues, we decided to create a new build with the fixes included.
Cumulative Update 累积更新
This just reinforces that Windows Insiders are critical to helping us find and fix issues before releasing feature updates to all our customers so thank you!