Hi All! According to my previous talks in the EP_X0FF AntiDse project, I would like to signal here some articles on my work on the Kernel Patch Protection of Windows 8.1
I have completed a presentation at NoSuchCon conference in Paris. My objective was to demonstate that with the Patchguard 8.1 Code, you can do a lot of great things.... Here is the link: http://www.nosuchcon.org/talks/2014/D2_01_Andrea_Allievi_Win8.1_Patch_protections.pdf
The introductive blog post is the following one: http://vrt-blog.snort.org/2014/08/the-windows-81-kernel-patch-protection.html
For all those interested, even Tandasat and other 2 guys from Positive Research, has done a great work: https://github.com/tandasat/PgResarch/tree/master/DisPG http://blog.ptsecurity.com/2014/09/microsoft-windows-81-kernel-patch.html