Example of Decompilation
We illustrate the decompilation of a fibonacci program (see Figure 4). Figure 1 illustrates the relevant machine code of this binary. No library or compiler start up code is included. Figure 2 presents the disassembly of the binary program. All calls to library routines were detected by dccSign (the signature matcher), and thus not included in the analysis. Figure 3 is the final output from dcc. This C program can be compared with the original C program in Figure 4.
55 8B EC 83 EC 04 56 57 1E B8 94 00 50 9A
0E 00 3C 17 59 59 16 8D 46 FC 50 1E B8 B1 00 50
9A 07 00 F0 17 83 C4 08 BE 01 00 EB 3B 1E B8 B4
00 50 9A 0E 00 3C 17 59 59 16 8D 46 FE 50 1E B8
C3 00 50 9A 07 00 F0 17 83 C4 08 FF 76 FE 9A 7C
00 3B 16 59 8B F8 57 FF 76 FE 1E B8 C6 00 50 9A
0E 00 3C 17 83 C4 08 46 3B 76 FC 7E C0 33 C0 50
9A 0A 00 49 16 59 5F 5E 8B E5 5D CB 55 8B EC 56
8B 76 06 83 FE 02 7E 1E 8B C6 48 50 0E E8 EC FF
59 50 8B C6 05 FE FF 50 0E E8 E0 FF 59 8B D0 58
03 C2 EB 07 EB 05 B8 01 00 EB 00 5E 5D CB
Figure 1 - Machine Code for Fibonacci.exe
proc_1 PROC FAR
000 00053C 55 PUSH bp
001 00053D 8BEC MOV bp, sp
002 00053F 56 PUSH si
003 000540 8B7606 MOV si, [bp+6]
004 000543 83FE02 CMP si, 2
005 000546 7E1E JLE L1
006 000548 8BC6 MOV ax, si
007 00054A 48 DEC ax
008 00054B 50 PUSH ax
009 00054C 0E PUSH cs
010 00054D E8ECFF CALL near ptr proc_1
011 000550 59 POP cx
012 000551 50 PUSH ax
013 000552 8BC6 MOV ax, si
014 000554 05FEFF ADD ax, 0FFFEh
015 000557 50 PUSH ax
016 000558 0E PUSH cs
017 000559 E8E0FF CALL near ptr proc_1
018 00055C 59 POP cx
019 00055D 8BD0 MOV dx, ax
020 00055F 58 POP ax
021 000560 03C2 ADD ax, dx
023 00056B 5E L2: POP si
024 00056C 5D POP bp
025 00056D CB RETF
026 000566 B80100 L1: MOV ax, 1
027 000569 EB00 JMP L2
proc_1 ENDP
000 0004C2 55 PUSH bp
001 0004C3 8BEC MOV bp, sp
002 0004C5 83EC04 SUB sp, 4
003 0004C8 56 PUSH si
004 0004C9 57 PUSH di
005 0004CA 1E PUSH ds
006 0004CB B89400 MOV ax, 94h
007 0004CE 50 PUSH ax
008 0004CF 9A0E004D01 CALL far ptr printf
009 0004D4 59 POP cx
010 0004D5 59 POP cx
011 0004D6 16 PUSH ss
012 0004D7 8D46FC LEA ax, [bp-4]
013 0004DA 50 PUSH ax
014 0004DB 1E PUSH ds
015 0004DC B8B100 MOV ax, 0B1h
016 0004DF 50 PUSH ax
017 0004E0 9A07000102 CALL far ptr scanf
018 0004E5 83C408 ADD sp, 8
019 0004E8 BE0100 MOV si, 1
021 000528 3B76FC L3: CMP si, [bp-4]
022 00052B 7EC0 JLE L4
023 00052D 33C0 XOR ax, ax
024 00052F 50 PUSH ax
025 000530 9A0A005A00 CALL far ptr exit
026 000535 59 POP cx
027 000536 5F POP di
028 000537 5E POP si
029 000538 8BE5 MOV sp, bp
030 00053A 5D POP bp
031 00053B CB RETF
032 0004ED 1E L4: PUSH ds
033 0004EE B8B400 MOV ax, 0B4h
034 0004F1 50 PUSH ax
035 0004F2 9A0E004D01 CALL far ptr printf
036 0004F7 59 POP cx
037 0004F8 59 POP cx
038 0004F9 16 PUSH ss
039 0004FA 8D46FE LEA ax, [bp-2]
040 0004FD 50 PUSH ax
041 0004FE 1E PUSH ds
042 0004FF B8C300 MOV ax, 0C3h
043 000502 50 PUSH ax
044 000503 9A07000102 CALL far ptr scanf
045 000508 83C408 ADD sp, 8
046 00050B FF76FE PUSH word ptr [bp-2]
047 00050E 9A7C004C00 CALL far ptr proc_1
048 000513 59 POP cx
049 000514 8BF8 MOV di, ax
050 000516 57 PUSH di
051 000517 FF76FE PUSH word ptr [bp-2]
052 00051A 1E PUSH ds
053 00051B B8C600 MOV ax, 0C6h
054 00051E 50 PUSH ax
055 00051F 9A0E004D01 CALL far ptr printf
056 000524 83C408 ADD sp, 8
057 000527 46 INC si
058 JMP L3 ;Synthetic inst
main ENDP
Figure 2 - Code produced by the Disassembler
* Input file : fibo.exe
* File type : EXE
int proc_1 (int arg0)
/* Takes 2 bytes of parameters.
* High-level language prologue code.
* C calling convention.
int loc1;
int loc2; /* ax */
loc1 = arg0;
if (loc1 > 2) {
loc2 = (proc_1 ((loc1 - 1)) + proc_1 ((loc1 + 0xFFFE)));
else {
loc2 = 1;
return (loc2);
void main ()
/* Takes no parameters.
* High-level language prologue code.
int loc1;
int loc2;
int loc3;
int loc4;
printf ("Input number of iterations: ");
scanf ("%d", &loc1);
loc3 = 1;
while ((loc3 <= loc1)) {
printf ("Input number: ");
scanf ("%d", &loc2);
loc4 = proc_1 (loc2);
printf ("fibonacci(%d) = %u\n", loc2, loc4);
loc3 = (loc3 + 1);
} /* end of while */
exit (0);
Figure 3 - Code produced by dcc in C
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
{ int i, numtimes, number;
unsigned value, fib();
printf("Input number of iterations: ");
scanf ("%d", &numtimes);
for (i = 1; i <= numtimes; i++)
printf ("Input number: ");
scanf ("%d", &number);
value = fib(number);
printf("fibonacci(%d) = %u\n", number, value);
unsigned fib(x) /* compute fibonacci number recursively */
int x;
if (x > 2)
return (fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2));
return (1);
Figure 4 - Initial C Program
Source from 03fK9s2c8@1M7q4)9K6b7g2)9J5c8W2)9J5c8Y4N6%4N6#2)9J5k6h3W2@1k6h3g2Q4x3X3g2#2M7g2)9J5k6h3g2V1N6g2)9J5k6h3q4#2i4K6u0r3i4K6N6q4j5%4u0A6M7%4c8A6L8X3q4Q4x3V1k6V1j5$3y4Q4x3X3g2Z5N6r3#2D9