This function initializes a kernel APC object. The thread, kernel
routine, and optionally a normal routine, processor mode, and normal
context parameter are stored in the APC object.
Apc - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type APC.
Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread.
Environment - Supplies the environment in which the APC will execute.
Valid values for this parameter are: OriginalApcEnvironment,
AttachedApcEnvironment, CurrentApcEnvironment, or InsertApcEnvironment
KernelRoutine - Supplies a pointer to a function that is to be
executed at IRQL APC_LEVEL in kernel mode.
RundownRoutine - Supplies an optional pointer to a function that is to be
called if the APC is in a thread's APC queue when the thread terminates.
NormalRoutine - Supplies an optional pointer to a function that is
to be executed at IRQL 0 in the specified processor mode. If this
parameter is not specified, then the ProcessorMode and NormalContext
parameters are ignored.
ApcMode - Supplies the processor mode in which the function specified
by the NormalRoutine parameter is to be executed.
NormalContext - Supplies a pointer to an arbitrary data structure which is
to be passed to the function specified by the NormalRoutine parameter.
VOID KernelKillThreadRoutine(IN PKAPC Apc,
IN OUT PVOID *NormalContext,
IN OUT PVOID *SystemArgument1,
IN OUT PVOID *SystemArgument2)
PULONG ThreadFlags;
ThreadFlags=(ULONG *)((ULONG)PsGetCurrentThread()+0x248); //ETHREAD中CrossThreadFlags的偏移量为0x248
if(MmIsAddressValid(ThreadFlags)) //地址进行下验证
*ThreadFlags=(*ThreadFlags) | PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_SYSTEM; //修改为系统权限
PsTerminateSystemThread(STATUS_SUCCESS); //结束线程