( LV2,RANK:10 )
2 楼
( LV13,RANK:420 )
3 楼
int i = 0;
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x1)
printf("shift Pressed %d!\r\n",i);
Although the least significant bit of the return value indicates whether the key has been pressed since the last query,
due to the pre-emptive multitasking nature of Windows, another application can call
GetAsyncKeyState and receive the "recently pressed" bit instead of your application.
The behavior of the least significant bit of the return value is retained strictly for compatibility
with 16-bit Windows applications (which are non-preemptive) and should not be relied upon.
( LV12,RANK:210 )
4 楼
( LV12,RANK:210 )
5 楼
没人来顶一下呢。AKLT利用GetKeyState可以做到准确。但是做不到大小写,特殊字符。用OD跟了下,发现他也是sleep 10ms而已啊。
( LV12,RANK:210 )
6 楼
00402C7F . C64424 08 01 mov byte ptr [esp+8], 1
00402C84 > C74424 0C 000>mov dword ptr [esp+C], 0
00402C8C > B8 FF000000 mov eax, 0FF
00402C91 . 3B4424 0C cmp eax, dword ptr [esp+C]
00402C95 . 0F8C 65010000 jl 00402E00
00402C9B . E8 6A5C0100 call <jmp.&USER32.GetForegroundWindow>; [GetForegroundWindow
00402CA0 . 894424 10 mov dword ptr [esp+10], eax
00402CA4 . FF7424 0C push dword ptr [esp+C] ; /Key
00402CA8 . E8 8D5C0100 call <jmp.&USER32.GetKeyState> ; \GetKeyState
00402CAD . 89C3 mov ebx, eax
00402CAF . 81E3 00400000 and ebx, 4000
00402CB5 . 21DB and ebx, ebx
00402CB7 . 0F84 19010000 je 00402DD6
00402CBD . 68 02000000 push 2 ; /Action = 2
00402CC2 . FF7424 10 push dword ptr [esp+10] ; |Key
00402CC6 . E8 455C0100 call <jmp.&USER32.MapVirtualKeyA> ; \MapVirtualKeyA
00402CCB . 880424 mov byte ptr [esp], al
00402CCE . FF35 24B14200 push dword ptr [42B124]
00402CD4 . 68 0E000000 push 0E
00402CD9 . E8 521D0100 call 00414A30
00402CDE . 83EC 04 sub esp, 4
00402CE1 . 8D4C24 08 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+8]
00402CE5 . 5A pop edx
00402CE6 . E8 15130000 call 00404000
00402CEB . FF35 24B14200 push dword ptr [42B124]
00402CF1 . 8B5424 08 mov edx, dword ptr [esp+8]
00402CF5 . FF35 24B14200 push dword ptr [42B124]
00402CFB . E8 10560100 call 00418310
00402D00 . FF35 24B14200 push dword ptr [42B124]
00402D06 . 0FB64424 0C movzx eax, byte ptr [esp+C]
00402D0B . 50 push eax
00402D0C . E8 6F150000 call 00404280
00402D11 . 83EC 04 sub esp, 4
00402D14 . 58 pop eax
00402D15 . FF05 24B14200 inc dword ptr [42B124]
00402D1B . 68 0E000000 push 0E
00402D20 . 8B15 C4724200 mov edx, dword ptr [4272C4]
00402D26 . 015424 04 add dword ptr [esp+4], edx
00402D2A . E8 61170100 call 00414490
00402D2F . 8F05 24B14200 pop dword ptr [42B124]
00402D35 . 803D DAA74200>cmp byte ptr [42A7DA], 0
00402D3C . 74 04 je short 00402D42
00402D3E . 31C0 xor eax, eax
00402D40 . EB 05 jmp short 00402D47
00402D42 > B8 01000000 mov eax, 1
00402D47 > 21C0 and eax, eax
00402D49 . 0F84 87000000 je 00402DD6
00402D4F . 8B1D C4A74200 mov ebx, dword ptr [42A7C4]
00402D55 . 3B5C24 10 cmp ebx, dword ptr [esp+10]
00402D59 . 74 7B je short 00402DD6
00402D5B . FF7424 04 push dword ptr [esp+4]
00402D5F . E8 FC140000 call 00404260
00402D64 . 89C3 mov ebx, eax
00402D66 . 21DB and ebx, ebx
00402D68 . 7E 41 jle short 00402DAB
00402D6A . FF35 24B14200 push dword ptr [42B124]
00402D70 . FF35 24B14200 push dword ptr [42B124]
00402D76 . 0FB64424 08 movzx eax, byte ptr [esp+8]
00402D7B . 50 push eax
00402D7C . E8 FF140000 call 00404280
00402D81 . 83EC 04 sub esp, 4
00402D84 . FF05 24B14200 inc dword ptr [42B124]
00402D8A . 8B15 C4724200 mov edx, dword ptr [4272C4]
00402D90 . 011424 add dword ptr [esp], edx
00402D93 . E8 C8140000 call 00404260
00402D98 . 8F05 24B14200 pop dword ptr [42B124]
00402D9E . 89C3 mov ebx, eax
00402DA0 . 21DB and ebx, ebx
00402DA2 . 7E 07 jle short 00402DAB
00402DA4 . B8 01000000 mov eax, 1
00402DA9 . EB 02 jmp short 00402DAD
00402DAB > 31C0 xor eax, eax
00402DAD > 21C0 and eax, eax
00402DAF . 74 25 je short 00402DD6
00402DB1 . 68 01000000 push 1
00402DB6 . 68 16000000 push 16
00402DBB . E8 201C0100 call 004149E0
00402DC0 . 68 00000000 push 0
00402DC5 . 68 18000000 push 18
00402DCA . E8 111C0100 call 004149E0
00402DCF . C605 DAA74200>mov byte ptr [42A7DA], 1
00402DD6 > FF7424 0C push dword ptr [esp+C] ; /Key
00402DDA . E8 5B5B0100 call <jmp.&USER32.GetKeyState> ; \GetKeyState
00402DDF . 89C3 mov ebx, eax
00402DE1 . 81E3 00400000 and ebx, 4000
00402DE7 . 21DB and ebx, ebx
00402DE9 . 74 0C je short 00402DF7
00402DEB . 68 0A000000 push 0A ; /Timeout = 10. ms
00402DF0 . E8 6F120000 call <jmp.&KERNEL32.Sleep> ; \Sleep
00402DF5 .^ EB DF jmp short 00402DD6
00402DF7 > FF4424 0C inc dword ptr [esp+C]
00402DFB .^ E9 8CFEFFFF jmp 00402C8C
00402E00 > 68 0A000000 push 0A ; /Timeout = 10. ms
00402E05 . E8 5A120000 call <jmp.&KERNEL32.Sleep> ; \Sleep
00402E0A .^ E9 75FEFFFF jmp 00402C84
00402E0F . 31C0 xor eax, eax
00402E11 . FF7424 04 push dword ptr [esp+4]
00402E15 . E8 56550100 call 00418370
00402E1A . 83C4 14 add esp, 14
00402E1D . 5B pop ebx
00402E1E . C3 retn
( LV12,RANK:210 )
7 楼
GetKeyState GetAsyncKeyState如此的不靠谱啊。记得是乱七八糟。
( LV12,RANK:210 )
8 楼
有好的方法或者了解过的论坛兄弟 解答下。