1. Bug fix.
2. Support a newer version of Asprotect.
Please make sure the ODBGscript you are using can execute either of the following commands
asm eip, "lea eax,[ebx]"
asm eip, "mov eax, [401000]"
this bug only exists in the ODBGScript english version at the time of writing, so I've included a bug fixed version in the english package in case you need it.
**Modification needed before usage**
Copy the Asprvm8s.bin into a folder you want , then use text editor to modify this part of the script
log VMcodeloc
lm VMcodeloc, 4000, "d:\Asprvm8s.bin" ---> modify this line
if Asprvm8s.bin is copied under the folder c:\script the above command should be chnaged as