* NOTE -- this structure has been sorted (roughly) in order of use
* of the fields. The x86 code set allows cheaper access to fields
* that are in the first 0x80 bytes of a structure. Please attempt
* to ensure that frequently-used fields are below this boundary.
* FritzS
typedef struct tagWND { // wnd
WW; // WOW-USER common fields. Defined in wowuserp.h
// The presence of "state" at the start of this structure is assumed
// by the STATEOFFSET macro.
PWND spwndNext; // Handle to the next window
PWND spwndParent; // Backpointer to the parent window.
PWND spwndChild; // Handle to child
PWND spwndOwner; // Popup window owner field
RECT rcWindow; // Window outer rectangle
RECT rcClient; // Client rectangle
WNDPROC_PWND lpfnWndProc; // Can be WOW address or standard address
PCLS pcls; // Pointer to window class
KHRGN hrgnUpdate; // Accumulated paint region
PPROPLIST ppropList; // Pointer to property list
PSBINFO pSBInfo; // Words used for scrolling
PMENU spmenuSys; // Handle to system menu
PMENU spmenu; // Menu handle or ID
KHRGN hrgnClip; // Clipping region for this window
int cbwndExtra; // Extra bytes in window
PWND spwndLastActive; // Last active in owner/ownee list
KHIMC hImc; // Associated input context handle
KERNEL_ULONG_PTR dwUserData; // Reserved for random application data
} WND;