reg <command> <params> - Registry extensions
kcb <Address> - Dump registry key-control-blocks
knode <Address> - Dump registry key-node struct
kbody <Address> - Dump registry key-body struct
kvalue <Address> - Dump registry key-value struct
valuelist <HiveAddr> <KnodeAddr> - Dumps list of values for a particular knode
subkeylist <HiveAddr> <KnodeAddr> - Dumps list of subkeys for a particular knode
baseblock <HiveAddr> - Dump the baseblock for the specified hive
seccache <HiveAddr> - Dump the security cache for the specified hive
hashindex <conv_key> - Find the hash entry given a Kcb ConvKey
openkeys <HiveAddr|0> - Dump the keys opened inside the specified hive
openhandles <HiveAddr|0> - Dump the handles opened inside the specified hive
findkcb <FullKeyPath> - Find the kcb for the corresponding path
hivelist - Displays the list of the hives in the system
viewlist <HiveAddr> - Dump the pinned/mapped view list for the specified hive
freebins <HiveAddr> - Dump the free bins for the specified hive
freecells <BinAddr> - Dump the free cells in the specified bin
dirtyvector<HiveAddr> - Dump the dirty vector for the specified hive
cellindex <HiveAddr> <cellindex> - Finds the VA for a specified cell index
freehints <HiveAddr> <Storage> <Display> - Dumps freehint info
translist <RmAddr|0> - Displays the list of active transactions in this RM
uowlist <TransAddr> - Displays the list of UoW attached to this transaction
postblocklist - Displays the list of threads which have 1 or more postblocks posted
notifylist - Displays the list of notify blocks in the system
ixlock <LockAddr> - Dumps ownership of an intent lock
dumppool [s|r] - Dump registry allocated paged pool
s - Save list of registry pages to temporary file
r - Restore list of registry pages from temp. file