1. Support Integer size [0 - 32768] bits (multiply product to 65536 bits).
2. Limit: (MAX: 5900 !)
3. some help.
ALL answers are saved to [Ans|GCD], besides these:
X/Y, when Remainder(X%Y) is saved to [Rem.];
GCD(X,Y), when LCM(X,Y) is saved to [LCM];
A*X=Y MOD Z, when B = (AX-Y)/Z is saved to ;
X^(1/n), When X is not a perfect power of n, the Remainder is saved to [Rem.];
(RSA en/decrypt, X=C, Y=E/D, Z=N)
AX = Y MOD Z (or A*X = Y + B*Z)
A = (Y * (X^(-1) MOD Z)) MOD Z
Using Extended Euclid's Method.
In RSA pub-priv-key calc, e*d = 1 mod phi, LET x=e, y=1, z = phi, you can calc d.
v1.12 build 2007-12-01
* fix a bug
v1.12 2007-08-25
* fix an init b64 bug in v1.10
* fix Prime(X) dead loop when x=1
* minor interface change
+ add power_add function
v1.10f 2007-08-17
+ update bits status
* Use base change code from BaseAnyKit
v1.10 2007-08-17
+ Larger buffer size, bigger bits
Add some new fuctions.
+ Multi-Multiply
+ Multiply-Add
+ Multi-PowMod
+ Prime(X)
+ Clear
+ Copy Answer to X
+ Improve interface
v1.05 2007-07-14
* fix base64 bug
+ updated bits status info
v1.02 2007-07-13
* fix X^ (1/n) bug;
* fix AX = Y MOD Z bug in some condition judgement
+ add invalid digit input check