发表于: 2004-8-14 09:19 4718


2004-8-14 09:19
信息窗口[Information window]
Information pane of CPU window decodes arguments of the first command selected in Disassembler pane. Information displays also implicit arguments, like AL and ECX in REPE SCASB , or top of stack in RETN. For analyzed code, it displays list of commands that jump to the current location. If debugging information is available, it also displays source line corresponding to the selection. From here, you can follow addresses in Dump or Disassembler and modify arguments, or open source file.

Any program uses registers very intensively, so their contents continually vary. By default, OllyDbg assumes that registers are valid only for the currently executed command. If you want to decode arguments for all commands, please activate the option Decode registers for any IP.

If you backtrace the run trace log, Information pane gets grayed to emphasize that displayed registers are not actual but taken from the trace data. Notice that run trace does not save contents of memory, all displayed memory contents is actual.

Depending on the selection, pop-up menu of information window may include following items:

Copy pane to clipboard - copies all non-empty lines to clipboard.

Modify register - allows you to change the contents of the selected register.

Follow address in Disassembler - follows address in Disassembler pane.

Follow value in Disassembler - follows contents of doubleword memory pointed to by selected address in Disassembler pane.

Follow address in Dump- follows address in Dump pane of CPU window.

Follow value in Dump - follows contents of doubleword memory pointed to by selected address in Dump pane of CPU window.

Go to CALL from xxxx,
Go to JMP from xxxx,
Go to JNZ from xxxx,
Go to JMP [ ] from xxxx etc. - goes to command that jumps to or calls current location. This can be direct or indirect local (intramodular) call, direct unconditional jump, conditional jump or table switch. Notice that calls from different modules are not listed, even if they are present in call tree.

Show all jumps and local calls - if number of jumps to the current location exceeds 16, this menu item opens dialog that lists all found jumps.

Show source - opens source file at the position corresponding to selected command. Alternatively, doubleclick source line in the Information window.

Appearance - see detailed description here.

$#K寄存器窗口[Registers window]
Registers window displays and interpretes the contents of CPU registers for currently selected thread. It also allows to modify registers and follow addresses in other CPU panes. Pop-up menus associated with each register are self-explanatory, and I will not describe them here.

Following EFL are the suffixes of conditional commands that satisfy current flags. If, for example, you see:

EFL 00000A86 (O,NB,NE,A,S,PE,GE,G),

this means that JO and JNE will be taken whereas JB and JPO not.

In the same manner, following FST is the decoding of FPU flags C0, C2 and C3 as if the last FPU operation were a comparison.

When debugged program pauses execution, OllyDbg highlights all differences since previous pause. If you modify any item, OllyDbg highlights all modified items.

To toggle value of some flag, doubleclick it, or select and press return. Doubleclicking on register invokes dialog where you can modify its contents. To change integer or FPU registers, start typing new contents. Keys Plus (+) and Minus (-) increment and decrement selected integer registers.

You can choose either floating-point, MMX or 3DNow! decoding of FPU registers. If window contains bar, pressing the bar will loop through these three formats. You can also let OllyDbg change this presentation automatically, based on the type of the command where last break occured. Alternatively, register window can display debug registers DR0..DR3, DR6 and DR7. However, you can't modify debug registers.

If you are debugging SSE code, activate option "Decode SSE registers" to view 128-bit SSE registers. Notice that this option is slow and sometimes dangerous (especially when application is multithread), don't use it unless absolutely necessary.

If you backtrace the run trace log, Registers window gets grayed to emphasize that displayed registers are not actual but taken from the trace data. Run trace does not save contents of memory, SSE and debug registers and reads actual memory of debugged process to decode memory pointers.

You can display last error detected by a thread (as returned by call to API function GetLastError). This feature is controlled by option "Show last error". If activated, last error is saved to run race log, but may significantly (up to 20%) slow down the tracing speed.

You can scroll regiser pane by pressing left mouse button somewhere in the window and moving mouse.


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最新回复 (4)
雪    币: 209
活跃值: (20)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2004-8-14 11:35
雪    币: 209
活跃值: (20)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
信息窗口[Information window]
Information pane of CPU window decodes arguments of the first command selected in Disassembler pane. Information displays also implicit arguments,
like AL and ECX in REPE SCASB , or top of stack in RETN. For analyzed code, it displays list of commands that jump to the current location. If
debugging information is available, it also displays source line corresponding to the selection. From here, you can follow addresses in Dump or
Disassembler and modify arguments, or open source file.
CPU窗口中的信息面板用于表述反汇编面板中首条选中命令的变量,信息面板也会显示隐含的变量,比如在REPE SCASB指令中的AL与ECX,或RETN指令的栈顶内容。

Any program uses registers very intensively, so their contents continually vary. By default, OllyDbg assumes that registers are valid only for the
currently executed command. If you want to decode arguments for all commands, please activate the option Decode registers for any IP.

If you backtrace the run trace log, Information pane gets grayed to emphasize that displayed registers are not actual but taken from the trace data.
Notice that run trace does not save contents of memory, all displayed memory contents is actual.

Depending on the selection, pop-up menu of information window may include following items:

Copy pane to clipboard - copies all non-empty lines to clipboard.
复制面板到剪贴板 - 复制全部不为空的行到剪贴板。

Modify register - allows you to change the contents of the selected register.
修改寄存器 - 允许你改变选中的寄存器内容。

Follow address in Disassembler - follows address in Disassembler pane.
跟进地址在反汇编器 - 在反汇编器面板显示跟随地址

Follow value in Disassembler - follows contents of doubleword memory pointed to by selected address in Disassembler pane.
跟进值在反汇编器 - 根据所选地址在反汇编器面板显示双字的内存指针跟进内容。

Follow address in Dump- follows address in Dump pane of CPU window.
在Dump面板跟进地址 - 在CPU窗口的Dump面板显示跟进地址

Follow value in Dump - follows contents of doubleword memory pointed to by selected address in Dump pane of CPU window.
在Dump面板跟进值 - 根据所选地址在CPU窗口的Dump面板显示双字的内存指针跟进内容。

Go to CALL from xxxx,
Go to JMP from xxxx,
Go to JNZ from xxxx,
Go to JMP [ ] from xxxx etc. - goes to command that jumps to or calls current location. This can be direct or indirect local (intramodular) call,
direct unconditional jump, conditional jump or table switch. Notice that calls from different modules are not listed, even if they are present in
call tree.
从xxxx转到JMP[ ]等, - 转到跳转到或调用该位置的命令。可能是直接或间接的调用、无条件跳转、条件跳转、或交换表。注意从不同模块的调用是不被列出的,甚

Show all jumps and local calls - if number of jumps to the current location exceeds 16, this menu item opens dialog that lists all found jumps.
显示全部跳转及本地调用 - 如果跳转到当前位置的数量超过16个,该菜单项目打开列出全部找到跳转的对话框。

Show source - opens source file at the position corresponding to selected command. Alternatively, doubleclick source line in the Information window.
显示源文件 - 打开与所选命令位置相关的源文件。也可以通过双击信息窗口的源行做到这一点。

Appearance - see detailed description here.
外观 - 参见这里详细描述 。

$#K寄存器窗口[Registers window]
Registers window displays and interpretes the contents of CPU registers for currently selected thread. It also allows to modify registers and follow
addresses in other CPU panes. Pop-up menus associated with each register are self-explanatory, and I will not describe them here.

Following EFL are the suffixes of conditional commands that satisfy current flags. If, for example, you see:

EFL 00000A86 (O,NB,NE,A,S,PE,GE,G),

this means that JO and JNE will be taken whereas JB and JPO not.

In the same manner, following FST is the decoding of FPU flags C0, C2 and C3 as if the last FPU operation were a comparison.
与之相似,以下的FST是表明FPU的标志:C0、 C2及 C3。一般用于比较最后一次的FPU操作。

When debugged program pauses execution, OllyDbg highlights all differences since previous pause. If you modify any item, OllyDbg highlights all modified items.
当被调试程序暂停执行,OllyDbg 以高亮显示上次暂停以来的所有不同之处。如果你修改了任何项目,OllyDbg 将会高亮显示全部被修改项目。

To toggle value of some flag, doubleclick it, or select and press return. Doubleclicking on register invokes dialog where you can modify its contents. To change
integer or FPU registers, start typing new contents. Keys Plus (+) and Minus (-) increment and decrement selected integer registers.

You can choose either floating-point, MMX or 3DNow! decoding of FPU registers. If window contains bar, pressing the bar will loop through these three formats.
You can also let OllyDbg change this presentation automatically, based on the type of the command where last break occured. Alternatively, register window can
display debug registers DR0..DR3, DR6 and DR7. However, you can't modify debug registers.

If you are debugging SSE code, activate option "Decode SSE registers" to view 128-bit SSE registers. Notice that this option is slow and sometimes dangerous
(especially when application is multithread), don't use it unless absolutely necessary.

If you backtrace the run trace log, Registers window gets grayed to emphasize that displayed registers are not actual but taken from the trace data. Run trace
does not save contents of memory, SSE and debug registers and reads actual memory of debugged process to decode memory pointers.

You can display last error detected by a thread (as returned by call to API function GetLastError). This feature is controlled by option "Show last error". If
activated, last error is saved to run race log, but may significantly (up to 20%) slow down the tracing speed.
You can scroll regiser pane by pressing left mouse button somewhere in the window and moving mouse.
2004-8-14 13:34
雪    币: 392
活跃值: (909)
能力值: ( LV9,RANK:690 )

For analyzed code, it displays list of commands that jump to the current location.

From here, you can follow addresses in Dump or Disassembler and modify arguments, or open source file.

If you backtrace the run trace log, Information pane gets grayed to emphasize that displayed registers are not actual but taken from the trace data.


Follow value in Dump - follows contents of doubleword memory pointed to by selected address in Dump pane of CPU window


Go to JMP [ ] from xxxx etc. - goes to command that jumps to or calls current location. This can be direct or indirect local (intramodular) call,
direct unconditional jump, conditional jump or table switch


In the same manner, following FST is the decoding of FPU flags C0, C2 and C3 as if the last FPU operation were a comparison.


To toggle value of some flag, doubleclick it, or select and press return. Doubleclicking on register invokes dialog where you can modify its contents. To change
integer or FPU registers, start typing new contents. Keys Plus (+) and Minus (-) increment and decrement selected integer registers.

2004-8-15 20:42
雪    币: 209
活跃值: (20)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2004-8-16 10:17
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