发表于: 2006-12-23 17:46 6298
文本字串参考位于 Streamin:.text
地址 反汇编 文本字串
004011C5 push 0043A110 ASCII "%s error"
004011DF push 0043A100 ASCII "%s error #%d"
0040127B push 0043A190 ASCII "Create"
00401306 push 0043A198 ASCII "Bind"
00401393 push 0043A1A0 ASCII "Listen"
00401435 push 0043A1A8 ASCII "Accept"
004014D8 push 0043A1B0 ASCII "Close"
0040159C push 0043A1C0 ASCII "Send timeout"
00401607 push 0043A1B8 ASCII "Send"
004027C3 mov edi, 0043A1EC ASCII ".sys"
00402937 mov edi, 0043A1F8 ASCII "CLSID\"
00402A3D push 0043A200 ASCII "windll"
00402ACA push 0043A200 ASCII "windll"
00402B2A push 0043A200 ASCII "windll"
00402B8F push 0043A208 ASCII "%d.%d.%d"
00402CE5 push 0043A200 ASCII "windll"
00402D1D push 0043A200 ASCII "windll"
00402DB3 push 0043A200 ASCII "windll"
0040306D mov esi, 0043A25C UNICODE "\device\physicalmemory"
00403096 push 0043A250 ASCII "ntdll.dll"
004030FB push 0043A240 ASCII "ZwOpenSection"
00403103 push 0043A22C ASCII "ZwMapViewOfSection"
0040310D push 0043A214 ASCII "ZwUnmapViewOfSection"
0040320A push 0043A298 ASCII "\\.\Scsi%d:"
00403261 push 0043A28C ASCII "SCSIDISK"
0040344B push 0043A2A4 ASCII "\\.\PhysicalDrive%d"
004038B0 push 0043A4F0 ASCII "CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Requested file %s does not exist"
0040396F push 0043A484 ASCII "CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to create anonymous pipes for STDOUT for CGI child process, Error:%d"
00403A14 push 0043A418 ASCII "CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to create anonymous pipes for STDIN for CGI child process, Error:%d"
00403AB0 push 0043A3A8 ASCII "CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to duplicate STDOUT handle for STDERR handle CGI child process, Error:%d"
00403B41 push 0043A358 ASCII "CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to duplicate STDOUT read handle, Error:%d"
00403BE6 push 0043A308 ASCII "CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to duplicate STDIN write handle, Error:%d"
00403DE2 push 0043A2B8 ASCII "CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to run the CGI child process, Error:%d"
00403FF7 push 0043A818 ASCII "AUTH_TYPE=Basic",LF
0040400D push 0043A808 ASCII "AUTH_REALM=%s",LF
00404034 push 0043A7F8 ASCII "REMOTE_USER=%s",LF
0040405B push 0043A7E8 ASCII "AUTH_USER=%s",LF
00404082 push 0043A7D4 ASCII "REMOTE_PASSWORD=%s",LF
004040A5 push 0043A7C0 ASCII "AUTH_PASSWORD=%s",LF
004040B1 push 0043A7B0 ASCII "AUTH_TYPE=NTLM",LF
004040CA push 0043A7F8 ASCII "REMOTE_USER=%s",LF
004040ED push 0043A7E8 ASCII "AUTH_USER=%s",LF
0040410D push 0043A794 ASCII "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1",LF
00404133 push 0043A784 ASCII "SERVER_NAME=%s",LF
0040416E push 0043A784 ASCII "SERVER_NAME=%s",LF
00404197 push 0043A774 ASCII "SERVER_NAME=",LF
004041BF push 0043A760 ASCII "CONTENT_LENGTH=%d",LF
004041ED push 0043A74C ASCII "CONTENT_TYPE=%s",LF
0040421E push 0043A73C ASCII "SERVER_PORT=%d",LF
0040423A push 0043A720 ASCII "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1",LF
00404259 push 0043A70C ASCII "SERVER_SOFTWARE=%s",LF
004042E8 push 0043A6F8 ASCII "SCRIPT_NAME=%s",LF
0040432B push 0043A6E4 ASCII "PATH_TRANSLATED=%s",LF
0040434F push 0043A6D0 ASCII "REQUEST_LINE=%s",LF
00404373 push 0043A6BC ASCII "QUERY_STRING=%s",LF
004043A2 push 0043A6AC ASCII "REMOTE_HOST=%s",LF
004043CE push 0043A690 ASCII "REMOTE_HOST=%d.%d.%d.%d",LF
00404406 push 0043A674 ASCII "REMOTE_ADDR=%d.%d.%d.%d",LF
0040442A push 0043A664 ASCII "PATH_INFO=%s",LF
0040444E push 0043A650 ASCII "REQUEST_METHOD=%s",LF
00404488 push 0043A62C ASCII "HTTPS_KEYSIZE=%d",LF,"CERT_KEYSIZE=%d",LF
004044E8 push 0043A5F0 ASCII "HTTPS=off",LF
00404521 push 0043A5D8 ASCII "CERT_SERIALNUMBER=%d",LF
00404545 push 0043A5C8 ASCII "REQUEST_URI=%s",LF
00404569 push 0043A5C0 ASCII "URL=%s",LF
004045AD push 0043A5B0 ASCII "LOGON_USER=%s",LF
004046A3 push 0043A53C ASCII "HTTP_VERSION=%d.%d",LF
00404714 push 0043A530 ASCII "HTTP_%s=%s",LF
0040489E push 0043A83C ASCII "%s\Shell\Open\Command"
00404940 push 0043A838 ASCII "%L"
00404951 push 0043A834 ASCII "%1"
00404960 push 0043A830 ASCII "%*"
00404AB6 push 0043A8EC ASCII "Connection: Keep-Alive"
00404AD4 push 0043A8D8 ASCII "Content-Length: "
00404AED push 0043A8D0 ASCII "HTTP/"
00404B0D mov edi, 0043A8BC ASCII "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",LF
00404B2D push 0043A8BC ASCII "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",LF
00404B83 push 0043A878 ASCII "CHttpCGI::ReadFromClientStdout, Failed to send to socket, Error:%d"
00404C77 push 0043A930 ASCII "MSWSOCK.DLL"
00404C8E push 0043A920 ASCII "TransmitFile"
00404C98 push 0043A910 ASCII "TransmitPackets"
00404D8A cmp esi, 10000 UNICODE "=::=::\"
00404D90 mov dword ptr [esp+10], 10000 UNICODE "=::=::\"
004053BB push 0043A93C ASCII "%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d"
0040563A push 0043AA30 ASCII "CHttpClient::HandleClient, Failed in call to WSAEventSelect, GetLastError:%d"
004057FC push 0043A9E0 ASCII "CHttpClient::HandleClient, Failed to logon using user name: %s, GetLastError:%d"
00405E9E push 0043A998 ASCII "lms://%s:%s/lms.dll?auth=%s:%s&down=%d&name=%s&progid=%s&progpath=%s"
00405F58 push 0043A95C ASCII "lms://%s:%d/lms.dll?auth=%s:%s&down=%d&progid=%s&name=%s"
00406027 push 0043A95C ASCII "lms://%s:%d/lms.dll?auth=%s:%s&down=%d&progid=%s&name=%s"
004060B2 push 0043A95C ASCII "lms://%s:%d/lms.dll?auth=%s:%s&down=%d&progid=%s&name=%s"
004061F5 push 0043AAB0 ASCII "GET"
00406213 push 0043AAA8 ASCII "POST"
0040622D push 0043AAA0 ASCII "HEAD"
00406248 push 0043AA9C ASCII "PUT"
00406263 push 0043AA94 ASCII "LINK"
0040627E push 0043AA8C ASCII "DELETE"
00406299 push 0043AA84 ASCII "UNLINK"
004064CB push 0043A8D0 ASCII "HTTP/"
00406586 push 0043AB14 ASCII "Sun"
004065A1 push 0043AB0C ASCII "Sunday"
004065B7 push 0043AB08 ASCII "Mon"
004065CD push 0043AB00 ASCII "Monday"
004065E3 push 0043AAFC ASCII "Tue"
004065F9 push 0043AAF4 ASCII "Tuesday"
0040660F push 0043AAF0 ASCII "Wed"
00406625 push 0043AAE4 ASCII "Wednesday"
0040663B push 0043AAE0 ASCII "Thu"
0040664D push 0043AAD4 ASCII "Thursday"
0040665F push 0043AAD0 ASCII "Fri"
00406671 push 0043AAC8 ASCII "Friday"
00406683 push 0043AAC4 ASCII "Sat"
00406695 push 0043AAB8 ASCII "Saturday"
00406726 push 0043AB44 ASCII "Jan"
00406748 push 0043AB40 ASCII "Feb"
00406769 push 0043AB3C ASCII "Mar"
0040678A push 0043AB38 ASCII "Apr"
004067AB push 0043AB34 ASCII "May"
004067CC push 0043AB30 ASCII "Jun"
004067ED push 0043AB2C ASCII "Jul"
0040680E push 0043AB28 ASCII "Aug"
0040682F push 0043AB24 ASCII "Sep"
00406850 push 0043AB20 ASCII "Oct"
00406871 push 0043AB1C ASCII "Nov"
00406892 push 0043AB18 ASCII "Dec"
00406D6E push 0043AB58 ASCII "Basic"
00406FC7 push 0043ABB8 ASCII "If-Modified-Since"
0040701E push 0043ABA8 ASCII "Authorization"
00407044 push 0043AB98 ASCII "Content-Type"
0040706A push 0043AB88 ASCII "Content-Length"
00407092 push 0043AB7C ASCII "Connection"
004070A6 push 0043AB70 ASCII "Keep-Alive"
004070C6 push 0043AB68 ASCII "Range"
0040719B push 0043AB60 ASCII "first"
00407230 push 0043ABCC ASCII CR,LF,CR,LF
004074A7 push 0043AC18 ASCII "text/html"
0040754B push 0043ABD4 ASCII "CHttpClient::ReturnErrorMessage, Failed to send to socket, Error:%d"
0040768E push 0043AC18 ASCII "text/html"
00407834 push 0043AC18 ASCII "text/html"
0040798B push 0043AC18 ASCII "text/html"
00407B9A push 0043AC24 ASCII "CHttpClient::TransmitBuffer, Failed to send to socket, Error:%d"
00408038 push 0043AC70 ASCII "lms.dll"
004080CF push 0043AC68 ASCII "msdrive"
00408101 push 0043AC68 ASCII "msdrive"
004081E8 push 0043AC64 ASCII ".."
00408AC8 push 0043AD14 ASCII "%.4d/%.2d/%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d"
00408B53 push 0043AD14 ASCII "%.4d/%.2d/%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d"
00408B7C push 0043AD08 ASCII "%d.%d.%d.%d"
00408C34 push 0043ACC0 ASCII "CHttpClient::TransmitFile, Failed to send to response header, Error:%d"
00408CC4 push 0043AD14 ASCII "%.4d/%.2d/%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d"
00408D73 push 0043AD14 ASCII "%.4d/%.2d/%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d"
00408E1D push 0043AC78 ASCII "CHttpClient::TransmitFile, Failed to send response file data, Error:%d"
00408ED9 push 0043ADC8 ASCII "CHttpClient::TransmitBuffer, Failed to send response via TransmitPackets, Error:%d"
00408F39 push 0043AD7C ASCII "CHttpClient::TransmitBuffer, Failed to send to response header, Error:%d"
00408FA0 push 0043AD34 ASCII "CHttpClient::TransmitBuffer, Failed to send to response body, Error:%d"
0040912E push 0043AE4C ASCII "auth"
004091F9 push 0043AE44 ASCII "progid"
00409247 push 0043AE3C ASCII "session"
00409296 push 0043AE34 ASCII "name"
004092E4 push 0043AE2C ASCII "down"
0040934F push 0043AE24 ASCII "preview"
004093B4 push 0043AE1C ASCII "balance"
0040956B push 0043AE4C ASCII "auth"
0040964D push 0043AE44 ASCII "progid"
004096E9 push 0043AE3C ASCII "session"
0040973D push 0043AE5C ASCII "progpath"
0040979B push 0043AE34 ASCII "name"
004097F4 push 0043AE2C ASCII "down"
00409859 push 0043AE24 ASCII "preview"
00409D59 push 0043AE68 ASCII "CHttpDirectory::HandleDirectoryAuthorization, Directory is protected but all authentication mechanisms are disabled, All requests for this directory will fail!!, %s"
00409E46 push 0043AF74 ASCII "\*.*"
00409F14 push 0043AF68 ASCII "<table>",CR,LF
0040A05E push 0043AF1C ASCII "<tr>",CR,LF,"<td><a href=%s>%s</a></td><td>%dKB</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>",CR,LF,"</tr>"
0040A0C7 push 0043AF10 ASCII "</table>",CR,LF
0040A0F6 push 0043A834 ASCII "%1"
0040A1DA push 0043AC18 ASCII "text/html"
0040A4A5 push 0043AC18 ASCII "text/html"
0040A6FB push 0043AF7C ASCII "CHttpDirectory::TransmitFile, Failed to send to socket, Error:%d"
0040AB10 push 0043AFC0 ASCII "application/octet-stream"
0040B2F1 push 0043B224 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",CR,LF
0040B304 push 0043B20C ASCII "HTTP/1.1 201 Created",CR,LF
0040B317 push 0043B1F4 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted",CR,LF
0040B32A push 0043B1D8 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 204 No Content",CR,LF
0040B33D push 0043B1B8 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content",CR,LF
0040B350 push 0043B198 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 300 Multiple Choices",CR,LF
0040B384 push 0043B174 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently",CR,LF
0040B397 push 0043B150 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily",CR,LF
0040B3AA push 0043B134 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified",CR,LF
0040B3BD push 0043B118 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request",CR,LF
0040B3D0 push 0043B0FC ASCII "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized",CR,LF
0040B3E0 push 0043B0E0 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden",CR,LF
0040B3F0 push 0043B0C4 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found",CR,LF
0040B400 push 0043B09C ASCII "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error",CR,LF
0040B410 push 0043B07C ASCII "HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented",CR,LF
0040B420 push 0043B060 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway",CR,LF
0040B430 push 0043B03C ASCII "HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable",CR,LF
0040B445 push 0043B02C ASCII "HTTP/1.1 %d",CR,LF
0040B5CB push 0043B238 ASCII "Content-Length: %d",CR,LF
0040B642 push 0043B250 ASCII "Content-Range: bytes %d-%d/%d",CR,LF
0040B6C5 push 0043B270 ASCII "Content-Type: %s",CR,LF
0040B788 push 0043B284 ASCII "%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT"
0040B7D8 push 0043B2C4 ASCII "Allow: GET, POST, HEAD, DELETE",CR,LF
0040B7E5 push 0043B2A8 ASCII "Allow: GET, POST, HEAD",CR,LF
0040B845 push 0043B2E8 ASCII "Date: %s",CR,LF
0040B8E5 push 0043B2F4 ASCII "Last-Modified: %s",CR,LF
0040B985 push 0043B308 ASCII "Expires: %s",CR,LF
0040B9E0 push 0043B318 ASCII "Connection: Keep-Alive",CR,LF
0040BA25 push 0043B334 ASCII "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=%s",CR,LF
0040BAAE push 0043B374 ASCII "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM %s",CR,LF
0040BABE push 0043B358 ASCII "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM",CR,LF
0040BB35 push 0043B390 ASCII "Location: %s",CR,LF
0040BBB5 push 0043B3A0 ASCII "Server: %s",CR,LF
0040BCD6 mov edi, 0043B3B0 ASCII CR,LF
0040BFB1 mov eax, 0043ABCC ASCII CR,LF,CR,LF
0040BFDA push 0043B3B0 ASCII CR,LF
0040C053 push 0043AB88 ASCII "Content-Length"
0040C087 push 0043B3B0 ASCII CR,LF
0040C0DC mov edi, 0043ABCC ASCII CR,LF,CR,LF
0040C2E7 mov eax, 0043ABCC ASCII CR,LF,CR,LF
0040C310 push 0043B3B0 ASCII CR,LF
0040C389 push 0043AB88 ASCII "Content-Length"
0040C3BD push 0043B3B0 ASCII CR,LF
0040C410 mov edi, 0043ABCC ASCII CR,LF,CR,LF
0040C878 push 0043B3CC ASCII "license.lic"
0040CAA9 push 0043B3E8 ASCII "\digest.dat"
0040CB1B push 0043B3D8 ASCII "PowerCOM-VOD7"
0040D5D0 mov edi, 0043B3F8 ASCII "408"
0040D62C mov edi, 0043B3F4 ASCII "200"
0040D6D7 push 0043B414 ASCII "%s",LF
0040D7C0 push 0043B418 ASCII "Received request to shut down the Streaming Server",LF
0040D8AC push 0043B490 ASCII " ",TAB
0040D929 push 0043B474 ASCII "Ballet Streaming Server"
0040D933 push 0043B474 ASCII "Ballet Streaming Server"
0040D942 push 0043B474 ASCII "Ballet Streaming Server"
0040D993 push 0043B474 ASCII "Ballet Streaming Server"
0040D9D9 push 0043B44C ASCII "Fatal Error: Couldn't start Service",LF
0040DA5B push 0043B494 ASCII "Failure registering service handler"
0040DAD1 push 0043B930 ASCII "Failed to initialise Winsock, GetLastError:%d",LF
0040DAFC push 0043B8E4 ASCII "Failed to initialize a compatible Winsock 2 TCP/IP stack, GetLastError:%d",LF
0040DB51 push 0043B8E0 ASCII "ini"
0040DB8C push 0043B8D4 ASCII "Directories"
0040DB91 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040DC05 push 0043B8C4 ASCII "Dir%d"
0040DC2A push 0043B8BC ASCII "Alias"
0040DC72 push 0043B8B4 ASCII "Path"
0040DCB5 push 0043B8A8 ASCII "index.html"
0040DCBA push 0043B89C ASCII "DefaultFile"
0040DCF2 push 0043B888 ASCII "DirectoryListing"
0040DD04 push 0043B87C ASCII "Writable"
0040DD16 push 0043B874 ASCII "Script"
0040DD38 push 0043B868 ASCII "Username"
0040DD81 push 0043B85C ASCII "Password"
0040DDCA push 0043B854 ASCII "Realm"
0040E01A push 0043B84C ASCII "Port"
0040E01F push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E02C push 0043B844 ASCII "RCPort"
0040E031 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E041 push 0043B838 ASCII "DNSLookup"
0040E046 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E076 push 0043B82C ASCII "BindAddress"
0040E07B push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E0CE push 0043B824 ASCII "Timeout"
0040E0D3 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E0EF push 0043B818 ASCII "ServerName"
0040E0F4 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E127 push 0043B868 ASCII "Username"
0040E12C push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E15A push 0043B85C ASCII "Password"
0040E15F push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E180 push 0043B808 ASCII "WritableTimeout"
0040E185 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E194 push 0043B7F0 ASCII "EnableThreadLifetime"
0040E199 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E1B1 push 0043B7E0 ASCII "ThreadLifetime"
0040E1B6 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E1C5 push 0043B7D0 ASCII "UseIOCPQueue"
0040E1CA push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E1DE push 0043B7C4 ASCII "KeepAlives"
0040E1E3 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E1FB push 0043B7B8 ASCII "AutoExpire"
0040E200 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E20F push 0043B7A8 ASCII "AllowDeletes"
0040E214 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E228 push 0043B798 ASCII "LiminConnect"
0040E22D push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E245 push 0043B78C ASCII "MaxConnect"
0040E24A push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E261 push 0043B780 ASCII "LivePort"
0040E266 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E275 push 0043B768 ASCII "CGIResponseBufferSize"
0040E27A push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E293 push 0043B758 ASCII "AllowAnonymous"
0040E298 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E2A7 push 0043B73C ASCII "AllowBasicAuthentication"
0040E2AC push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E2C0 push 0043B724 ASCII "AllowNTLMAuthentication"
0040E2C5 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E2E4 push 0043B720 ASCII "10"
0040E2E9 push 0043AE24 ASCII "preview"
0040E2EE push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E31E push 0043B710 ASCII "ForbidAccess"
0040E323 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E3AF push 0043B6FC ASCII "BeMainServer"
0040E3B4 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E3C3 push 0043B6E0 ASCII "MainServerPort"
0040E3C8 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E3E7 push 0043B6D0 ASCII "MainServerIP"
0040E3EC push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E417 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E426 push 0043B6AC ASCII "MAXBANDWIDTH"
0040E42B push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E443 push 0043B69C ASCII "CPULIMITCHECKED"
0040E448 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E457 push 0043B694 ASCII "MAXCPU"
0040E45C push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E475 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E48D push 0043B674 ASCII "MAXCONNECT"
0040E492 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E4A1 push 0043B664 ASCII "AttemperStart"
0040E4A6 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E4B5 push 0043B654 ASCII "ForceAttemper"
0040E4BA push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E4CE push 0043B640 ASCII "ExceptMainServer"
0040E4D3 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E4F2 push 0043B630 ASCII "AttemperServer"
0040E4F7 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E592 push 0043B628 ASCII "Mime"
0040E60C push 0043B5F4 ASCII "Failed to read any MIME map settings from ini file",LF
0040E637 push 0043B5D0 ASCII "Streaming server is starting...",LF
0040E6B1 push 0043B5A4 ASCII "Failed to start up the Streaming server",LF
0040E6CB push 0043B574 ASCII "Listening for incoming connections on port %d",LF
0040E6E1 push 0043B538 ASCII "Reverse DNS lookups will be performed on client requests",LF
0040E6FE push 0043B518 ASCII "Binding to local address: %s",LF
0040E712 push 0043B4FC ASCII "Configured Server Name: %s",LF
0040E7C7 push 0043B4DC ASCII "Streaming Server is running!",LF
0040E7DF push 0043B4B8 ASCII "Streaming server has shut down...",LF
0040EA3D push 0043B97C ASCII "Stopping Service Error: %d",LF
0040EA5C push 0043B960 ASCII "Starting Service Error: %d",LF
0040EAAD push 0043B9F8 ASCII """%s"""
0040EAD0 push 0043B9C4 ASCII "Failed to install Ballet Streaming Server Service",LF
0040EB20 push 0043B998 ASCII "Installed Ballet Streaming Server Service",LF
0040EB39 push 0043B9C4 ASCII "Failed to install Ballet Streaming Server Service",LF
0040EED6 push 0043BA60 ASCII "Failed to Ballet Streaming Server Service",LF
0040EF1F push 0043BA34 ASCII "Removed Ballet Streaming Server Service",LF
0040EF33 push 0043BA00 ASCII "Failed to remove Ballet Streaming Server Service",LF
0040FBBA push 0043BACC ASCII "%02x"
00411567 push 0043BB40 ASCII "default.htm"
004115B8 push 0043BB2C ASCII "StreamingServer/0.1"
004116D3 push 0043BB20 ASCII "index.htm"
0041232A push 0043BBF8 ASCII "CHttpServer::Start, Failed to call to create listener thread, please check settings"
004123D8 push 0043BBF8 ASCII "CHttpServer::Start, Failed to call to create listener thread, please check settings"
00412481 push 0043BBA4 ASCII "CHttpServer::Start, Failed to call to create report thread, please check settings"
0041250F push 0043BB4C ASCII "CHttpServer::Start, Failed to call to create Maintance thread, please check settings"
0041267D push 0043BC4C ASCII "CHttpServer::Wait, Http server is not running, so no need to wait"
00412A8E push 0043BF70 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed to create thread pool, GetLastError:%d"
00412B43 push 0043BF00 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed in call to m_ThreadPool.SetMaxThreadClientLifetime, GetLastError:%d"
00412CBD push 0043BEA8 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed to logon using user name: %s, GetLastError:%d"
00412D3E push 0043BE4C ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed to impersonate using supplied user credentials"
00412DB9 push 0043BDF4 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed in call to WSAEventSelect, GetLastError:%d"
00412F0A push 0043BD90 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, An error occurred accepting a client connection, GetLastError:%d"
00412F9D push 0043BD38 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed to listen on server socket, GetLastError:%d"
00413000 push 0043BCE4 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed to bind server socket, GetLastError:%d"
0041305F push 0043BC90 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed to create server socket, GetLastError:%d"
004130F4 push 0043BFE8 ASCII "StatusMaintainThread is starting...",LF
00413148 push 0043BFC4 ASCII "Streaming server is shutdowning...",LF
00413162 push 0043BFC4 ASCII "Streaming server is shutdowning...",LF
00413244 push 0043C010 ASCII "CHttpServer::ReportThread, Failed to create server socket, GetLastError:%d"
00413421 push 0043C010 ASCII "CHttpServer::ReportThread, Failed to create server socket, GetLastError:%d"
00413559 push 0043C1A8 ASCII "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time"
004135A4 push 0043C194 ASCII "Network Interface"
0041362E push 0043C178 ASCII "MS TCP Loopback interface"
0041364A push 0043C150 ASCII "\Network Interface(%s)\Bytes Total/sec"
0041371C push 0043BDF4 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed in call to WSAEventSelect, GetLastError:%d"
00413942 push 0043C0FC ASCII "CHttpServer::QueryListenThread, Failed to listen on server socket, GetLastError:%d"
004139F6 push 0043C0FC ASCII "CHttpServer::QueryListenThread, Failed to listen on server socket, GetLastError:%d"
00413A50 push 0043C0AC ASCII "CHttpServer::QueryListenThread, Failed to bind server socket, GetLastError:%d"
00413AA9 push 0043C05C ASCII "CHttpServer::QueryListenThread, Failed to create server socket, GetLastError:%d"
004141FD mov dword ptr [esi], 00431AA0 ASCII " BA"
00414266 mov dword ptr [esi], 00431AA0 ASCII " BA"
00414429 push 0043C30C ASCII ""
0041450F push 0043C2BC ASCII "<server maxnum=""%d"" maxlivenum=""%d"" clients=""%d"" cpu=""%d"" bandwidth=""%.3f"" >"
0041457D push 0043C24C ASCII "<client ip=""%s"" session=""%d"" name=""%s"" path=""%s"" start=""%s"" user=""%s"" bandwidth=""%.3f"" bandwidthaver=""%.3f"" />"
004145A9 push 0043C1DC ASCII "<client ip=""%s"" session=""%d"" name=""%s"" path=""%s"" start=""%s"" user=""%s"" bandWidth=""%.3f"" bandwidthaver=""%.3f"" />"
004145CA push 0043C1CC ASCII "</server>",CR,LF,CR,LF
00415022 push 0043C378 ASCII "PSServer32"
00415027 push 0043C350 ASCII "{0BB0AFF3-506B-48af-A50D-1579A51978C8}"
004152CF push 0043ABCC ASCII CR,LF,CR,LF
00415597 push 0043C3A4 ASCII "MAXNUM"
004155CF push 0043C398 ASCII "MAXLIVENUM"
00415601 push 0043C390 ASCII "EDITION"
00415633 push 0043C384 ASCII "TOTALNUM"
00416354 push 0043C400 ASCII "kernel32.dll"
00416380 push 0043C3E8 ASCII "CreateWaitableTimerA"
00416388 push 0043C3D4 ASCII "SetWaitableTimer"
00416FB4 push 0043C438 ASCII "KERNEL32.DLL"
00416FC5 push 0043C424 ASCII "OpenWaitableTimerA"
00416FD4 push 0043C3E8 ASCII "CreateWaitableTimerA"
00416FDE push 0043C3D4 ASCII "SetWaitableTimer"
00416FEB push 0043C410 ASCII "CancelWaitableTimer"
00417406 mov ecx, 0043C4A8 ASCII "ROCKEYNT"
00417476 push 0043C498 ASCII "\\.\ROCKEYNT"
004174D1 push 0043C480 ASCII "\drivers\rockeynt.sys"
00417547 push 0043C470 ASCII "\rockeynt.sys"
00417616 push 0043C498 ASCII "\\.\ROCKEYNT"
00417646 push 0043C460 ASCII "\\.\ROCKEY9X"
0041766C push 0043C44C ASCII "\\.\rockey9x.vxd"
00417688 push 0043C460 ASCII "\\.\ROCKEY9X"
00417922 mov dword ptr [eax], 00431FA8 ASCII "0yA"
00417950 mov dword ptr [ecx], 00431FA8 ASCII "0yA"
0041807B mov ebp, 004321FC ASCII "*.*"
004182C7 push 00432200 ASCII "file://"
00418BC2 push 00432CEC ASCII "USER32"
00418BD9 push 00432CD8 ASCII "GetSystemMetrics"
00418BEA push 00432CC4 ASCII "MonitorFromWindow"
00418BFB push 00432CB4 ASCII "MonitorFromRect"
00418C0C push 00432CA0 ASCII "MonitorFromPoint"
00418C1D push 00432C8C ASCII "EnumDisplayMonitors"
00418C2E push 00432C7C ASCII "GetMonitorInfoA"
00418DB9 push 00432CF4 ASCII "DISPLAY"
00418EDC push ebp (初始 CPU 选择)
0041CE0C push 004330F0 ASCII "__MSVCRT_HEAP_SELECT"
0041D018 push 004333DC ASCII "<program name unknown>"
0041D05A push 004333D8 ASCII "..."
0041D06E push 004333BC ASCII "Runtime Error!",LF,LF,"Program: "
0041D08C push 004333B8 ASCII LF,LF
0041D0B4 push 00433390 ASCII "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library"
0041EA99 push 10000 UNICODE "=::=::\"
0041EAE4 push 0043352C ASCII "KERNEL32"
0041EAF3 push 00433510 ASCII "IsProcessorFeaturePresent"
0041ECC3 push 00433538 ASCII "e+000"
004200B1 mov ebx, 10000 UNICODE "=::=::\"
00420988 mov dword ptr [esp], 004335A0 ASCII "TZ"
00421EAF push 004336B4 ASCII "user32.dll"
00421EC6 push 004336A8 ASCII "MessageBoxA"
00421ED7 push 00433698 ASCII "GetActiveWindow"
00421EDF push 00433684 ASCII "GetLastActivePopup"
004224D3 cmp ecx, 10000 UNICODE "=::=::\"
004237FF push 004336D8 ASCII "1#SNAN"
00423819 push 004336D0 ASCII "1#IND"
0042382A push 004336C8 ASCII "1#INF"
00423847 push 004336C0 ASCII "1#QNAN"
00424C21 push 0043215C ASCII "I64"
00424C8B mov dword ptr [ebp-C], 10000 UNICODE "=::=::\"
00424DE6 push 00432154 ASCII "%*.*f"
00426ED8 push 00432020 ASCII "8 C"
00428319 push 00432CFC ASCII "commctrl_DragListMsg"
004288DB mov esi, 00432C10 ASCII "AfxOldWndProc423"
00428B49 push 00432DD0 ASCII "ime"
00428C24 mov esi, 00432C10 ASCII "AfxOldWndProc423"
00428DFF mov dword ptr [esi+28], 00432C24 ASCII "AfxWnd42s"
0042A5E8 mov esi, 00432E00 ASCII "COMCTL32.DLL"
0042A604 push 00432DE8 ASCII "InitCommonControlsEx"
0042A6C5 mov dword ptr [ebp-10], 00432C24 ASCII "AfxWnd42s"
0042A6E6 mov dword ptr [ebp-10], 00432C68 ASCII "AfxOleControl42s"
0042A706 mov dword ptr [ebp-10], 00432C30 ASCII "AfxControlBar42s"
0042A72E push 00432C44 ASCII "AfxMDIFrame42s"
0042A753 push 00432C54 ASCII "AfxFrameOrView42s"
0042A8A8 mov eax, 10000 UNICODE "=::=::\"
0042B98C push 00432900 ASCII "combobox"
0042BEB1 push 00432918 ASCII "%d"
0042C044 mov eax, 00432020 ASCII "8 C"
0042C7D2 push 00432360 ASCII "PreviewPages"
0042C7D7 push 00432370 ASCII "Settings"
0042D4D5 push 00432894 ASCII ".HLP"
0042D502 push 0043288C ASCII ".INI"
0042D5A0 push 0043290C ASCII "software"
文本字串参考位于 Streamin:.text
地址 反汇编 文本字串
004011C5 push 0043A110 ASCII "%s error"
004011DF push 0043A100 ASCII "%s error #%d"
0040127B push 0043A190 ASCII "Create"
00401306 push 0043A198 ASCII "Bind"
00401393 push 0043A1A0 ASCII "Listen"
00401435 push 0043A1A8 ASCII "Accept"
004014D8 push 0043A1B0 ASCII "Close"
0040159C push 0043A1C0 ASCII "Send timeout"
00401607 push 0043A1B8 ASCII "Send"
004027C3 mov edi, 0043A1EC ASCII ".sys"
00402937 mov edi, 0043A1F8 ASCII "CLSID\"
00402A3D push 0043A200 ASCII "windll"
00402ACA push 0043A200 ASCII "windll"
00402B2A push 0043A200 ASCII "windll"
00402B8F push 0043A208 ASCII "%d.%d.%d"
00402CE5 push 0043A200 ASCII "windll"
00402D1D push 0043A200 ASCII "windll"
00402DB3 push 0043A200 ASCII "windll"
0040306D mov esi, 0043A25C UNICODE "\device\physicalmemory"
00403096 push 0043A250 ASCII "ntdll.dll"
004030FB push 0043A240 ASCII "ZwOpenSection"
00403103 push 0043A22C ASCII "ZwMapViewOfSection"
0040310D push 0043A214 ASCII "ZwUnmapViewOfSection"
0040320A push 0043A298 ASCII "\\.\Scsi%d:"
00403261 push 0043A28C ASCII "SCSIDISK"
0040344B push 0043A2A4 ASCII "\\.\PhysicalDrive%d"
004038B0 push 0043A4F0 ASCII "CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Requested file %s does not exist"
0040396F push 0043A484 ASCII "CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to create anonymous pipes for STDOUT for CGI child process, Error:%d"
00403A14 push 0043A418 ASCII "CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to create anonymous pipes for STDIN for CGI child process, Error:%d"
00403AB0 push 0043A3A8 ASCII "CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to duplicate STDOUT handle for STDERR handle CGI child process, Error:%d"
00403B41 push 0043A358 ASCII "CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to duplicate STDOUT read handle, Error:%d"
00403BE6 push 0043A308 ASCII "CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to duplicate STDIN write handle, Error:%d"
00403DE2 push 0043A2B8 ASCII "CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to run the CGI child process, Error:%d"
00403FF7 push 0043A818 ASCII "AUTH_TYPE=Basic",LF
0040400D push 0043A808 ASCII "AUTH_REALM=%s",LF
00404034 push 0043A7F8 ASCII "REMOTE_USER=%s",LF
0040405B push 0043A7E8 ASCII "AUTH_USER=%s",LF
00404082 push 0043A7D4 ASCII "REMOTE_PASSWORD=%s",LF
004040A5 push 0043A7C0 ASCII "AUTH_PASSWORD=%s",LF
004040B1 push 0043A7B0 ASCII "AUTH_TYPE=NTLM",LF
004040CA push 0043A7F8 ASCII "REMOTE_USER=%s",LF
004040ED push 0043A7E8 ASCII "AUTH_USER=%s",LF
0040410D push 0043A794 ASCII "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1",LF
00404133 push 0043A784 ASCII "SERVER_NAME=%s",LF
0040416E push 0043A784 ASCII "SERVER_NAME=%s",LF
00404197 push 0043A774 ASCII "SERVER_NAME=",LF
004041BF push 0043A760 ASCII "CONTENT_LENGTH=%d",LF
004041ED push 0043A74C ASCII "CONTENT_TYPE=%s",LF
0040421E push 0043A73C ASCII "SERVER_PORT=%d",LF
0040423A push 0043A720 ASCII "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1",LF
00404259 push 0043A70C ASCII "SERVER_SOFTWARE=%s",LF
004042E8 push 0043A6F8 ASCII "SCRIPT_NAME=%s",LF
0040432B push 0043A6E4 ASCII "PATH_TRANSLATED=%s",LF
0040434F push 0043A6D0 ASCII "REQUEST_LINE=%s",LF
00404373 push 0043A6BC ASCII "QUERY_STRING=%s",LF
004043A2 push 0043A6AC ASCII "REMOTE_HOST=%s",LF
004043CE push 0043A690 ASCII "REMOTE_HOST=%d.%d.%d.%d",LF
00404406 push 0043A674 ASCII "REMOTE_ADDR=%d.%d.%d.%d",LF
0040442A push 0043A664 ASCII "PATH_INFO=%s",LF
0040444E push 0043A650 ASCII "REQUEST_METHOD=%s",LF
00404488 push 0043A62C ASCII "HTTPS_KEYSIZE=%d",LF,"CERT_KEYSIZE=%d",LF
004044E8 push 0043A5F0 ASCII "HTTPS=off",LF
00404521 push 0043A5D8 ASCII "CERT_SERIALNUMBER=%d",LF
00404545 push 0043A5C8 ASCII "REQUEST_URI=%s",LF
00404569 push 0043A5C0 ASCII "URL=%s",LF
004045AD push 0043A5B0 ASCII "LOGON_USER=%s",LF
004046A3 push 0043A53C ASCII "HTTP_VERSION=%d.%d",LF
00404714 push 0043A530 ASCII "HTTP_%s=%s",LF
0040489E push 0043A83C ASCII "%s\Shell\Open\Command"
00404940 push 0043A838 ASCII "%L"
00404951 push 0043A834 ASCII "%1"
00404960 push 0043A830 ASCII "%*"
00404AB6 push 0043A8EC ASCII "Connection: Keep-Alive"
00404AD4 push 0043A8D8 ASCII "Content-Length: "
00404AED push 0043A8D0 ASCII "HTTP/"
00404B0D mov edi, 0043A8BC ASCII "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",LF
00404B2D push 0043A8BC ASCII "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",LF
00404B83 push 0043A878 ASCII "CHttpCGI::ReadFromClientStdout, Failed to send to socket, Error:%d"
00404C77 push 0043A930 ASCII "MSWSOCK.DLL"
00404C8E push 0043A920 ASCII "TransmitFile"
00404C98 push 0043A910 ASCII "TransmitPackets"
00404D8A cmp esi, 10000 UNICODE "=::=::\"
00404D90 mov dword ptr [esp+10], 10000 UNICODE "=::=::\"
004053BB push 0043A93C ASCII "%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d"
0040563A push 0043AA30 ASCII "CHttpClient::HandleClient, Failed in call to WSAEventSelect, GetLastError:%d"
004057FC push 0043A9E0 ASCII "CHttpClient::HandleClient, Failed to logon using user name: %s, GetLastError:%d"
00405E9E push 0043A998 ASCII "lms://%s:%s/lms.dll?auth=%s:%s&down=%d&name=%s&progid=%s&progpath=%s"
00405F58 push 0043A95C ASCII "lms://%s:%d/lms.dll?auth=%s:%s&down=%d&progid=%s&name=%s"
00406027 push 0043A95C ASCII "lms://%s:%d/lms.dll?auth=%s:%s&down=%d&progid=%s&name=%s"
004060B2 push 0043A95C ASCII "lms://%s:%d/lms.dll?auth=%s:%s&down=%d&progid=%s&name=%s"
004061F5 push 0043AAB0 ASCII "GET"
00406213 push 0043AAA8 ASCII "POST"
0040622D push 0043AAA0 ASCII "HEAD"
00406248 push 0043AA9C ASCII "PUT"
00406263 push 0043AA94 ASCII "LINK"
0040627E push 0043AA8C ASCII "DELETE"
00406299 push 0043AA84 ASCII "UNLINK"
004064CB push 0043A8D0 ASCII "HTTP/"
00406586 push 0043AB14 ASCII "Sun"
004065A1 push 0043AB0C ASCII "Sunday"
004065B7 push 0043AB08 ASCII "Mon"
004065CD push 0043AB00 ASCII "Monday"
004065E3 push 0043AAFC ASCII "Tue"
004065F9 push 0043AAF4 ASCII "Tuesday"
0040660F push 0043AAF0 ASCII "Wed"
00406625 push 0043AAE4 ASCII "Wednesday"
0040663B push 0043AAE0 ASCII "Thu"
0040664D push 0043AAD4 ASCII "Thursday"
0040665F push 0043AAD0 ASCII "Fri"
00406671 push 0043AAC8 ASCII "Friday"
00406683 push 0043AAC4 ASCII "Sat"
00406695 push 0043AAB8 ASCII "Saturday"
00406726 push 0043AB44 ASCII "Jan"
00406748 push 0043AB40 ASCII "Feb"
00406769 push 0043AB3C ASCII "Mar"
0040678A push 0043AB38 ASCII "Apr"
004067AB push 0043AB34 ASCII "May"
004067CC push 0043AB30 ASCII "Jun"
004067ED push 0043AB2C ASCII "Jul"
0040680E push 0043AB28 ASCII "Aug"
0040682F push 0043AB24 ASCII "Sep"
00406850 push 0043AB20 ASCII "Oct"
00406871 push 0043AB1C ASCII "Nov"
00406892 push 0043AB18 ASCII "Dec"
00406D6E push 0043AB58 ASCII "Basic"
00406FC7 push 0043ABB8 ASCII "If-Modified-Since"
0040701E push 0043ABA8 ASCII "Authorization"
00407044 push 0043AB98 ASCII "Content-Type"
0040706A push 0043AB88 ASCII "Content-Length"
00407092 push 0043AB7C ASCII "Connection"
004070A6 push 0043AB70 ASCII "Keep-Alive"
004070C6 push 0043AB68 ASCII "Range"
0040719B push 0043AB60 ASCII "first"
00407230 push 0043ABCC ASCII CR,LF,CR,LF
004074A7 push 0043AC18 ASCII "text/html"
0040754B push 0043ABD4 ASCII "CHttpClient::ReturnErrorMessage, Failed to send to socket, Error:%d"
0040768E push 0043AC18 ASCII "text/html"
00407834 push 0043AC18 ASCII "text/html"
0040798B push 0043AC18 ASCII "text/html"
00407B9A push 0043AC24 ASCII "CHttpClient::TransmitBuffer, Failed to send to socket, Error:%d"
00408038 push 0043AC70 ASCII "lms.dll"
004080CF push 0043AC68 ASCII "msdrive"
00408101 push 0043AC68 ASCII "msdrive"
004081E8 push 0043AC64 ASCII ".."
00408AC8 push 0043AD14 ASCII "%.4d/%.2d/%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d"
00408B53 push 0043AD14 ASCII "%.4d/%.2d/%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d"
00408B7C push 0043AD08 ASCII "%d.%d.%d.%d"
00408C34 push 0043ACC0 ASCII "CHttpClient::TransmitFile, Failed to send to response header, Error:%d"
00408CC4 push 0043AD14 ASCII "%.4d/%.2d/%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d"
00408D73 push 0043AD14 ASCII "%.4d/%.2d/%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d"
00408E1D push 0043AC78 ASCII "CHttpClient::TransmitFile, Failed to send response file data, Error:%d"
00408ED9 push 0043ADC8 ASCII "CHttpClient::TransmitBuffer, Failed to send response via TransmitPackets, Error:%d"
00408F39 push 0043AD7C ASCII "CHttpClient::TransmitBuffer, Failed to send to response header, Error:%d"
00408FA0 push 0043AD34 ASCII "CHttpClient::TransmitBuffer, Failed to send to response body, Error:%d"
0040912E push 0043AE4C ASCII "auth"
004091F9 push 0043AE44 ASCII "progid"
00409247 push 0043AE3C ASCII "session"
00409296 push 0043AE34 ASCII "name"
004092E4 push 0043AE2C ASCII "down"
0040934F push 0043AE24 ASCII "preview"
004093B4 push 0043AE1C ASCII "balance"
0040956B push 0043AE4C ASCII "auth"
0040964D push 0043AE44 ASCII "progid"
004096E9 push 0043AE3C ASCII "session"
0040973D push 0043AE5C ASCII "progpath"
0040979B push 0043AE34 ASCII "name"
004097F4 push 0043AE2C ASCII "down"
00409859 push 0043AE24 ASCII "preview"
00409D59 push 0043AE68 ASCII "CHttpDirectory::HandleDirectoryAuthorization, Directory is protected but all authentication mechanisms are disabled, All requests for this directory will fail!!, %s"
00409E46 push 0043AF74 ASCII "\*.*"
00409F14 push 0043AF68 ASCII "<table>",CR,LF
0040A05E push 0043AF1C ASCII "<tr>",CR,LF,"<td><a href=%s>%s</a></td><td>%dKB</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>",CR,LF,"</tr>"
0040A0C7 push 0043AF10 ASCII "</table>",CR,LF
0040A0F6 push 0043A834 ASCII "%1"
0040A1DA push 0043AC18 ASCII "text/html"
0040A4A5 push 0043AC18 ASCII "text/html"
0040A6FB push 0043AF7C ASCII "CHttpDirectory::TransmitFile, Failed to send to socket, Error:%d"
0040AB10 push 0043AFC0 ASCII "application/octet-stream"
0040B2F1 push 0043B224 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",CR,LF
0040B304 push 0043B20C ASCII "HTTP/1.1 201 Created",CR,LF
0040B317 push 0043B1F4 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted",CR,LF
0040B32A push 0043B1D8 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 204 No Content",CR,LF
0040B33D push 0043B1B8 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content",CR,LF
0040B350 push 0043B198 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 300 Multiple Choices",CR,LF
0040B384 push 0043B174 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently",CR,LF
0040B397 push 0043B150 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily",CR,LF
0040B3AA push 0043B134 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified",CR,LF
0040B3BD push 0043B118 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request",CR,LF
0040B3D0 push 0043B0FC ASCII "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized",CR,LF
0040B3E0 push 0043B0E0 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden",CR,LF
0040B3F0 push 0043B0C4 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found",CR,LF
0040B400 push 0043B09C ASCII "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error",CR,LF
0040B410 push 0043B07C ASCII "HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented",CR,LF
0040B420 push 0043B060 ASCII "HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway",CR,LF
0040B430 push 0043B03C ASCII "HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable",CR,LF
0040B445 push 0043B02C ASCII "HTTP/1.1 %d",CR,LF
0040B5CB push 0043B238 ASCII "Content-Length: %d",CR,LF
0040B642 push 0043B250 ASCII "Content-Range: bytes %d-%d/%d",CR,LF
0040B6C5 push 0043B270 ASCII "Content-Type: %s",CR,LF
0040B788 push 0043B284 ASCII "%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT"
0040B7D8 push 0043B2C4 ASCII "Allow: GET, POST, HEAD, DELETE",CR,LF
0040B7E5 push 0043B2A8 ASCII "Allow: GET, POST, HEAD",CR,LF
0040B845 push 0043B2E8 ASCII "Date: %s",CR,LF
0040B8E5 push 0043B2F4 ASCII "Last-Modified: %s",CR,LF
0040B985 push 0043B308 ASCII "Expires: %s",CR,LF
0040B9E0 push 0043B318 ASCII "Connection: Keep-Alive",CR,LF
0040BA25 push 0043B334 ASCII "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=%s",CR,LF
0040BAAE push 0043B374 ASCII "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM %s",CR,LF
0040BABE push 0043B358 ASCII "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM",CR,LF
0040BB35 push 0043B390 ASCII "Location: %s",CR,LF
0040BBB5 push 0043B3A0 ASCII "Server: %s",CR,LF
0040BCD6 mov edi, 0043B3B0 ASCII CR,LF
0040BFB1 mov eax, 0043ABCC ASCII CR,LF,CR,LF
0040BFDA push 0043B3B0 ASCII CR,LF
0040C053 push 0043AB88 ASCII "Content-Length"
0040C087 push 0043B3B0 ASCII CR,LF
0040C0DC mov edi, 0043ABCC ASCII CR,LF,CR,LF
0040C2E7 mov eax, 0043ABCC ASCII CR,LF,CR,LF
0040C310 push 0043B3B0 ASCII CR,LF
0040C389 push 0043AB88 ASCII "Content-Length"
0040C3BD push 0043B3B0 ASCII CR,LF
0040C410 mov edi, 0043ABCC ASCII CR,LF,CR,LF
0040C878 push 0043B3CC ASCII "license.lic"
0040CAA9 push 0043B3E8 ASCII "\digest.dat"
0040CB1B push 0043B3D8 ASCII "PowerCOM-VOD7"
0040D5D0 mov edi, 0043B3F8 ASCII "408"
0040D62C mov edi, 0043B3F4 ASCII "200"
0040D6D7 push 0043B414 ASCII "%s",LF
0040D7C0 push 0043B418 ASCII "Received request to shut down the Streaming Server",LF
0040D8AC push 0043B490 ASCII " ",TAB
0040D929 push 0043B474 ASCII "Ballet Streaming Server"
0040D933 push 0043B474 ASCII "Ballet Streaming Server"
0040D942 push 0043B474 ASCII "Ballet Streaming Server"
0040D993 push 0043B474 ASCII "Ballet Streaming Server"
0040D9D9 push 0043B44C ASCII "Fatal Error: Couldn't start Service",LF
0040DA5B push 0043B494 ASCII "Failure registering service handler"
0040DAD1 push 0043B930 ASCII "Failed to initialise Winsock, GetLastError:%d",LF
0040DAFC push 0043B8E4 ASCII "Failed to initialize a compatible Winsock 2 TCP/IP stack, GetLastError:%d",LF
0040DB51 push 0043B8E0 ASCII "ini"
0040DB8C push 0043B8D4 ASCII "Directories"
0040DB91 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040DC05 push 0043B8C4 ASCII "Dir%d"
0040DC2A push 0043B8BC ASCII "Alias"
0040DC72 push 0043B8B4 ASCII "Path"
0040DCB5 push 0043B8A8 ASCII "index.html"
0040DCBA push 0043B89C ASCII "DefaultFile"
0040DCF2 push 0043B888 ASCII "DirectoryListing"
0040DD04 push 0043B87C ASCII "Writable"
0040DD16 push 0043B874 ASCII "Script"
0040DD38 push 0043B868 ASCII "Username"
0040DD81 push 0043B85C ASCII "Password"
0040DDCA push 0043B854 ASCII "Realm"
0040E01A push 0043B84C ASCII "Port"
0040E01F push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E02C push 0043B844 ASCII "RCPort"
0040E031 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E041 push 0043B838 ASCII "DNSLookup"
0040E046 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E076 push 0043B82C ASCII "BindAddress"
0040E07B push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E0CE push 0043B824 ASCII "Timeout"
0040E0D3 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E0EF push 0043B818 ASCII "ServerName"
0040E0F4 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E127 push 0043B868 ASCII "Username"
0040E12C push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E15A push 0043B85C ASCII "Password"
0040E15F push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E180 push 0043B808 ASCII "WritableTimeout"
0040E185 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E194 push 0043B7F0 ASCII "EnableThreadLifetime"
0040E199 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E1B1 push 0043B7E0 ASCII "ThreadLifetime"
0040E1B6 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E1C5 push 0043B7D0 ASCII "UseIOCPQueue"
0040E1CA push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E1DE push 0043B7C4 ASCII "KeepAlives"
0040E1E3 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E1FB push 0043B7B8 ASCII "AutoExpire"
0040E200 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E20F push 0043B7A8 ASCII "AllowDeletes"
0040E214 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E228 push 0043B798 ASCII "LiminConnect"
0040E22D push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E245 push 0043B78C ASCII "MaxConnect"
0040E24A push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E261 push 0043B780 ASCII "LivePort"
0040E266 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E275 push 0043B768 ASCII "CGIResponseBufferSize"
0040E27A push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E293 push 0043B758 ASCII "AllowAnonymous"
0040E298 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E2A7 push 0043B73C ASCII "AllowBasicAuthentication"
0040E2AC push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E2C0 push 0043B724 ASCII "AllowNTLMAuthentication"
0040E2C5 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E2E4 push 0043B720 ASCII "10"
0040E2E9 push 0043AE24 ASCII "preview"
0040E2EE push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E31E push 0043B710 ASCII "ForbidAccess"
0040E323 push 0043B8CC ASCII "General"
0040E3AF push 0043B6FC ASCII "BeMainServer"
0040E3B4 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E3C3 push 0043B6E0 ASCII "MainServerPort"
0040E3C8 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E3E7 push 0043B6D0 ASCII "MainServerIP"
0040E3EC push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E417 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E426 push 0043B6AC ASCII "MAXBANDWIDTH"
0040E42B push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E443 push 0043B69C ASCII "CPULIMITCHECKED"
0040E448 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E457 push 0043B694 ASCII "MAXCPU"
0040E45C push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E475 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E48D push 0043B674 ASCII "MAXCONNECT"
0040E492 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E4A1 push 0043B664 ASCII "AttemperStart"
0040E4A6 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E4B5 push 0043B654 ASCII "ForceAttemper"
0040E4BA push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E4CE push 0043B640 ASCII "ExceptMainServer"
0040E4D3 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E4F2 push 0043B630 ASCII "AttemperServer"
0040E4F7 push 0043B6F0 ASCII "Distribute"
0040E592 push 0043B628 ASCII "Mime"
0040E60C push 0043B5F4 ASCII "Failed to read any MIME map settings from ini file",LF
0040E637 push 0043B5D0 ASCII "Streaming server is starting...",LF
0040E6B1 push 0043B5A4 ASCII "Failed to start up the Streaming server",LF
0040E6CB push 0043B574 ASCII "Listening for incoming connections on port %d",LF
0040E6E1 push 0043B538 ASCII "Reverse DNS lookups will be performed on client requests",LF
0040E6FE push 0043B518 ASCII "Binding to local address: %s",LF
0040E712 push 0043B4FC ASCII "Configured Server Name: %s",LF
0040E7C7 push 0043B4DC ASCII "Streaming Server is running!",LF
0040E7DF push 0043B4B8 ASCII "Streaming server has shut down...",LF
0040EA3D push 0043B97C ASCII "Stopping Service Error: %d",LF
0040EA5C push 0043B960 ASCII "Starting Service Error: %d",LF
0040EAAD push 0043B9F8 ASCII """%s"""
0040EAD0 push 0043B9C4 ASCII "Failed to install Ballet Streaming Server Service",LF
0040EB20 push 0043B998 ASCII "Installed Ballet Streaming Server Service",LF
0040EB39 push 0043B9C4 ASCII "Failed to install Ballet Streaming Server Service",LF
0040EED6 push 0043BA60 ASCII "Failed to Ballet Streaming Server Service",LF
0040EF1F push 0043BA34 ASCII "Removed Ballet Streaming Server Service",LF
0040EF33 push 0043BA00 ASCII "Failed to remove Ballet Streaming Server Service",LF
0040FBBA push 0043BACC ASCII "%02x"
00411567 push 0043BB40 ASCII "default.htm"
004115B8 push 0043BB2C ASCII "StreamingServer/0.1"
004116D3 push 0043BB20 ASCII "index.htm"
0041232A push 0043BBF8 ASCII "CHttpServer::Start, Failed to call to create listener thread, please check settings"
004123D8 push 0043BBF8 ASCII "CHttpServer::Start, Failed to call to create listener thread, please check settings"
00412481 push 0043BBA4 ASCII "CHttpServer::Start, Failed to call to create report thread, please check settings"
0041250F push 0043BB4C ASCII "CHttpServer::Start, Failed to call to create Maintance thread, please check settings"
0041267D push 0043BC4C ASCII "CHttpServer::Wait, Http server is not running, so no need to wait"
00412A8E push 0043BF70 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed to create thread pool, GetLastError:%d"
00412B43 push 0043BF00 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed in call to m_ThreadPool.SetMaxThreadClientLifetime, GetLastError:%d"
00412CBD push 0043BEA8 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed to logon using user name: %s, GetLastError:%d"
00412D3E push 0043BE4C ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed to impersonate using supplied user credentials"
00412DB9 push 0043BDF4 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed in call to WSAEventSelect, GetLastError:%d"
00412F0A push 0043BD90 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, An error occurred accepting a client connection, GetLastError:%d"
00412F9D push 0043BD38 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed to listen on server socket, GetLastError:%d"
00413000 push 0043BCE4 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed to bind server socket, GetLastError:%d"
0041305F push 0043BC90 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed to create server socket, GetLastError:%d"
004130F4 push 0043BFE8 ASCII "StatusMaintainThread is starting...",LF
00413148 push 0043BFC4 ASCII "Streaming server is shutdowning...",LF
00413162 push 0043BFC4 ASCII "Streaming server is shutdowning...",LF
00413244 push 0043C010 ASCII "CHttpServer::ReportThread, Failed to create server socket, GetLastError:%d"
00413421 push 0043C010 ASCII "CHttpServer::ReportThread, Failed to create server socket, GetLastError:%d"
00413559 push 0043C1A8 ASCII "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time"
004135A4 push 0043C194 ASCII "Network Interface"
0041362E push 0043C178 ASCII "MS TCP Loopback interface"
0041364A push 0043C150 ASCII "\Network Interface(%s)\Bytes Total/sec"
0041371C push 0043BDF4 ASCII "CHttpServer::ListenSocketFunction, Failed in call to WSAEventSelect, GetLastError:%d"
00413942 push 0043C0FC ASCII "CHttpServer::QueryListenThread, Failed to listen on server socket, GetLastError:%d"
004139F6 push 0043C0FC ASCII "CHttpServer::QueryListenThread, Failed to listen on server socket, GetLastError:%d"
00413A50 push 0043C0AC ASCII "CHttpServer::QueryListenThread, Failed to bind server socket, GetLastError:%d"
00413AA9 push 0043C05C ASCII "CHttpServer::QueryListenThread, Failed to create server socket, GetLastError:%d"
004141FD mov dword ptr [esi], 00431AA0 ASCII " BA"
00414266 mov dword ptr [esi], 00431AA0 ASCII " BA"
00414429 push 0043C30C ASCII ""
0041450F push 0043C2BC ASCII "<server maxnum=""%d"" maxlivenum=""%d"" clients=""%d"" cpu=""%d"" bandwidth=""%.3f"" >"
0041457D push 0043C24C ASCII "<client ip=""%s"" session=""%d"" name=""%s"" path=""%s"" start=""%s"" user=""%s"" bandwidth=""%.3f"" bandwidthaver=""%.3f"" />"
004145A9 push 0043C1DC ASCII "<client ip=""%s"" session=""%d"" name=""%s"" path=""%s"" start=""%s"" user=""%s"" bandWidth=""%.3f"" bandwidthaver=""%.3f"" />"
004145CA push 0043C1CC ASCII "</server>",CR,LF,CR,LF
00415022 push 0043C378 ASCII "PSServer32"
00415027 push 0043C350 ASCII "{0BB0AFF3-506B-48af-A50D-1579A51978C8}"
004152CF push 0043ABCC ASCII CR,LF,CR,LF
00415597 push 0043C3A4 ASCII "MAXNUM"
004155CF push 0043C398 ASCII "MAXLIVENUM"
00415601 push 0043C390 ASCII "EDITION"
00415633 push 0043C384 ASCII "TOTALNUM"
00416354 push 0043C400 ASCII "kernel32.dll"
00416380 push 0043C3E8 ASCII "CreateWaitableTimerA"
00416388 push 0043C3D4 ASCII "SetWaitableTimer"
00416FB4 push 0043C438 ASCII "KERNEL32.DLL"
00416FC5 push 0043C424 ASCII "OpenWaitableTimerA"
00416FD4 push 0043C3E8 ASCII "CreateWaitableTimerA"
00416FDE push 0043C3D4 ASCII "SetWaitableTimer"
00416FEB push 0043C410 ASCII "CancelWaitableTimer"
00417406 mov ecx, 0043C4A8 ASCII "ROCKEYNT"
00417476 push 0043C498 ASCII "\\.\ROCKEYNT"
004174D1 push 0043C480 ASCII "\drivers\rockeynt.sys"
00417547 push 0043C470 ASCII "\rockeynt.sys"
00417616 push 0043C498 ASCII "\\.\ROCKEYNT"
00417646 push 0043C460 ASCII "\\.\ROCKEY9X"
0041766C push 0043C44C ASCII "\\.\rockey9x.vxd"
00417688 push 0043C460 ASCII "\\.\ROCKEY9X"
00417922 mov dword ptr [eax], 00431FA8 ASCII "0yA"
00417950 mov dword ptr [ecx], 00431FA8 ASCII "0yA"
0041807B mov ebp, 004321FC ASCII "*.*"
004182C7 push 00432200 ASCII "file://"
00418BC2 push 00432CEC ASCII "USER32"
00418BD9 push 00432CD8 ASCII "GetSystemMetrics"
00418BEA push 00432CC4 ASCII "MonitorFromWindow"
00418BFB push 00432CB4 ASCII "MonitorFromRect"
00418C0C push 00432CA0 ASCII "MonitorFromPoint"
00418C1D push 00432C8C ASCII "EnumDisplayMonitors"
00418C2E push 00432C7C ASCII "GetMonitorInfoA"
00418DB9 push 00432CF4 ASCII "DISPLAY"
00418EDC push ebp (初始 CPU 选择)
0041CE0C push 004330F0 ASCII "__MSVCRT_HEAP_SELECT"
0041D018 push 004333DC ASCII "<program name unknown>"
0041D05A push 004333D8 ASCII "..."
0041D06E push 004333BC ASCII "Runtime Error!",LF,LF,"Program: "
0041D08C push 004333B8 ASCII LF,LF
0041D0B4 push 00433390 ASCII "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library"
0041EA99 push 10000 UNICODE "=::=::\"
0041EAE4 push 0043352C ASCII "KERNEL32"
0041EAF3 push 00433510 ASCII "IsProcessorFeaturePresent"
0041ECC3 push 00433538 ASCII "e+000"
004200B1 mov ebx, 10000 UNICODE "=::=::\"
00420988 mov dword ptr [esp], 004335A0 ASCII "TZ"
00421EAF push 004336B4 ASCII "user32.dll"
00421EC6 push 004336A8 ASCII "MessageBoxA"
00421ED7 push 00433698 ASCII "GetActiveWindow"
00421EDF push 00433684 ASCII "GetLastActivePopup"
004224D3 cmp ecx, 10000 UNICODE "=::=::\"
004237FF push 004336D8 ASCII "1#SNAN"
00423819 push 004336D0 ASCII "1#IND"
0042382A push 004336C8 ASCII "1#INF"
00423847 push 004336C0 ASCII "1#QNAN"
00424C21 push 0043215C ASCII "I64"
00424C8B mov dword ptr [ebp-C], 10000 UNICODE "=::=::\"
00424DE6 push 00432154 ASCII "%*.*f"
00426ED8 push 00432020 ASCII "8 C"
00428319 push 00432CFC ASCII "commctrl_DragListMsg"
004288DB mov esi, 00432C10 ASCII "AfxOldWndProc423"
00428B49 push 00432DD0 ASCII "ime"
00428C24 mov esi, 00432C10 ASCII "AfxOldWndProc423"
00428DFF mov dword ptr [esi+28], 00432C24 ASCII "AfxWnd42s"
0042A5E8 mov esi, 00432E00 ASCII "COMCTL32.DLL"
0042A604 push 00432DE8 ASCII "InitCommonControlsEx"
0042A6C5 mov dword ptr [ebp-10], 00432C24 ASCII "AfxWnd42s"
0042A6E6 mov dword ptr [ebp-10], 00432C68 ASCII "AfxOleControl42s"
0042A706 mov dword ptr [ebp-10], 00432C30 ASCII "AfxControlBar42s"
0042A72E push 00432C44 ASCII "AfxMDIFrame42s"
0042A753 push 00432C54 ASCII "AfxFrameOrView42s"
0042A8A8 mov eax, 10000 UNICODE "=::=::\"
0042B98C push 00432900 ASCII "combobox"
0042BEB1 push 00432918 ASCII "%d"
0042C044 mov eax, 00432020 ASCII "8 C"
0042C7D2 push 00432360 ASCII "PreviewPages"
0042C7D7 push 00432370 ASCII "Settings"
0042D4D5 push 00432894 ASCII ".HLP"
0042D502 push 0043288C ASCII ".INI"
0042D5A0 push 0043290C ASCII "software"
[招生]科锐逆向工程师培训(2024年11月15日实地,远程教学同时开班, 第51期)