发表于: 2006-9-14 11:29 6318


2006-9-14 11:29

注意:不是机器码等于CD01的那个“int 1”双字节指令,



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雪    币: 238
活跃值: (326)
能力值: ( LV12,RANK:450 )
Undocumented OpCodes: ICEBP


This instruction exists in this form on all 386-class processors.

ICEBP - F1 - INT01 (ICE BreakPoint)

An undocumented op code that will make debugging run-time code on an ICE
easier. Normally, to set an arbitrary breakpoint in a program which was
loaded by an operating system, you must perform a laborious task of
figuring out where your program was loaded in memory. Follow that
process with an equally laborious task of calculating the offset in
memory which corresponds to the desired breakpoint. This process is
exacerbated by programs which use many segments, especially many code
segments. Now for one final complication, consider that your program
switches from real mode, to protected mode, with paging enabled, and you
are not using a 1-to-1 mapping of physical to virtual memory. You want
to talk about a nightmare just to figure out where to set a breakpoint?

All of these problems are eliminated, simply by using this instruction -
- provided you know its caveats.

Undocumented:  Available to all 80386-class (and above)
               processors as described herein.
               May be available to 80286 processors, but
                 implemented in a different manner.
               Useful to BONDOUT (ICE) processors.
               Especially useful during ICE debugging.
               Useful in production source code.
Flags:                                            ICE Break Point
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                                  +----------+
|O|D|I|T|S|Z|A|P|C|                                  | 11110001 |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                                  +----------+
| | | | | | | | | |                                  |    F1    |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                                  +----------+

The name ICEBP was given by a pre-production Intel ICE that had the
ability to disassemble undocumented op codes. The name ICEBP is a
misnomer because the instruction is actually a single byte single-step
exception (INT-01).

How you use ICEBP depends upon whether or not you are using an 80386
ICE, Intel486 ICE, or Pentium ICE. For the purposes of this article,
usage of ICEBP on 80386 and Intel486 are identical. Pentium enables
ICEBP a little differently than its predecessors.

Two effects of ICEBP -- 80386 and Intel486

]ICEBP has two operational effects: When Interrupt Redirection (IR) is
disabled, ICEBP acts as a single byte INT 01. When this instruction
occurs, it invokes the standard INT 01 handler. Unlike the single step
exception (Trap Flag=1), this instruction does not set the trap flag on
the stack image, nor modifies the trap flag on the stack image.
Therefore, upon termination of the INT 01 handler, execution continues
without further occurrences of the single step breakpoints.

When Interrupt Redirection is enabled, ICEBP will attempt to invoke the
hardware breakpoint handler associated with an In Circuit Emulator
(ICE). If the processor is a production CPU, the processor will hang. If
the processor is a BONDOUT CPU attached to an ICE, ICEBP will cause the
ICE to break from emulation. On an Intel ICE, the message "Unknown
Breakpoint at address xxxx:xxxx:xxxxxxxx" appears on the screen.

There are two ways to enable Interrupt Redirection. It can be done by
directly programming DR7 (see "Undocumented Bits in DR7"), or this bit
can be set (indirectly) using an ICE. To set this bit using an ICE, you
must first be in HALT mode. Any "go til" command that uses the debug
registers will enable Interrupt Redirection. For example, "go til
1234:5678 execute," "go til 1025:3245 write," or simply "go til 0 p"
will enable Interrupt Redirection. This work because the ICE actually
uses the debug registers to trap debug exceptions. Of course, this
directly implies that any time the ICE uses the debug registers to
signify break points, and emulation halts, it does so following an INT
01 to the ICE break point handler (since interrupt redirection is

ICEBP on a Pentium Processor

The usage of ICEBP is identical on 80386 and Intel486 processors, as it
is on Pentium. The only difference, is how Interrupt Redirection is
enabled. On Pentium, Interrupt Redirection is enabled and disabled in
the Probe Mode Control Register (PMCR). The PMCR is only accessible via
the Pentium debug port. The PMCR exists inside the Pentium, but is not
software-accessible by any means. You must have an ICE connected to the
debug port to modify bits in the PMCR. This feature protects software
against programmers intent on finding undocumented bits in the
processor. The benefit of this design, is that the Interrupt Redirection
bit may be enabled and disabled while the processor is running. You
don't have to wait until a halt, or halt the ICE to enable and disable
Interrupt Redirection. And like its predecessors, the Pentium ICE will
enable and disable Interrupt Redirection by setting a breakpoint which
uses the debug registers. On the Microtek Pentium ICE, any breakpoint
called a hardware breakpoint, uses the debug registers. Therefore,
setting any of these breakpoints, will enable Interrupt Redirection.

ICEBP on a P6.

I expect that ICEBP will work identically on the P6 as it does on a
Pentium. Like the undocumented instruction SALC, ICEBP may be documented
beginning with the P6. I found ICEBP in the P6 opcode map. However, the
instruction is no longer called ICEBP on the P6. It is officially named
INT01. This is in contrast to the preproduction 80386 ICE which
disassembled this instruction as ICEBP. Regardless of the name change,
the operational effects will be identical.

A word of caution on enabling Interrupt Redirection:

Here are all of the ways to crash the production CPU when Interrupt
Redirection is enabled, but an ICE is not connected:

1. When an ICEBP instruction is invoked;
2. When a software INT 01 is invoked;
3. When the Trap Flag gets set, as any subsequent instruction causes INT 01
   to be invoked.
4. When a breakpoint exception occurs.
5. When a task switch occurs, into a task whose T-bit is set.


ICEBP is most useful for debugging purposes using an ICE. I use it in
code where I need the ICE to break from emulation, but I don't know
where the program is loaded in physical memory. At the beginning of a
subroutine where I want a breakpoint to occur, I insert an ICEBP
instruction. Before I invoke my software, I halt the ICE, and simply say
"go til 0 p." On the Pentium, this is even easier. On the Pentium, from
the command window of the ICE, I type "pmcr=1." This will cause the ICE
to enable Interrupt Redirection. Once my program begins to execute the
desired subroutine, the ICE automatically breaks from emulation. This
instruction can be used in a similar manner to debug a UNIX kernel, and
any application that switches to page mode (CR0[b31]=1). Insert an ICEBP
instruction at the beginning of a subroutine, issue the appropriate ICE
command, and emulation will HALT at the desired location. When used in
this manner, this instruction saves considerable amounts of time. The
engineer doesn't need to manually convert page directories, and page
table entries to physical addresses in an attempt to determine where the
subroutine is in memory. The engineer also doesn't need to worry that
the debug registers used by the ICE, break on linear addresses, not
physical addresses. The engineer doesn't need to look at an assembly map
file to find the (relative) address of a subroutine, then try and figure
out where the operating system loaded the program. The use of this
instructions makes all of these, and many more debugging techniques


Get description of other opcodes:
AAM:      ftp://ftp.x86.org/pub/x86/secrets/opcodes/AAM.txt
AAD:      ftp://ftp.x86.org/pub/x86/secrets/opcodes/AAD.txt
CMOV:     ftp://ftp.x86.org/pub/x86/p6/opcodes/CMOV.txt
FCMOV:    ftp://ftp.x86.org/pub/x86/p6/opcodes/FCMOV.txt
FCOMI:    ftp://ftp.x86.org/pub/x86/p6/opcodes/FCOMI.txt
ICEBP:    ftp://ftp.x86.org/pub/x86/secrets/opcodes/ICEBP.txt
INT01:    ftp://ftp.x86.org/pub/x86/secrets/opcodes/ICEBP.txt
LOADALL:  ftp://ftp.x86.org/pub/x86/secrets/opcodes/LOADALL.txt
RDPMC:    ftp://ftp.x86.org/pub/x86/p6/opcodes/RDPMC.txt
SALC:     ftp://ftp.x86.org/pub/x86/secrets/opcodes/SALC.txt
UMOV:     ftp://ftp.x86.org/pub/x86/secrets/opcodes/UMOV.txt


Download this file -- OpCodes.ZIP


(c) 1991, 1995, 1996 Intel Secrets(TM) home page. PGP key available.

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The Intel Secrets web site is proud to provide superior information and
service without any affilation to Intel.

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Trademarks and Disclaimers for more info.

Robert Collins is a Senior Design Engineer and Manager of some sort of
Research in Dallas, TX. Robert may be reached via email at
rcollins@x86.org or via phone at (214) 491-7718.
2006-9-15 01:57
雪    币: 615
活跃值: (1272)
能力值: ( LV4,RANK:50 )
2006-9-15 09:31
雪    币: 433
活跃值: (176)
能力值: ( LV13,RANK:1250 )
细节看不明白,不过看起来int1其实就是int 1
2006-9-15 14:38
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