发表于: 5天前 2291



Asar is a simple extensive archive format, it works like tar that concatenates all files together without compression, while having random access support.


根据代码看,加密方式还是比较简单的,一个rsa, -个aes-128-ecb且都是标准算法。解密的过程其实在某个dll里,有兴趣的可以找找在哪个dll,找到了会有惊喜。

大佬们有项目需要找人合作的私我,我这边可以提供ios, win, android 软件分析定制服务(有团队),一起发财啊

'use strict'
;(function () {
  const asar = process._linkedBinding('atom_common_asar')
  const v8Util = process._linkedBinding('atom_common_v8_util')
  const { Buffer } = require('buffer')
  const Module = require('module')
  const path = require('path')
  const util = require('util')
  const crypto = require('crypto')
  const Promise = global.Promise
  const envNoAsar =
    process.env.ELECTRON_NO_ASAR &&
    process.type !== 'browser' &&
    process.type !== 'renderer'
  const isAsarDisabled = () => process.noAsar || envNoAsar
  const internalBinding = process.internalBinding
  delete process.internalBinding
   * @param {!Function} functionToCall
   * @param {!Array|undefined} args
  const nextTick = (functionToCall, args = []) => {
    process.nextTick(() => functionToCall(...args))
  // Cache asar archive objects.
  const cachedArchives = new Map()
  const cachedArchiveKeys = {}
  const isPrime = (n) => {
    if (n < 2) return false
    if (n == 2) return true
    if (n % 2 == 0) return false
    let foo = n / 2
    for (let i = 3; i <= foo; i += 2) if (n % i == 0) return false
    return true
  // decrypt header infomation
  const decryptHeader = (data) => {
    let pubKey = ''
    pubKey +=
        ' ',
        ' ',
      ].join('') + '\r\n'
    let num = 31
    let keylist = []
    for (let i = 0; i < 16; num++) {
      if (isPrime(num)) {
    let key = Buffer.from(keylist)
    let list = [
      110, 170, 13, 242, 151, 96, 97, 176, 68, 151, 34, 31, 98, 40, 95, 251,
      176, 35, 121, 231, 91, 99, 152, 196, 95, 67, 111, 216, 41, 35, 219, 26,
      237, 60, 239, 178, 61, 243, 248, 190, 166, 169, 22, 171, 45, 3, 96, 7, 73,
      211, 152, 91, 2, 213, 65, 161, 84, 233, 248, 94, 248, 184, 178, 202, 18,
      234, 38, 140, 32, 100, 226, 56, 201, 152, 103, 187, 223, 213, 9, 196, 222,
      254, 108, 77, 50, 235, 19, 219, 188, 246, 28, 231, 175, 179, 151, 159,
      123, 13, 243, 206, 171, 84, 170, 125, 138, 88, 246, 156, 131, 246, 197,
      236, 78, 163, 89, 104, 17, 28, 106, 18, 64, 193, 33, 227, 90, 177, 110,
      19, 27, 37, 241, 170, 234, 1, 158, 5, 182, 136, 86, 179, 8, 106, 194, 120,
      33, 46, 152, 172, 76, 12, 137, 78, 149, 234, 90, 175, 163, 116, 151, 79,
      246, 115, 39, 123, 207, 185, 51, 172, 103, 128, 67, 125, 127, 166, 177,
      150, 33, 144, 147, 27, 78, 53, 0, 103, 140, 102, 73, 207, 72, 121, 237,
      117, 52, 5, 254, 217, 131, 77, 178, 67, 141, 37, 98, 141, 83, 236, 169, 7,
      208, 214, 218, 222, 227, 197, 227, 193, 117, 65, 242, 156, 172, 21, 191,
      29, 236, 218, 75, 43, 23, 56, 54, 40, 25, 0, 184, 183, 213, 173, 97, 115,
      242, 72, 18, 53, 252, 8, 113, 100, 17, 142, 20, 214, 176, 162, 249, 182,
      232, 154, 32, 224, 62, 217, 44, 170, 179, 127, 89, 114, 179, 106, 120, 79,
      22, 65, 67, 198, 164, 3, 111, 206, 172, 150, 213, 150, 254, 135, 140, 168,
      115, 235, 187, 133, 209, 130, 198, 73, 148, 118, 68, 81, 190, 166, 102,
      178, 231, 177, 63, 177, 44, 35, 164, 182, 226, 222, 199, 42, 15, 153, 164,
      190, 90, 19, 18, 3, 241, 12, 57, 121, 33, 82, 253, 178, 184, 197, 125,
      212, 232, 188, 114, 139, 136, 25, 71, 196, 129, 148, 163, 56, 184, 133,
      30, 83, 99, 58, 160, 62, 81, 50, 175, 199, 203, 243, 99, 7, 218, 156, 219,
      228, 33, 69, 45, 133, 124, 160, 228, 89, 252, 68, 91, 178, 4, 28, 208, 15,
    for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
      var cipherChunks = []
      var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(
        decipher.update(Buffer.from(list.slice(i * 64, (i + 1) * 64)))
      let res = Buffer.concat(cipherChunks)
      pubKey += res.toString() + '\r\n'
    pubKey += ['q', 'Q', 'I', 'D', 'A', 'Q', 'A', 'B'].join('') + '\r\n'
    pubKey +=
        ' ',
        ' ',
      ].join('') + '\r\n'
    let dec_by_pub = crypto.publicDecrypt(pubKey, data)
    return dec_by_pub
  const getOrCreateArchive = (archivePath) => {
    const isCached = cachedArchives.has(archivePath)
    if (isCached) {
      return cachedArchives.get(archivePath)
    const newArchive = asar.createArchive(archivePath)
    if (!newArchive) return null
    cachedArchives.set(archivePath, newArchive)
    return newArchive
  const CAPACITY_READ_ONLY = 9007199254740992 // Largest JS number.
  // sizeof(T).
  const SIZE_UINT32 = 4
  const SIZE_INT32 = 4
  // Aligns 'i' by rounding it up to the next multiple of 'alignment'.
  const alignInt = function (i, alignment) {
    return i + ((alignment - (i % alignment)) % alignment)
  const PickleIterator = (function () {
    function PickleIterator(pickle) {
      this.payload = pickle.header
      this.payloadOffset = pickle.headerSize
      this.readIndex = 0
      this.endIndex = pickle.getPayloadSize()
    PickleIterator.prototype.readUInt32 = function () {
      return this.readBytes(SIZE_UINT32, Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE)
    PickleIterator.prototype.readInt = function () {
      return this.readBytes(SIZE_INT32, Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE)
    PickleIterator.prototype.readString = function () {
      return this.readBytes(this.readInt()).toString()
    PickleIterator.prototype.readBytes = function (length, method) {
      var readPayloadOffset = this.getReadPayloadOffsetAndAdvance(length)
      if (method != null) {
        return method.call(this.payload, readPayloadOffset, length)
      } else {
        return this.payload.slice(readPayloadOffset, readPayloadOffset + length)
    PickleIterator.prototype.getReadPayloadOffsetAndAdvance = function (
    ) {
      if (length > this.endIndex - this.readIndex) {
        this.readIndex = this.endIndex
        throw new Error('Failed to read data with length of ' + length)
      var readPayloadOffset = this.payloadOffset + this.readIndex
      return readPayloadOffset
    PickleIterator.prototype.advance = function (size) {
      var alignedSize = alignInt(size, SIZE_UINT32)
      if (this.endIndex - this.readIndex < alignedSize) {
        this.readIndex = this.endIndex
      } else {
        this.readIndex += alignedSize
    return PickleIterator
  // implement a tiny pickle for chromium-pickle-js to read asar header
  const tinyPickle = (function () {
    function tinyPickle(buffer) {
      this.header = buffer
      this.headerSize = buffer.length - this.getPayloadSize()
      this.capacityAfterHeader = CAPACITY_READ_ONLY
      this.writeOffset = 0
      if (this.headerSize > buffer.length) {
        this.headerSize = 0
      if (this.headerSize !== alignInt(this.headerSize, SIZE_UINT32)) {
        this.headerSize = 0
      if (this.headerSize === 0) {
        this.header = Buffer.alloc(0)
    tinyPickle.prototype.getPayloadSize = function () {
      return this.header.readUInt32LE(0)
    tinyPickle.prototype.createIterator = function () {
      return new PickleIterator(this)
    return tinyPickle
  const getOrReadArchiveHeader = (archivePath, fs) => {
    if (cachedArchiveKeys[archivePath] !== undefined) {
      return cachedArchiveKeys[archivePath]
    // if (!archivePath.includes('default_app.asar')) {
    const fd = cachedArchives.get(archivePath).getFd()
    let buffer = Buffer.alloc(8) // for default header size
    // prama: handle, buffer, ?, size, offset
    fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, 8, 0)
    const sizePickle = new tinyPickle(buffer)
    let nRsaCipherLength = sizePickle.createIterator().readUInt32()
    // console.log('### nRsaCipherLength:', nRsaCipherLength);
    buffer = Buffer.alloc(nRsaCipherLength)
    fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, nRsaCipherLength, 8)
    // UINT32|string|string
    // const rsaHeaderPickle = new tinyPickle(buffer);
    // const rsa_encrypted_str = rsaHeaderPickle.createIterator().readString();
    // let headerStr = Buffer.toString(); // read header str
    let rsaPlaintext = decryptHeader(buffer)
    // console.log('### rsaPlaintext length:', rsaPlaintext.length);
    let headerPicklePickle = new tinyPickle(rsaPlaintext).createIterator()
    let nAesCipherLength = headerPicklePickle.readUInt32()
    let headermd5 = headerPicklePickle.readString()
    // decrypt header
    let aeskey = headerPicklePickle.readString()
    // console.log('### rsaPlaintext, nAesCipherLength: ', nAesCipherLength, '  md5:', headermd5, '  aeskey:', aeskey);
    let data = Buffer.alloc(nAesCipherLength)
    fs.readSync(fd, data, 0, nAesCipherLength, 8 + nRsaCipherLength)
    var cipherChunks = []
    var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(
    cipherChunks.push(decipher.update(data, undefined, 'utf8'))
    let header = JSON.parse(cipherChunks.join(''))
    // verify header md5
    let filesStr = JSON.stringify(header.files)
    // console.log('### aes decrypted: ', filesStr);
    const hash = crypto.createHash('md5')
    let filesMd5 = hash.digest('hex')
    if (headermd5 !== filesMd5) {
      // console.warn('### headermd5: ', headermd5, '  filesmd5: ', filesMd5);
      throw createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { archivePath, archivePath })
    cachedArchiveKeys[archivePath] = aeskey
    return aeskey
    // }
    // return '';
  // Separate asar package's path from full path.
  const splitPath = (archivePathOrBuffer) => {
    // Shortcut for disabled asar.
    if (isAsarDisabled()) return { isAsar: false }
    // Check for a bad argument type.
    let archivePath = archivePathOrBuffer
    if (Buffer.isBuffer(archivePathOrBuffer)) {
      archivePath = archivePathOrBuffer.toString()
    if (typeof archivePath !== 'string') return { isAsar: false }
    return asar.splitPath(path.normalize(archivePath))
  // Convert asar archive's Stats object to fs's Stats object.
  let nextInode = 0
  const uid = process.getuid != null ? process.getuid() : 0
  const gid = process.getgid != null ? process.getgid() : 0
  const fakeTime = new Date()
  const msec = (date) => (date || fakeTime).getTime()
  const asarStatsToFsStats = function (stats) {
    const { Stats, constants } = require('fs')
    let mode =
      constants.S_IROTH ^
      constants.S_IRGRP ^
      constants.S_IRUSR ^
    if (stats.isFile) {
      mode ^= constants.S_IFREG
    } else if (stats.isDirectory) {
      mode ^= constants.S_IFDIR
    } else if (stats.isLink) {
      mode ^= constants.S_IFLNK
    return new Stats(
      1, // dev
      mode, // mode
      1, // nlink
      0, // rdev
      undefined, // blksize
      ++nextInode, // ino
      undefined, // blocks,
      msec(stats.atime), // atim_msec
      msec(stats.mtime), // mtim_msec
      msec(stats.ctime), // ctim_msec
      msec(stats.birthtime) // birthtim_msec
  const AsarError = {
  const createError = (errorType, { asarPath, filePath } = {}) => {
    let error
    switch (errorType) {
      case AsarError.NOT_FOUND:
        error = new Error(`ENOENT, ${filePath} not found in ${asarPath}`)
        error.code = 'ENOENT'
        error.errno = -2
      case AsarError.NOT_DIR:
        error = new Error('ENOTDIR, not a directory')
        error.code = 'ENOTDIR'
        error.errno = -20
      case AsarError.NO_ACCESS:
        error = new Error(`EACCES: permission denied, access '${filePath}'`)
        error.code = 'EACCES'
        error.errno = -13
      case AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE:
        error = new Error(`Invalid package ${asarPath}`)
        throw new Error(
          `Invalid error type "${errorType}" passed to createError.`
    return error
  const overrideAPISync = function (
  ) {
    if (pathArgumentIndex == null) pathArgumentIndex = 0
    const old = module[name]
    const func = function () {
      const pathArgument = arguments[pathArgumentIndex]
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return old.apply(this, arguments)
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) throw createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
      const newPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
      if (!newPath)
        throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
      arguments[pathArgumentIndex] = newPath
      return old.apply(this, arguments)
    if (fromAsync) {
      return func
    module[name] = func
  const overrideAPI = function (module, name, pathArgumentIndex) {
    if (pathArgumentIndex == null) pathArgumentIndex = 0
    const old = module[name]
    module[name] = function () {
      const pathArgument = arguments[pathArgumentIndex]
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return old.apply(this, arguments)
      const callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1]
      if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
        return overrideAPISync(module, name, pathArgumentIndex, true).apply(
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
        nextTick(callback, [error])
      const newPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
      if (!newPath) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
        nextTick(callback, [error])
      arguments[pathArgumentIndex] = newPath
      return old.apply(this, arguments)
    if (old[util.promisify.custom]) {
      module[name][util.promisify.custom] = makePromiseFunction(
    if (module.promises && module.promises[name]) {
      module.promises[name] = makePromiseFunction(
  const makePromiseFunction = function (orig, pathArgumentIndex) {
    return function (...args) {
      const pathArgument = args[pathArgumentIndex]
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return orig.apply(this, args)
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) {
        return Promise.reject(
          createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
      const newPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
      if (!newPath) {
        return Promise.reject(
          createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
      args[pathArgumentIndex] = newPath
      return orig.apply(this, args)
  // Override fs APIs.
  exports.wrapFsWithAsar = (fs) => {
    const logFDs = {}
    const logASARAccess = (asarPath, filePath, offset) => {
      if (!process.env.ELECTRON_LOG_ASAR_READS) return
      if (!logFDs[asarPath]) {
        const path = require('path')
        const logFilename = `${path.basename(asarPath, '.asar')}-access-log.txt`
        const logPath = path.join(require('os').tmpdir(), logFilename)
        logFDs[asarPath] = fs.openSync(logPath, 'a')
      fs.writeSync(logFDs[asarPath], `${offset}: ${filePath}\n`)
    const { lstatSync } = fs
    fs.lstatSync = (pathArgument, options) => {
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return lstatSync(pathArgument, options)
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) throw createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
      const stats = archive.stat(filePath)
      if (!stats) throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
      return asarStatsToFsStats(stats)
    const { lstat } = fs
    fs.lstat = function (pathArgument, options, callback) {
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (typeof options === 'function') {
        callback = options
        options = {}
      if (!isAsar) return lstat(pathArgument, options, callback)
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
        nextTick(callback, [error])
      const stats = archive.stat(filePath)
      if (!stats) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
        nextTick(callback, [error])
      const fsStats = asarStatsToFsStats(stats)
      nextTick(callback, [null, fsStats])
    fs.promises.lstat = util.promisify(fs.lstat)
    const { statSync } = fs
    fs.statSync = (pathArgument, options) => {
      const { isAsar } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return statSync(pathArgument, options)
      // Do not distinguish links for now.
      return fs.lstatSync(pathArgument, options)
    const { stat } = fs
    fs.stat = (pathArgument, options, callback) => {
      const { isAsar } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (typeof options === 'function') {
        callback = options
        options = {}
      if (!isAsar) return stat(pathArgument, options, callback)
      // Do not distinguish links for now.
      process.nextTick(() => fs.lstat(pathArgument, options, callback))
    fs.promises.stat = util.promisify(fs.stat)
    const wrapRealpathSync = function (realpathSync) {
      return function (pathArgument, options) {
        const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
        if (!isAsar) return realpathSync.apply(this, arguments)
        const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
        if (!archive) {
          throw createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
        const fileRealPath = archive.realpath(filePath)
        if (fileRealPath === false) {
          throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
        return path.join(realpathSync(asarPath, options), fileRealPath)
    const { realpathSync } = fs
    fs.realpathSync = wrapRealpathSync(realpathSync)
    fs.realpathSync.native = wrapRealpathSync(realpathSync.native)
    const wrapRealpath = function (realpath) {
      return function (pathArgument, options, callback) {
        const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
        if (!isAsar) return realpath.apply(this, arguments)
        if (arguments.length < 3) {
          callback = options
          options = {}
        const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
        if (!archive) {
          const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
          nextTick(callback, [error])
        const fileRealPath = archive.realpath(filePath)
        if (fileRealPath === false) {
          const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
          nextTick(callback, [error])
        realpath(asarPath, options, (error, archiveRealPath) => {
          if (error === null) {
            const fullPath = path.join(archiveRealPath, fileRealPath)
            callback(null, fullPath)
          } else {
    const { realpath } = fs
    fs.realpath = wrapRealpath(realpath)
    fs.realpath.native = wrapRealpath(realpath.native)
    fs.promises.realpath = util.promisify(fs.realpath.native)
    const { exists } = fs
    fs.exists = (pathArgument, callback) => {
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return exists(pathArgument, callback)
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
        nextTick(callback, [error])
      const pathExists = archive.stat(filePath) !== false
      nextTick(callback, [pathExists])
    fs.exists[util.promisify.custom] = (pathArgument) => {
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return exists[util.promisify.custom](pathArgument)
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
        return Promise.reject(error)
      return Promise.resolve(archive.stat(filePath) !== false)
    const { existsSync } = fs
    fs.existsSync = (pathArgument) => {
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return existsSync(pathArgument)
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) return false
      return archive.stat(filePath) !== false
    const { access } = fs
    fs.access = function (pathArgument, mode, callback) {
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return access.apply(this, arguments)
      if (typeof mode === 'function') {
        callback = mode
        mode = fs.constants.F_OK
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
        nextTick(callback, [error])
      const info = archive.getFileInfo(filePath)
      if (!info) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
        nextTick(callback, [error])
      if (info.unpacked) {
        const realPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
        return fs.access(realPath, mode, callback)
      const stats = archive.stat(filePath)
      if (!stats) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
        nextTick(callback, [error])
      if (mode & fs.constants.W_OK) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.NO_ACCESS, { asarPath, filePath })
        nextTick(callback, [error])
    fs.promises.access = util.promisify(fs.access)
    const { accessSync } = fs
    fs.accessSync = function (pathArgument, mode) {
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return accessSync.apply(this, arguments)
      if (mode == null) mode = fs.constants.F_OK
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) {
        throw createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
      const info = archive.getFileInfo(filePath)
      if (!info) {
        throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
      if (info.unpacked) {
        const realPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
        return fs.accessSync(realPath, mode)
      const stats = archive.stat(filePath)
      if (!stats) {
        throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
      if (mode & fs.constants.W_OK) {
        throw createError(AsarError.NO_ACCESS, { asarPath, filePath })
    function decryption(data, asarPath) {
      let key = getOrReadArchiveHeader(asarPath, fs)
      // console.warn('#### begin decrypt, key: ', key);
      if (!key) {
        return data
      if (typeof data === 'string') {
        data = Buffer.from(data)
      var cipherChunks = []
      var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(
      return Buffer.concat(cipherChunks)
    const { readFile } = fs
    fs.readFile = function (pathArgument, options, callback) {
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return readFile.apply(this, arguments)
      if (typeof options === 'function') {
        callback = options
        options = { encoding: null }
      } else if (typeof options === 'string') {
        options = { encoding: options }
      } else if (options === null || options === undefined) {
        options = { encoding: null }
      } else if (typeof options !== 'object') {
        throw new TypeError('Bad arguments')
      const { encoding } = options
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
        nextTick(callback, [error])
      const info = archive.getFileInfo(filePath)
      if (!info) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
        nextTick(callback, [error])
      if (info.size === 0) {
        nextTick(callback, [null, encoding ? '' : Buffer.alloc(0)])
      if (info.unpacked) {
        const realPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
        return fs.readFile(realPath, options, callback)
      const buffer = Buffer.alloc(info.size)
      const fd = archive.getFd()
      if (!(fd >= 0)) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
        nextTick(callback, [error])
      logASARAccess(asarPath, filePath, info.offset)
      fs.read(fd, buffer, 0, info.size, info.offset, (error) => {
        // #####################
        // buffer
        // console.warn('### asar.js: fs.read, path: ', filePath, '  size:', info.size, '  offset: ', info.offset);
        let result = buffer
        if (info.encrypted) {
          result = decryption(result, asarPath)
          // console.warn('### asar.js: fs.read', result.toString().slice(0, 10));
        // #####################
        callback(error, encoding ? result.toString(encoding) : result)
    fs.promises.readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile)
    const { readFileSync } = fs
    fs.readFileSync = function (pathArgument, options) {
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return readFileSync.apply(this, arguments)
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) throw createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
      const info = archive.getFileInfo(filePath)
      if (!info) throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
      if (info.size === 0) return options ? '' : Buffer.alloc(0)
      if (info.unpacked) {
        const realPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
        return fs.readFileSync(realPath, options)
      if (!options) {
        options = { encoding: null }
      } else if (typeof options === 'string') {
        options = { encoding: options }
      } else if (typeof options !== 'object') {
        throw new TypeError('Bad arguments')
      const { encoding } = options
      const buffer = Buffer.alloc(info.size)
      const fd = archive.getFd()
      if (!(fd >= 0))
        throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
      logASARAccess(asarPath, filePath, info.offset)
      fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, info.size, info.offset)
      // #####################
      // buffer
      // console.warn('### asar.js: fs.readSync, path: ', filePath, '  size:', info.size, '  offset: ', info.offset);
      let header = archive.path
      let result = buffer
      if (info.encrypted) {
        result = decryption(buffer, asarPath)
        // console.warn('### asar.js: fs.readSync result', result.toString().slice(0, 10));
      // #####################
      return encoding ? result.toString(encoding) : result
    const { readdir } = fs
    fs.readdir = function (pathArgument, options = {}, callback) {
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (typeof options === 'function') {
        callback = options
        options = {}
      if (!isAsar) return readdir.apply(this, arguments)
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
        nextTick(callback, [error])
      const files = archive.readdir(filePath)
      if (!files) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
        nextTick(callback, [error])
      if (options.withFileTypes) {
        const dirents = []
        for (const file of files) {
          const stats = archive.stat(file)
          if (stats.isFile) {
            dirents.push(new fs.Dirent(file, fs.constants.UV_DIRENT_FILE))
          } else if (stats.isDirectory) {
            dirents.push(new fs.Dirent(file, fs.constants.UV_DIRENT_DIR))
          } else if (stats.isLink) {
            dirents.push(new fs.Dirent(file, fs.constants.UV_DIRENT_LINK))
        nextTick(callback, [null, dirents])
      nextTick(callback, [null, files])
    fs.promises.readdir = util.promisify(fs.readdir)
    const { readdirSync } = fs
    fs.readdirSync = function (pathArgument, options = {}) {
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return readdirSync.apply(this, arguments)
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) {
        throw createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
      const files = archive.readdir(filePath)
      if (!files) {
        throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
      if (options.withFileTypes) {
        const dirents = []
        for (const file of files) {
          const stats = archive.stat(file)
          if (stats.isFile) {
            dirents.push(new fs.Dirent(file, fs.constants.UV_DIRENT_FILE))
          } else if (stats.isDirectory) {
            dirents.push(new fs.Dirent(file, fs.constants.UV_DIRENT_DIR))
          } else if (stats.isLink) {
            dirents.push(new fs.Dirent(file, fs.constants.UV_DIRENT_LINK))
        return dirents
      return files
    const { internalModuleReadJSON } = internalBinding('fs')
    internalBinding('fs').internalModuleReadJSON = (pathArgument) => {
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return internalModuleReadJSON(pathArgument)
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) return
      const info = archive.getFileInfo(filePath)
      if (!info) return
      if (info.size === 0) return ''
      if (info.unpacked) {
        const realPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
        return fs.readFileSync(realPath, { encoding: 'utf8' })
      const buffer = Buffer.alloc(info.size)
      const fd = archive.getFd()
      if (!(fd >= 0)) return
      logASARAccess(asarPath, filePath, info.offset)
      fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, info.size, info.offset)
      return buffer.toString('utf8')
    const { internalModuleStat } = internalBinding('fs')
    internalBinding('fs').internalModuleStat = (pathArgument) => {
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return internalModuleStat(pathArgument)
      // -ENOENT
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) return -34
      // -ENOENT
      const stats = archive.stat(filePath)
      if (!stats) return -34
      return stats.isDirectory ? 1 : 0
    // Calling mkdir for directory inside asar archive should throw ENOTDIR
    // error, but on Windows it throws ENOENT.
    if (process.platform === 'win32') {
      const { mkdir } = fs
      fs.mkdir = (pathArgument, options, callback) => {
        if (typeof options === 'function') {
          callback = options
          options = {}
        const { isAsar, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
        if (isAsar && filePath.length > 0) {
          const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_DIR)
          nextTick(callback, [error])
        mkdir(pathArgument, options, callback)
      fs.promises.mkdir = util.promisify(fs.mkdir)
      const { mkdirSync } = fs
      fs.mkdirSync = function (pathArgument, options) {
        const { isAsar, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
        if (isAsar && filePath.length) throw createError(AsarError.NOT_DIR)
        return mkdirSync(pathArgument, options)
    function invokeWithNoAsar(func) {
      return function () {
        const processNoAsarOriginalValue = process.noAsar
        process.noAsar = true
        try {
          return func.apply(this, arguments)
        } finally {
          process.noAsar = processNoAsarOriginalValue
    // Strictly implementing the flags of fs.copyFile is hard, just do a simple
    // implementation for now. Doing 2 copies won't spend much time more as OS
    // has filesystem caching.
    overrideAPI(fs, 'copyFile')
    overrideAPISync(fs, 'copyFileSync')
    overrideAPI(fs, 'open')
    overrideAPISync(process, 'dlopen', 1)
    overrideAPISync(Module._extensions, '.node', 1)
    overrideAPISync(fs, 'openSync')
    const overrideChildProcess = (childProcess) => {
      // Executing a command string containing a path to an asar archive
      // confuses `childProcess.execFile`, which is internally called by
      // `childProcess.{exec,execSync}`, causing Electron to consider the full
      // command as a single path to an archive.
      const { exec, execSync } = childProcess
      childProcess.exec = invokeWithNoAsar(exec)
      childProcess.exec[util.promisify.custom] = invokeWithNoAsar(
      childProcess.execSync = invokeWithNoAsar(execSync)
      overrideAPI(childProcess, 'execFile')
      overrideAPISync(childProcess, 'execFileSync')
    // Lazily override the child_process APIs only when child_process is
    // fetched the first time.  We will eagerly override the child_process APIs
    // when this env var is set so that stack traces generated inside node unit
    // tests will match. This env var will only slow things down in users apps
    // and should not be used.
    } else {
      const originalModuleLoad = Module._load
      Module._load = (request, ...args) => {
        const loadResult = originalModuleLoad(request, ...args)
        if (request === 'child_process') {
          if (!v8Util.getHiddenValue(loadResult, 'asar-ready')) {
            v8Util.setHiddenValue(loadResult, 'asar-ready', true)
            // Just to make it obvious what we are dealing with here
            const childProcess = loadResult
        return loadResult
'use strict'
;(function () {
  const asar = process._linkedBinding('atom_common_asar')
  const v8Util = process._linkedBinding('atom_common_v8_util')
  const { Buffer } = require('buffer')
  const Module = require('module')
  const path = require('path')
  const util = require('util')
  const crypto = require('crypto')
  const Promise = global.Promise
  const envNoAsar =
    process.env.ELECTRON_NO_ASAR &&
    process.type !== 'browser' &&
    process.type !== 'renderer'
  const isAsarDisabled = () => process.noAsar || envNoAsar
  const internalBinding = process.internalBinding
  delete process.internalBinding
   * @param {!Function} functionToCall
   * @param {!Array|undefined} args
  const nextTick = (functionToCall, args = []) => {
    process.nextTick(() => functionToCall(...args))
  // Cache asar archive objects.
  const cachedArchives = new Map()
  const cachedArchiveKeys = {}
  const isPrime = (n) => {
    if (n < 2) return false
    if (n == 2) return true
    if (n % 2 == 0) return false
    let foo = n / 2
    for (let i = 3; i <= foo; i += 2) if (n % i == 0) return false
    return true
  // decrypt header infomation
  const decryptHeader = (data) => {
    let pubKey = ''
    pubKey +=
        ' ',
        ' ',
      ].join('') + '\r\n'
    let num = 31
    let keylist = []
    for (let i = 0; i < 16; num++) {
      if (isPrime(num)) {
    let key = Buffer.from(keylist)
    let list = [
      110, 170, 13, 242, 151, 96, 97, 176, 68, 151, 34, 31, 98, 40, 95, 251,
      176, 35, 121, 231, 91, 99, 152, 196, 95, 67, 111, 216, 41, 35, 219, 26,
      237, 60, 239, 178, 61, 243, 248, 190, 166, 169, 22, 171, 45, 3, 96, 7, 73,
      211, 152, 91, 2, 213, 65, 161, 84, 233, 248, 94, 248, 184, 178, 202, 18,
      234, 38, 140, 32, 100, 226, 56, 201, 152, 103, 187, 223, 213, 9, 196, 222,
      254, 108, 77, 50, 235, 19, 219, 188, 246, 28, 231, 175, 179, 151, 159,
      123, 13, 243, 206, 171, 84, 170, 125, 138, 88, 246, 156, 131, 246, 197,
      236, 78, 163, 89, 104, 17, 28, 106, 18, 64, 193, 33, 227, 90, 177, 110,
      19, 27, 37, 241, 170, 234, 1, 158, 5, 182, 136, 86, 179, 8, 106, 194, 120,
      33, 46, 152, 172, 76, 12, 137, 78, 149, 234, 90, 175, 163, 116, 151, 79,
      246, 115, 39, 123, 207, 185, 51, 172, 103, 128, 67, 125, 127, 166, 177,
      150, 33, 144, 147, 27, 78, 53, 0, 103, 140, 102, 73, 207, 72, 121, 237,
      117, 52, 5, 254, 217, 131, 77, 178, 67, 141, 37, 98, 141, 83, 236, 169, 7,
      208, 214, 218, 222, 227, 197, 227, 193, 117, 65, 242, 156, 172, 21, 191,
      29, 236, 218, 75, 43, 23, 56, 54, 40, 25, 0, 184, 183, 213, 173, 97, 115,
      242, 72, 18, 53, 252, 8, 113, 100, 17, 142, 20, 214, 176, 162, 249, 182,
      232, 154, 32, 224, 62, 217, 44, 170, 179, 127, 89, 114, 179, 106, 120, 79,
      22, 65, 67, 198, 164, 3, 111, 206, 172, 150, 213, 150, 254, 135, 140, 168,
      115, 235, 187, 133, 209, 130, 198, 73, 148, 118, 68, 81, 190, 166, 102,
      178, 231, 177, 63, 177, 44, 35, 164, 182, 226, 222, 199, 42, 15, 153, 164,
      190, 90, 19, 18, 3, 241, 12, 57, 121, 33, 82, 253, 178, 184, 197, 125,
      212, 232, 188, 114, 139, 136, 25, 71, 196, 129, 148, 163, 56, 184, 133,
      30, 83, 99, 58, 160, 62, 81, 50, 175, 199, 203, 243, 99, 7, 218, 156, 219,
      228, 33, 69, 45, 133, 124, 160, 228, 89, 252, 68, 91, 178, 4, 28, 208, 15,
    for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
      var cipherChunks = []
      var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(
        decipher.update(Buffer.from(list.slice(i * 64, (i + 1) * 64)))
      let res = Buffer.concat(cipherChunks)
      pubKey += res.toString() + '\r\n'
    pubKey += ['q', 'Q', 'I', 'D', 'A', 'Q', 'A', 'B'].join('') + '\r\n'
    pubKey +=
        ' ',
        ' ',
      ].join('') + '\r\n'
    let dec_by_pub = crypto.publicDecrypt(pubKey, data)
    return dec_by_pub
  const getOrCreateArchive = (archivePath) => {
    const isCached = cachedArchives.has(archivePath)
    if (isCached) {
      return cachedArchives.get(archivePath)
    const newArchive = asar.createArchive(archivePath)
    if (!newArchive) return null
    cachedArchives.set(archivePath, newArchive)
    return newArchive
  const CAPACITY_READ_ONLY = 9007199254740992 // Largest JS number.
  // sizeof(T).
  const SIZE_UINT32 = 4
  const SIZE_INT32 = 4
  // Aligns 'i' by rounding it up to the next multiple of 'alignment'.
  const alignInt = function (i, alignment) {
    return i + ((alignment - (i % alignment)) % alignment)
  const PickleIterator = (function () {
    function PickleIterator(pickle) {
      this.payload = pickle.header
      this.payloadOffset = pickle.headerSize
      this.readIndex = 0
      this.endIndex = pickle.getPayloadSize()
    PickleIterator.prototype.readUInt32 = function () {
      return this.readBytes(SIZE_UINT32, Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE)
    PickleIterator.prototype.readInt = function () {
      return this.readBytes(SIZE_INT32, Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE)
    PickleIterator.prototype.readString = function () {
      return this.readBytes(this.readInt()).toString()
    PickleIterator.prototype.readBytes = function (length, method) {
      var readPayloadOffset = this.getReadPayloadOffsetAndAdvance(length)
      if (method != null) {
        return method.call(this.payload, readPayloadOffset, length)
      } else {
        return this.payload.slice(readPayloadOffset, readPayloadOffset + length)
    PickleIterator.prototype.getReadPayloadOffsetAndAdvance = function (
    ) {
      if (length > this.endIndex - this.readIndex) {
        this.readIndex = this.endIndex
        throw new Error('Failed to read data with length of ' + length)
      var readPayloadOffset = this.payloadOffset + this.readIndex
      return readPayloadOffset
    PickleIterator.prototype.advance = function (size) {
      var alignedSize = alignInt(size, SIZE_UINT32)
      if (this.endIndex - this.readIndex < alignedSize) {
        this.readIndex = this.endIndex
      } else {
        this.readIndex += alignedSize
    return PickleIterator
  // implement a tiny pickle for chromium-pickle-js to read asar header
  const tinyPickle = (function () {
    function tinyPickle(buffer) {
      this.header = buffer
      this.headerSize = buffer.length - this.getPayloadSize()
      this.capacityAfterHeader = CAPACITY_READ_ONLY
      this.writeOffset = 0
      if (this.headerSize > buffer.length) {
        this.headerSize = 0
      if (this.headerSize !== alignInt(this.headerSize, SIZE_UINT32)) {
        this.headerSize = 0
      if (this.headerSize === 0) {
        this.header = Buffer.alloc(0)
    tinyPickle.prototype.getPayloadSize = function () {
      return this.header.readUInt32LE(0)
    tinyPickle.prototype.createIterator = function () {
      return new PickleIterator(this)
    return tinyPickle
  const getOrReadArchiveHeader = (archivePath, fs) => {
    if (cachedArchiveKeys[archivePath] !== undefined) {
      return cachedArchiveKeys[archivePath]
    // if (!archivePath.includes('default_app.asar')) {
    const fd = cachedArchives.get(archivePath).getFd()
    let buffer = Buffer.alloc(8) // for default header size
    // prama: handle, buffer, ?, size, offset
    fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, 8, 0)
    const sizePickle = new tinyPickle(buffer)
    let nRsaCipherLength = sizePickle.createIterator().readUInt32()
    // console.log('### nRsaCipherLength:', nRsaCipherLength);
    buffer = Buffer.alloc(nRsaCipherLength)
    fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, nRsaCipherLength, 8)
    // UINT32|string|string
    // const rsaHeaderPickle = new tinyPickle(buffer);
    // const rsa_encrypted_str = rsaHeaderPickle.createIterator().readString();
    // let headerStr = Buffer.toString(); // read header str
    let rsaPlaintext = decryptHeader(buffer)
    // console.log('### rsaPlaintext length:', rsaPlaintext.length);
    let headerPicklePickle = new tinyPickle(rsaPlaintext).createIterator()
    let nAesCipherLength = headerPicklePickle.readUInt32()
    let headermd5 = headerPicklePickle.readString()
    // decrypt header
    let aeskey = headerPicklePickle.readString()
    // console.log('### rsaPlaintext, nAesCipherLength: ', nAesCipherLength, '  md5:', headermd5, '  aeskey:', aeskey);
    let data = Buffer.alloc(nAesCipherLength)
    fs.readSync(fd, data, 0, nAesCipherLength, 8 + nRsaCipherLength)
    var cipherChunks = []
    var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(
    cipherChunks.push(decipher.update(data, undefined, 'utf8'))
    let header = JSON.parse(cipherChunks.join(''))
    // verify header md5
    let filesStr = JSON.stringify(header.files)
    // console.log('### aes decrypted: ', filesStr);
    const hash = crypto.createHash('md5')
    let filesMd5 = hash.digest('hex')
    if (headermd5 !== filesMd5) {
      // console.warn('### headermd5: ', headermd5, '  filesmd5: ', filesMd5);
      throw createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { archivePath, archivePath })
    cachedArchiveKeys[archivePath] = aeskey
    return aeskey
    // }
    // return '';
  // Separate asar package's path from full path.
  const splitPath = (archivePathOrBuffer) => {
    // Shortcut for disabled asar.
    if (isAsarDisabled()) return { isAsar: false }
    // Check for a bad argument type.
    let archivePath = archivePathOrBuffer
    if (Buffer.isBuffer(archivePathOrBuffer)) {
      archivePath = archivePathOrBuffer.toString()
    if (typeof archivePath !== 'string') return { isAsar: false }
    return asar.splitPath(path.normalize(archivePath))
  // Convert asar archive's Stats object to fs's Stats object.
  let nextInode = 0
  const uid = process.getuid != null ? process.getuid() : 0
  const gid = process.getgid != null ? process.getgid() : 0
  const fakeTime = new Date()
  const msec = (date) => (date || fakeTime).getTime()
  const asarStatsToFsStats = function (stats) {
    const { Stats, constants } = require('fs')
    let mode =
      constants.S_IROTH ^
      constants.S_IRGRP ^
      constants.S_IRUSR ^
    if (stats.isFile) {
      mode ^= constants.S_IFREG
    } else if (stats.isDirectory) {
      mode ^= constants.S_IFDIR
    } else if (stats.isLink) {
      mode ^= constants.S_IFLNK
    return new Stats(
      1, // dev
      mode, // mode
      1, // nlink
      0, // rdev
      undefined, // blksize
      ++nextInode, // ino
      undefined, // blocks,
      msec(stats.atime), // atim_msec
      msec(stats.mtime), // mtim_msec
      msec(stats.ctime), // ctim_msec
      msec(stats.birthtime) // birthtim_msec
  const AsarError = {
  const createError = (errorType, { asarPath, filePath } = {}) => {
    let error
    switch (errorType) {
      case AsarError.NOT_FOUND:
        error = new Error(`ENOENT, ${filePath} not found in ${asarPath}`)
        error.code = 'ENOENT'
        error.errno = -2
      case AsarError.NOT_DIR:
        error = new Error('ENOTDIR, not a directory')
        error.code = 'ENOTDIR'
        error.errno = -20
      case AsarError.NO_ACCESS:
        error = new Error(`EACCES: permission denied, access '${filePath}'`)
        error.code = 'EACCES'
        error.errno = -13
      case AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE:
        error = new Error(`Invalid package ${asarPath}`)
        throw new Error(
          `Invalid error type "${errorType}" passed to createError.`
    return error
  const overrideAPISync = function (
  ) {
    if (pathArgumentIndex == null) pathArgumentIndex = 0
    const old = module[name]
    const func = function () {
      const pathArgument = arguments[pathArgumentIndex]
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return old.apply(this, arguments)
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) throw createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
      const newPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
      if (!newPath)
        throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
      arguments[pathArgumentIndex] = newPath
      return old.apply(this, arguments)
    if (fromAsync) {
      return func
    module[name] = func
  const overrideAPI = function (module, name, pathArgumentIndex) {
    if (pathArgumentIndex == null) pathArgumentIndex = 0
    const old = module[name]
    module[name] = function () {
      const pathArgument = arguments[pathArgumentIndex]
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return old.apply(this, arguments)
      const callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1]
      if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
        return overrideAPISync(module, name, pathArgumentIndex, true).apply(
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
        nextTick(callback, [error])
      const newPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
      if (!newPath) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
        nextTick(callback, [error])
      arguments[pathArgumentIndex] = newPath
      return old.apply(this, arguments)
    if (old[util.promisify.custom]) {
      module[name][util.promisify.custom] = makePromiseFunction(
    if (module.promises && module.promises[name]) {
      module.promises[name] = makePromiseFunction(
  const makePromiseFunction = function (orig, pathArgumentIndex) {
    return function (...args) {
      const pathArgument = args[pathArgumentIndex]
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return orig.apply(this, args)
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) {
        return Promise.reject(
          createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
      const newPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
      if (!newPath) {
        return Promise.reject(
          createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
      args[pathArgumentIndex] = newPath
      return orig.apply(this, args)
  // Override fs APIs.
  exports.wrapFsWithAsar = (fs) => {
    const logFDs = {}
    const logASARAccess = (asarPath, filePath, offset) => {
      if (!process.env.ELECTRON_LOG_ASAR_READS) return
      if (!logFDs[asarPath]) {
        const path = require('path')
        const logFilename = `${path.basename(asarPath, '.asar')}-access-log.txt`
        const logPath = path.join(require('os').tmpdir(), logFilename)
        logFDs[asarPath] = fs.openSync(logPath, 'a')
      fs.writeSync(logFDs[asarPath], `${offset}: ${filePath}\n`)
    const { lstatSync } = fs
    fs.lstatSync = (pathArgument, options) => {
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (!isAsar) return lstatSync(pathArgument, options)
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) throw createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
      const stats = archive.stat(filePath)
      if (!stats) throw createError(AsarError.NOT_FOUND, { asarPath, filePath })
      return asarStatsToFsStats(stats)
    const { lstat } = fs
    fs.lstat = function (pathArgument, options, callback) {
      const { isAsar, asarPath, filePath } = splitPath(pathArgument)
      if (typeof options === 'function') {
        callback = options
        options = {}
      if (!isAsar) return lstat(pathArgument, options, callback)
      const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
      if (!archive) {
        const error = createError(AsarError.INVALID_ARCHIVE, { asarPath })
        nextTick(callback, [error])


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