从XMM寄存器复制4个单精度浮点数至128位内存单元 reference The source operand is an XMM register, YMM register or ZMM register, which is assumed to contain packed single-precision, floating-pointing. The destination operand is a 128-bit, 256-bit or 512-bit memory location. The memory operand must be aligned on a 16-byte (128-bit version), 32-byte (VEX.256 encoded version) or 64-byte (EVEX.512 encoded version) boundary otherwise a general-protection exception (#GP) will be generated. 对应源操作数为XMM,则目的内存为128比特内存位置。内存必须16字节对齐,否则会生成一个 general-protection 异常。
A segfault occurs when a reference to a variable falls outside the segment where that variable resides, or when a write is attempted to a location that is in a read-only segment.