1.如果frida无法连接手机,提示“Failed to enumerate applications: unable to connect to remote frida-server: Unable to connect (connection refused)”,则需要检查手机frida的版本,区分32bit 和64bit版本。iphone5是32位,iphone 5s以上是64位。
2.如果报错:frida.InvalidOperationError: script is destroyed,则需要先退出app,再手动打开app等初始化完成,再次执行dump脚本,这样frida attach之后就不会出现这个问题。
3.如果报错:frida.ProtocolError: unable to communicate with remote frida-server; please ensure that major versions match and that the remote Frida has the feature you are trying to use,说明pc端版本和手机端frida版本不匹配,可以把手机端升级到最新,pc端使用pip3 install -U frida进行升级。
你好 请问执行frida-ps -aU的时候报错: Failed to enumerate applications: this feature requires an iOS Developer Disk Image to be mounted; run Xcode briefly or use ideviceimagemounter to mount one manually 是什么原因呢
執行 python3 dump.py TsumTsum 跑到最後面出現 frida.NotSupportedError: this feature requires an iOS Developer Disk Image to be mounted; run Xcode briefly or use ideviceimagemounter to mount one manually 請問要怎麼解決?感謝