Good Luck to everyone. I am a student major in Graphical Compute in Stanford University and there will be my recent condition on my professional skills about disassembly following. To be honesty,I have finished
Portable Executable and Common Object File Format files released by Microsoft on MSDN,which gave me a lot of assistance to getting to understand Windows operation system.Something will make you sad,I don't know what about the x64 PECOFF.But I will cover this soon! With so many Application Programing Interface on MSDN,I chose to study these apis divided into several parts,such as Process,File,...etc.All in all,I get command of most basic usage.I know it's not enough.In my opinion ,a great programmer should have these abilities:Comprehension any disassemble code showing in the format of Intel Machine Code or AMD Machine Code which I haven;t had yet.Ok,a great distance between such goal to me but I will try my best to complete it. Now to the real question:How do I understand any disassembly code .For real it's so hard for me to support that! Any Help will be much appreciation!
DO NOT reading disassembly code line by line,try to read a block and track GP registers transform(make sure that you allready know what complier do with ESP,EBP,EAX,ESI,EDI.....and how function paramters transform).You can write some codes in Visual Studio(some people said this is the most powerful IDE in the earth^-^) use 'DEBUG' mode and open the disassembly windows to understand how your code looks like when they becames binarys,then try to use 'RELEASE' mode you will find thats is such defferent between DEBUG and RELEASE.Maybe you can read
《Reversing:Secrets of Reverse Engineering》 《Hacker Disassembling Uncovered》for beginning ,these two is really nice and helpfull for me,hope they can help you too, and 《Reverse Engineering for Beginners》although I didn't read it yet, but it is really the book you need i think( from the catalog).Some tools in first two may be is out of date,you can use OllyDBG(only for 32-Bits executable)or x64Dbg as your debug tool.
You mean that software aiming at reserving disassemble code to similar-c language to help programmer understand running theory released by hex-rays? But in my opinion you won't make much progress consisting on doing that?
DO NOT reading disassembly code line by line,try to read a block and track GP registers transform(ma ...
Thanks for your advice.According to what you said,I can confirm you are a advanced or professional programmer who have demanding skills on programming.So what do you think a normal way to be a big cow(I don't know whether it should be described in China if a person got a large quantity of professional knowledge and also can do a lot of things no matter bad or good). Could you give me a complete schedule or routine or something of becoming a professional programmer to me ?
How do I understand any disassembly code? Just learn most common instructions and look up others in intel instruction
reference when you meet them.
Ha ha, you TM also installed, my "outside" how you did not read the word, the title familiar has been wrong.
Equip old out, you have a good English level, and help me to translate one by one.
Outfit the old foreigner This is your translation.To be honest I don't even understand most of your words.The words 'Equip old out' is given by google translator.Could not you use English or すみません わだぃだじ or other languages?For sincere,I REALLY DO NOT BE FAMILIAR WITH Chinese!
Ha ha, you TM also installed, my "outside" how you did not read the word, the title familiar has been wrong.
Equip old out, you have a good English level, and help me to translate one by one.
Outfit the old foreigner This is your translation.To be honest I don't even understand most of your words.The words 'Equip old out' is given by google translator.Could not you use English or すみません わだぃだじ or other languages?For sincere,I REALLY DO NOT BE FAMILIAR WITH Chinese!
"This is your translation.To be honest I don't even understand most of your words.The words 'Equip old out' is given by google translator.Could not you use English or すみません わだぃだじ or other languages?For sincere,I REALLY DO NOT BE FAMILIAR WITH Chinese! " 看看你自己说的话, 我都替你尴尬, 装的自己还 看不懂中文, 你真的奇葩.