( LV4,RANK:50 )
2 楼
IDA目录下python里面有源代码呀 ---> idaapi.py 这里也有 https://github.com/idapython/src/ 文档 https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/support/idapython_docs/ ,左下角那个窗口所有函数都有,ctrl+F 搜下
比如: dbg_read_memory(py_ea, py_sz)
Reads from the debugee's memory at the specified ea
Returns: PyObject *
The read buffer (as a string)
Or None on failure
( LV2,RANK:10 )
3 楼
我并不是dbg_read_memory出问题了,是连dgb_bpt这个函数都进不去,就是说压根没有hook到断点,这是 exe,我想在0x403E65处下断,读eax,ebx的值组成一个字典,之后按照eax大小排序。所以这样子写这个脚本,immDbg里我已经实现了,在ida中这个脚本缺hook不到断点。
( LV3,RANK:20 )
4 楼
有没有进去,去函数里打印一句话看看就知道了 from idaapi import *
chunks = {}
class DbgHook(DBG_Hooks): def dbg_bpt(self, tid, ea): global chunks print ("[*] DbgHook OK ......\n") chunks[0] = dbg_read_memory(GetRegValue("eip"), 10) #chunks[GetRegValue("eax")] = dbg_read_memory(GetRegValue("ebx"), 20) print (chunks) #continue_process() return 0 try: if debugger: debugger.unhook() except Exception as e: pass
AddBpt(0x00403360) SetBptAttr(0x00403360, BPTATTR_FLAGS, BPT_ENABLED|BPT_BRK) print ("[*] set hook OK ......\n") debugger = DbgHook() debugger.hook() #request_start_process("C:\\Users\\administrator\\Desktop\\codemap.exe", "", "") #run_requests()