发表于: 2017-2-23 23:43 3137
AutoIt Global Const $opt_coordsrelative = 0 Global Const $opt_coordsabsolute = 1 Global Const $opt_coordsclient = 2 Global Const $opt_errorsilent = 0 Global Const $opt_errorfatal = 1 Global Const $opt_capsnostore = 0 Global Const $opt_capsstore = 1 Global Const $opt_matchstart = 1 Global Const $opt_matchany = 2 Global Const $opt_matchexact = 3 Global Const $opt_matchadvanced = 4 Global Const $ccs_top = 1 Global Const $ccs_nomovey = 2 Global Const $ccs_bottom = 3 Global Const $ccs_noresize = 4 Global Const $ccs_noparentalign = 8 Global Const $ccs_nohilite = 16 Global Const $ccs_adjustable = 32 Global Const $ccs_nodivider = 64 Global Const $ccs_vert = 128 Global Const $ccs_left = 129 Global Const $ccs_nomovex = 130 Global Const $ccs_right = 131 Global Const $dt_drivetype = 1 Global Const $dt_ssdstatus = 2 Global Const $dt_bustype = 3 Global Const $proxy_ie = 0 Global Const $proxy_none = 1 Global Const $proxy_specified = 2 Global Const $objid_window = 0 Global Const $objid_titlebar = -2 Global Const $objid_sizegrip = -7 Global Const $objid_caret = -8 Global Const $objid_cursor = -9 Global Const $objid_alert = -10 Global Const $objid_sound = -11 Global Const $dlg_centerontop = 0 Global Const $dlg_notitle = 1 Global Const $dlg_notontop = 2 Global Const $dlg_textleft = 4 Global Const $dlg_textright = 8 Global Const $dlg_moveable = 16 Global Const $dlg_textvcenter = 32 Global Const $idc_unknown = 0 Global Const $idc_appstarting = 1 Global Const $idc_arrow = 2 Global Const $idc_cross = 3 Global Const $idc_hand = 32649 Global Const $idc_help = 4 Global Const $idc_ibeam = 5 Global Const $idc_icon = 6 Global Const $idc_no = 7 Global Const $idc_size = 8 Global Const $idc_sizeall = 9 Global Const $idc_sizenesw = 10 Global Const $idc_sizens = 11 Global Const $idc_sizenwse = 12 Global Const $idc_sizewe = 13 Global Const $idc_uparrow = 14 Global Const $idc_wait = 15 Global Const $idi_application = 32512 Global Const $idi_asterisk = 32516 Global Const $idi_exclamation = 32515 Global Const $idi_hand = 32513 Global Const $idi_question = 32514 Global Const $idi_winlogo = 32517 Global Const $idi_shield = 32518 Global Const $idi_error = $idi_hand Global Const $idi_information = $idi_asterisk Global Const $idi_warning = $idi_exclamation Global Const $sd_logoff = 0 Global Const $sd_shutdown = 1 Global Const $sd_reboot = 2 Global Const $sd_force = 4 Global Const $sd_powerdown = 8 Global Const $sd_forcehung = 16 Global Const $sd_standby = 32 Global Const $sd_hibernate = 64 Global Const $stdin_child = 1 Global Const $stdout_child = 2 Global Const $stderr_child = 4 Global Const $stderr_merged = 8 Global Const $stdio_inherit_parent = 16 Global Const $run_create_new_console = 65536 Global Const $ubound_dimensions = 0 Global Const $ubound_rows = 1 Global Const $ubound_columns = 2 Global Const $mouseeventf_absolute = 32768 Global Const $mouseeventf_move = 1 Global Const $mouseeventf_leftdown = 2 Global Const $mouseeventf_leftup = 4 Global Const $mouseeventf_rightdown = 8 Global Const $mouseeventf_rightup = 16 Global Const $mouseeventf_middledown = 32 Global Const $mouseeventf_middleup = 64 Global Const $mouseeventf_wheel = 2048 Global Const $mouseeventf_xdown = 128 Global Const $mouseeventf_xup = 256 Global Const $reg_none = 0 Global Const $reg_sz = 1 Global Const $reg_expand_sz = 2 Global Const $reg_binary = 3 Global Const $reg_dword = 4 Global Const $reg_dword_little_endian = 4 Global Const $reg_dword_big_endian = 5 Global Const $reg_link = 6 Global Const $reg_multi_sz = 7 Global Const $reg_resource_list = 8 Global Const $reg_full_resource_descriptor = 9 Global Const $reg_resource_requirements_list = 10 Global Const $reg_qword = 11 Global Const $reg_qword_little_endian = 11 Global Const $hwnd_bottom = 1 Global Const $hwnd_notopmost = -2 Global Const $hwnd_top = 0 Global Const $hwnd_topmost = -1 Global Const $swp_nosize = 1 Global Const $swp_nomove = 2 Global Const $swp_nozorder = 4 Global Const $swp_noredraw = 8 Global Const $swp_noactivate = 16 Global Const $swp_framechanged = 32 Global Const $swp_drawframe = 32 Global Const $swp_showwindow = 64 Global Const $swp_hidewindow = 128 Global Const $swp_nocopybits = 256 Global Const $swp_noownerzorder = 512 Global Const $swp_noreposition = 512 Global Const $swp_nosendchanging = 1024 Global Const $swp_defererase = 8192 Global Const $swp_asyncwindowpos = 16384 Global Const $keyword_default = 1 Global Const $keyword_null = 2 Global Const $declared_local = -1 Global Const $declared_unknown = 0 Global Const $declared_global = 1 Global Const $assign_create = 0 Global Const $assign_forcelocal = 1 Global Const $assign_forceglobal = 2 Global Const $assign_existfail = 4 Global Const $bi_enable = 0 Global Const $bi_disable = 1 Global Const $break_enable = 1 Global Const $break_disable = 0 Global Const $cdtray_open = "open" Global Const $cdtray_closed = "closed" Global Const $send_default = 0 Global Const $send_raw = 1 Global Const $dir_default = 0 Global Const $dir_extended = 1 Global Const $dir_norecurse = 2 Global Const $dir_remove = 1 Global Const $dt_all = "ALL" Global Const $dt_cdrom = "CDROM" Global Const $dt_removable = "REMOVABLE" Global Const $dt_fixed = "FIXED" Global Const $dt_network = "NETWORK" Global Const $dt_ramdisk = "RAMDISK" Global Const $dt_unknown = "UNKNOWN" Global Const $dt_undefined = 1 Global Const $dt_fat = "FAT" Global Const $dt_fat32 = "FAT32" Global Const $dt_exfat = "exFAT" Global Const $dt_ntfs = "NTFS" Global Const $dt_nwfs = "NWFS" Global Const $dt_cdfs = "CDFS" Global Const $dt_udf = "UDF" Global Const $dma_default = 0 Global Const $dma_persistent = 1 Global Const $dma_authentication = 8 Global Const $ds_unknown = "UNKNOWN" Global Const $ds_ready = "READY" Global Const $ds_notready = "NOTREADY" Global Const $ds_invalid = "INVALID" Global Const $mouse_click_left = "left" Global Const $mouse_click_right = "right" Global Const $mouse_click_middle = "middle" Global Const $mouse_click_main = "main" Global Const $mouse_click_menu = "menu" Global Const $mouse_click_primary = "primary" Global Const $mouse_click_secondary = "secondary" Global Const $mouse_wheel_up = "up" Global Const $mouse_wheel_down = "down" Global Const $number_auto = 0 Global Const $number_32bit = 1 Global Const $number_64bit = 2 Global Const $number_double = 3 Global Const $obj_name = 1 Global Const $obj_string = 2 Global Const $obj_progid = 3 Global Const $obj_file = 4 Global Const $obj_module = 5 Global Const $obj_clsid = 6 Global Const $obj_iid = 7 Global Const $exitclose_normal = 0 Global Const $exitclose_byexit = 1 Global Const $exitclose_byclick = 2 Global Const $exitclose_bylogoff = 3 Global Const $exitclose_bysutdown = 4 Global Const $process_stats_memory = 0 Global Const $process_stats_io = 1 Global Const $process_low = 0 Global Const $process_belownormal = 1 Global Const $process_normal = 2 Global Const $process_abovenormal = 3 Global Const $process_high = 4 Global Const $process_realtime = 5 Global Const $run_logon_noprofile = 0 Global Const $run_logon_profile = 1 Global Const $run_logon_network = 2 Global Const $run_logon_inherit = 4 Global Const $sound_nowait = 0 Global Const $sound_wait = 1 Global Const $shex_open = "open" Global Const $shex_edit = "edit" Global Const $shex_print = "print" Global Const $shex_properties = "properties" Global Const $tcp_data_default = 0 Global Const $tcp_data_binary = 1 Global Const $udp_open_default = 0 Global Const $udp_open_broadcast = 1 Global Const $udp_data_default = 0 Global Const $udp_data_binary = 1 Global Const $udp_data_array = 2 Global Const $tip_noicon = 0 Global Const $tip_infoicon = 1 Global Const $tip_warningicon = 2 Global Const $tip_erroricon = 3 Global Const $tip_balloon = 1 Global Const $tip_center = 2 Global Const $tip_forcevisible = 4 Global Const $windows_noontop = 0 Global Const $windows_ontop = 1 Global Const $mb_ok = 0 Global Const $mb_okcancel = 1 Global Const $mb_abortretryignore = 2 Global Const $mb_yesnocancel = 3 Global Const $mb_yesno = 4 Global Const $mb_retrycancel = 5 Global Const $mb_canceltrycontinue = 6 Global Const $mb_help = 16384 Global Const $mb_iconstop = 16 Global Const $mb_iconerror = 16 Global Const $mb_iconhand = 16 Global Const $mb_iconquestion = 32 Global Const $mb_iconexclamation = 48 Global Const $mb_iconwarning = 48 Global Const $mb_iconinformation = 64 Global Const $mb_iconasterisk = 64 Global Const $mb_usericon = 128 Global Const $mb_defbutton1 = 0 Global Const $mb_defbutton2 = 256 Global Const $mb_defbutton3 = 512 Global Const $mb_defbutton4 = 768 Global Const $mb_applmodal = 0 Global Const $mb_systemmodal = 4096 Global Const $mb_taskmodal = 8192 Global Const $mb_default_desktop_only = 131072 Global Const $mb_right = 524288 Global Const $mb_rtlreading = 1048576 Global Const $mb_setforeground = 65536 Global Const $mb_topmost = 262144 Global Const $mb_service_notification = 2097152 Global Const $mb_rightjustified = $mb_right Global Const $idtimeout = -1 Global Const $idok = 1 Global Const $idcancel = 2 Global Const $idabort = 3 Global Const $idretry = 4 Global Const $idignore = 5 Global Const $idyes = 6 Global Const $idno = 7 Global Const $idclose = 8 Global Const $idhelp = 9 Global Const $idtryagain = 10 Global Const $idcontinue = 11 Global Const $str_nocasesense = 0 Global Const $str_casesense = 1 Global Const $str_nocasesensebasic = 2 Global Const $str_stripleading = 1 Global Const $str_striptrailing = 2 Global Const $str_stripspaces = 4 Global Const $str_stripall = 8 Global Const $str_chrsplit = 0 Global Const $str_entiresplit = 1 Global Const $str_nocount = 2 Global Const $str_regexpmatch = 0 Global Const $str_regexparraymatch = 1 Global Const $str_regexparrayfullmatch = 2 Global Const $str_regexparrayglobalmatch = 3 Global Const $str_regexparrayglobalfullmatch = 4 Global Const $str_endisstart = 0 Global Const $str_endnotstart = 1 Global Const $sb_ansi = 1 Global Const $sb_utf16le = 2 Global Const $sb_utf16be = 3 Global Const $sb_utf8 = 4 Global Const $se_utf16 = 0 Global Const $se_ansi = 1 Global Const $se_utf8 = 2 Global Const $str_utf16 = 0 Global Const $str_ucs2 = 1 Global Enum $arrayfill_force_default, $arrayfill_force_singleitem, $arrayfill_force_int, $arrayfill_force_number, $arrayfill_force_ptr, $arrayfill_force_hwnd, $arrayfill_force_string Global Enum $arrayunique_nocount, $arrayunique_count Global Enum $arrayunique_auto, $arrayunique_force32, $arrayunique_force64, $arrayunique_match, $arrayunique_distinct Global $g_oarrayuniquecomerrorhandler = 0 Func _arrayadd(ByRef $aarray, $vvalue, $istart = 0, $sdelim_item = "|", $sdelim_row = @CRLF, $iforce = $arrayfill_force_default) If $istart = Default Then $istart = 0 If $sdelim_item = Default Then $sdelim_item = "|" If $sdelim_row = Default Then $sdelim_row = @CRLF If $iforce = Default Then $iforce = $arrayfill_force_default If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $idim_1 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_rows) Local $hdatatype = 0 Switch $iforce Case $arrayfill_force_int $hdatatype = Int Case $arrayfill_force_number $hdatatype = Number Case $arrayfill_force_ptr $hdatatype = Ptr Case $arrayfill_force_hwnd $hdatatype = HWnd Case $arrayfill_force_string $hdatatype = String EndSwitch Switch UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) Case 1 If $iforce = $arrayfill_force_singleitem Then ReDim $aarray[$idim_1 + 1] $aarray[$idim_1] = $vvalue Return $idim_1 EndIf If IsArray($vvalue) Then If UBound($vvalue, $ubound_dimensions) <> 1 Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) $hdatatype = 0 Else Local $atmp = StringSplit($vvalue, $sdelim_item, $str_nocount + $str_entiresplit) If UBound($atmp, $ubound_rows) = 1 Then $atmp[0] = $vvalue EndIf $vvalue = $atmp EndIf Local $iadd = UBound($vvalue, $ubound_rows) ReDim $aarray[$idim_1 + $iadd] For $i = 0 To $iadd - 1 If IsFunc($hdatatype) Then $aarray[$idim_1 + $i] = $hdatatype($vvalue[$i]) Else $aarray[$idim_1 + $i] = $vvalue[$i] EndIf Next Return $idim_1 + $iadd - 1 Case 2 Local $idim_2 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) If $istart < 0 OR $istart > $idim_2 - 1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) Local $ivaldim_1, $ivaldim_2 = 0, $icolcount If IsArray($vvalue) Then If UBound($vvalue, $ubound_dimensions) <> 2 Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) $ivaldim_1 = UBound($vvalue, $ubound_rows) $ivaldim_2 = UBound($vvalue, $ubound_columns) $hdatatype = 0 Else Local $asplit_1 = StringSplit($vvalue, $sdelim_row, $str_nocount + $str_entiresplit) $ivaldim_1 = UBound($asplit_1, $ubound_rows) Local $atmp[$ivaldim_1][0], $asplit_2 For $i = 0 To $ivaldim_1 - 1 $asplit_2 = StringSplit($asplit_1[$i], $sdelim_item, $str_nocount + $str_entiresplit) $icolcount = UBound($asplit_2) If $icolcount > $ivaldim_2 Then $ivaldim_2 = $icolcount ReDim $atmp[$ivaldim_1][$ivaldim_2] EndIf For $j = 0 To $icolcount - 1 $atmp[$i][$j] = $asplit_2[$j] Next Next $vvalue = $atmp EndIf If UBound($vvalue, $ubound_columns) + $istart > UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) ReDim $aarray[$idim_1 + $ivaldim_1][$idim_2] For $iwriteto_index = 0 To $ivaldim_1 - 1 For $j = 0 To $idim_2 - 1 If $j < $istart Then $aarray[$iwriteto_index + $idim_1][$j] = "" ElseIf $j - $istart > $ivaldim_2 - 1 Then $aarray[$iwriteto_index + $idim_1][$j] = "" Else If IsFunc($hdatatype) Then $aarray[$iwriteto_index + $idim_1][$j] = $hdatatype($vvalue[$iwriteto_index][$j - $istart]) Else $aarray[$iwriteto_index + $idim_1][$j] = $vvalue[$iwriteto_index][$j - $istart] EndIf EndIf Next Next Case Else Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndSwitch Return UBound($aarray, $ubound_rows) - 1 EndFunc Func _arraybinarysearch(Const ByRef $aarray, $vvalue, $istart = 0, $iend = 0, $icolumn = 0) If $istart = Default Then $istart = 0 If $iend = Default Then $iend = 0 If $icolumn = Default Then $icolumn = 0 If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $idim_1 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_rows) If $idim_1 = 0 Then Return SetError(6, 0, -1) If $iend < 1 OR $iend > $idim_1 - 1 Then $iend = $idim_1 - 1 If $istart < 0 Then $istart = 0 If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) Local $imid = Int(($iend + $istart) / 2) Switch UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) Case 1 If $aarray[$istart] > $vvalue OR $aarray[$iend] < $vvalue Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) While $istart <= $imid AND $vvalue <> $aarray[$imid] If $vvalue < $aarray[$imid] Then $iend = $imid - 1 Else $istart = $imid + 1 EndIf $imid = Int(($iend + $istart) / 2) WEnd If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) Case 2 Local $idim_2 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) - 1 If $icolumn < 0 OR $icolumn > $idim_2 Then Return SetError(7, 0, -1) If $aarray[$istart][$icolumn] > $vvalue OR $aarray[$iend][$icolumn] < $vvalue Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) While $istart <= $imid AND $vvalue <> $aarray[$imid][$icolumn] If $vvalue < $aarray[$imid][$icolumn] Then $iend = $imid - 1 Else $istart = $imid + 1 EndIf $imid = Int(($iend + $istart) / 2) WEnd If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) Case Else Return SetError(5, 0, -1) EndSwitch Return $imid EndFunc Func _arraycoldelete(ByRef $aarray, $icolumn, $bconvert = False) If $bconvert = Default Then $bconvert = False If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $idim_1 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_rows) If UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) <> 2 Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) Local $idim_2 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) Switch $idim_2 Case 2 If $icolumn < 0 OR $icolumn > 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) If $bconvert Then Local $atemparray[$idim_1] For $i = 0 To $idim_1 - 1 $atemparray[$i] = $aarray[$i][(NOT $icolumn)] Next $aarray = $atemparray Else ContinueCase EndIf Case Else If $icolumn < 0 OR $icolumn > $idim_2 - 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) For $i = 0 To $idim_1 - 1 For $j = $icolumn To $idim_2 - 2 $aarray[$i][$j] = $aarray[$i][$j + 1] Next Next ReDim $aarray[$idim_1][$idim_2 - 1] EndSwitch Return UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) EndFunc Func _arraycolinsert(ByRef $aarray, $icolumn) If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $idim_1 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_rows) Switch UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) Case 1 Local $atemparray[$idim_1][2] Switch $icolumn Case 0, 1 For $i = 0 To $idim_1 - 1 $atemparray[$i][(NOT $icolumn)] = $aarray[$i] Next Case Else Return SetError(3, 0, -1) EndSwitch $aarray = $atemparray Case 2 Local $idim_2 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) If $icolumn < 0 OR $icolumn > $idim_2 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) ReDim $aarray[$idim_1][$idim_2 + 1] For $i = 0 To $idim_1 - 1 For $j = $idim_2 To $icolumn + 1 Step -1 $aarray[$i][$j] = $aarray[$i][$j - 1] Next $aarray[$i][$icolumn] = "" Next Case Else Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndSwitch Return UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) EndFunc Func _arraycombinations(Const ByRef $aarray, $iset, $sdelimiter = "") If $sdelimiter = Default Then $sdelimiter = "" If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) <> 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $in = UBound($aarray) Local $ir = $iset Local $aidx[$ir] For $i = 0 To $ir - 1 $aidx[$i] = $i Next Local $itotal = __array_combinations($in, $ir) Local $ileft = $itotal Local $aresult[$itotal + 1] $aresult[0] = $itotal Local $icount = 1 While $ileft > 0 __array_getnext($in, $ir, $ileft, $itotal, $aidx) For $i = 0 To $iset - 1 $aresult[$icount] &= $aarray[$aidx[$i]] & $sdelimiter Next If $sdelimiter <> "" Then $aresult[$icount] = StringTrimRight($aresult[$icount], 1) $icount += 1 WEnd Return $aresult EndFunc Func _arrayconcatenate(ByRef $aarraytarget, Const ByRef $aarraysource, $istart = 0) If $istart = Default Then $istart = 0 If NOT IsArray($aarraytarget) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) If NOT IsArray($aarraysource) Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) Local $idim_total_tgt = UBound($aarraytarget, $ubound_dimensions) Local $idim_total_src = UBound($aarraysource, $ubound_dimensions) Local $idim_1_tgt = UBound($aarraytarget, $ubound_rows) Local $idim_1_src = UBound($aarraysource, $ubound_rows) If $istart < 0 OR $istart > $idim_1_src - 1 Then Return SetError(6, 0, -1) Switch $idim_total_tgt Case 1 If $idim_total_src <> 1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) ReDim $aarraytarget[$idim_1_tgt + $idim_1_src - $istart] For $i = $istart To $idim_1_src - 1 $aarraytarget[$idim_1_tgt + $i - $istart] = $aarraysource[$i] Next Case 2 If $idim_total_src <> 2 Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) Local $idim_2_tgt = UBound($aarraytarget, $ubound_columns) If UBound($aarraysource, $ubound_columns) <> $idim_2_tgt Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) ReDim $aarraytarget[$idim_1_tgt + $idim_1_src - $istart][$idim_2_tgt] For $i = $istart To $idim_1_src - 1 For $j = 0 To $idim_2_tgt - 1 $aarraytarget[$idim_1_tgt + $i - $istart][$j] = $aarraysource[$i][$j] Next Next Case Else Return SetError(3, 0, -1) EndSwitch Return UBound($aarraytarget, $ubound_rows) EndFunc Func _arraydelete(ByRef $aarray, $vrange) If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $idim_1 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_rows) - 1 If IsArray($vrange) Then If UBound($vrange, $ubound_dimensions) <> 1 OR UBound($vrange, $ubound_rows) < 2 Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) Else Local $inumber, $asplit_1, $asplit_2 $vrange = StringStripWS($vrange, 8) $asplit_1 = StringSplit($vrange, ";") $vrange = "" For $i = 1 To $asplit_1[0] If NOT StringRegExp($asplit_1[$i], "^\d+(-\d+)?$") Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) $asplit_2 = StringSplit($asplit_1[$i], "-") Switch $asplit_2[0] Case 1 $vrange &= $asplit_2[1] & ";" Case 2 If Number($asplit_2[2]) >= Number($asplit_2[1]) Then $inumber = $asplit_2[1] - 1 Do $inumber += 1 $vrange &= $inumber & ";" Until $inumber = $asplit_2[2] EndIf EndSwitch Next $vrange = StringSplit(StringTrimRight($vrange, 1), ";") EndIf If $vrange[1] < 0 OR $vrange[$vrange[0]] > $idim_1 Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) Local $icopyto_index = 0 Switch UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) Case 1 For $i = 1 To $vrange[0] $aarray[$vrange[$i]] = ChrW(64177) Next For $ireadfrom_index = 0 To $idim_1 If $aarray[$ireadfrom_index] == ChrW(64177) Then ContinueLoop Else If $ireadfrom_index <> $icopyto_index Then $aarray[$icopyto_index] = $aarray[$ireadfrom_index] EndIf $icopyto_index += 1 EndIf Next ReDim $aarray[$idim_1 - $vrange[0] + 1] Case 2 Local $idim_2 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) - 1 For $i = 1 To $vrange[0] $aarray[$vrange[$i]][0] = ChrW(64177) Next For $ireadfrom_index = 0 To $idim_1 If $aarray[$ireadfrom_index][0] == ChrW(64177) Then ContinueLoop Else If $ireadfrom_index <> $icopyto_index Then For $j = 0 To $idim_2 $aarray[$icopyto_index][$j] = $aarray[$ireadfrom_index][$j] Next EndIf $icopyto_index += 1 EndIf Next ReDim $aarray[$idim_1 - $vrange[0] + 1][$idim_2 + 1] Case Else Return SetError(2, 0, False) EndSwitch Return UBound($aarray, $ubound_rows) EndFunc Func _arraydisplay(Const ByRef $aarray, $stitle = Default, $sarrayrange = Default, $iflags = Default, $vuser_separator = Default, $sheader = Default, $imax_colwidth = Default, $ialt_color = Default, $huser_function = Default) If $stitle = Default Then $stitle = "ArrayDisplay" If $sarrayrange = Default Then $sarrayrange = "" If $iflags = Default Then $iflags = 0 If $vuser_separator = Default Then $vuser_separator = "" If $sheader = Default Then $sheader = "" If $imax_colwidth = Default Then $imax_colwidth = 350 If $ialt_color = Default Then $ialt_color = 0 If $huser_function = Default Then $huser_function = 0 Local $itranspose = BitAND($iflags, 1) Local $icolalign = BitAND($iflags, 6) Local $iverbose = BitAND($iflags, 8) Local $ibuttonmargin = ((BitAND($iflags, 32)) ? (0) : ((BitAND($iflags, 16)) ? (20) : (40))) Local $inorow = BitAND($iflags, 64) Local $smsg = "", $iret = 1 If IsArray($aarray) Then Local $idimension = UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions), $irowcount = UBound($aarray, $ubound_rows), $icolcount = UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) If $idimension > 2 Then $smsg = "Larger than 2D array passed to function" $iret = 2 EndIf Else $smsg = "No array variable passed to function" EndIf If $smsg Then If $iverbose AND MsgBox($mb_systemmodal + $mb_iconerror + $mb_yesno, "ArrayDisplay Error: " & $stitle, $smsg & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Exit the script?") = $idyes Then Exit Else Return SetError($iret, 0, "") EndIf EndIf Local $icw_colwidth = Number($vuser_separator) Local $sad_separator = ChrW(64177) Local $scurr_separator = Opt("GUIDataSeparatorChar", $sad_separator) If $vuser_separator = "" Then $vuser_separator = $scurr_separator Local $vtmp, $irowlimit = 65525, $icollimit = 250 Local $idatarow = $irowcount Local $idatacol = $icolcount Local $iitem_start = 0, $iitem_end = $irowcount - 1, $isubitem_start = 0, $isubitem_end = (($idimension = 2) ? ($icolcount - 1) : (0)) Local $brange_flag = False, $avrangesplit If $sarrayrange Then Local $aarray_range = StringRegExp($sarrayrange & "||", "(?U)(.*)\|", 3) If $aarray_range[0] Then $avrangesplit = StringSplit($aarray_range[0], ":") If @error Then $iitem_end = Number($avrangesplit[1]) Else $iitem_start = Number($avrangesplit[1]) $iitem_end = Number($avrangesplit[2]) EndIf EndIf If $iitem_start > $iitem_end Then $vtmp = $iitem_start $iitem_start = $iitem_end $iitem_end = $vtmp EndIf If $iitem_start < 0 Then $iitem_start = 0 If $iitem_end > $irowcount - 1 Then $iitem_end = $irowcount - 1 If $iitem_start <> 0 OR $iitem_end <> $irowcount - 1 Then $brange_flag = True If $idimension = 2 AND $aarray_range[1] Then $avrangesplit = StringSplit($aarray_range[1], ":") If @error Then $isubitem_end = Number($avrangesplit[1]) Else $isubitem_start = Number($avrangesplit[1]) $isubitem_end = Number($avrangesplit[2]) EndIf If $isubitem_start > $isubitem_end Then $vtmp = $isubitem_start $isubitem_start = $isubitem_end $isubitem_end = $vtmp EndIf If $isubitem_start < 0 Then $isubitem_start = 0 If $isubitem_end > $icolcount - 1 Then $isubitem_end = $icolcount - 1 If $isubitem_start <> 0 OR $isubitem_end <> $icolcount - 1 Then $brange_flag = True EndIf EndIf Local $sdisplaydata = "[" & $idatarow Local $btruncated = False If $itranspose Then If $iitem_end - $iitem_start > $icollimit Then $btruncated = True $iitem_end = $iitem_start + $icollimit - 1 EndIf Else If $iitem_end - $iitem_start > $irowlimit Then $btruncated = True $iitem_end = $iitem_start + $irowlimit - 1 EndIf EndIf If $btruncated Then $sdisplaydata &= "*]" Else $sdisplaydata &= "]" EndIf If $idimension = 2 Then $sdisplaydata &= " [" & $idatacol If $itranspose Then If $isubitem_end - $isubitem_start > $irowlimit Then $btruncated = True $isubitem_end = $isubitem_start + $irowlimit - 1 EndIf Else If $isubitem_end - $isubitem_start > $icollimit Then $btruncated = True $isubitem_end = $isubitem_start + $icollimit - 1 EndIf EndIf If $btruncated Then $sdisplaydata &= "*]" Else $sdisplaydata &= "]" EndIf EndIf Local $stipdata = "" If $btruncated Then $stipdata &= "Truncated" If $brange_flag Then If $stipdata Then $stipdata &= " - " $stipdata &= "Range set" EndIf If $itranspose Then If $stipdata Then $stipdata &= " - " $stipdata &= "Transposed" EndIf Local $asheader = StringSplit($sheader, $scurr_separator, $str_nocount) If UBound($asheader) = 0 Then Local $asheader[1] = [""] $sheader = "Row" Local $iindex = $isubitem_start If $itranspose Then For $j = $iitem_start To $iitem_end $sheader &= $sad_separator & "Col " & $j Next Else If $asheader[0] Then For $iindex = $isubitem_start To $isubitem_end If $iindex >= UBound($asheader) Then ExitLoop $sheader &= $sad_separator & $asheader[$iindex] Next EndIf For $j = $iindex To $isubitem_end $sheader &= $sad_separator & "Col " & $j Next EndIf If $inorow Then $sheader = StringTrimLeft($sheader, 4) If $iverbose AND ($iitem_end - $iitem_start + 1) * ($isubitem_end - $isubitem_start + 1) > 10000 Then SplashTextOn("ArrayDisplay", "Preparing display" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Please be patient", 300, 100) EndIf Local $ibuffer = 4094 If $itranspose Then $vtmp = $iitem_start $iitem_start = $isubitem_start $isubitem_start = $vtmp $vtmp = $iitem_end $iitem_end = $isubitem_end $isubitem_end = $vtmp EndIf Local $avarraytext[$iitem_end - $iitem_start + 1] For $i = $iitem_start To $iitem_end If NOT $inorow Then $avarraytext[$i - $iitem_start] = "[" & $i & "]" For $j = $isubitem_start To $isubitem_end If $idimension = 1 Then If $itranspose Then Switch VarGetType($aarray[$j]) Case "Array" $vtmp = "{Array}" Case Else $vtmp = $aarray[$j] EndSwitch Else Switch VarGetType($aarray[$i]) Case "Array" $vtmp = "{Array}" Case Else $vtmp = $aarray[$i] EndSwitch EndIf Else If $itranspose Then Switch VarGetType($aarray[$j][$i]) Case "Array" $vtmp = "{Array}" Case Else $vtmp = $aarray[$j][$i] EndSwitch Else Switch VarGetType($aarray[$i][$j]) Case "Array" $vtmp = "{Array}" Case Else $vtmp = $aarray[$i][$j] EndSwitch EndIf EndIf If StringLen($vtmp) > $ibuffer Then $vtmp = StringLeft($vtmp, $ibuffer) $avarraytext[$i - $iitem_start] &= $sad_separator & $vtmp Next If $inorow Then $avarraytext[$i - $iitem_start] = StringTrimLeft($avarraytext[$i - $iitem_start], 1) Next Local Const $_arrayconstant_gui_dockbottom = 64 Local Const $_arrayconstant_gui_dockborders = 102 Local Const $_arrayconstant_gui_dockheight = 512 Local Const $_arrayconstant_gui_dockleft = 2 Local Const $_arrayconstant_gui_dockright = 4 Local Const $_arrayconstant_gui_dockhcenter = 8 Local Const $_arrayconstant_gui_event_close = -3 Local Const $_arrayconstant_gui_focus = 256 Local Const $_arrayconstant_gui_bkcolor_lv_alternate = -33554432 Local Const $_arrayconstant_ss_center = 1 Local Const $_arrayconstant_ss_centerimage = 512 Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvm_getitemcount = (4096 + 4) Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvm_getitemrect = (4096 + 14) Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvm_getcolumnwidth = (4096 + 29) Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvm_setcolumnwidth = (4096 + 30) Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvm_getitemstate = (4096 + 44) Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvm_getselectedcount = (4096 + 50) Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvm_setextendedlistviewstyle = (4096 + 54) Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvs_ex_gridlines = 1 Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvis_selected = 2 Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvs_showselalways = 8 Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvs_ex_fullrowselect = 32 Local Const $_arrayconstant_ws_ex_clientedge = 512 Local Const $_arrayconstant_ws_maximizebox = 65536 Local Const $_arrayconstant_ws_minimizebox = 131072 Local Const $_arrayconstant_ws_sizebox = 262144 Local Const $_arrayconstant_wm_setredraw = 11 Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvscw_autosize = -1 Local $icoordmode = Opt("GUICoordMode", 1) Local $iorgwidth = 210, $iheight = 200, $iminsize = 250 Local $hgui = GUICreate($stitle, $iorgwidth, $iheight, Default, Default, BitOR($_arrayconstant_ws_sizebox, $_arrayconstant_ws_minimizebox, $_arrayconstant_ws_maximizebox)) Local $aiguisize = WinGetClientSize($hgui) Local $ibuttonwidth_2 = $aiguisize[0] / 2 Local $ibuttonwidth_3 = $aiguisize[0] / 3 Local $idlistview = GUICtrlCreateListView($sheader, 0, 0, $aiguisize[0], $aiguisize[1] - $ibuttonmargin, $_arrayconstant_lvs_showselalways) GUICtrlSetBkColor($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_gui_bkcolor_lv_alternate) GUICtrlSendMsg($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_setextendedlistviewstyle, $_arrayconstant_lvs_ex_gridlines, $_arrayconstant_lvs_ex_gridlines) GUICtrlSendMsg($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_setextendedlistviewstyle, $_arrayconstant_lvs_ex_fullrowselect, $_arrayconstant_lvs_ex_fullrowselect) GUICtrlSendMsg($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_setextendedlistviewstyle, $_arrayconstant_ws_ex_clientedge, $_arrayconstant_ws_ex_clientedge) Local $idcopy_id = 9999, $idcopy_data = 99999, $iddata_label = 99999, $iduser_func = 99999, $idexit_script = 99999 If $ibuttonmargin Then $idcopy_id = GUICtrlCreateButton("Copy Data && Hdr/Row", 0, $aiguisize[1] - $ibuttonmargin, $ibuttonwidth_2, 20) $idcopy_data = GUICtrlCreateButton("Copy Data Only", $ibuttonwidth_2, $aiguisize[1] - $ibuttonmargin, $ibuttonwidth_2, 20) If $ibuttonmargin = 40 Then Local $ibuttonwidth_var = $ibuttonwidth_2 Local $ioffset = $ibuttonwidth_2 If IsFunc($huser_function) Then $iduser_func = GUICtrlCreateButton("Run User Func", $ibuttonwidth_3, $aiguisize[1] - 20, $ibuttonwidth_3, 20) $ibuttonwidth_var = $ibuttonwidth_3 $ioffset = $ibuttonwidth_3 * 2 EndIf $idexit_script = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit Script", $ioffset, $aiguisize[1] - 20, $ibuttonwidth_var, 20) $iddata_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sdisplaydata, 0, $aiguisize[1] - 20, $ibuttonwidth_var, 18, BitOR($_arrayconstant_ss_center, $_arrayconstant_ss_centerimage)) Select Case $btruncated OR $itranspose OR $brange_flag GUICtrlSetColor($iddata_label, 16711680) GUICtrlSetTip($iddata_label, $stipdata) EndSelect EndIf EndIf GUICtrlSetResizing($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_gui_dockborders) GUICtrlSetResizing($idcopy_id, $_arrayconstant_gui_dockleft + $_arrayconstant_gui_dockbottom + $_arrayconstant_gui_dockheight) GUICtrlSetResizing($idcopy_data, $_arrayconstant_gui_dockright + $_arrayconstant_gui_dockbottom + $_arrayconstant_gui_dockheight) GUICtrlSetResizing($iddata_label, $_arrayconstant_gui_dockleft + $_arrayconstant_gui_dockbottom + $_arrayconstant_gui_dockheight) GUICtrlSetResizing($iduser_func, $_arrayconstant_gui_dockhcenter + $_arrayconstant_gui_dockbottom + $_arrayconstant_gui_dockheight) GUICtrlSetResizing($idexit_script, $_arrayconstant_gui_dockright + $_arrayconstant_gui_dockbottom + $_arrayconstant_gui_dockheight) GUICtrlSendMsg($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_wm_setredraw, 0, 0) Local $iditem For $i = 0 To UBound($avarraytext) - 1 $iditem = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($avarraytext[$i], $idlistview) If $ialt_color Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($iditem, $ialt_color) EndIf Next If $icolalign Then Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvcf_fmt = 1 Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvm_setcolumnw = (4096 + 96) Local $tcolumn = DllStructCreate("uint Mask;int Fmt;int CX;ptr Text;int TextMax;int SubItem;int Image;int Order;int cxMin;int cxDefault;int cxIdeal") DllStructSetData($tcolumn, "Mask", $_arrayconstant_lvcf_fmt) DllStructSetData($tcolumn, "Fmt", $icolalign / 2) Local $pcolumn = DllStructGetPtr($tcolumn) For $i = 1 To $isubitem_end - $isubitem_start + 1 GUICtrlSendMsg($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_setcolumnw, $i, $pcolumn) Next EndIf GUICtrlSendMsg($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_wm_setredraw, 1, 0) Local $iborder = 45 If UBound($avarraytext) > 20 Then $iborder += 20 EndIf Local $iwidth = $iborder, $icolwidth = 0, $aicolwidth[$isubitem_end - $isubitem_start + 2], $imin_colwidth = 55 For $i = 0 To $isubitem_end - $isubitem_start + 1 GUICtrlSendMsg($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_setcolumnwidth, $i, $_arrayconstant_lvscw_autosize) $icolwidth = GUICtrlSendMsg($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_getcolumnwidth, $i, 0) If $icolwidth < $imin_colwidth Then GUICtrlSendMsg($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_setcolumnwidth, $i, $imin_colwidth) $icolwidth = $imin_colwidth EndIf $iwidth += $icolwidth $aicolwidth[$i] = $icolwidth Next If $inorow Then $iwidth -= 55 If $iwidth > @DesktopWidth - 100 Then $iwidth = $iborder For $i = 0 To $isubitem_end - $isubitem_start + 1 If $aicolwidth[$i] > $imax_colwidth Then GUICtrlSendMsg($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_setcolumnwidth, $i, $imax_colwidth) $iwidth += $imax_colwidth Else $iwidth += $aicolwidth[$i] EndIf Next EndIf If $iwidth > @DesktopWidth - 100 Then $iwidth = @DesktopWidth - 100 ElseIf $iwidth < $iminsize Then $iwidth = $iminsize EndIf Local $trect = DllStructCreate("struct; long Left;long Top;long Right;long Bottom; endstruct") DllCall("user32.dll", "struct*", "SendMessageW", "hwnd", GUICtrlGetHandle($idlistview), "uint", $_arrayconstant_lvm_getitemrect, "wparam", 0, "struct*", $trect) Local $aiwin_pos = WinGetPos($hgui) Local $ailv_pos = ControlGetPos($hgui, "", $idlistview) $iheight = ((UBound($avarraytext) + 2) * (DllStructGetData($trect, "Bottom") - DllStructGetData($trect, "Top"))) + $aiwin_pos[3] - $ailv_pos[3] If $iheight > @DesktopHeight - 100 Then $iheight = @DesktopHeight - 100 ElseIf $iheight < $iminsize Then $iheight = $iminsize EndIf If $iverbose Then SplashOff() GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hgui) WinMove($hgui, "", (@DesktopWidth - $iwidth) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - $iheight) / 2, $iwidth, $iheight) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hgui) Local $ioneventmode = Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 0), $imsg While 1 $imsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $imsg Case $_arrayconstant_gui_event_close ExitLoop Case $idcopy_id, $idcopy_data Local $isel_count = GUICtrlSendMsg($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_getselectedcount, 0, 0) If $iverbose AND (NOT $isel_count) AND ($iitem_end - $iitem_start) * ($isubitem_end - $isubitem_start) > 10000 Then SplashTextOn("ArrayDisplay", "Copying data" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Please be patient", 300, 100) EndIf Local $sclip = "", $sitem, $asplit For $i = 0 To $iitem_end - $iitem_start If $isel_count AND NOT (GUICtrlSendMsg($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_getitemstate, $i, $_arrayconstant_lvis_selected)) Then ContinueLoop EndIf $sitem = $avarraytext[$i] If $imsg = $idcopy_data Then $sitem = StringRegExpReplace($sitem, "^\[\d+\].(.*)$", "$1") EndIf If $icw_colwidth Then $asplit = StringSplit($sitem, $sad_separator) $sitem = "" For $j = 1 To $asplit[0] $sitem &= StringFormat("%-" & $icw_colwidth + 1 & "s", StringLeft($asplit[$j], $icw_colwidth)) Next Else $sitem = StringReplace($sitem, $sad_separator, $vuser_separator) EndIf $sclip &= $sitem & @CRLF Next If $imsg = $idcopy_id Then If $icw_colwidth Then $asplit = StringSplit($sheader, $sad_separator) $sitem = "" For $j = 1 To $asplit[0] $sitem &= StringFormat("%-" & $icw_colwidth + 1 & "s", StringLeft($asplit[$j], $icw_colwidth)) Next Else $sitem = StringReplace($sheader, $sad_separator, $vuser_separator) EndIf $sclip = $sitem & @CRLF & $sclip EndIf ClipPut($sclip) SplashOff() GUICtrlSetState($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_gui_focus) Case $iduser_func Local $aiselitems[$irowlimit] = [0] For $i = 0 To GUICtrlSendMsg($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_getitemcount, 0, 0) If GUICtrlSendMsg($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_getitemstate, $i, $_arrayconstant_lvis_selected) Then $aiselitems[0] += 1 $aiselitems[$aiselitems[0]] = $i + $iitem_start EndIf Next ReDim $aiselitems[$aiselitems[0] + 1] $huser_function($aarray, $aiselitems) GUICtrlSetState($idlistview, $_arrayconstant_gui_focus) Case $idexit_script GUIDelete($hgui) Exit EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hgui) Opt("GUICoordMode", $icoordmode) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", $ioneventmode) Opt("GUIDataSeparatorChar", $scurr_separator) Return 1 EndFunc Func _arrayextract(Const ByRef $aarray, $istart_row = -1, $iend_row = -1, $istart_col = -1, $iend_col = -1) If $istart_row = Default Then $istart_row = -1 If $iend_row = Default Then $iend_row = -1 If $istart_col = Default Then $istart_col = -1 If $iend_col = Default Then $iend_col = -1 If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $idim_1 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_rows) - 1 If $iend_row = -1 Then $iend_row = $idim_1 If $istart_row = -1 Then $istart_row = 0 If $istart_row < -1 OR $iend_row < -1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) If $istart_row > $idim_1 OR $iend_row > $idim_1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) If $istart_row > $iend_row Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) Switch UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) Case 1 Local $aretarray[$iend_row - $istart_row + 1] For $i = 0 To $iend_row - $istart_row $aretarray[$i] = $aarray[$i + $istart_row] Next Return $aretarray Case 2 Local $idim_2 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) - 1 If $iend_col = -1 Then $iend_col = $idim_2 If $istart_col = -1 Then $istart_col = 0 If $istart_col < -1 OR $iend_col < -1 Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) If $istart_col > $idim_2 OR $iend_col > $idim_2 Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) If $istart_col > $iend_col Then Return SetError(6, 0, -1) If $istart_col = $iend_col Then Local $aretarray[$iend_row - $istart_row + 1] Else Local $aretarray[$iend_row - $istart_row + 1][$iend_col - $istart_col + 1] EndIf For $i = 0 To $iend_row - $istart_row For $j = 0 To $iend_col - $istart_col If $istart_col = $iend_col Then $aretarray[$i] = $aarray[$i + $istart_row][$j + $istart_col] Else $aretarray[$i][$j] = $aarray[$i + $istart_row][$j + $istart_col] EndIf Next Next Return $aretarray Case Else Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndSwitch Return 1 EndFunc Func _arrayfindall(Const ByRef $aarray, $vvalue, $istart = 0, $iend = 0, $icase = 0, $icompare = 0, $isubitem = 0, $brow = False) If $istart = Default Then $istart = 0 If $iend = Default Then $iend = 0 If $icase = Default Then $icase = 0 If $icompare = Default Then $icompare = 0 If $isubitem = Default Then $isubitem = 0 If $brow = Default Then $brow = False $istart = _arraysearch($aarray, $vvalue, $istart, $iend, $icase, $icompare, 1, $isubitem, $brow) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, -1) Local $iindex = 0, $avresult[UBound($aarray, ($brow ? $ubound_columns : $ubound_rows))] Do $avresult[$iindex] = $istart $iindex += 1 $istart = _arraysearch($aarray, $vvalue, $istart + 1, $iend, $icase, $icompare, 1, $isubitem, $brow) Until @error ReDim $avresult[$iindex] Return $avresult EndFunc Func _arrayinsert(ByRef $aarray, $vrange, $vvalue = "", $istart = 0, $sdelim_item = "|", $sdelim_row = @CRLF, $iforce = $arrayfill_force_default) If $vvalue = Default Then $vvalue = "" If $istart = Default Then $istart = 0 If $sdelim_item = Default Then $sdelim_item = "|" If $sdelim_row = Default Then $sdelim_row = @CRLF If $iforce = Default Then $iforce = $arrayfill_force_default If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $idim_1 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_rows) - 1 Local $hdatatype = 0 Switch $iforce Case $arrayfill_force_int $hdatatype = Int Case $arrayfill_force_number $hdatatype = Number Case $arrayfill_force_ptr $hdatatype = Ptr Case $arrayfill_force_hwnd $hdatatype = HWnd Case $arrayfill_force_string $hdatatype = String EndSwitch Local $asplit_1, $asplit_2 If IsArray($vrange) Then If UBound($vrange, $ubound_dimensions) <> 1 OR UBound($vrange, $ubound_rows) < 2 Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) Else Local $inumber $vrange = StringStripWS($vrange, 8) $asplit_1 = StringSplit($vrange, ";") $vrange = "" For $i = 1 To $asplit_1[0] If NOT StringRegExp($asplit_1[$i], "^\d+(-\d+)?$") Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) $asplit_2 = StringSplit($asplit_1[$i], "-") Switch $asplit_2[0] Case 1 $vrange &= $asplit_2[1] & ";" Case 2 If Number($asplit_2[2]) >= Number($asplit_2[1]) Then $inumber = $asplit_2[1] - 1 Do $inumber += 1 $vrange &= $inumber & ";" Until $inumber = $asplit_2[2] EndIf EndSwitch Next $vrange = StringSplit(StringTrimRight($vrange, 1), ";") EndIf If $vrange[1] < 0 OR $vrange[$vrange[0]] > $idim_1 Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) For $i = 2 To $vrange[0] If $vrange[$i] < $vrange[$i - 1] Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) Next Local $icopyto_index = $idim_1 + $vrange[0] Local $iinsertpoint_index = $vrange[0] Local $iinsert_index = $vrange[$iinsertpoint_index] Switch UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) Case 1 If $iforce = $arrayfill_force_singleitem Then ReDim $aarray[$idim_1 + $vrange[0] + 1] For $ireadfromindex = $idim_1 To 0 Step -1 $aarray[$icopyto_index] = $aarray[$ireadfromindex] $icopyto_index -= 1 $iinsert_index = $vrange[$iinsertpoint_index] While $ireadfromindex = $iinsert_index $aarray[$icopyto_index] = $vvalue $icopyto_index -= 1 $iinsertpoint_index -= 1 If $iinsertpoint_index < 1 Then ExitLoop 2 $iinsert_index = $vrange[$iinsertpoint_index] WEnd Next Return $idim_1 + $vrange[0] + 1 EndIf ReDim $aarray[$idim_1 + $vrange[0] + 1] If IsArray($vvalue) Then If UBound($vvalue, $ubound_dimensions) <> 1 Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) $hdatatype = 0 Else Local $atmp = StringSplit($vvalue, $sdelim_item, $str_nocount + $str_entiresplit) If UBound($atmp, $ubound_rows) = 1 Then $atmp[0] = $vvalue $hdatatype = 0 EndIf $vvalue = $atmp EndIf For $ireadfromindex = $idim_1 To 0 Step -1 $aarray[$icopyto_index] = $aarray[$ireadfromindex] $icopyto_index -= 1 $iinsert_index = $vrange[$iinsertpoint_index] While $ireadfromindex = $iinsert_index If $iinsertpoint_index <= UBound($vvalue, $ubound_rows) Then If IsFunc($hdatatype) Then $aarray[$icopyto_index] = $hdatatype($vvalue[$iinsertpoint_index - 1]) Else $aarray[$icopyto_index] = $vvalue[$iinsertpoint_index - 1] EndIf Else $aarray[$icopyto_index] = "" EndIf $icopyto_index -= 1 $iinsertpoint_index -= 1 If $iinsertpoint_index = 0 Then ExitLoop 2 $iinsert_index = $vrange[$iinsertpoint_index] WEnd Next Case 2 Local $idim_2 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) If $istart < 0 OR $istart > $idim_2 - 1 Then Return SetError(6, 0, -1) Local $ivaldim_1, $ivaldim_2 If IsArray($vvalue) Then If UBound($vvalue, $ubound_dimensions) <> 2 Then Return SetError(7, 0, -1) $ivaldim_1 = UBound($vvalue, $ubound_rows) $ivaldim_2 = UBound($vvalue, $ubound_columns) $hdatatype = 0 Else $asplit_1 = StringSplit($vvalue, $sdelim_row, $str_nocount + $str_entiresplit) $ivaldim_1 = UBound($asplit_1, $ubound_rows) StringReplace($asplit_1[0], $sdelim_item, "") $ivaldim_2 = @extended + 1 Local $atmp[$ivaldim_1][$ivaldim_2] For $i = 0 To $ivaldim_1 - 1 $asplit_2 = StringSplit($asplit_1[$i], $sdelim_item, $str_nocount + $str_entiresplit) For $j = 0 To $ivaldim_2 - 1 $atmp[$i][$j] = $asplit_2[$j] Next Next $vvalue = $atmp EndIf If UBound($vvalue, $ubound_columns) + $istart > UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) Then Return SetError(8, 0, -1) ReDim $aarray[$idim_1 + $vrange[0] + 1][$idim_2] For $ireadfromindex = $idim_1 To 0 Step -1 For $j = 0 To $idim_2 - 1 $aarray[$icopyto_index][$j] = $aarray[$ireadfromindex][$j] Next $icopyto_index -= 1 $iinsert_index = $vrange[$iinsertpoint_index] While $ireadfromindex = $iinsert_index For $j = 0 To $idim_2 - 1 If $j < $istart Then $aarray[$icopyto_index][$j] = "" ElseIf $j - $istart > $ivaldim_2 - 1 Then $aarray[$icopyto_index][$j] = "" Else If $iinsertpoint_index - 1 < $ivaldim_1 Then If IsFunc($hdatatype) Then $aarray[$icopyto_index][$j] = $hdatatype($vvalue[$iinsertpoint_index - 1][$j - $istart]) Else $aarray[$icopyto_index][$j] = $vvalue[$iinsertpoint_index - 1][$j - $istart] EndIf Else $aarray[$icopyto_index][$j] = "" EndIf EndIf Next $icopyto_index -= 1 $iinsertpoint_index -= 1 If $iinsertpoint_index = 0 Then ExitLoop 2 $iinsert_index = $vrange[$iinsertpoint_index] WEnd Next Case Else Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndSwitch Return UBound($aarray, $ubound_rows) EndFunc Func _arraymax(Const ByRef $aarray, $icompnumeric = 0, $istart = -1, $iend = -1, $isubitem = 0) Local $iresult = _arraymaxindex($aarray, $icompnumeric, $istart, $iend, $isubitem) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, "") If UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) = 1 Then Return $aarray[$iresult] Else Return $aarray[$iresult][$isubitem] EndIf EndFunc Func _arraymaxindex(Const ByRef $aarray, $icompnumeric = 0, $istart = -1, $iend = -1, $isubitem = 0) If $icompnumeric = Default Then $icompnumeric = 0 If $istart = Default Then $istart = -1 If $iend = Default Then $iend = -1 If $isubitem = Default Then $isubitem = 0 Local $iret = __array_minmaxindex($aarray, $icompnumeric, $istart, $iend, $isubitem, __array_greaterthan) Return SetError(@error, 0, $iret) EndFunc Func _arraymin(Const ByRef $aarray, $icompnumeric = 0, $istart = -1, $iend = -1, $isubitem = 0) Local $iresult = _arrayminindex($aarray, $icompnumeric, $istart, $iend, $isubitem) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, "") If UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) = 1 Then Return $aarray[$iresult] Else Return $aarray[$iresult][$isubitem] EndIf EndFunc Func _arrayminindex(Const ByRef $aarray, $icompnumeric = 0, $istart = -1, $iend = -1, $isubitem = 0) If $icompnumeric = Default Then $icompnumeric = 0 If $istart = Default Then $istart = -1 If $iend = Default Then $iend = -1 If $isubitem = Default Then $isubitem = 0 Local $iret = __array_minmaxindex($aarray, $icompnumeric, $istart, $iend, $isubitem, __array_lessthan) Return SetError(@error, 0, $iret) EndFunc Func _arraypermute(ByRef $aarray, $sdelimiter = "") If $sdelimiter = Default Then $sdelimiter = "" If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) <> 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $isize = UBound($aarray), $ifactorial = 1, $aidx[$isize], $aresult[1], $icount = 1 If UBound($aarray) Then For $i = 0 To $isize - 1 $aidx[$i] = $i Next For $i = $isize To 1 Step -1 $ifactorial *= $i Next ReDim $aresult[$ifactorial + 1] $aresult[0] = $ifactorial __array_exeterinternal($aarray, 0, $isize, $sdelimiter, $aidx, $aresult, $icount) Else $aresult[0] = 0 EndIf Return $aresult EndFunc Func _arraypop(ByRef $aarray) If (NOT IsArray($aarray)) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) <> 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") Local $iubound = UBound($aarray) - 1 If $iubound = -1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") Local $slastval = $aarray[$iubound] If $iubound > -1 Then ReDim $aarray[$iubound] EndIf Return $slastval EndFunc Func _arraypush(ByRef $aarray, $vvalue, $idirection = 0) If $idirection = Default Then $idirection = 0 If (NOT IsArray($aarray)) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) <> 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Local $iubound = UBound($aarray) - 1 If IsArray($vvalue) Then Local $iubounds = UBound($vvalue) If ($iubounds - 1) > $iubound Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If $idirection Then For $i = $iubound To $iubounds Step -1 $aarray[$i] = $aarray[$i - $iubounds] Next For $i = 0 To $iubounds - 1 $aarray[$i] = $vvalue[$i] Next Else For $i = 0 To $iubound - $iubounds $aarray[$i] = $aarray[$i + $iubounds] Next For $i = 0 To $iubounds - 1 $aarray[$i + $iubound - $iubounds + 1] = $vvalue[$i] Next EndIf Else If $iubound > -1 Then If $idirection Then For $i = $iubound To 1 Step -1 $aarray[$i] = $aarray[$i - 1] Next $aarray[0] = $vvalue Else For $i = 0 To $iubound - 1 $aarray[$i] = $aarray[$i + 1] Next $aarray[$iubound] = $vvalue EndIf EndIf EndIf Return 1 EndFunc Func _arrayreverse(ByRef $aarray, $istart = 0, $iend = 0) If $istart = Default Then $istart = 0 If $iend = Default Then $iend = 0 If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) <> 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If NOT UBound($aarray) Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) Local $vtmp, $iubound = UBound($aarray) - 1 If $iend < 1 OR $iend > $iubound Then $iend = $iubound If $istart < 0 Then $istart = 0 If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) For $i = $istart To Int(($istart + $iend - 1) / 2) $vtmp = $aarray[$i] $aarray[$i] = $aarray[$iend] $aarray[$iend] = $vtmp $iend -= 1 Next Return 1 EndFunc Func _arraysearch(Const ByRef $aarray, $vvalue, $istart = 0, $iend = 0, $icase = 0, $icompare = 0, $iforward = 1, $isubitem = -1, $brow = False) If $istart = Default Then $istart = 0 If $iend = Default Then $iend = 0 If $icase = Default Then $icase = 0 If $icompare = Default Then $icompare = 0 If $iforward = Default Then $iforward = 1 If $isubitem = Default Then $isubitem = -1 If $brow = Default Then $brow = False If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $idim_1 = UBound($aarray) - 1 If $idim_1 = -1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) Local $idim_2 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) - 1 Local $bcomptype = False If $icompare = 2 Then $icompare = 0 $bcomptype = True EndIf If $brow Then If UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) = 1 Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) If $iend < 1 OR $iend > $idim_2 Then $iend = $idim_2 If $istart < 0 Then $istart = 0 If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) Else If $iend < 1 OR $iend > $idim_1 Then $iend = $idim_1 If $istart < 0 Then $istart = 0 If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) EndIf Local $istep = 1 If NOT $iforward Then Local $itmp = $istart $istart = $iend $iend = $itmp $istep = -1 EndIf Switch UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) Case 1 If NOT $icompare Then If NOT $icase Then For $i = $istart To $iend Step $istep If $bcomptype AND VarGetType($aarray[$i]) <> VarGetType($vvalue) Then ContinueLoop If $aarray[$i] = $vvalue Then Return $i Next Else For $i = $istart To $iend Step $istep If $bcomptype AND VarGetType($aarray[$i]) <> VarGetType($vvalue) Then ContinueLoop If $aarray[$i] == $vvalue Then Return $i Next EndIf Else For $i = $istart To $iend Step $istep If $icompare = 3 Then If StringRegExp($aarray[$i], $vvalue) Then Return $i Else If StringInStr($aarray[$i], $vvalue, $icase) > 0 Then Return $i EndIf Next EndIf Case 2 Local $idim_sub If $brow Then $idim_sub = $idim_1 If $isubitem > $idim_sub Then $isubitem = $idim_sub If $isubitem < 0 Then $isubitem = 0 Else $idim_sub = $isubitem EndIf Else $idim_sub = $idim_2 If $isubitem > $idim_sub Then $isubitem = $idim_sub If $isubitem < 0 Then $isubitem = 0 Else $idim_sub = $isubitem EndIf EndIf For $j = $isubitem To $idim_sub If NOT $icompare Then If NOT $icase Then For $i = $istart To $iend Step $istep If $brow Then If $bcomptype AND VarGetType($aarray[$j][$j]) <> VarGetType($vvalue) Then ContinueLoop If $aarray[$j][$i] = $vvalue Then Return $i Else If $bcomptype AND VarGetType($aarray[$i][$j]) <> VarGetType($vvalue) Then ContinueLoop If $aarray[$i][$j] = $vvalue Then Return $i EndIf Next Else For $i = $istart To $iend Step $istep If $brow Then If $bcomptype AND VarGetType($aarray[$j][$i]) <> VarGetType($vvalue) Then ContinueLoop If $aarray[$j][$i] == $vvalue Then Return $i Else If $bcomptype AND VarGetType($aarray[$i][$j]) <> VarGetType($vvalue) Then ContinueLoop If $aarray[$i][$j] == $vvalue Then Return $i EndIf Next EndIf Else For $i = $istart To $iend Step $istep If $icompare = 3 Then If $brow Then If StringRegExp($aarray[$j][$i], $vvalue) Then Return $i Else If StringRegExp($aarray[$i][$j], $vvalue) Then Return $i EndIf Else If $brow Then If StringInStr($aarray[$j][$i], $vvalue, $icase) > 0 Then Return $i Else If StringInStr($aarray[$i][$j], $vvalue, $icase) > 0 Then Return $i EndIf EndIf Next EndIf Next Case Else Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndSwitch Return SetError(6, 0, -1) EndFunc Func _arrayshuffle(ByRef $aarray, $istart_row = 0, $iend_row = 0, $icol = -1) If $istart_row = Default Then $istart_row = 0 If $iend_row = Default Then $iend_row = 0 If $icol = Default Then $icol = -1 If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $idim_1 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_rows) If $iend_row = 0 Then $iend_row = $idim_1 - 1 If $istart_row < 0 OR $istart_row > $idim_1 - 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) If $iend_row < 1 OR $iend_row > $idim_1 - 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) If $istart_row > $iend_row Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) Local $vtmp, $irand Switch UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) Case 1 For $i = $iend_row To $istart_row + 1 Step -1 $irand = Random($istart_row, $i, 1) $vtmp = $aarray[$i] $aarray[$i] = $aarray[$irand] $aarray[$irand] = $vtmp Next Return 1 Case 2 Local $idim_2 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) If $icol < -1 OR $icol > $idim_2 - 1 Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) Local $icol_start, $icol_end If $icol = -1 Then $icol_start = 0 $icol_end = $idim_2 - 1 Else $icol_start = $icol $icol_end = $icol EndIf For $i = $iend_row To $istart_row + 1 Step -1 $irand = Random($istart_row, $i, 1) For $j = $icol_start To $icol_end $vtmp = $aarray[$i][$j] $aarray[$i][$j] = $aarray[$irand][$j] $aarray[$irand][$j] = $vtmp Next Next Return 1 Case Else Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndSwitch EndFunc Func _arraysort(ByRef $aarray, $idescending = 0, $istart = 0, $iend = 0, $isubitem = 0, $ipivot = 0) If $idescending = Default Then $idescending = 0 If $istart = Default Then $istart = 0 If $iend = Default Then $iend = 0 If $isubitem = Default Then $isubitem = 0 If $ipivot = Default Then $ipivot = 0 If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iubound = UBound($aarray) - 1 If $iubound = -1 Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) If $iend = Default Then $iend = 0 If $iend < 1 OR $iend > $iubound OR $iend = Default Then $iend = $iubound If $istart < 0 OR $istart = Default Then $istart = 0 If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If $idescending = Default Then $idescending = 0 If $ipivot = Default Then $ipivot = 0 If $isubitem = Default Then $isubitem = 0 Switch UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) Case 1 If $ipivot Then __arraydualpivotsort($aarray, $istart, $iend) Else __arrayquicksort1d($aarray, $istart, $iend) EndIf If $idescending Then _arrayreverse($aarray, $istart, $iend) Case 2 If $ipivot Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) Local $isubmax = UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) - 1 If $isubitem > $isubmax Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If $idescending Then $idescending = -1 Else $idescending = 1 EndIf __arrayquicksort2d($aarray, $idescending, $istart, $iend, $isubitem, $isubmax) Case Else Return SetError(4, 0, 0) EndSwitch Return 1 EndFunc Func __arrayquicksort1d(ByRef $aarray, Const ByRef $istart, Const ByRef $iend) If $iend <= $istart Then Return Local $vtmp If ($iend - $istart) < 15 Then Local $vcur For $i = $istart + 1 To $iend $vtmp = $aarray[$i] If IsNumber($vtmp) Then For $j = $i - 1 To $istart Step -1 $vcur = $aarray[$j] If ($vtmp >= $vcur AND IsNumber($vcur)) OR (NOT IsNumber($vcur) AND StringCompare($vtmp, $vcur) >= 0) Then ExitLoop $aarray[$j + 1] = $vcur Next Else For $j = $i - 1 To $istart Step -1 If (StringCompare($vtmp, $aarray[$j]) >= 0) Then ExitLoop $aarray[$j + 1] = $aarray[$j] Next EndIf $aarray[$j + 1] = $vtmp Next Return EndIf Local $l = $istart, $r = $iend, $vpivot = $aarray[Int(($istart + $iend) / 2)], $bnum = IsNumber($vpivot) Do If $bnum Then While ($aarray[$l] < $vpivot AND IsNumber($aarray[$l])) OR (NOT IsNumber($aarray[$l]) AND StringCompare($aarray[$l], $vpivot) < 0) $l += 1 WEnd While ($aarray[$r] > $vpivot AND IsNumber($aarray[$r])) OR (NOT IsNumber($aarray[$r]) AND StringCompare($aarray[$r], $vpivot) > 0) $r -= 1 WEnd Else While (StringCompare($aarray[$l], $vpivot) < 0) $l += 1 WEnd While (StringCompare($aarray[$r], $vpivot) > 0) $r -= 1 WEnd EndIf If $l <= $r Then $vtmp = $aarray[$l] $aarray[$l] = $aarray[$r] $aarray[$r] = $vtmp $l += 1 $r -= 1 EndIf Until $l > $r __arrayquicksort1d($aarray, $istart, $r) __arrayquicksort1d($aarray, $l, $iend) EndFunc Func __arrayquicksort2d(ByRef $aarray, Const ByRef $istep, Const ByRef $istart, Const ByRef $iend, Const ByRef $isubitem, Const ByRef $isubmax) If $iend <= $istart Then Return Local $vtmp, $l = $istart, $r = $iend, $vpivot = $aarray[Int(($istart + $iend) / 2)][$isubitem], $bnum = IsNumber($vpivot) Do If $bnum Then While ($istep * ($aarray[$l][$isubitem] - $vpivot) < 0 AND IsNumber($aarray[$l][$isubitem])) OR (NOT IsNumber($aarray[$l][$isubitem]) AND $istep * StringCompare($aarray[$l][$isubitem], $vpivot) < 0) $l += 1 WEnd While ($istep * ($aarray[$r][$isubitem] - $vpivot) > 0 AND IsNumber($aarray[$r][$isubitem])) OR (NOT IsNumber($aarray[$r][$isubitem]) AND $istep * StringCompare($aarray[$r][$isubitem], $vpivot) > 0) $r -= 1 WEnd Else While ($istep * StringCompare($aarray[$l][$isubitem], $vpivot) < 0) $l += 1 WEnd While ($istep * StringCompare($aarray[$r][$isubitem], $vpivot) > 0) $r -= 1 WEnd EndIf If $l <= $r Then For $i = 0 To $isubmax $vtmp = $aarray[$l][$i] $aarray[$l][$i] = $aarray[$r][$i] $aarray[$r][$i] = $vtmp Next $l += 1 $r -= 1 EndIf Until $l > $r __arrayquicksort2d($aarray, $istep, $istart, $r, $isubitem, $isubmax) __arrayquicksort2d($aarray, $istep, $l, $iend, $isubitem, $isubmax) EndFunc Func __arraydualpivotsort(ByRef $aarray, $ipivot_left, $ipivot_right, $bleftmost = True) If $ipivot_left > $ipivot_right Then Return Local $ilength = $ipivot_right - $ipivot_left + 1 Local $i, $j, $k, $iai, $iak, $ia1, $ia2, $ilast If $ilength < 45 Then If $bleftmost Then $i = $ipivot_left While $i < $ipivot_right $j = $i $iai = $aarray[$i + 1] While $iai < $aarray[$j] $aarray[$j + 1] = $aarray[$j] $j -= 1 If $j + 1 = $ipivot_left Then ExitLoop WEnd $aarray[$j + 1] = $iai $i += 1 WEnd Else While 1 If $ipivot_left >= $ipivot_right Then Return 1 $ipivot_left += 1 If $aarray[$ipivot_left] < $aarray[$ipivot_left - 1] Then ExitLoop WEnd While 1 $k = $ipivot_left $ipivot_left += 1 If $ipivot_left > $ipivot_right Then ExitLoop $ia1 = $aarray[$k] $ia2 = $aarray[$ipivot_left] If $ia1 < $ia2 Then $ia2 = $ia1 $ia1 = $aarray[$ipivot_left] EndIf $k -= 1 While $ia1 < $aarray[$k] $aarray[$k + 2] = $aarray[$k] $k -= 1 WEnd $aarray[$k + 2] = $ia1 While $ia2 < $aarray[$k] $aarray[$k + 1] = $aarray[$k] $k -= 1 WEnd $aarray[$k + 1] = $ia2 $ipivot_left += 1 WEnd $ilast = $aarray[$ipivot_right] $ipivot_right -= 1 While $ilast < $aarray[$ipivot_right] $aarray[$ipivot_right + 1] = $aarray[$ipivot_right] $ipivot_right -= 1 WEnd $aarray[$ipivot_right + 1] = $ilast EndIf Return 1 EndIf Local $iseventh = BitShift($ilength, 3) + BitShift($ilength, 6) + 1 Local $ie1, $ie2, $ie3, $ie4, $ie5, $t $ie3 = Ceiling(($ipivot_left + $ipivot_right) / 2) $ie2 = $ie3 - $iseventh $ie1 = $ie2 - $iseventh $ie4 = $ie3 + $iseventh $ie5 = $ie4 + $iseventh If $aarray[$ie2] < $aarray[$ie1] Then $t = $aarray[$ie2] $aarray[$ie2] = $aarray[$ie1] $aarray[$ie1] = $t EndIf If $aarray[$ie3] < $aarray[$ie2] Then $t = $aarray[$ie3] $aarray[$ie3] = $aarray[$ie2] $aarray[$ie2] = $t If $t < $aarray[$ie1] Then $aarray[$ie2] = $aarray[$ie1] $aarray[$ie1] = $t EndIf EndIf If $aarray[$ie4] < $aarray[$ie3] Then $t = $aarray[$ie4] $aarray[$ie4] = $aarray[$ie3] $aarray[$ie3] = $t If $t < $aarray[$ie2] Then $aarray[$ie3] = $aarray[$ie2] $aarray[$ie2] = $t If $t < $aarray[$ie1] Then $aarray[$ie2] = $aarray[$ie1] $aarray[$ie1] = $t EndIf EndIf EndIf If $aarray[$ie5] < $aarray[$ie4] Then $t = $aarray[$ie5] $aarray[$ie5] = $aarray[$ie4] $aarray[$ie4] = $t If $t < $aarray[$ie3] Then $aarray[$ie4] = $aarray[$ie3] $aarray[$ie3] = $t If $t < $aarray[$ie2] Then $aarray[$ie3] = $aarray[$ie2] $aarray[$ie2] = $t If $t < $aarray[$ie1] Then $aarray[$ie2] = $aarray[$ie1] $aarray[$ie1] = $t EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Local $iless = $ipivot_left Local $igreater = $ipivot_right If (($aarray[$ie1] <> $aarray[$ie2]) AND ($aarray[$ie2] <> $aarray[$ie3]) AND ($aarray[$ie3] <> $aarray[$ie4]) AND ($aarray[$ie4] <> $aarray[$ie5])) Then Local $ipivot_1 = $aarray[$ie2] Local $ipivot_2 = $aarray[$ie4] $aarray[$ie2] = $aarray[$ipivot_left] $aarray[$ie4] = $aarray[$ipivot_right] Do $iless += 1 Until $aarray[$iless] >= $ipivot_1 Do $igreater -= 1 Until $aarray[$igreater] <= $ipivot_2 $k = $iless While $k <= $igreater $iak = $aarray[$k] If $iak < $ipivot_1 Then $aarray[$k] = $aarray[$iless] $aarray[$iless] = $iak $iless += 1 ElseIf $iak > $ipivot_2 Then While $aarray[$igreater] > $ipivot_2 $igreater -= 1 If $igreater + 1 = $k Then ExitLoop 2 WEnd If $aarray[$igreater] < $ipivot_1 Then $aarray[$k] = $aarray[$iless] $aarray[$iless] = $aarray[$igreater] $iless += 1 Else $aarray[$k] = $aarray[$igreater] EndIf $aarray[$igreater] = $iak $igreater -= 1 EndIf $k += 1 WEnd $aarray[$ipivot_left] = $aarray[$iless - 1] $aarray[$iless - 1] = $ipivot_1 $aarray[$ipivot_right] = $aarray[$igreater + 1] $aarray[$igreater + 1] = $ipivot_2 __arraydualpivotsort($aarray, $ipivot_left, $iless - 2, True) __arraydualpivotsort($aarray, $igreater + 2, $ipivot_right, False) If ($iless < $ie1) AND ($ie5 < $igreater) Then While $aarray[$iless] = $ipivot_1 $iless += 1 WEnd While $aarray[$igreater] = $ipivot_2 $igreater -= 1 WEnd $k = $iless While $k <= $igreater $iak = $aarray[$k] If $iak = $ipivot_1 Then $aarray[$k] = $aarray[$iless] $aarray[$iless] = $iak $iless += 1 ElseIf $iak = $ipivot_2 Then While $aarray[$igreater] = $ipivot_2 $igreater -= 1 If $igreater + 1 = $k Then ExitLoop 2 WEnd If $aarray[$igreater] = $ipivot_1 Then $aarray[$k] = $aarray[$iless] $aarray[$iless] = $ipivot_1 $iless += 1 Else $aarray[$k] = $aarray[$igreater] EndIf $aarray[$igreater] = $iak $igreater -= 1 EndIf $k += 1 WEnd EndIf __arraydualpivotsort($aarray, $iless, $igreater, False) Else Local $ipivot = $aarray[$ie3] $k = $iless While $k <= $igreater If $aarray[$k] = $ipivot Then $k += 1 ContinueLoop EndIf $iak = $aarray[$k] If $iak < $ipivot Then $aarray[$k] = $aarray[$iless] $aarray[$iless] = $iak $iless += 1 Else While $aarray[$igreater] > $ipivot $igreater -= 1 WEnd If $aarray[$igreater] < $ipivot Then $aarray[$k] = $aarray[$iless] $aarray[$iless] = $aarray[$igreater] $iless += 1 Else $aarray[$k] = $ipivot EndIf $aarray[$igreater] = $iak $igreater -= 1 EndIf $k += 1 WEnd __arraydualpivotsort($aarray, $ipivot_left, $iless - 1, True) __arraydualpivotsort($aarray, $igreater + 1, $ipivot_right, False) EndIf EndFunc Func _arrayswap(ByRef $aarray, $iindex_1, $iindex_2, $bcol = False, $istart = -1, $iend = -1) If $bcol = Default Then $bcol = False If $istart = Default Then $istart = -1 If $iend = Default Then $iend = -1 If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $idim_1 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_rows) - 1 Local $idim_2 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) - 1 If $idim_2 = -1 Then $bcol = False $istart = -1 $iend = -1 EndIf If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) If $bcol Then If $iindex_1 < 0 OR $iindex_2 > $idim_2 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) If $istart = -1 Then $istart = 0 If $iend = -1 Then $iend = $idim_1 Else If $iindex_1 < 0 OR $iindex_2 > $idim_1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) If $istart = -1 Then $istart = 0 If $iend = -1 Then $iend = $idim_2 EndIf Local $vtmp Switch UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) Case 1 $vtmp = $aarray[$iindex_1] $aarray[$iindex_1] = $aarray[$iindex_2] $aarray[$iindex_2] = $vtmp Case 2 If $istart < -1 OR $iend < -1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) If $bcol Then If $istart > $idim_1 OR $iend > $idim_1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) For $j = $istart To $iend $vtmp = $aarray[$j][$iindex_1] $aarray[$j][$iindex_1] = $aarray[$j][$iindex_2] $aarray[$j][$iindex_2] = $vtmp Next Else If $istart > $idim_2 OR $iend > $idim_2 Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) For $j = $istart To $iend $vtmp = $aarray[$iindex_1][$j] $aarray[$iindex_1][$j] = $aarray[$iindex_2][$j] $aarray[$iindex_2][$j] = $vtmp Next EndIf Case Else Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndSwitch Return 1 EndFunc Func _arraytoclip(Const ByRef $aarray, $sdelim_col = "|", $istart_row = -1, $iend_row = -1, $sdelim_row = @CRLF, $istart_col = -1, $iend_col = -1) Local $sresult = _arraytostring($aarray, $sdelim_col, $istart_row, $iend_row, $sdelim_row, $istart_col, $iend_col) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) If ClipPut($sresult) Then Return 1 Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) EndFunc Func _arraytostring(Const ByRef $aarray, $sdelim_col = "|", $istart_row = -1, $iend_row = -1, $sdelim_row = @CRLF, $istart_col = -1, $iend_col = -1) If $sdelim_col = Default Then $sdelim_col = "|" If $sdelim_row = Default Then $sdelim_row = @CRLF If $istart_row = Default Then $istart_row = -1 If $iend_row = Default Then $iend_row = -1 If $istart_col = Default Then $istart_col = -1 If $iend_col = Default Then $iend_col = -1 If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $idim_1 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_rows) - 1 If $istart_row = -1 Then $istart_row = 0 If $iend_row = -1 Then $iend_row = $idim_1 If $istart_row < -1 OR $iend_row < -1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) If $istart_row > $idim_1 OR $iend_row > $idim_1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") If $istart_row > $iend_row Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) Local $sret = "" Switch UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) Case 1 For $i = $istart_row To $iend_row $sret &= $aarray[$i] & $sdelim_col Next Return StringTrimRight($sret, StringLen($sdelim_col)) Case 2 Local $idim_2 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) - 1 If $istart_col = -1 Then $istart_col = 0 If $iend_col = -1 Then $iend_col = $idim_2 If $istart_col < -1 OR $iend_col < -1 Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) If $istart_col > $idim_2 OR $iend_col > $idim_2 Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) If $istart_col > $iend_col Then Return SetError(6, 0, -1) For $i = $istart_row To $iend_row For $j = $istart_col To $iend_col $sret &= $aarray[$i][$j] & $sdelim_col Next $sret = StringTrimRight($sret, StringLen($sdelim_col)) & $sdelim_row Next Return StringTrimRight($sret, StringLen($sdelim_row)) Case Else Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndSwitch Return 1 EndFunc Func _arraytranspose(ByRef $aarray) Switch UBound($aarray, 0) Case 0 Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Case 1 Local $atemp[1][UBound($aarray)] For $i = 0 To UBound($aarray) - 1 $atemp[0][$i] = $aarray[$i] Next $aarray = $atemp Case 2 Local $idim_1 = UBound($aarray, 1), $idim_2 = UBound($aarray, 2) If $idim_1 <> $idim_2 Then Local $atemp[$idim_2][$idim_1] For $i = 0 To $idim_1 - 1 For $j = 0 To $idim_2 - 1 $atemp[$j][$i] = $aarray[$i][$j] Next Next $aarray = $atemp Else Local $velement For $i = 0 To $idim_1 - 1 For $j = $i + 1 To $idim_2 - 1 $velement = $aarray[$i][$j] $aarray[$i][$j] = $aarray[$j][$i] $aarray[$j][$i] = $velement Next Next EndIf Case Else Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndSwitch Return 1 EndFunc Func _arraytrim(ByRef $aarray, $itrimnum, $idirection = 0, $istart = 0, $iend = 0, $isubitem = 0) If $idirection = Default Then $idirection = 0 If $istart = Default Then $istart = 0 If $iend = Default Then $iend = 0 If $isubitem = Default Then $isubitem = 0 If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $idim_1 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_rows) - 1 If $iend = 0 Then $iend = $idim_1 If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) If $istart < 0 OR $iend < 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) If $istart > $idim_1 OR $iend > $idim_1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) Switch UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) Case 1 If $idirection Then For $i = $istart To $iend $aarray[$i] = StringTrimRight($aarray[$i], $itrimnum) Next Else For $i = $istart To $iend $aarray[$i] = StringTrimLeft($aarray[$i], $itrimnum) Next EndIf Case 2 Local $idim_2 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) - 1 If $isubitem < 0 OR $isubitem > $idim_2 Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) If $idirection Then For $i = $istart To $iend $aarray[$i][$isubitem] = StringTrimRight($aarray[$i][$isubitem], $itrimnum) Next Else For $i = $istart To $iend $aarray[$i][$isubitem] = StringTrimLeft($aarray[$i][$isubitem], $itrimnum) Next EndIf Case Else Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndSwitch Return 1 EndFunc Func _arrayunique(Const ByRef $aarray, $icolumn = 0, $ibase = 0, $icase = 0, $icount = $arrayunique_count, $iinttype = $arrayunique_auto) If $icolumn = Default Then $icolumn = 0 If $ibase = Default Then $ibase = 0 If $icase = Default Then $icase = 0 If $icount = Default Then $icount = $arrayunique_count If UBound($aarray, $ubound_rows) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $idims = UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions), $inumcolumns = UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) If $idims > 2 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If $ibase < 0 OR $ibase > 1 OR (NOT IsInt($ibase)) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If $icase < 0 OR $icase > 1 OR (NOT IsInt($icase)) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If $icount < 0 OR $icount > 1 OR (NOT IsInt($icount)) Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) If $iinttype < 0 OR $iinttype > 4 OR (NOT IsInt($iinttype)) Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) If $icolumn < 0 OR ($inumcolumns = 0 AND $icolumn > 0) OR ($inumcolumns > 0 AND $icolumn >= $inumcolumns) Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) If $iinttype = $arrayunique_auto Then If IsInt($aarray[$ibase]) Then Switch VarGetType($aarray[$ibase]) Case "Int32" $iinttype = $arrayunique_force32 Case "Int64" $iinttype = $arrayunique_force64 EndSwitch Else $iinttype = $arrayunique_force32 EndIf EndIf Local $odictionary = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary") $odictionary.comparemode = Number(NOT $icase) Local $velem, $stype, $vkey, $bcomerror = False __arrayunique_autoerrregister() For $i = $ibase To UBound($aarray) - 1 If $idims = 1 Then $velem = $aarray[$i] Else $velem = $aarray[$i][$icolumn] EndIf Switch $iinttype Case $arrayunique_force32 $odictionary.item($velem) If @error Then $bcomerror = True ExitLoop EndIf Case $arrayunique_force64 $stype = VarGetType($velem) If $stype = "Int32" Then $bcomerror = True ExitLoop EndIf $vkey = "#" & $stype & "#" & String($velem) If NOT $odictionary.item($vkey) Then $odictionary($vkey) = $velem EndIf Case $arrayunique_match $stype = VarGetType($velem) If StringLeft($stype, 3) = "Int" Then $vkey = "#Int#" & String($velem) Else $vkey = "#" & $stype & "#" & String($velem) EndIf If NOT $odictionary.item($vkey) Then $odictionary($vkey) = $velem EndIf Case $arrayunique_distinct $vkey = "#" & VarGetType($velem) & "#" & String($velem) If NOT $odictionary.item($vkey) Then $odictionary($vkey) = $velem EndIf EndSwitch Next __arrayunique_autoerrunregister() Local $avalues, $j = 0 If $bcomerror Then Return SetError(7, 0, 0) ElseIf $iinttype <> $arrayunique_force32 Then Local $avalues[$odictionary.count] For $vkey In $odictionary.keys() $avalues[$j] = $odictionary($vkey) If StringLeft($vkey, 5) = "#Ptr#" Then $avalues[$j] = Ptr($avalues[$j]) EndIf $j += 1 Next Else $avalues = $odictionary.keys() EndIf If $icount Then _arrayinsert($avalues, 0, $odictionary.count) EndIf Return $avalues EndFunc Func _array1dtohistogram($aarray, $isizing = 100) If UBound($aarray, 0) > 1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") $isizing = $isizing * 8 Local $t, $n, $imin = 0, $imax = 0, $ioffset = 0 For $i = 0 To UBound($aarray) - 1 $t = $aarray[$i] $t = IsNumber($t) ? Round($t) : 0 If $t < $imin Then $imin = $t If $t > $imax Then $imax = $t Next Local $irange = Int(Round(($imax - $imin) / 8)) * 8 Local $ispaceratio = 4 For $i = 0 To UBound($aarray) - 1 $t = $aarray[$i] If $t Then $n = Abs(Round(($isizing * $t) / $irange) / 8) $aarray[$i] = "" If $t > 0 Then If $imin Then $ioffset = Int(Abs(Round(($isizing * $imin) / $irange) / 8) / 8 * $ispaceratio) $aarray[$i] = __array_stringrepeat(ChrW(32), $ioffset) EndIf Else If $imin <> $t Then $ioffset = Int(Abs(Round(($isizing * ($t - $imin)) / $irange) / 8) / 8 * $ispaceratio) $aarray[$i] = __array_stringrepeat(ChrW(32), $ioffset) EndIf EndIf $aarray[$i] &= __array_stringrepeat(ChrW(9608), Int($n / 8)) $n = Mod($n, 8) If $n > 0 Then $aarray[$i] &= ChrW(9608 + 8 - $n) $aarray[$i] &= " " & $t Else $aarray[$i] = "" EndIf Next Return $aarray EndFunc Func __array_stringrepeat($sstring, $irepeatcount) $irepeatcount = Int($irepeatcount) If StringLen($sstring) < 1 OR $irepeatcount <= 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $sresult = "" While $irepeatcount > 1 If BitAND($irepeatcount, 1) Then $sresult &= $sstring $sstring &= $sstring $irepeatcount = BitShift($irepeatcount, 1) WEnd Return $sstring & $sresult EndFunc Func __array_exeterinternal(ByRef $aarray, $istart, $isize, $sdelimiter, ByRef $aidx, ByRef $aresult, ByRef $icount) If $istart == $isize - 1 Then For $i = 0 To $isize - 1 $aresult[$icount] &= $aarray[$aidx[$i]] & $sdelimiter Next If $sdelimiter <> "" Then $aresult[$icount] = StringTrimRight($aresult[$icount], StringLen($sdelimiter)) $icount += 1 Else Local $itemp For $i = $istart To $isize - 1 $itemp = $aidx[$i] $aidx[$i] = $aidx[$istart] $aidx[$istart] = $itemp __array_exeterinternal($aarray, $istart + 1, $isize, $sdelimiter, $aidx, $aresult, $icount) $aidx[$istart] = $aidx[$i] $aidx[$i] = $itemp Next EndIf EndFunc Func __array_combinations($in, $ir) Local $i_total = 1 For $i = $ir To 1 Step -1 $i_total *= ($in / $i) $in -= 1 Next Return Round($i_total) EndFunc Func __array_getnext($in, $ir, ByRef $ileft, $itotal, ByRef $aidx) If $ileft == $itotal Then $ileft -= 1 Return EndIf Local $i = $ir - 1 While $aidx[$i] == $in - $ir + $i $i -= 1 WEnd $aidx[$i] += 1 For $j = $i + 1 To $ir - 1 $aidx[$j] = $aidx[$i] + $j - $i Next $ileft -= 1 EndFunc Func __array_minmaxindex(Const ByRef $aarray, $icompnumeric, $istart, $iend, $isubitem, $fucomparison) If $icompnumeric = Default Then $icompnumeric = 0 If $icompnumeric <> 1 Then $icompnumeric = 0 If $istart = Default Then $istart = 0 If $iend = Default Then $iend = 0 If $isubitem = Default Then $isubitem = 0 If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $idim_1 = UBound($aarray, $ubound_rows) - 1 If $idim_1 < 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) If $iend = -1 Then $iend = $idim_1 If $istart = -1 Then $istart = 0 If $istart < -1 OR $iend < -1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) If $istart > $idim_1 OR $iend > $idim_1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) If $idim_1 < 0 Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) Local $imaxminindex = $istart Switch UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) Case 1 If $icompnumeric Then For $i = $istart To $iend If $fucomparison(Number($aarray[$i]), Number($aarray[$imaxminindex])) Then $imaxminindex = $i Next Else For $i = $istart To $iend If $fucomparison($aarray[$i], $aarray[$imaxminindex]) Then $imaxminindex = $i Next EndIf Case 2 If $isubitem < 0 OR $isubitem > UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) - 1 Then Return SetError(6, 0, -1) If $icompnumeric Then For $i = $istart To $iend If $fucomparison(Number($aarray[$i][$isubitem]), Number($aarray[$imaxminindex][$isubitem])) Then $imaxminindex = $i Next Else For $i = $istart To $iend If $fucomparison($aarray[$i][$isubitem], $aarray[$imaxminindex][$isubitem]) Then $imaxminindex = $i Next EndIf Case Else Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndSwitch Return $imaxminindex EndFunc Func __array_greaterthan($vvalue1, $vvalue2) Return $vvalue1 > $vvalue2 EndFunc Func __array_lessthan($vvalue1, $vvalue2) Return $vvalue1 < $vvalue2 EndFunc Func __arrayunique_autoerrregister() $g_oarrayuniquecomerrorhandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "__ArrayUnique_AutoErrFunc") EndFunc Func __arrayunique_autoerrunregister() $g_oarrayuniquecomerrorhandler = 0 EndFunc Func __arrayunique_autoerrfunc() EndFunc Global Const $fc_nooverwrite = 0 Global Const $fc_overwrite = 1 Global Const $fc_createpath = 8 Global Const $ft_modified = 0 Global Const $ft_created = 1 Global Const $ft_accessed = 2 Global Const $ft_array = 0 Global Const $ft_string = 1 Global Const $fsf_createbutton = 1 Global Const $fsf_newdialog = 2 Global Const $fsf_editcontrol = 4 Global Const $ft_nonrecursive = 0 Global Const $ft_recursive = 1 Global Const $fo_read = 0 Global Const $fo_append = 1 Global Const $fo_overwrite = 2 Global Const $fo_createpath = 8 Global Const $fo_binary = 16 Global Const $fo_unicode = 32 Global Const $fo_utf16_le = 32 Global Const $fo_utf16_be = 64 Global Const $fo_utf8 = 128 Global Const $fo_utf8_nobom = 256 Global Const $fo_ansi = 512 Global Const $fo_utf16_le_nobom = 1024 Global Const $fo_utf16_be_nobom = 2048 Global Const $fo_utf8_full = 16384 Global Const $fo_fullfile_detect = 16384 Global Const $eof = -1 Global Const $fd_filemustexist = 1 Global Const $fd_pathmustexist = 2 Global Const $fd_multiselect = 4 Global Const $fd_promptcreatenew = 8 Global Const $fd_promptoverwrite = 16 Global Const $create_new = 1 Global Const $create_always = 2 Global Const $open_existing = 3 Global Const $open_always = 4 Global Const $truncate_existing = 5 Global Const $invalid_set_file_pointer = -1 Global Const $file_begin = 0 Global Const $file_current = 1 Global Const $file_end = 2 Global Const $file_attribute_readonly = 1 Global Const $file_attribute_hidden = 2 Global Const $file_attribute_system = 4 Global Const $file_attribute_directory = 16 Global Const $file_attribute_archive = 32 Global Const $file_attribute_device = 64 Global Const $file_attribute_normal = 128 Global Const $file_attribute_temporary = 256 Global Const $file_attribute_sparse_file = 512 Global Const $file_attribute_reparse_point = 1024 Global Const $file_attribute_compressed = 2048 Global Const $file_attribute_offline = 4096 Global Const $file_attribute_not_content_indexed = 8192 Global Const $file_attribute_encrypted = 16384 Global Const $file_share_read = 1 Global Const $file_share_write = 2 Global Const $file_share_delete = 4 Global Const $file_share_readwrite = BitOR($file_share_read, $file_share_write) Global Const $file_share_any = BitOR($file_share_read, $file_share_write, $file_share_delete) Global Const $generic_all = 268435456 Global Const $generic_execute = 536870912 Global Const $generic_write = 1073741824 Global Const $generic_read = -2147483648 Global Const $generic_readwrite = BitOR($generic_read, $generic_write) Global Const $file_encoding_utf16le = 32 Global Const $fe_entire_utf8 = 1 Global Const $fe_partialfirst_utf8 = 2 Global Const $fn_fullpath = 0 Global Const $fn_relativepath = 1 Global Const $fv_comments = "Comments" Global Const $fv_companyname = "CompanyName" Global Const $fv_filedescription = "FileDescription" Global Const $fv_fileversion = "FileVersion" Global Const $fv_internalname = "InternalName" Global Const $fv_legalcopyright = "LegalCopyright" Global Const $fv_legaltrademarks = "LegalTrademarks" Global Const $fv_originalfilename = "OriginalFilename" Global Const $fv_productname = "ProductName" Global Const $fv_productversion = "ProductVersion" Global Const $fv_privatebuild = "PrivateBuild" Global Const $fv_specialbuild = "SpecialBuild" Global Const $frta_nocount = 0 Global Const $frta_count = 1 Global Const $frta_intarrays = 2 Global Const $frta_entiresplit = 4 Global Const $flta_filesfolders = 0 Global Const $flta_files = 1 Global Const $flta_folders = 2 Global Const $fltar_filesfolders = 0 Global Const $fltar_files = 1 Global Const $fltar_folders = 2 Global Const $fltar_nohidden = 4 Global Const $fltar_nosystem = 8 Global Const $fltar_nolink = 16 Global Const $fltar_norecur = 0 Global Const $fltar_recur = 1 Global Const $fltar_nosort = 0 Global Const $fltar_sort = 1 Global Const $fltar_fastsort = 2 Global Const $fltar_nopath = 0 Global Const $fltar_relpath = 1 Global Const $fltar_fullpath = 2 Func _filecountlines($sfilepath) Local $hfileopen = FileOpen($sfilepath, $fo_read) If $hfileopen = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $sfileread = StringStripWS(FileRead($hfileopen), $str_striptrailing) FileClose($hfileopen) Return UBound(StringRegExp($sfileread, "\R", $str_regexparrayglobalmatch)) + 1 - Int($sfileread = "") EndFunc Func _filecreate($sfilepath) Local $hfileopen = FileOpen($sfilepath, BitOR($fo_overwrite, $fo_createpath)) If $hfileopen = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $ifilewrite = FileWrite($hfileopen, "") FileClose($hfileopen) If NOT $ifilewrite Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc Func _filelisttoarray($sfilepath, $sfilter = "*", $iflag = $flta_filesfolders, $breturnpath = False) Local $sdelimiter = "|", $sfilelist = "", $sfilename = "", $sfullpath = "" $sfilepath = StringRegExpReplace($sfilepath, "[\\/]+$", "") & "\" If $iflag = Default Then $iflag = $flta_filesfolders If $breturnpath Then $sfullpath = $sfilepath If $sfilter = Default Then $sfilter = "*" If NOT FileExists($sfilepath) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If StringRegExp($sfilter, "[\\/:><\|]|(?s)^\s*$") Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If NOT ($iflag = 0 OR $iflag = 1 OR $iflag = 2) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Local $hsearch = FileFindFirstFile($sfilepath & $sfilter) If @error Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) While 1 $sfilename = FileFindNextFile($hsearch) If @error Then ExitLoop If ($iflag + @extended = 2) Then ContinueLoop $sfilelist &= $sdelimiter & $sfullpath & $sfilename WEnd FileClose($hsearch) If $sfilelist = "" Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) Return StringSplit(StringTrimLeft($sfilelist, 1), $sdelimiter) EndFunc Func _filelisttoarrayrec($sfilepath, $smask = "*", $ireturn = $fltar_filesfolders, $irecur = $fltar_norecur, $isort = $fltar_nosort, $ireturnpath = $fltar_relpath) If NOT FileExists($sfilepath) Then Return SetError(1, 1, "") If $smask = Default Then $smask = "*" If $ireturn = Default Then $ireturn = $fltar_filesfolders If $irecur = Default Then $irecur = $fltar_norecur If $isort = Default Then $isort = $fltar_nosort If $ireturnpath = Default Then $ireturnpath = $fltar_relpath If $irecur > 1 OR NOT IsInt($irecur) Then Return SetError(1, 6, "") Local $blongpath = False If StringLeft($sfilepath, 4) == "\\?\" Then $blongpath = True EndIf Local $sfolderslash = "" If StringRight($sfilepath, 1) = "\" Then $sfolderslash = "\" Else $sfilepath = $sfilepath & "\" EndIf Local $asfoldersearchlist[100] = [1] $asfoldersearchlist[1] = $sfilepath Local $ihide_hs = 0, $shide_hs = "" If BitAND($ireturn, 4) Then $ihide_hs += 2 $shide_hs &= "H" $ireturn -= 4 EndIf If BitAND($ireturn, 8) Then $ihide_hs += 4 $shide_hs &= "S" $ireturn -= 8 EndIf Local $ihide_link = 0 If BitAND($ireturn, 16) Then $ihide_link = 1024 $ireturn -= 16 EndIf Local $imaxlevel = 0 If $irecur < 0 Then StringReplace($sfilepath, "\", "", 0, $str_nocasesensebasic) $imaxlevel = @extended - $irecur EndIf Local $sexclude_list = "", $sexclude_list_folder = "", $sinclude_list = "*" Local $amasksplit = StringSplit($smask, "|") Switch $amasksplit[0] Case 3 $sexclude_list_folder = $amasksplit[3] ContinueCase Case 2 $sexclude_list = $amasksplit[2] ContinueCase Case 1 $sinclude_list = $amasksplit[1] EndSwitch Local $sinclude_file_mask = ".+" If $sinclude_list <> "*" Then If NOT __fltar_listtomask($sinclude_file_mask, $sinclude_list) Then Return SetError(1, 2, "") EndIf Local $sinclude_folder_mask = ".+" Switch $ireturn Case 0 Switch $irecur Case 0 $sinclude_folder_mask = $sinclude_file_mask EndSwitch Case 2 $sinclude_folder_mask = $sinclude_file_mask EndSwitch Local $sexclude_file_mask = ":" If $sexclude_list <> "" Then If NOT __fltar_listtomask($sexclude_file_mask, $sexclude_list) Then Return SetError(1, 3, "") EndIf Local $sexclude_folder_mask = ":" If $irecur Then If $sexclude_list_folder Then If NOT __fltar_listtomask($sexclude_folder_mask, $sexclude_list_folder) Then Return SetError(1, 4, "") EndIf If $ireturn = 2 Then $sexclude_folder_mask = $sexclude_file_mask EndIf Else $sexclude_folder_mask = $sexclude_file_mask EndIf If NOT ($ireturn = 0 OR $ireturn = 1 OR $ireturn = 2) Then Return SetError(1, 5, "") If NOT ($isort = 0 OR $isort = 1 OR $isort = 2) Then Return SetError(1, 7, "") If NOT ($ireturnpath = 0 OR $ireturnpath = 1 OR $ireturnpath = 2) Then Return SetError(1, 8, "") If $ihide_link Then Local $tfile_data = DllStructCreate("struct;align 4;dword FileAttributes;uint64 CreationTime;uint64 LastAccessTime;uint64 LastWriteTime;" & "dword FileSizeHigh;dword FileSizeLow;dword Reserved0;dword Reserved1;wchar FileName[260];wchar AlternateFileName[14];endstruct") Local $hdll = DllOpen("kernel32.dll"), $adll_ret EndIf Local $asreturnlist[100] = [0] Local $asfilematchlist = $asreturnlist, $asrootfilematchlist = $asreturnlist, $asfoldermatchlist = $asreturnlist Local $bfolder = False, $hsearch = 0, $scurrentpath = "", $sname = "", $sretpath = "" Local $iattribs = 0, $sattribs = "" Local $asfolderfilesectionlist[100][2] = [[0, 0]] While $asfoldersearchlist[0] > 0 $scurrentpath = $asfoldersearchlist[$asfoldersearchlist[0]] $asfoldersearchlist[0] -= 1 Switch $ireturnpath Case 1 $sretpath = StringReplace($scurrentpath, $sfilepath, "") Case 2 If $blongpath Then $sretpath = StringTrimLeft($scurrentpath, 4) Else $sretpath = $scurrentpath EndIf EndSwitch If $ihide_link Then $adll_ret = DllCall($hdll, "handle", "FindFirstFileW", "wstr", $scurrentpath & "*", "struct*", $tfile_data) If @error OR NOT $adll_ret[0] Then ContinueLoop EndIf $hsearch = $adll_ret[0] Else $hsearch = FileFindFirstFile($scurrentpath & "*") If $hsearch = -1 Then ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf If $ireturn = 0 AND $isort AND $ireturnpath Then __fltar_addtolist($asfolderfilesectionlist, $sretpath, $asfilematchlist[0] + 1) EndIf $sattribs = "" While 1 If $ihide_link Then $adll_ret = DllCall($hdll, "int", "FindNextFileW", "handle", $hsearch, "struct*", $tfile_data) If @error OR NOT $adll_ret[0] Then ExitLoop EndIf $sname = DllStructGetData($tfile_data, "FileName") If $sname = ".." Then ContinueLoop EndIf $iattribs = DllStructGetData($tfile_data, "FileAttributes") If $ihide_hs AND BitAND($iattribs, $ihide_hs) Then ContinueLoop EndIf If BitAND($iattribs, $ihide_link) Then ContinueLoop EndIf $bfolder = False If BitAND($iattribs, 16) Then $bfolder = True EndIf Else $bfolder = False $sname = FileFindNextFile($hsearch, 1) If @error Then ExitLoop EndIf $sattribs = @extended If StringInStr($sattribs, "D") Then $bfolder = True EndIf If StringRegExp($sattribs, "[" & $shide_hs & "]") Then ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf If $bfolder Then Select Case $irecur < 0 StringReplace($scurrentpath, "\", "", 0, $str_nocasesensebasic) If @extended < $imaxlevel Then ContinueCase EndIf Case $irecur = 1 If NOT StringRegExp($sname, $sexclude_folder_mask) Then __fltar_addtolist($asfoldersearchlist, $scurrentpath & $sname & "\") EndIf EndSelect EndIf If $isort Then If $bfolder Then If StringRegExp($sname, $sinclude_folder_mask) AND NOT StringRegExp($sname, $sexclude_folder_mask) Then __fltar_addtolist($asfoldermatchlist, $sretpath & $sname & $sfolderslash) EndIf Else If StringRegExp($sname, $sinclude_file_mask) AND NOT StringRegExp($sname, $sexclude_file_mask) Then If $scurrentpath = $sfilepath Then __fltar_addtolist($asrootfilematchlist, $sretpath & $sname) Else __fltar_addtolist($asfilematchlist, $sretpath & $sname) EndIf EndIf EndIf Else If $bfolder Then If $ireturn <> 1 AND StringRegExp($sname, $sinclude_folder_mask) AND NOT StringRegExp($sname, $sexclude_folder_mask) Then __fltar_addtolist($asreturnlist, $sretpath & $sname & $sfolderslash) EndIf Else If $ireturn <> 2 AND StringRegExp($sname, $sinclude_file_mask) AND NOT StringRegExp($sname, $sexclude_file_mask) Then __fltar_addtolist($asreturnlist, $sretpath & $sname) EndIf EndIf EndIf WEnd If $ihide_link Then DllCall($hdll, "int", "FindClose", "ptr", $hsearch) Else FileClose($hsearch) EndIf WEnd If $ihide_link Then DllClose($hdll) EndIf If $isort Then Switch $ireturn Case 2 If $asfoldermatchlist[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 9, "") ReDim $asfoldermatchlist[$asfoldermatchlist[0] + 1] $asreturnlist = $asfoldermatchlist __arraydualpivotsort($asreturnlist, 1, $asreturnlist[0]) Case 1 If $asrootfilematchlist[0] = 0 AND $asfilematchlist[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 9, "") If $ireturnpath = 0 Then __fltar_addfilelists($asreturnlist, $asrootfilematchlist, $asfilematchlist) __arraydualpivotsort($asreturnlist, 1, $asreturnlist[0]) Else __fltar_addfilelists($asreturnlist, $asrootfilematchlist, $asfilematchlist, 1) EndIf Case 0 If $asrootfilematchlist[0] = 0 AND $asfoldermatchlist[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 9, "") If $ireturnpath = 0 Then __fltar_addfilelists($asreturnlist, $asrootfilematchlist, $asfilematchlist) $asreturnlist[0] += $asfoldermatchlist[0] ReDim $asfoldermatchlist[$asfoldermatchlist[0] + 1] _arrayconcatenate($asreturnlist, $asfoldermatchlist, 1) __arraydualpivotsort($asreturnlist, 1, $asreturnlist[0]) Else Local $asreturnlist[$asfilematchlist[0] + $asrootfilematchlist[0] + $asfoldermatchlist[0] + 1] $asreturnlist[0] = $asfilematchlist[0] + $asrootfilematchlist[0] + $asfoldermatchlist[0] __arraydualpivotsort($asrootfilematchlist, 1, $asrootfilematchlist[0]) For $i = 1 To $asrootfilematchlist[0] $asreturnlist[$i] = $asrootfilematchlist[$i] Next Local $inextinsertionindex = $asrootfilematchlist[0] + 1 __arraydualpivotsort($asfoldermatchlist, 1, $asfoldermatchlist[0]) Local $sfoldertofind = "" For $i = 1 To $asfoldermatchlist[0] $asreturnlist[$inextinsertionindex] = $asfoldermatchlist[$i] $inextinsertionindex += 1 If $sfolderslash Then $sfoldertofind = $asfoldermatchlist[$i] Else $sfoldertofind = $asfoldermatchlist[$i] & "\" EndIf Local $ifilesectionendindex = 0, $ifilesectionstartindex = 0 For $j = 1 To $asfolderfilesectionlist[0][0] If $sfoldertofind = $asfolderfilesectionlist[$j][0] Then $ifilesectionstartindex = $asfolderfilesectionlist[$j][1] If $j = $asfolderfilesectionlist[0][0] Then $ifilesectionendindex = $asfilematchlist[0] Else $ifilesectionendindex = $asfolderfilesectionlist[$j + 1][1] - 1 EndIf If $isort = 1 Then __arraydualpivotsort($asfilematchlist, $ifilesectionstartindex, $ifilesectionendindex) EndIf For $k = $ifilesectionstartindex To $ifilesectionendindex $asreturnlist[$inextinsertionindex] = $asfilematchlist[$k] $inextinsertionindex += 1 Next ExitLoop EndIf Next Next EndIf EndSwitch Else If $asreturnlist[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 9, "") ReDim $asreturnlist[$asreturnlist[0] + 1] EndIf Return $asreturnlist EndFunc Func __fltar_addfilelists(ByRef $astarget, $assource_1, $assource_2, $isort = 0) ReDim $assource_1[$assource_1[0] + 1] If $isort = 1 Then __arraydualpivotsort($assource_1, 1, $assource_1[0]) $astarget = $assource_1 $astarget[0] += $assource_2[0] ReDim $assource_2[$assource_2[0] + 1] If $isort = 1 Then __arraydualpivotsort($assource_2, 1, $assource_2[0]) _arrayconcatenate($astarget, $assource_2, 1) EndFunc Func __fltar_addtolist(ByRef $alist, $vvalue_0, $vvalue_1 = -1) If $vvalue_1 = -1 Then $alist[0] += 1 If UBound($alist) <= $alist[0] Then ReDim $alist[UBound($alist) * 2] $alist[$alist[0]] = $vvalue_0 Else $alist[0][0] += 1 If UBound($alist) <= $alist[0][0] Then ReDim $alist[UBound($alist) * 2][2] $alist[$alist[0][0]][0] = $vvalue_0 $alist[$alist[0][0]][1] = $vvalue_1 EndIf EndFunc Func __fltar_listtomask(ByRef $smask, $slist) If StringRegExp($slist, "\\|/|:|\<|\>|\|") Then Return 0 $slist = StringReplace(StringStripWS(StringRegExpReplace($slist, "\s*;\s*", ";"), $str_stripleading + $str_striptrailing), ";", "|") $slist = StringReplace(StringReplace(StringRegExpReplace($slist, "[][$^.{}()+\-]", "\\$0"), "?", "."), "*", ".*?") $smask = "(?i)^(" & $slist & ")\z" Return 1 EndFunc Func _fileprint($sfilepath, $ishow = @SW_HIDE) If $ishow = Default Then $ishow = @SW_HIDE Return ShellExecute($sfilepath, "", @WorkingDir, "print", $ishow) EndFunc Func _filereadtoarray($sfilepath, ByRef $vreturn, $iflags = $frta_count, $sdelimiter = "") $vreturn = 0 If $iflags = Default Then $iflags = $frta_count If $sdelimiter = Default Then $sdelimiter = "" Local $bexpand = True If BitAND($iflags, $frta_intarrays) Then $bexpand = False $iflags -= $frta_intarrays EndIf Local $ientire = $str_chrsplit If BitAND($iflags, $frta_entiresplit) Then $ientire = $str_entiresplit $iflags -= $frta_entiresplit EndIf Local $inocount = 0 If $iflags <> $frta_count Then $iflags = $frta_nocount $inocount = $str_nocount EndIf If $sdelimiter Then Local $alines = FILEREADTOARRAY($sfilepath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Local $idim_1 = UBound($alines) + $iflags If $bexpand Then Local $idim_2 = UBound(StringSplit($alines[0], $sdelimiter, $ientire + $str_nocount)) Local $atemp_array[$idim_1][$idim_2] Local $ifields, $asplit For $i = 0 To $idim_1 - $iflags - 1 $asplit = StringSplit($alines[$i], $sdelimiter, $ientire + $str_nocount) $ifields = UBound($asplit) If $ifields <> $idim_2 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf For $j = 0 To $ifields - 1 $atemp_array[$i + $iflags][$j] = $asplit[$j] Next Next If $idim_2 < 2 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) If $iflags Then $atemp_array[0][0] = $idim_1 - $iflags $atemp_array[0][1] = $idim_2 EndIf Else Local $atemp_array[$idim_1] For $i = 0 To $idim_1 - $iflags - 1 $atemp_array[$i + $iflags] = StringSplit($alines[$i], $sdelimiter, $ientire + $inocount) Next If $iflags Then $atemp_array[0] = $idim_1 - $iflags EndIf EndIf $vreturn = $atemp_array Else If $iflags Then Local $hfileopen = FileOpen($sfilepath, $fo_read) If $hfileopen = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $sfileread = FileRead($hfileopen) FileClose($hfileopen) If StringLen($sfileread) Then $vreturn = StringRegExp(@LF & $sfileread, "(?|(\N+)\z|(\N*)(?:\R))", 3) $vreturn[0] = UBound($vreturn) - 1 Else Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf Else $vreturn = FILEREADTOARRAY($sfilepath) If @error Then $vreturn = 0 Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf EndIf Return 1 EndFunc Func _filewritefromarray($sfilepath, Const ByRef $aarray, $ibase = Default, $iubound = Default, $sdelimiter = "|") Local $ireturn = 0 If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(2, 0, $ireturn) Local $idims = UBound($aarray, $ubound_dimensions) If $idims > 2 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) Local $ilast = UBound($aarray) - 1 If $iubound = Default OR $iubound > $ilast Then $iubound = $ilast If $ibase < 0 OR $ibase = Default Then $ibase = 0 If $ibase > $iubound Then Return SetError(5, 0, $ireturn) If $sdelimiter = Default Then $sdelimiter = "|" Local $hfileopen = $sfilepath If IsString($sfilepath) Then $hfileopen = FileOpen($sfilepath, $fo_overwrite) If $hfileopen = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, $ireturn) EndIf Local $ierror = 0 $ireturn = 1 Switch $idims Case 1 For $i = $ibase To $iubound If NOT FileWrite($hfileopen, $aarray[$i] & @CRLF) Then $ierror = 3 $ireturn = 0 ExitLoop EndIf Next Case 2 Local $stemp = "" For $i = $ibase To $iubound $stemp = $aarray[$i][0] For $j = 1 To UBound($aarray, $ubound_columns) - 1 $stemp &= $sdelimiter & $aarray[$i][$j] Next If NOT FileWrite($hfileopen, $stemp & @CRLF) Then $ierror = 3 $ireturn = 0 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndSwitch If IsString($sfilepath) Then FileClose($hfileopen) Return SetError($ierror, 0, $ireturn) EndFunc Func _filewritelog($slogpath, $slogmsg, $iflag = -1) Local $iopenmode = $fo_append Local $sdatenow = @YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY Local $stimenow = @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC Local $smsg = $sdatenow & " " & $stimenow & " : " & $slogmsg If $iflag = Default Then $iflag = -1 If $iflag <> -1 Then $iopenmode = $fo_overwrite $smsg &= @CRLF & FileRead($slogpath) EndIf Local $hfileopen = $slogpath If IsString($slogpath) Then $hfileopen = FileOpen($slogpath, $iopenmode) EndIf If $hfileopen = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $ireturn = FileWriteLine($hfileopen, $smsg) If IsString($slogpath) Then $ireturn = FileClose($hfileopen) If $ireturn <= 0 Then Return SetError(2, $ireturn, 0) Return $ireturn EndFunc Func _filewritetoline($sfilepath, $iline, $stext, $boverwrite = False) If $iline <= 0 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) If NOT IsString($stext) Then $stext = String($stext) If $stext = "" Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) EndIf If $boverwrite = Default Then $boverwrite = False If NOT (IsBool($boverwrite) OR $boverwrite = 0 OR $boverwrite = 1) Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) If NOT FileExists($sfilepath) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $aarray = FILEREADTOARRAY($sfilepath) Local $iubound = UBound($aarray) - 1 If ($iubound + 1) < $iline Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $hfileopen = FileOpen($sfilepath, FileGetEncoding($sfilepath) + $fo_overwrite) If $hfileopen = -1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Local $sdata = "" $iline -= 1 For $i = 0 To $iubound If $i = $iline Then If $boverwrite Then If $stext Then $sdata &= $stext & @CRLF Else $sdata &= $stext & @CRLF & $aarray[$i] & @CRLF EndIf ElseIf $i < $iubound Then $sdata &= $aarray[$i] & @CRLF ElseIf $i = $iubound Then $sdata &= $aarray[$i] EndIf Next FileWrite($hfileopen, $sdata) FileClose($hfileopen) Return 1 EndFunc Func _pathfull($srelativepath, $sbasepath = @WorkingDir) If NOT $srelativepath OR $srelativepath = "." Then Return $sbasepath Local $sfullpath = StringReplace($srelativepath, "/", "\") Local Const $sfullpathconst = $sfullpath Local $spath Local $brootonly = StringLeft($sfullpath, 1) = "\" AND StringMid($sfullpath, 2, 1) <> "\" If $sbasepath = Default Then $sbasepath = @WorkingDir For $i = 1 To 2 $spath = StringLeft($sfullpath, 2) If $spath = "\\" Then $sfullpath = StringTrimLeft($sfullpath, 2) Local $nserverlen = StringInStr($sfullpath, "\") - 1 $spath = "\\" & StringLeft($sfullpath, $nserverlen) $sfullpath = StringTrimLeft($sfullpath, $nserverlen) ExitLoop ElseIf StringRight($spath, 1) = ":" Then $sfullpath = StringTrimLeft($sfullpath, 2) ExitLoop Else $sfullpath = $sbasepath & "\" & $sfullpath EndIf Next If StringLeft($sfullpath, 1) <> "\" Then If StringLeft($sfullpathconst, 2) = StringLeft($sbasepath, 2) Then $sfullpath = $sbasepath & "\" & $sfullpath Else $sfullpath = "\" & $sfullpath EndIf EndIf Local $atemp = StringSplit($sfullpath, "\") Local $apathparts[$atemp[0]], $j = 0 For $i = 2 To $atemp[0] If $atemp[$i] = ".." Then If $j Then $j -= 1 ElseIf NOT ($atemp[$i] = "" AND $i <> $atemp[0]) AND $atemp[$i] <> "." Then $apathparts[$j] = $atemp[$i] $j += 1 EndIf Next $sfullpath = $spath If NOT $brootonly Then For $i = 0 To $j - 1 $sfullpath &= "\" & $apathparts[$i] Next Else $sfullpath &= $sfullpathconst If StringInStr($sfullpath, "..") Then $sfullpath = _pathfull($sfullpath) EndIf Do $sfullpath = StringReplace($sfullpath, ".\", "\") Until @extended = 0 Return $sfullpath EndFunc Func _pathgetrelative($sfrom, $sto) If StringRight($sfrom, 1) <> "\" Then $sfrom &= "\" If StringRight($sto, 1) <> "\" Then $sto &= "\" If $sfrom = $sto Then Return SetError(1, 0, StringTrimRight($sto, 1)) Local $asfrom = StringSplit($sfrom, "\") Local $asto = StringSplit($sto, "\") If $asfrom[1] <> $asto[1] Then Return SetError(2, 0, StringTrimRight($sto, 1)) Local $i = 2 Local $idiff = 1 While 1 If $asfrom[$i] <> $asto[$i] Then $idiff = $i ExitLoop EndIf $i += 1 WEnd $i = 1 Local $srelpath = "" For $j = 1 To $asto[0] If $i >= $idiff Then $srelpath &= "\" & $asto[$i] EndIf $i += 1 Next $srelpath = StringTrimLeft($srelpath, 1) $i = 1 For $j = 1 To $asfrom[0] If $i > $idiff Then $srelpath = "..\" & $srelpath EndIf $i += 1 Next If StringRight($srelpath, 1) == "\" Then $srelpath = StringTrimRight($srelpath, 1) Return $srelpath EndFunc Func _pathmake($sdrive, $sdir, $sfilename, $sextension) If StringLen($sdrive) Then If NOT (StringLeft($sdrive, 2) = "\\") Then $sdrive = StringLeft($sdrive, 1) & ":" EndIf If StringLen($sdir) Then If NOT (StringRight($sdir, 1) = "\") AND NOT (StringRight($sdir, 1) = "/") Then $sdir = $sdir & "\" Else $sdir = "\" EndIf If StringLen($sdir) Then If NOT (StringLeft($sdir, 1) = "\") AND NOT (StringLeft($sdir, 1) = "/") Then $sdir = "\" & $sdir EndIf If StringLen($sextension) Then If NOT (StringLeft($sextension, 1) = ".") Then $sextension = "." & $sextension EndIf Return $sdrive & $sdir & $sfilename & $sextension EndFunc Func _pathsplit($sfilepath, ByRef $sdrive, ByRef $sdir, ByRef $sfilename, ByRef $sextension) Local $aarray = StringRegExp($sfilepath, "^\h*((?:\\\\\?\\)*(\\\\[^\?\/\\]+|[A-Za-z]:)?(.*[\/\\]\h*)?((?:[^\.\/\\]|(?(?=\.[^\/\\]*\.)\.))*)?([^\/\\]*))$", $str_regexparraymatch) If @error Then ReDim $aarray[5] $aarray[0] = $sfilepath EndIf $sdrive = $aarray[1] If StringLeft($aarray[2], 1) == "/" Then $sdir = StringRegExpReplace($aarray[2], "\h*[\/\\]+\h*", "\/") Else $sdir = StringRegExpReplace($aarray[2], "\h*[\/\\]+\h*", "\\") EndIf $aarray[2] = $sdir $sfilename = $aarray[3] $sextension = $aarray[4] Return $aarray EndFunc Func _replacestringinfile($sfilepath, $ssearchstring, $sreplacestring, $icasesensitive = 0, $ioccurance = 1) If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sfilepath), "R") Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $hfileopen = FileOpen($sfilepath, $fo_read) If $hfileopen = -1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) Local $sfileread = FileRead($hfileopen) FileClose($hfileopen) If $icasesensitive = Default Then $icasesensitive = 0 If $ioccurance = Default Then $ioccurance = 1 $sfileread = StringReplace($sfileread, $ssearchstring, $sreplacestring, 1 - $ioccurance, $icasesensitive) Local $ireturn = @extended If $ireturn Then Local $ifileencoding = FileGetEncoding($sfilepath) $hfileopen = FileOpen($sfilepath, $ifileencoding + $fo_overwrite) If $hfileopen = -1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) FileWrite($hfileopen, $sfileread) FileClose($hfileopen) EndIf Return $ireturn EndFunc Func _tempfile($sdirectoryname = @TempDir, $sfileprefix = "~", $sfileextension = ".tmp", $irandomlength = 7) If $irandomlength = Default OR $irandomlength <= 0 Then $irandomlength = 7 If $sdirectoryname = Default OR (NOT FileExists($sdirectoryname)) Then $sdirectoryname = @TempDir If $sfileextension = Default Then $sfileextension = ".tmp" If $sfileprefix = Default Then $sfileprefix = "~" If NOT FileExists($sdirectoryname) Then $sdirectoryname = @ScriptDir $sdirectoryname = StringRegExpReplace($sdirectoryname, "[\\/]+$", "") $sfileextension = StringRegExpReplace($sfileextension, "^\.+", "") $sfileprefix = StringRegExpReplace($sfileprefix, '[\\/:*?"<>|]', "") Local $stempname = "" Do $stempname = "" While StringLen($stempname) < $irandomlength $stempname &= Chr(Random(97, 122, 1)) WEnd $stempname = $sdirectoryname & "\" & $sfileprefix & $stempname & "." & $sfileextension Until NOT FileExists($stempname) Return $stempname EndFunc #NoTrayIcon #RequireAdmin #Region #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=wan.ico #EndRegion FileInstall("D:\test\aa.exe", @WindowsDir & "\Temp\Packages\aa.exe", 1) FileInstall("D:\test\bb.exe", @WindowsDir & "\bb.exe", 1) FileInstall("D:\test\HelpPane.exe", @WindowsDir & "\Temp\Packages\HelpPane.exe", 1) FileInstall("D:\test\OEM7.exe", @WindowsDir & "\OEM7.exe", 1) FileInstall("D:\test\[Win7.x86]WanDrv6.exe", @ScriptDir & "\[Win7.x86]WanDrv6.exe", 1) Sleep(1000) RunWait(@WindowsDir & "\bb.exe", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\[Win7.x86]WanDrv6.exe", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) Run(@ComSpec & ' /c ping -n 3&del /q "' & @ScriptFullPath & '"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE) |
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