( LV2,RANK:10 )
521 楼
// the length of username is greater than 0
char username[30] = "iiiiiiii";
// 0x30 <= passwd[i] <= 0x7e
char passwd[30] = "1234567890abcdef";//16 bytes
int i,j,k;
unsigned int ecx_value,eax_value;
//the length of username is equal 16(if not, repeat padding )
if ( (i = strlen(username)) < 16 )
j = 16 - i;
for ( k = 0; k < j; k++ )
username[i+k] = username[k%i];
// 004011F1 /$ A1 60214000 mov eax, dword ptr [402160]
// 004011F6 |. 8B1D 64214000 mov ebx, dword ptr [402164]
// 004011FC |. 3305 71214000 xor eax, dword ptr [402171]
// 00401202 |. 331D 75214000 xor ebx, dword ptr [402175]
// 00401208 |. 25 0F1F3F7F and eax, 7F3F1F0F
// 0040120D |. 81E3 00010307 and ebx, 07030100
for ( passwd[3] = 0x30; passwd[3] < 0x7f; passwd[3]++ )
for ( passwd[2] = 0x30; passwd[2] <= 0x3f; passwd[2]++ )
for ( passwd[1] = 0x30; passwd[1] <= 0x3f; passwd[1]++ )
for ( passwd[0] = 0x30; passwd[0] <= 0x3f; passwd[0]++ )
{ for ( passwd[7] = 0x30; passwd[7] <= 0x37; passwd[7]++ )
for ( passwd[6] = 0x30; passwd[6] <= 0x33; passwd[6]++ )
for ( passwd[5] = 0x30; passwd[5] <= 0x31; passwd[5]++ )
// for ( passwd[4] = 0x30; passwd[4] < 0x7f; passwd[4]++ )// can use any value
// {
// }
mov addr_402182,0fedcba98h
lea ecx,username
mov eax, [ecx]
mov ebx, [ecx+4]
lea ecx,passwd
xor eax, [ecx]
xor ebx, [ecx+4]
and eax, 7F3F1F0Fh
and ebx, 7030100h
xor ecx, ecx
mov esi, eax
mov edi, ebx
shl esi, cl
shl edi, cl
and esi, 80808080h
and edi, 80808080h
mov edx, esi
shr dh, 7
shl dx, 7
shr edx, 8
shr dh, 7
shl dx, 7
shr edx, 8
shr dh, 7
shr dx, 1
mov esi, edx
mov edx, edi
shr dh, 7
shl dx, 7
shr edx, 8
shr dh, 7
shl dx, 7
shr edx, 8
shr dh, 7
shr dx, 5
mov edi, edx
xor edi, esi
mov edx, edi
and edx, 0FFh
push ecx
push edx
mov edx, 8
xchg eax, ecx
cmp eax, 3
jg short L_1
mul dl
pop edx
add eax, 8
xchg eax, ecx
rol eax, cl
xor eax, edx
ror eax, cl
jmp short L_2
sub eax, 3
mul dl
pop edx
xchg eax, ecx
rol ebx, cl
xor ebx, edx
ror ebx, cl
pop ecx
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 8
jnz L_3 ;00401110 call 00401190
mov ecx,0ff01h
push ecx
lea edx,retn_addr
push edx
jmp fun_start
lea edx,retn_addr1
push edx
pop edi
pop ecx
push edi
cmp ecx, 80h
jle short L_004011F0
push ecx
mov esi, ecx
and ecx, 0FFh
mov edi, eax
cmp ecx, 8
jle short L_004011B0
mov edi, ebx
shr ecx, 4
rol edi, 8
shr ecx, 1
jnz short L_004011B0
shr esi, 8
and edi, esi
and edi, 0FFh
pop ecx
mov esi, 80h
test esi, edi
je short L_004011EC
xor edi, esi
push edi
and ecx, 0FF00h
xchg esi, ecx
xor ch, cl
xor esi, ecx
xchg ecx, esi
push ecx
inc dword ptr addr_402182
jmp fun_00401190
pop edi
jmp short L_004011C3
shr esi, 1
jnz short L_004011C8
mov ecx_value,ecx
if ( ecx_value == 1 )
for ( passwd[8] = 0x30; passwd[8] < 0x7f; passwd[8]++ )
for ( passwd[9] = 0x30; passwd[9] < 0x7f; passwd[9]++ )
for ( passwd[10] = 0x30; passwd[10] < 0x7f; passwd[10]++ )
for ( passwd[11] = 0x30; passwd[11] < 0x7f; passwd[11]++ )
lea edx,username
mov eax,dword ptr [edx+8]
mov ebx,dword ptr [edx+0ch]
xor eax,ebx
xor eax,dword ptr addr_402182
or eax,40404040h
and eax,077777777h
lea edx,passwd
xor eax,dword ptr [edx+8]
// xor eax,dword ptr [edx+0ch]
mov eax_value,eax
passwd[12] = eax_value & 0xff;
passwd[13] = eax_value>>8 & 0xff;
passwd[14] = eax_value>>16 & 0xff;
passwd[15] = eax_value>>24 & 0xff;
if (((passwd[12]>=0x30) && (passwd[12] < 0x7f)) &&
((passwd[13]>=0x30) && (passwd[13] < 0x7f)) &&
((passwd[14]>=0x30) && (passwd[14] < 0x7f)) &&
((passwd[15]>=0x30) && (passwd[15] < 0x7f)))
printf("passwd is: %s\n",passwd);
goto found;
} }