00402000 About this crackme.CycleCrackme
00402020 by cW_.Try to get a serial for y
00402040 our name and write a keygen... n
00402060 o patching!.This should be not t
00402080 oo hard..., if you understand ho
004020A0 w it works ;-).Please send your
004020C0 solution to cW_6556@yahoo.com.Ah
004020E0 m. No!.Please enter a valid seri
00402100 al for your name!.Wow!.Congratul
00402120 ations!.Write a tutorial/keygen
00402140 an send it to cW_6556@yahoo.com.
00402160 CCDebugerCCDebug.78787878.......
00402180 ..樅荥CycleCrackme....@...