; *********************************************************
; Determine if the specific syscall should be hooked
; if (SyscallHookEnabled[EAX & 0xFFF] == TRUE)
; jmp KiSystemCall64_Emulate
; else (fall-through)
; jmp KiSystemCall64
; *********************************************************
SyscallEntryPoint PROC
cli ; Disable interrupts
swapgs ; swap GS base to kernel PCR
mov gs:[USERMD_STACK_GS], rsp ; save user stack pointer
cmp rax, SYSCALL_MAX_INDEX ; Is the index larger than the array size?
jge KiSystemCall64 ;
lea rsp, offset SyscallHookEnabled; RSP = &SyscallHookEnabled
cmp byte ptr [rsp + rax], 0 ; Is hooking enabled for this index?
jne KiSystemCall64_Emulate ; NE = index is hooked
SyscallEntryPoint ENDP
; *********************************************************
; Return to the original NTOSKRNL syscall handler
; (Restore all old registers first)
; *********************************************************
KiSystemCall64 PROC
mov rsp, gs:[USERMD_STACK_GS] ; Usermode RSP
swapgs ; Switch to usermode GS
jmp [NtSyscallHandler] ; Jump back to the old syscall handler
KiSystemCall64 ENDP
; *********************************************************
; Emulated routine executed directly after a SYSCALL
; (See: MSR_LSTAR)
; *********************************************************
KiSystemCall64_Emulate PROC
; First 2 lines are included in SyscallEntryPoint
mov rsp, gs:[KERNEL_STACK_GS] ; set kernel stack pointer
push 2Bh ; push dummy SS selector
push qword ptr gs:[10h] ; push user stack pointer
push r11 ; push previous EFLAGS
push 33h ; push dummy 64-bit CS selector
push rcx ; push return address
mov rcx, r10 ; set first argument value
sub rsp, 8h ; allocate dummy error code
push rbp ; save standard register
sub rsp, 158h ; allocate fixed frame
lea rbp, [rsp+80h] ; set frame pointer
mov [rbp+0C0h], rbx ; save nonvolatile registers
mov [rbp+0C8h], rdi ;
mov [rbp+0D0h], rsi ;
mov byte ptr [rbp-55h], 2h ; set service active
mov rbx, gs:[188h] ; get current thread address
prefetchw byte ptr [rbx+1D8h] ; prefetch with write intent
stmxcsr dword ptr [rbp-54h] ; save current MXCSR
ldmxcsr dword ptr gs:[180h] ; set default MXCSR
cmp byte ptr [rbx+3], 0 ; test if debug enabled
mov word ptr [rbp+80h], 0 ; assume debug not enabled
je KiSS05 ; if z, debug not enabled
mov [rbp-50h], rax ; save service argument registers
mov [rbp-48h], rcx ;
mov [rbp-40h], rdx ;
test byte ptr [rbx+3],3
mov [rbp-38h], r8 ;
mov [rbp-30h], r9 ;
je a2
call [KiSaveDebugRegisterState]
test byte ptr [rbx+3],80h
je a3
mov ecx,0C0000102h
shl rdx,20h
or rax,rdx
cmp qword ptr [rbx+0B8h],rax
je B0
cmp qword ptr [rbx+1B0h],rax
je B0
mov rdx,qword ptr [rbx+1B8h]
bts dword ptr [rbx+4Ch],0Bh
dec word ptr [rbx+1C4h]
mov qword ptr [rdx+80h],rax
call [KiUmsCallEntry]
jmp FA0
test byte ptr [rbx+3],40h
je FA0
lock bts dword ptr [rbx+100h],8
mov rax,qword ptr [rbp-50h]
mov rcx,qword ptr [rbp-48h]
mov rdx,qword ptr [rbp-40h]
mov r8,qword ptr [rbp-38h]
mov r9,qword ptr [rbp-30h]
xchg ax,ax
mov qword ptr [rbx+1E0h],rcx
mov dword ptr [rbx+1F8h],eax
[QUOTE=lukarl;1425509]; *********************************************************
; Determine if the specific syscall should be hooked
; if (SyscallHookEnabled[EAX & 0x...[/QUOTE]