Decode this string and then answer the question: 127 150 141 164 040 115 055 167 157 162 144 040 144 145 146 151 156 145 163 040 141 156 171 164 150 151 156 147 040 164 150 141 164 040 157 143 143 165 160 151 145 163 040 163 160 141 143 145 077
我在http://ddecode.com/hexdecoder/网站对上边的编码进行了相关搜索,这个网站是收费方式进行解码,我只能参考其他人的解码的结果,在分析他这个解码,请问你要是注册了这个网站,请告诉我,他这个问题的编码方式是什么? 如何快速不通过收费的方式,看到他这个解码之后的字符。
英文是:what was the name of computer company that was named after the founder's memories of a summer in an Orchard in Oregon?
\127\150\141\164\040 What
\167\141\163\040\ was
164\150\145\040\ the
156\141\155\145\040\157\146\040 name
\164\150\145\040 of
\143\157\155\160\165\164\145\162\040 computer
\143\157\155\160\141\156\171\040 company
\164\150\141\164\040 that
\167\141\163\040 was
\156\141\155\145\144\040 named
\141\146\164\145\162\040 after
\146\157\165\156\144\145\162\047\163\040 founder's
\155\145\155\157\162\151\145\163\040 memories
\157\146\040 of
\141\040 a
\163\165\155\155\145\162\040 summer
\151\156\040 in
\141\156\040 an
\117\162\143\150\141\162\144\040 Orchard
\151\156\040 in
\117\162\145\147\157\156\077O regon?