发表于: 2012-10-24 23:23 2993


2012-10-24 23:23



A cure against the M$ Windows Product Activation

      DAntiwpa-V3.4.6 for X64 and X86.ZiPZiP2291305.08.2012 00:21:03
      DGeneric Antiwpa-2.3-WinXP-2k3.ZiPZiP5565505.08.2012 00:22:42
      V!Hazar07.08.2012 00:19:42
      VOther07.08.2012 00:19:42
      Vsrc07.08.2012 00:19:41

Antiwpa forum
^Thanks fly out to NewEraCracker for creating it^

(use only in case this site or main forum is down or currently unavailable)
Please prefer the forum for questions.
However to send files use: cw2k{at}gmx.de

http://antiwpa.info/ - by MagedXp!
http://free.pages.at/antiwpa11 - by cw2k!
http://ice-club.com.ua/antiwpa - by StirolXXX!

if mainpage doesn't work anymore google for 'Antiwpa'.
click on 'show cached site' in case site is offline
^- at the cached site try out the list the mirror sites.

Hints for newbies - Which Antiwpa is the right for me?
Windows XP, 2003 and 64 Bit Windows => Antiwpa 3
Windows Vista => Vista\Developer Activation-patch

Go to 'others' for the Office 2003, Terminalserver patch & the Windows Genuine
Advantage stuff

      05.08.2012Uploaded files to http://antiwpa.info - Thanks goes to MagedXp
      for creating the Webspace
      18.06.2010Minor Bugfix: 'Windows System File Protection Patch 1.zip'
      adding 'Enable/Disable to the WFP' to the Explorer Folder Options is now
      done correctly
      15.06.2010Bugfix: Anti-MSOPA_1-72.zip Bugfix for Office 2003 Build 8324
      (now also Outlook runs again without any productkey)
      18.01.2009Bugfix: Anti-MSOPA_1-71.zip (Bugfix for Office 2003 Build 8221)
      01.05.2009Updated: Antiwpa2.3 (Critical bugfix: 'Restore' delete
      23.11.2008Anti Driver Signing Patch & SP3-VLK-Crack v2(Alpha)
      Updated: Antiwpa2.2
      Add: Visual Basic 6 Portable to Src\
      Minor changes inside: Windows System File Protection Patch.zip
      09.08.2008BugFix: Anti Windows File Protection 1.2
      Terminalserver Device Redirector Bugfix
      20.01.2008Terminalserver no restriction patch 1.3 (XP SP3) added
      23.10.2007Bugfix: Anti-MSOPA_1-6.zip (added support for Office 2003 SP3)
      Generic LANServer Patch(EvID4226) to allow more than 10 halfopen
      21.10.2007Add WGABlinder4 & cleaned up the WGA-patches mess - now there
      are only 2 that are working and not 6 that are all not working anymore
      01.10.2007Organised new free webspace...
      07.08.2007Old forum seems to be down permanently down + DeadLinks removed.
      Forum relaunched (Thanks fly out to Schadowchaser!)
      01.08.2007myAutoIt3 open source Decompiler 1.7
      25.05.2007AutoIt3 Decompiler update (for 3.2.4 scripts)
      06.04.2007Bugfix: Anti-MSOPA_1-5.zip
      31.12.2006Most mirror went down :( - updated Mainsite
      Added WGA Legitlib RegFix & ie7_setup_WGA-fix
      06.12.2006Forum is back (Thanks goes to SCORPiON! ) Site update + new
      (Thank to Solent and SCORPiON!)
      18.11.2006...Again a kick - man and I was merely starting to be afraid
      they forgot about me...
      So now it's http://home.pages.at/nowpa2!
      07.11.2006WGA-Fix for Internet Explorer 7 added
      Bugfix: Anti-MSOPA_1-4.zip
      22.10.2006Terminalserver no restriction patch 1.2 added
      12.09.2006Bookmarks hyperlinked & 'Hints for newbies' added
      02.08.2006We got a new mirrors http://antiwpa.dl.am - by SCORPiON
      and http://thisispain.com/antiwpa - by pathogen
      Thanks all you for your support!
      20.07.2006Site was delete - recreate & upped site again
      22.06.2006Site was kicked - Moved to http://home.pages.at/nowpa
      23.05.2006Main forum is back! Big thanks goes to eremini for making this
      Update Vista 5xxx Antiwpa 0.3
      21.05.2006Organised some temporary webspace + forum - now Antiwpa is back
      19.05.2006Webhoster in Malaysia got mail from our old friend ...
      11.05.2006Disable GZip-Option in Forum setting - now Forum should work
      again as usual
      1.April.2006Cool we got a new Mirror http://v-ix.kiev.ua/antiwpa - Thanks
      goes to StirolXXX !
      ...and no I'm not joking ;)
      25.03.06Again some attact nullphear got bad mail and was forced to remove
      'telcogeek.com/antiwpa' also redirector antiwpa5/6.tk were killed.
      So I created antiwpa7.tk
      11.03.06Finally the old antiwpa4-forum is back including a new
      domain+webspace (with php&mysql support:).
      Thanks goes to eremini who made this possible!
      20.02.06Site was kicked - Now it's online again as http://Antiwpa5.tk
      06.01.06Antiwpa-Vista 5270 (32+64bit) winlogon+SLC.dll v1.1.zip added
      29.12.05Readme.txt of Anti Windows Product Activation Patch 3.4.6 Updated
      Removed Old cjb-forum link because it got blocked
      25.11.05Added Readme to cracked pidgen 1.1
      22.11.05Bugfix: Anti-MSOPA_1-3.zip now really contains Version1.3 (and not
      30.10.05Fixed some mySQL Problem - Forum is now working again.
      29.09.05Readded: Windows Genuine Advantage Fix 1.4
      Counterfreezer 1.0 utils (Antiwpa3 win2k3 fix)
      bundle together with reset-wpa-timer & set-oobe-activated
      23.09.05Well eremini got some bad mail...
      ... so now I'm back on www.pages.at. Added PencilNecks antiwpa3
      integration patch 1.1
      17.09.05Redirector http://antiwpa3.tk was block - moved to
      14.08.05I'd setup my own forum at http://antiwpa.btwarehouse.org/forum
      Now the forum is ad free and much faster than the old one.
      Finally I've full access to the forum & mysql database so i can
      do backups of the whole forum.
      13.08.05I moved to btwarehouse. Big thanks goes to eremini for generously
      providing the webspace!
      Added: Windows Genuine Advantage Fix 1.2
      Added: MS-DBL-Editor_0.3.zip for wpa.dbl
      Updated: Anti Windows Product Activation Patch 3.4.4
      06.07.05Updated: Anti Windows Product Activation Patch 3.4.2
      17.05.05Updated: Anti Windows Product Activation Patch 3.4
      24.04.05Added: Anti Windows Product Activation Patch 3.3
      Readded: Anti Product Activation Patch 1.2 for Office 2003 & XP
      20.05.05antiwpa.tk/home.page.at was delete - I hope
      antiwpa3.tk/free.page.at will last longer
      URL in Antiwpa 2 & 3 zip updated
      04.05.05Old Forum was also deleted by cjb.net...

      21.04.05antiwpa.cjb.net is blocked - so I moved to antiwpa.tk
      Added: Anti Windows Product Activation Patch 3.1
      08.04.05Updated: Anti Windows Product Activation Patch 2.1.0
      Updated: DPCDLL-LicViewer+SRC (inside xpkeygen.zip)
      05.04.05Updated: Anti Product Activation Patch 1.1 for Office 2003 & XP
      02.04.05Sources for TS-Free 1-1 released
      15.03.05binarys & OllyDebug symbols for winlogon added to \cracknfo
      09.03.05Anti Product Activation Patch for Office 2003 & XP
      DPCDLL-LicViewer added to xpkeygen.zip
      Cab-pack for integrating winlogon.exe into setup
      06.02.05Windows System File Protection Patch 1.1
      24.12.04New forum (Sorry, the old forum was delete without any warning
      when I clicked on the update link.)

      17.12.04Terminalserver no restriction patch 1.1
      Windows System File Protection Patch

windows XP SP2(安全模式也可以,windows的正版验证在不带网络的安全模式下不会运行)。折腾了好几天,试了好几个crack,都发现已经不行了。
   If GetIsInNormalMode() then          <-Attackpoint of AntiWPA3
      If DoWPACheckAndReturnIfSucceed() <-Attackpoint of AntiWPA2
         Everythings all right! Go On...
         Stop due to WPA-Error
      It's safemode WPACheck! Go On...
另外由于2.1.5这个版本对双字节系统(中文,日文,韩文等)不适用,所以我的中文系统也只能用3.4.6这个版本,而且这个版本不会修改系统任何文件,避免了windows update把winlogon.exe升级后破解会失效。(当然如果ms改变了winlogon的验证逻辑,3.4.6的破解还是会失效)


How to use:
   Start AntiWPA3.cmd to install/uninstall the patch

What the patch modifies:
   * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\AntiWPA
     is added to Registry

   * File C:\windows\system32\AntiWPA.dll is added

   * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents]
     data for "OOBETimer" is changed {=OOBE}

   * rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection DEL_OOBE_ACTIVATE 132 syssetup.inf
     rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection RESTORE_OOBE_ACTIVATE 132 syssetup.inf
     is executed which will remove/restore WPA-links from the startmenu

How it works:

It tricks winlogon.exe to make it believe it was booted in safemode,thus, winlogon skips
the WPA-Check. The trick is done by redirecting(=hooking) the windows function
(user32.dll!GetSystemMetrics(SM_CLEANBOOT{=0x43}) & ntdll.dll!NtLockProductActivation)
in memory to antiwpa.dll so winlogon 'thinks' was booted in safemode.
*Note (...because some ppl were concered about): The patch do not alter any
files on harddisk nor the hooks affects any other exe or dll in memory than

The patch auto-runs on each start before the WPA-check via:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\AntiWPA

The hooks are applied when AntiWPA.dll!onLogon is called by winlogon.exe.
The Winlogon.exe file on the harddisk is not altered anymore.
Patching (API-Hooking) is done in memory, so there are no problems with
Windows System File Protection.

Installation is performed via AntiWPA.dll!DllRegisterServer ("regsvr32 AntiWPA.dll").
The file is copied to systemdir and the registrykeys are added.
(Note: AntiWPA.dll is no ActiveX selfregisterdll.)
Uninstallation is done via AntiWPA.dll!DllUnRegisterServer ("regsvr32 -u AntiWPA.dll").

   F A Q  - Frequently Asked Questions

   How to check if it's really active

check if antiwpa.dll is loaded
enter in console (cmd.exe)
   TASKLIST /M /FI "MODULES eq antiwpa.dll"
Check and see if you have the Process Winlogon.exe as output
Forward date & reboot(or just Re-Login) to be really sure.

   Antiwpa.dll is loaded but it's still not working

Don't be too much concered about the activation days counter.
If you forwarded date about 1 year & reboot and don't get any bad
message on login antiwpa3 is working.
Else get the debug version of Antiwpa install it and report about
your observation in the forum. It will help to narrow down the
problem & fix. You may also prepare some remote desktop connection
and send me a email so I may debug the problem on your machine.
And at last try out antiwpa2.

    I get the evaluation period has expired -
    the computer will be shutdown into 1 hour.

That is Windows Trial counter
Try NT Tweak Downloadable at http://free.pages.at/antiwpa/Other/TweakNT_1.21.zip

Try to remove the timebomb, I have used it many times and it works great.

If you are going to reinstall windows you can also
remove evaluation period from the setup-files:

0. copy files to Harddisk
1. on some running windows (2k,XP) start regedit.exe
2. set cursor on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3. Menu: File\'Load hive' and open [WINsetupdir]\i386\'SETUPREG.HIV'
4. enter 'tmp' as new hive name and navigate to
click on (default) and fill/overwrite it with 16 x '00' like that
'00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'
'00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'
5. navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\tmp and File\'UnLoad hive'

All details are there:

   Antiwpa3 don't support windows vista - is there a other patch ?

So far i've not created any real good solution:
Well there is a patch for slc.dll (Software Licensing Client) antiwpa-vista_v1.2.zip
but it may cause unwanted sideeffect on other licenselimitation and it's heavily version
One way can be to edit the underlaying licensedata:
The data of the values slc.dll!SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD querys are stored under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions [ProductPolicy=]
which might offer to remove other limitation as well

Or just a classic patch of winlogon.exe - as antiwpa2 did. To get rid of the WPA-Check at
logon that will be the best way without any sideeffects.

   I have Install AntiWPA 2.00. Should I uninstall it to update?

They both work well. They both 憈arget?the same function in
Winlogon.exe, so it抯 running well - don抰 touch it (Never touch a running system.)

   Do I have to reinstall every AntiWPA 3 after I've installed a servicepack ?

No, you don't need to. The patch isn抰 undone by service packs anymore.
Since it doesn't modify winlogon.exe, it's no problem if winlogon.exe is
replaced by a new version.

   What is the difference between AntiWPA 2 & AntiWPA 3?

AntiWPA 2 directly modified winlogon.exe (on hard disk) to make it skip
over the product activation check.
AntiWPA 3 intercepts (in memory via API-Import-Hooking) winlogon.exe's request to
the OS whether Windows was booted into Safe-Mode or not.
It makes the OS always return "yes", even if Windows is running in 'normal mode',
winlogon is thinking it's running in safemode and skips the product activation check.
I advice to use antiwpa3 because it is easier to use and 'servicepack-resistent'.

To be complete there is one thing to mention (please ignore if you understand):
Code inside Winlogon:
   If GetIsInNormalMode() then          <-Attackpoint of AntiWPA3
      If DoWPACheckAndReturnIfSucceed() <-Attackpoint of AntiWPA2
         Everythings all right! Go On...
         Stop due to WPA-Error
      It's safemode WPACheck! Go On...
as you see AntiWPA3 depends of some specific programming logic.
So if there is just 'If DoWPACheckAndReturnIfSucceed()' without
'If GetIsInNormalMode()' in front AntiWPA3 won't avoid activation call.

   How do I integrate it into Windows Setup?

That solution was given by [fs].  Thanks for sharing it! Original thread:

Open [Setuppath]\I386 (use it in following as workdir)

create a file called "SETTINGS.INF" Put this info in it:

; This tells XP setup to process antiwpa.inf at 13min from finishing installation
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\Infs",1,,"rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 ..\Windows\AntiWPA\antiwpa.inf"

and add the follow ...text... under the following [section]
(if you add the text at the beginning, the middle or at tbe end don't matter
as long it stays inside that section)

; this creates a temporary folder called antiwpa in %windir%
140 = AntiWPA

[SourceDisksFiles] enter these lines:
; this file gets copied to temp location %windir%\antiwpa
antiwpa.dll  = 1,,,,,,,140,0,0
; this file gets copied to temp location %windir%\antiwpa
antiwpa.inf  = 1,,,,,,,140,0,0
; this file stays on CDrom, it only used to load antiwpa.inf
settings.inf = 1,,,,,,_x,,3,3

; this loads settings.inf at the end of XP setup in DOS mode
AddReg = settings.inf,Addreg

create a file called "ANTIWPA.INF" and put this info in it:

CopyFiles = AntiWPA.Files
AddReg    = AntiWPA.Reg

; 11 = %windir%\system32
AntiWpa.Files.Inf = 11


; This step is optional, when enabled it removes Activation shortcut in startmenu
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\install01",1,,"%11%\regsvr32.exe antiwpa.dll /s"
; This step removes the %windir%\AntiWPA directory and all it's content
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\Zcleanup",1,,"%11%\cmd.exe /c rd /S /Q %10%\antiwpa"

11,,antiwpa.dll, 1

RunOnceEx = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx"


Done now check if the following files are inside the I386 dir

Now burn your AntiWPA integrated CD.

To make it bootable extract bootblock(should be 2KB) from any bootable
win(nt,2k,xp,2k3) setupCD/ISO with isobluster and burn it with bootcd default
options (4 Startsek; load at:07C0).

Hint: create an iso & mount it in a Virtual PC like VMWare to test CDBoot


And to draw some other solution posted by some guest:

1. Copy CD content to C:\WindowsCD\

2. Use setupmgr.exe to create an answer file
   add the following in the "Run Once" section of setup manager:

   Unattend.txt/winnt.sif should now include the following section:
Command0="regsvr32 /s %SYSTEMDRIVE%\antiwpa.dll"

   Edit the [Unattended] section, changing OemPreinstall=No to

   copy winnt.sif to the C:\WindowsCD\i386 folder

3. copy antiwpa.dll to C:\WindowsCD\$oem$\$1\ (Create Folder)
   Note: All files contained in the "\$oem$\$1" folder will be
         copied to the C: drive during installation.

Before-WPA-emergency console:

This will setup some kind of emerency console. The program specified in
CmdLine will be run before the normal logonscreen and before the WPA-Check.
Now you don't need to boot in safemode if something went wrong.

"CmdLine"=""C:\Total Commander\TOTALCMD.EXE"

Deny the user 'system' writeaccess(Set value) on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup
or the system change SetupType value after each logon.
You can use explorer.exe as CmdLine but note it might cause problems later.

Reseting the Activation Trial:
Simply execute 'rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk'.
That is some kind of offical way to rest the Activation Trial.
Take Care it will work only work for about 4 times.
A 'total reset' is not very userfriend and described in detail here.

Just to draw the picture you will need to export HKLM\System to a
tmp reg-hive file. Import that reg-hive(or structure) file to delete
HKLM\System\WPA and the Rest
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion "LicenseInfo"=""
shutdown window and copy/overwite the reg-hivefile to system32\config\system
from an other OS or the Windows-CD recovery console.

     A (boring) Step by Step to do a manual Install

To do a Clean Uninstall:
  1. Click on Start\Execute [Or press Winkey+R] and Enter
     regsvr32 antiwpa.dll -u
     -> you should get DllUnregisterServer succeded
  2. Reboot
  3. In the Explorer to c:\Windows\system32 and delete antiwpa.dll
    (Note it's important to use the explorer which is an 64-bit app because 32bit apps like the TotalCommander won't see the real system32-folder)

Now do an Manuall install:
  1. open the Antiwpa-V3.4.3\AMD64 dir
  2. run "regsvr32 antiwpa.dll"
     Step by Step:
         copy antiwpa.dll to c:\
         Start\Execute and enter 'Cmd.exe'enter to open dos-console:
             cd \
             regsvr32 antiwpa.dll
     -> you should get DllregisterServer succeded

Check antiwpa.dll install itself correctly
  1. now there should be antiwpa.dll in c:\Windows\system32
  2. reboot
  3. run "Start"\Execute 'Cmd.exe' and enter
     TASKLIST /M /FI "MODULES eq antiwpa.dll"
     Check if you get the Process Winlogon.exe as output
     (to ensure antiwpa.dll is loaded and is really active)

Check the installation
  1. Forward your date about 1 year and reboot
  2. if you can login there is no doubt that antiwpa is really working
     else boot in safemode and restore your date and run ("Start"\Execute)
     rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk
     to reset the trial (but beware the this trick will only work for about 4 times!)
  3. but I hope now everything is working

If not setup the windows RemoteDesktop connection and mail connectioninfos to cw2k 鋞 gmx.de


3.4.6 readme.txt updated
     'How do I integrate it into Windows Setup?' and
     'windows vista not support' section added

3.4.6 updated antiwpa-site-url in readme.txt
      Changed API-hook order maybe now it will also work on vista

3.4.4 Bugfix: Rename 32-bit dir back to x86\
      Minor: readme updates
      Added IA64 Version

3.4.3 Baseaddress change to 0x5000 0000 to avoid to need to relocating the Dll

3.4.2 Bugfix: Relocating the Dll failed - set writeflag to .text-section to fix

3.4   Now it uses import hooks (instead of export ones): Disam part is not need anymore - Dll size reduced

3.3   Install/Uninstall routine for OOBE-Fix and remove activate-links added to AntiWPA.dll

3.2   Internal version (Not released)

3.1  Install/Uninstall routine via regsvr32 added to AntiWPA.dll
     Version info added to AntiWPA.dll

3.0 BETA   initial Release

======  Outtakes (obsulated stuff) =========

   How do I integrate it into Windows Setup?

I haven't done/tried this yet.
What you would have to do is manage these tasks somehow:
1. Add antiwpa.dll to the installation package
2. make it execute once "regsvr32 /s antiwpa.dll"
(or "rundll32 antiwpa.dll, DllRegisterServer")

http://forums.cjb.net/antiwpa3-about47.html for more about

Thanks to Hackedout for his solution. Let me summarized it:

1. Copy i386 folder from the cd C:\i386

2. Execute "makecab.exe antiwpa.dll"
   Copy compressed file antiwpa.dl_ to C:\i386

3. Edit the following files from i386:

DOSNET.INF     [Files]
d1,antiwpa.dll    <-insert that line

search for 'Winlogon\Notify\cscdll' & insert the lines so it will look like that:

...HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify",,0x00000012
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\antiwpa",,0x00000012
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\antiwpa","DLLName",0x00000002,"antiwpa.dll"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\antiwpa","Asynchronous",0x00010003,0
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\antiwpa","Impersonate",0x00010001,0
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\antiwpa","Logon",0x00000002,"onLogon"
...HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\cscdll",,0x00000012

TXTSETUP.SIF   [SourceDisksFiles]
search for 'aaaamon.dll' ...

...a_pnt518.ppd = 1,,,,,,,,3,3
antiwpa.dll = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0
..aaaamon.dll = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

4. Make sure that these files were saved/copied to C:\i386



Some (untested) proposals - if someone confirms that they work
I will finally include them in the instructions
*  To make antiwpa.dll to remove the activationlinks from the start menu
   add the following line to 'HIVESFT.INF'
   HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","antiwpa",0x00000002,"regsvr32 antiwpa.dll /s"

   OR !!! (but this is more experimental) replace the line
      HKLM,"SYSTEM\Setup","CmdLine",0x00000002,"regsvr32 antiwpa.dll /s"
   theoretical it should start antiwpa-install instead of the OOBE-Let's activate at first start
   so it works you can also leave out the 'HKLM,Winlogon\Notify'-part

*  leave out the 'DOSNET.INF'-part I seem be unnecessary and to only cause an
   file not found error in the 'dos' file coping stage


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