[原创]Automating Kernel dumps collection through code
发表于: 2012-10-8 15:22 4237
1. Download and install debuging tools for Windows in the folder c:\debuggers from http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols/debuggers/dbg_x86_6.11.1.404.msi
2. Dowload and install LiveKD into the folder c:\debuggers from
3. Setup environment variable _NT_SYMBOL_PATH = srv*c\localsymbols*
4. Insert the following line of code at the appropriate location :
// The following code is to silently accept the EULA. This needs to be done only ONE time on the machine.
system("c:\\debuggers\\LiveKD.exe /accepteula");
// The following code is to collect the kernel dumps
system("c:\\debuggers\\LiveKD.exe -o c:\\kerneldump.dmp");
5. The dump c:\kerneldump.dmp will be collected but the system will not restart.