... MultiKey\Dumps\0000xxxx] - xxxx - Developer ID
"Type" = dword: 00000000 - model, 0-SuperPro, 1-all other types;
"SntMemory" = hex: - memory for "Type" = 0 - 64 cell, for "Type" = 1, depending on the type of key
"CellType" = hex: - types of cells, and for "Type" = 0 - 64 bytes for the "Type" = 1, depending on the type of key
"Type" = 0 - full internal algorithm to spro, reg-file old-fashioned
"Type" = 1 - only a table emulation for all types of keys in the reg file to add new fields:
"Option" = hex: 02,00,03,80,7F,00,00,00 (for example SPRO with the support of AEC-tunnel)
where: [0 ]...[ 3] - the value type of key, we get functions, the GET_KEYINFO
[4] - the value of a physically readable memory key, usually 7F or FF
[5]...[7] - reserve
"AesKey" = hex: 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 - aes key for AES-tunnel (so far, so get out prog)
Spro default dump the old regime ("Type" = 0).
Table format:
... MultiKey\Dumps\0000xxxx\cell_yy] - yy - number of the cell, for which the table for every Sell your table
"12345678" = hex: 22,33,44,55
"1122334455667788" = hex: 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18
"11223344556677888877665544332211" = hex: 88,77,66,55,44,33,22,11,11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88