strName = InputBox("input you project name.")
If strName="" Then
MsgBox " can not be empty!"
End If
' 获取本文件目录及父目录
scriptFullName = wscript.scriptfullname
scriptFolderPath = Left(scriptFullName, instrRev(scriptFullName, "\"))
scriptParentFolderPath = Left(scriptFolderPath, Len(scriptFolderPath) -1)
scriptParentFolderPath = Left(scriptParentFolderPath, instrRev(scriptParentFolderPath,"\"))
projectFolder = scriptParentFolderPath & strName &"\"
projectName = strName
projectFullName = projectFolder & projectName & ".vcproj"
' 创建文件系统操作对象
Set fs = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
status = True
If fs.FolderExists(projectFolder) Then
MsgBox "the project folder is exist,it will quit."
End If
' CopySpecialfiles
fs.CreateFolder projectFolder
CopySpecialfiles projectFolder,scriptFolderPath,status
If status=False Then
errstr = errstr &vbCR & "CopySpecialfiles failed."
End If
ModifyProject status
If status=False Then
errstr = errstr &vbCR & "ModifyProject failed."
End If
' end of program
If errstr="" Then
MsgBox "complete successfullly"
MsgBox "some error occurred" &vbCR & errstr
End If
Function CopySpecialfiles(targetFolderName,sourceFolderName,status)
On Error Resume Next
status = True
If Not err.number = 0 Then
status = False
End If
End Function
Function ModifyProject(status)
On Error Resume Next
status = True
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.async = False
If Not xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode = 0 Then
status = False
End If
strguid =""
getGuid strguid, status
If status =False Then
End If
Set root = xmlDoc.documentElement
root.setAttribute "ProjectGUID", strguid
root.setAttribute "RootNamespace", projectName
root.setAttribute "Name", projectName
End Function
Function getGuid(strGuid,status)
On Error Resume Next
status = True
Set TypeLib = CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib")
strGuid = TypeLib.Guid
If Not err.number = 0 Then
status = False
End If
End Function