( LV9,RANK:3410 )
2 楼
google搜索的资料: SecuROM 是SONY开发的知名度最高的保护方式之一.
更多的信息在: http://www.securom.com/ 解决办法: SecuROM的补丁程序.
Alpha Centauri (SecuROM v4) Brain Lara Cricket (SecuROM V5) Decent FreeSpace (SecuROM V2) Fifa 99 (SecuROM V3) Forsaken (SecuROM V1) Frankreich 98 (SecuROM V1) Heart of Darkness (SecuROM V2) Hexplore (SecuROM V1) Incoming (SecuROM V1) Machines (SecuROM V5) Max II (SecuROM V2) Panzer Commander (SecuROM V2) Populous 3 (SecuROM V3) Revolt (not sure what version) S.A.G.A: Rage of the Vikings (SecuROM V5) Shadowman (not sure what version) Silver (SecuROM V4) SimCity 3000 - German (SecuROM V4) Southpark (SecuROM V4) Superbike (SecuROM V4) Team Apache (SecuROM V2) Trick style (No patch) Turok 2 (SecuROM V4) WarGasm (SecuROM V3) War of the Worlds (V3) 银色幻想 软件:
Omnia 99 - Italian Omnia 99 Atlante - Italian 如何判断一张光盘是用这种方法加密的: 如果原盘的根目录或者程序安装后的目录有如下文件: CMS16.DLL, CMS_95.DLL 或 CMS_NT.DLL.
可以试试用通用的补丁程序跳过SecuROM... 可以在这里搜索通用的补丁程序: http://astalavista.box.sk 或者这里: Laxity page.