[分享][GC10 - CQRM] Submission Deadline Extended to March 31, 2010
发表于: 2010-3-28 07:51 6206

[分享][GC10 - CQRM] Submission Deadline Extended to March 31, 2010

2010-3-28 07:51
(Our sincere apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFPs)

New Submission Deadline: March 31, 2010

IEEE Globecom'2010 Symposium on Communications QoS, Reliability and Modelling, 6-10 December, 2010, Miami, Florida, USA

Communication networks are designed to provide service to their users with acceptable quality level. For that, network traffic should be analyzed and properly controlled so that the desired Quality of Service requirements of applications and Services are achieved. The diversity of applications characteristics and current network technologies demand specific modelling and design tools. Moreover, different techniques including analytical modelling, simulation, measurement and monitoring are required in order to support design and dimensioning of communication networks and services.

This symposium emphasizes the design, resource allocation, traffic control, and performance evaluation advances required in order to deliver the expected high quality and reliability in telecommunication networks and services. The symposium will provide an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia to exchange ideas
and present results of ongoing research on the challenging issues related to the requirements, metrics, measurement, management, and dissemination, as well as performance modelling for the emerging era of network services.

This symposium aims at papers that describe original and unpublished contributions addressing various aspects of performance modelling, QoS and reliability in computer and telecommunication networks. Authors are invited to submit original technical papers covering but not limited to the topics of interest listed below.

Topics of Interest
*  Quality for Networks and Services
*  Quality and Resource Allocation for Network Services, VPN, Web
*  Performance Modelling of Next Generation Networks
*  Scalability, Robustness and Resilience
*  Standardization Aspects of QoS and Reliability
*  Performance Evaluation Techniques
*  Design of Networks and Network Services
*  Cross-layer Design, Modeling and Optimization
*  Application / Service Oriented Networking
*  Network Simulation Techniques
*  Network Modelling
*  Network Measurement and Monitoring Techniques
*  Resource Allocation for Networks and Their Services
*  Traffic and Workload Modelling and Characterization
*  Traffic and Workload Control
*  Traffic Economics
*  Traffic Engineering and Traffic Theory
*  Metrics and Models for Quality of Experience (QoE)
*  End-to-End QoS in Heterogeneous Networks
*  Applications of Game Theory for Quality Provision
*  Quality, Reliability and Performance in the Following Networks and Systems
    - Multimedia Networks including Voice over IP and IPTV
    - The Internet
    - Wireless and Mobile Networks
    - Satellite and Deep Space Communications Systems
    - Multi-Layer IP/MPLS over Optical Networks
    - Autonomic Systems
    - Grid and Distributed Computing
    - Peer-to-Peer Networks
    - Sensor and Physical Networks
    - Future Virtualized Networks
    - Delay-Tolerant Networks
    - Cognitive Radio Networks
    - Next-Generation Data Centers
    - Telemedicine Networks
    - Vehicular Networks

Important Dates
*  Paper Submission:  31 Mar. 2010
*  Acceptance Notification:  1   July  2010
* Camera-ready Paper: 14 Aug. 2010

Submission Guidelines
All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of Five (5) printed pages (10-point font) including figures without incurring additional page charges (maximum 1 additional page with overlength page charge if accepted). Standard IEEE Transactions templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats can be found at  
Only PDF files are acceptable for the review process and all submissions must be done through EDAS for the following symposia

Symposium Co-Chairs
Hideaki Yoshino, NTT, Japan (yoshino.hideaki@lab.ntt.co.jp)
Michael Devetsikiotis, North Carolina State University, USA (mdevets@ncsu.edu)
Chonggang Wang, InterDigital Communications, USA (cgwang@ieee.org)


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Dear friends,

Please check out many newly added exciting features in GC10 at

We feature 9 forums in the Business & Tech Forum Program targeting to different groups of audiences, namely,
   (1) Funding Forum
   (2) D&D Forums
   (3) IPv6 Forums
   (4) Wireless Network Forum
   (5) 4G Wireless Forum
   (6) Media Delivery Forum
   (7) Cloud Computing Forum
   (8) Intelligent Transportation Forum
   (9) History Forum

We also feature Young Professional Forum (also called GOLD Program) in the Student Program. In addition, we feature BEST PAPER AWARD with a fair and transparent competition policy announced, and the Award papers will be presented on the first day of the conference in a highlighted special session, so that the Award winners and their good work will be better recognized by GC10 attendees.

As the deadline (March 31, FIRM) is approaching within a week, please submit your papers to GC10 as soon as possible. I believe every good work has its chance to win the prestigeous BEST PAPER AWARD!


Haohong WANG
2010-3-28 08:10
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