[旧帖] [原创]三国志5日文加强版去除256色限制 0.00雪花
发表于: 2009-9-23 21:19 4699
命令行下断点 bp MessageBoxA
Alt+F9 执行返回到用户代码
按两次F7返回到上一级函数,此时 EIP=004CF1DA
004CF190 . 6A 00 push 0 ; /hWnd = NULL
004CF192 . 8935 804A5200 mov dword ptr [524A80], esi ; |
004CF198 . FF15 10965200 call dword ptr [<&USER32.GetDC>] ; \GetDC
004CF19E . 8BE8 mov ebp, eax
004CF1A0 . 85ED test ebp, ebp
004CF1A2 . 74 45 je short 004CF1E9
004CF1A4 . 6A 26 push 26 ; /Index = RASTERCAPS
004CF1A6 . 8B3D E4935200 mov edi, dword ptr [<&GDI32.GetDevic>; |GDI32.GetDeviceCaps
004CF1AC . 55 push ebp ; |hDC
004CF1AD . FFD7 call edi ; \GetDeviceCaps
004CF1AF . 8BD8 mov ebx, eax ;GetDeviceCaps(dc, RASTERCAPS)
004CF1B1 . 6A 68 push 68 ; /Index = SIZEPALETTE
004CF1B3 . 80E7 01 and bh, 1 ; GetDeviceCaps(dc, RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE
004CF1B6 . 55 push ebp ; |hDC
004CF1B7 . FFD7 call edi ; \GetDeviceCaps
004CF1B9 . 8BF8 mov edi, eax ;系统调色板中的入口数目
004CF1BB . 55 push ebp ; /hDC
004CF1BC . 6A 00 push 0 ; |hWnd = NULL
004CF1BE . FF15 0C965200 call dword ptr [<&USER32.ReleaseDC>] ; \ReleaseDC
004CF1C4 . 84FF test bh, bh ;是否使用调色板
004CF1C6 . 74 08 je short 004CF1D0
004CF1C8 . 81FF 00010000 cmp edi, 100
004CF1CE . 74 19 je short 004CF1E9
004CF1D0 > \68 105F5100 push 00515F10 ;弹出窗口显示的字符串地址
004CF1D5 . E8 AB2FF3FF call 00402185 ;弹出窗口
004CF1DA . 83C4 04 add esp, 4
004CF1DD . 33C0 xor eax, eax
004CF1DF . 5D pop ebp
004CF1E0 . 5F pop edi
004CF1E1 . 5E pop esi
004CF1E2 . 5B pop ebx
004CF1E3 . 83C4 30 add esp, 30
004CF1E6 . C2 0800 retn 8
004CF1E9 > 8D4424 10 lea eax, dword ptr [esp+10] ;应该跳到这里
004CF1C6 . 74 08 je short 004CF1D0
004CF1C8 . 81FF 00010000 cmp edi, 100
004CF1CE . 74 19 je short 004CF1E9
004CF1C6 处: je short 004CF1D0
改为: jmp short 004CF1E9
RC_PALETTE is set in palettized color modes and clear in nonpalettized modes. Generally speaking, the RC_PALETTE bit is set in 8-bit color modes and clear in 4-bit and 24-bit color modes. The RC_PALETTE bit is also clear if the adapter is running in 16-bit color ("high color") mode, which for most applications produces color output every bit as good as true color. Don't make the mistake some programmers have made and rely on bit counts to tell you whether to use a palette. As sure as you do, you'll run across an oddball video adapter that defies the normal conventions and fools your application into using a palette when a palette isn't needed or not using a palette when a palette would help.
What happens if you ignore the RC_PALETTE setting and use a logical palette regardless of color depth? The application will still work because the palette manager works even on nonpalettized devices. If RC_PALETTE is 0, palettes can still be created and selected into device contexts, but calls to RealizePalette do nothing. PALETTEINDEX values are dereferenced and converted into RGB colors in the logical palette, and PALETTERGB values are simply treated as if they were standard RGB color values. OnQueryNewPalette and OnPaletteChanged aren't called because no WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE and WM_PALETTECHANGED messages are sent. As explained in an excellent article, "The Palette Manager: How and Why," available on the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN), "The goal is to allow applications to use palettes in a device-independent fashion and to not worry about the actual palette capabilities of the device driver."
摘自: http://www.moon-soft.com/doc/3124.htm
Ctrl+F2 重新载入,F9运行弹出错误,内存地址10101010不可读,此时堆栈内容为一堆10101010。
0012FBA4 004E7D21 San5W95.004E7D21
004E7D21 |. F3:AB rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
Ctrl+F2 重新载入,F9运行,断在了004E7D21,清除断点,并在下一条指令(004E7D23)下断点
F9运行,弹出错误窗口,说明确实是 004E7D21 处指行有问题。
004E7CE4 |. 8B4C24 04 mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+4]
004E7CF3 |. 8BF9 mov edi, ecx
edi的值是由外部传入的第一个参数。直接在这段函数开始处 004E7CE0 下断点
0012FE84 004E6158 返回到 San5W95.004E6158 来自 San5W95.004E7CE0
0012FE88 0012FAA0
0012FE8C 00000010
0012FE90 0004D800
0012FE94 00000004
0012FE98 004E2FEB 返回到 San5W95.004E2FEB 来自 San5W95.004E6136
0012FE9C 00000280
0012FEA0 000001F0
0012FEA4 0012FAA0
0012FEA8 00000003
0012FEAC 004E2CDE 返回到 San5W95.004E2CDE 来自 San5W95.004E2FC2
[esp+4]=0012FAA0 即为传给edi的值(对应004E6150处的push dword ptr [ebp+10])
004E6136 /$ 55 push ebp
004E6137 |. 8B4424 0C mov eax, dword ptr [esp+C]
004E613B |. 0FAF4424 08 imul eax, dword ptr [esp+8]
004E6140 |. 837C24 14 07 cmp dword ptr [esp+14], 7
004E6145 |. 8BEC mov ebp, esp
004E6147 |. 50 push eax
004E6148 |. 75 04 jnz short 004E614E
004E614A |. 6A 00 push 0
004E614C |. EB 02 jmp short 004E6150
004E614E |> 6A 10 push 10
004E6150 |> FF75 10 push [arg.3] ; push dword ptr [ebp+10]
004E6153 |. E8 881B0000 call 004E7CE0
004E6158 |. 8BE5 mov esp, ebp
堆栈窗口往下拉,选中第二个返回地址 004E2FEB 按回车
004E2FC2 /$ 8B0D 68805200 mov ecx, dword ptr [528068]
004E2FC8 |. A1 98735200 mov eax, dword ptr [527398]
004E2FCD |. 50 push eax
004E2FCE |. 8B048D 705752>mov eax, dword ptr [ecx*4+525770]
004E2FD5 |. FF35 B05B5200 push dword ptr [525BB0]
004E2FDB |. 83C0 10 add eax, 10
004E2FDE |. 50 push eax
004E2FDF |. FF348D 985B52>push dword ptr [ecx*4+525B98]
004E2FE6 |. E8 4B310000 call 004E6136
004E2FEB |. 83C4 10 add esp, 10
call 004E6136 往上数第三个push
004E2FD5 |. FF35 B05B5200 push dword ptr [525BB0]
下硬件写入断点: hw 00525BB0
重新载入,运行,断在 004E2799, 清除硬件断点: hd 00525BB0
004E276C /$ 8B4424 04 mov eax, dword ptr [esp+4]
004E2770 |. 81EC 28040000 sub esp, 428
004E2776 |. 3B05 74655100 cmp eax, dword ptr [516574]
004E277C |. 7D 1B jge short 004E2799
004E277E |. 8D4C24 00 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp]
004E2782 |. A3 68805200 mov dword ptr [528068], eax
004E2787 |. 51 push ecx
004E2788 |. FF3485 AC5B52>push dword ptr [eax*4+525BAC]
004E278F |. E8 63370000 call 004E5EF7
004E2794 |. A3 B05B5200 mov dword ptr [525BB0], eax
004E2799 |> \81C4 28040000 add esp, 428
显然要检查 call 004E5EF7 返回值
进入 004E5EF7, 发现其主要作用是 call dword ptr [<&GDI32.GetObjectA>] ; \GetObjectA
The GetObject function obtains information about a specified graphics object. Depending on the graphics object, the function places a filled-in BITMAP, DIBSECTION, EXTLOGPEN, LOGBRUSH, LOGFONT, or LOGPEN structure, or a count of table entries (for a logical palette), into a specified buffer.
int GetObject(
HGDIOBJ hgdiobj, // handle to graphics object of interest
int cbBuffer, // size of buffer for object information
LPVOID lpvObject // pointer to buffer for object information
A handle to the graphics object of interest. This can be a handle to one of the following: a logical bitmap, a brush, a font, a palette, a pen, or a device independent bitmap created by calling the CreateDIBSection function.
既然是游戏估计是hgdiobj最后一个,试着下断点: bp CreateDIBSection
0048BE4A |. 899F 60094C00 mov dword ptr [edi+4C0960], ebx
0048BE31 |. E8 8A050000 call 0048C3C0
0048BE36 |. 8BD8 mov ebx, eax
点击进入0048C3C0 就可以发现 ebx值就是CreateDIBSection的返回值)
重新载入,运行,断住了,清除断点,Alt+F9 执行,发现 eax返回值是0,说明没创建成功
004E5EDD /$ 33C0 xor eax, eax
004E5EDF |. 50 push eax ; /Offset => 0
004E5EE0 |. 50 push eax ; |hSection => NULL
004E5EE1 |. FF7424 14 push dword ptr [esp+14] ; |ppBits
004E5EE5 |. 50 push eax ; |Usage => DIB_RGB_COLORS
004E5EE6 |. FF7424 18 push dword ptr [esp+18] ; |pBitmapInfo
004E5EEA |. FF7424 18 push dword ptr [esp+18] ; |hDC
004E5EEE |. FF15 4C945200 call dword ptr [<&GDI32.CreateDIBSection>] ; \CreateDIBSection
004E5EF4 \. C2 0C00 retn 0C
在 004E5EEE 处下断点,重新载入运行到断点,看堆栈:
0012F56C 3C011BAC |hDC = 3C011BAC
0012F570 0012F5A0 |pBitmapInfo = 0012F5A0
0012F574 00000000 |Usage = DIB_RGB_COLORS
0012F578 0012F9C8 |ppBits = 0012F9C8
0012F57C 00000000 |hSection = NULL
0012F580 00000000 \Offset = 0
d [esp+4] 内存窗口转到 pBitmapInfo结构
The BITMAPINFO structure defines the dimensions and color information for a Windows device-independent bitmap (DIB).
typedef struct tagBITMAPINFO { // bmi
RGBQUAD bmiColors[1];
The BITMAPINFOHEADER structure contains information about the dimensions and color format of a device-independent bitmap (DIB).
typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER{ // bmih
DWORD biSize;
LONG biWidth;
LONG biHeight;
WORD biPlanes;
WORD biBitCount
DWORD biCompression;
DWORD biSizeImage;
LONG biXPelsPerMeter;
LONG biYPelsPerMeter;
DWORD biClrUsed;
DWORD biClrImportant;
Specifies the number of bits per pixel. This value must be 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32.
Specifies the type of compression for a compressed bottom-up bitmap (top-down DIBs cannot be compressed).
It can be one of the following values:
Value Description
BI_RGB An uncompressed format.
BI_BITFIELDS Specifies that the bitmap is not compressed and that the color table consists of three doubleword color masks
that specify the red, green, and blue components, respectively, of each pixel.
This is valid when used with 16- and 32-bits-per-pixel bitmaps.
biBitCount 颜色的位数
biCompression: BI_RGB=0 BI_BITFIELDS=3(使用16位、32位位图有效)
(0012F5AE) +0Eh: biBitCount 值为0020h(32位)
(0012F5B0) +10h: biCompression 值为0000 0003h
游戏使用的是256色,应该将上面 +0Eh处改为8 +10h处改为0才对,可以考虑在这里添加代码实现。
现在来看 pBitmapInfo结构 是什么时候生成的。
按两下F8返回到 004E599B
在该段函数入口处 004E5907 下断点,重新载入,运行到断点
内存窗口转到 0012F5AE处: d 0012F5AE 发现其值还不是20, 下内存写入(或硬件写入)断点
004E5E93 |. 66:8970 0E mov word ptr [eax+E], si
004E5E6C |. 6A 0C push 0C ; /Index = BITSPIXEL
004E5E6E |. 53 push ebx ; |hDC
004E5E6F |. FF15 E4935200 call dword ptr [<&GDI32.GetDeviceCaps>] ; \GetDeviceCaps
004E5E75 |. 66:8BF0 mov si, ax ; 颜色位数: 改为: push 8 与 pop esi
004E5E78 |. 53 push ebx ; /hDC
004E5E79 |. 57 push edi ; |hWnd => NULL
004E5E7A |. FF15 0C965200 call dword ptr [<&USER32.ReleaseDC>] ; \ReleaseDC
004E5E80 |. 8B4424 10 mov eax, dword ptr [esp+10]
004E5E84 |. B9 01000000 mov ecx, 1
004E5E89 |. 66:8948 0C mov word ptr [eax+C], cx
004E5E8D |. C700 28000000 mov dword ptr [eax], 28
004E5E93 |. 66:8970 0E mov word ptr [eax+E], si ; biBitCount
004E5E97 |. 8948 04 mov dword ptr [eax+4], ecx
004E5E9A |. 66:83FE 10 cmp si, 10
004E5E9E |. 8948 08 mov dword ptr [eax+8], ecx
004E5EA1 |. 74 0B je short 004E5EAE
004E5EA3 |. 66:83FE 20 cmp si, 20
004E5EA7 |. 74 05 je short 004E5EAE
004E5EA9 |. 8978 10 mov dword ptr [eax+10], edi ; biCompression
004E5EAC |. EB 07 jmp short 004E5EB5
004E5EAE |> C740 10 03000>mov dword ptr [eax+10], 3 ; biCompression
004E5EB5 |> 33C9 xor ecx, ecx
显然要使: 004E5E93 处变成 mov word ptr [eax+E], 8
004E5EAE 处变成 mov dword ptr [eax+10], 0
004E5E75 处的 mov si,ax
改为 push 8
pop esi
004E5E6C |. 6A 0C push 0C ; /Index = BITSPIXEL
004E5E6E |. 53 push ebx ; |hDC
004E5E6F |. FF15 E4935200 call dword ptr [<&GDI32.GetDeviceCaps>] ; \GetDeviceCaps
事先查到这个API的话,就可以直接下条件断点 :BP GetDeviceCaps, [esp+8] == 0C
按两次 F9和 alt+F9 就可以定位到上面代码了。
定位到对windows消息WM_ACTIVATE和WM_SETFOCUS的处理函数,发现 WM_SETFOCUS 调用了InvalidateRect
The InvalidateRect function adds a rectangle to the specified window's update region.
The update region represents the portion of the window's client area that must be redrawn.
其实这是播放palette animation造成的。
What does it take to do palette animation in Windows? Just these three steps:
Call GetDeviceCaps, and check RC_PALETTE to verify that palettes are supported. Palette animation won't work if the RC_PALETTE bit isn't set.
Create a logical palette containing the colors you want to animate, and mark each palette entry with a PC_RESERVED flag. Only palette entries marked PC_RESERVED can be used for palette animation.
Draw an image using colors in the logical palette, and then call CPalette::AnimatePalette repeatedly to change the palette colors. Each time you change the palette with AnimatePalette, the colors in the image will change accordingly.
摘自: http://www.moon-soft.com/doc/3124.htm
The AnimatePalette function replaces entries in the specified logical palette.
The BitBlt function performs a bit-block transfer of the color data corresponding to a rectangle of pixels
from the specified source device context into a destination device context.
mov edx, dword ptr [528068]
push dword ptr [edx*4+525770]
push dword ptr [edx*4+525B98]
push 0
push 0
push edx
call 004E2603
add esp,14
0042A75A . E8 50B10B00 call 004E58AF