* Protects .NET code against decompilation and reverse engineering
* Converts .NET applications to native binaries that run without the .NET Framework
* Embeds SQL Server Express databases directly into the application binary
* Eliminates compatibility errors by linking all application components into a single EXE
* Optimizes application performance with metadata reduction and code pruning
谢谢楼主提供,这个是个好东西,最近在学.NET,正需要这个程序。不过这个混淆后的程序似乎比起Dotfuscator Professional Edition 4.3 来程序要大了很多,比如我用Dotfuscator混淆+字符串加密一个150KB的程序,生成后的文件大小差不多,但同样的程序用Xenocode来提供类似的保护,可执行程序到了450KB左右,感觉保护确实强一些,就是大了点。