03Jan2005: Armadillo 4.01 Beta-1 posted
The Silicon Realms Toolworks is happy to announce that Armadillo 4.01 is now available for beta-testing! The direct download link can be found here.
This version's changes are primarily internal. We've spent the last several weeks refactoring and restructuring the soure code. If we've done it right, you won't see any detrimental effects, but several small bugs and annoyances should vanish, and future changes should be far more stable.
In addition to that, there are two new features:
"Registry macros," which allow you to use a REG_SZ entry from the registry in your Armadillo-provided messages, or as part of your website/buynow URL, making several affiliate systems much easier to use (among other things).
Portable Keys, for use when you want to allow your customers to use a program on multiple systems, but you don't want to write the key to those systems.