binary driver (也就是Binary blob) 是提供给固定版本的 official linux kernel
如果使用者自行修改 kernel 重编译,这便会出现兼容问题
"Nvidia's Linux graphics driver kernel module is structured so that all the code that is
Linux-specific is provided in source code as a 'kernel interface layer.' When customers
upgrade their kernel to get the latest from, they have everything they need
to rebuild (and even patch, if necessary) the Nvidia's driver's kernel interface layer."
简单来说,就是 nvidia 把它们的 driver 分为 2 个部份 :
同时,另一个部份是开放源码的,这个部份负责 linux kernel 与 driver 的接口连接
这样,在升级 linux kernel 的时候,就可以在 nvidia driver 上做一些接口的局部修改