ap0x Unpack Engine SDK v1.5
发表于: 2009-6-18 05:29 2347
a greate tool finally updated and out !!!
This unpack engine covers everything one unpacker needs. It has debugger, dumper and importer modules which enable coding unpackers with ease. SDK is free and can be used by anyone but make sure you mention my name or include logo.bmp somewhere in About dialog.
SDK v.1.5
- Added C SDK
- Updated Delphi and MASM SDK
- Fixed all .dll LIB files in Engine folder
- Fixed memory problems for all modules
- Tested on over 100+ unpackers build on it!
- Listing major changes only...
v.1.7 [Debugger.dll]
- Added new API: GetExitCode
- Added new API: DebugLoopEx
- Added new API: GetDebugData
- Added new API: AttachDebugger
- Added new API: DetachDebugger
- Added new API: GetTerminationData
- Added new API: LengthDisassembleEx
- Added new API: GetDebuggedDLLBaseAddress
- Added new API: GetDebuggedFileBaseAddress
- Fixed: CommandLine parameter passing for InitDebug
- Fixed: Wrong hex to dec conversion for some numbers
- Fixed: LengthDisassemble crashing while getting length for some addresses
- Fixed: Not releasing open handles for some files
v.1.6 [Dumper.dll]
- Added new API: IsFileDLL
- Added new API: DumpProcessEx
- Added new API: PastePEHeaderEx
- Added new API: DeleteLastSection
- Added new API: SetSharedOverlay
- Added new API: GetSharedOverlay
- Added new API: StaticLengthDisassemble
- Fixed: Crashes releated to overlay when trying to extract the overlay
- Fixed: ConvertVAtoFileOffset not converting addresses correctly with some files
- Fixed: Crashes with PastePEHeader when PE32 header is not below 0x1000
- Fixed: Not releasing open handles for some files
v.1.6 [Importer.dll]
- Added new API: ImporterAutoSearchIATEx
- Added new API: ImporterGetRemoteAPIAddress
- Added new API: ImporterRelocateWriteLocation
- Added new API: ImporterGetDLLNameFromDebugee
- Fixed: ImporterGetAPINameFromDebugee not returning names for APIs
- Fixed: ImporterFindAPIWriteLocation returning wrong values if API is not found
v.1.1 [Tracer.dll]
- Added support for following redirections: SVK Protector 1.x, tELock 0.8x-0.99
- Fixed: Memory leak for tracing large ammount of data in the same session
- Improved tracing for all levels (added a trace into near jumps)
v.1.0 [Realigner.dll]
- Added new API: RealignPE
- Added new API: IsPE32FileValid
v.1.0 [Relocater.dll]
- Added new API: RelocaterInit
- Added new API: RelocaterAddNewRelocation
- Added new API: RelocaterExportRelocation
- Added new API: RelocaterChangeFileBase
- Added new API: RelocaterEstimatedSize
- Added new API: RelocaterMakeSnapshoot
- Added new API: RelocaterCompareTwoSnapshots
- Added new API: RelocaterGrabRelocationTable
- Added new API: RelocaterGrabRelocationTableEx
v.1.1 [HideDebugger.dll]
- Added check for Windows version before patching APIs
- Fixed: ASLR and Vista compatibility (Importer must be present)
v.1.2 [Updater.dll]
- Added return value to UpdateEngine
- Added support for Tracer.dll updating
- Added support for Realigner.dll updating
- Added support for Relocater.dll updating
- Changed update location to http://www.reversinglabs.com/