这篇文章,是针对【分享】Authentication of Anycast Communication 所提出的修正 (error correction)。
作者在他们的论文里,有一些 equations 错误,我把它修正,并且投稿在 ICITST 2009 的 Conference 上。
幸运地,这篇 paper 已被录取并接受刊登,其实,结果要在 6月底才会出炉,不知道我为什么在6 月初就收到结果的通知。
All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by IEEE and fully indexed by IEEE Xplore. All the ICITST papers are indexed by DBLP.
From: papers@icitst.org
To: Rock
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 5:32 AM
Subject: RE: FW: ICITST-2009: Final amendments (ID 5)
Dear Mr Liu,
The corrections that we asked you to do are minor. We did not ask you to write a full paper (6-8 pages) within 2-3 hours. We are also aware that you submitted an extended abstract (note more than 2 pages), which is absolutely fine. In order for your extended abstract to look presentable, we asked you to make final minor amendments.
Moreover, within the past 24 hours I have been in touch with more than 23 authors to ask them make the final amendments. None of these authors sent this kind of reply. On the contrary, we received amended papers pretty fast and without any issue.
If you are not able to make minor changes, you will put us in a position to question if you really wrote this paper.
Finally, if you are not able to do it, the ICITST-2009 would be glad to refund the registration fee and sustain the reputation of the high-calibre conference.
Please let me know of you final decision ASAP.
Professor Ion Tutanescu and Professor Godfried Williams
ICITST-2009 General Co-Chairs
From: papers@icitst.org
To: Rock
Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2009 10:07 PM
Subject: ICITST-2009: Final amendments (ID 5)
Dear Mr Liu,
Please apply the following amendments to your abstract and email it not later than Monday 2nd of November, by 6:00 GMT.
- Please amend your title to read "Improvement of Authentication of Anycast Communication"
- Please remove the reference [1] from the abstract.
- Do not use "I" in the paper. Replace the
sentence "In this comment, I would like to point
out an error in the related work and scheme section of Al-
Ibrahim and Anton Cerny [1]." with
"This paper emphasises on the error in related work
and scheme section of Al-Ibrahim and Anton Cerny.
Add the following sections after the abstract:
1. Introduction
2. Related Work (with a brief explanation at the beginning
of the section insert the current section 1 "Review on authentication of anycast communication"
into the Related Work section).
3. Contribution to Knowledge (what you actually found
out as the error in Al-Ibrahim and Anton Cerny approach).
3.1. Improvement on Al-Ibrahim and Anton Cerny's approach
4. Conclusion
5. References (please add at least 5 references)
Best regards,
Professor Ion Tutanescu
ICITST-2009 General Co-Chair
Extended version of the paper in the International Journal for Infonomics (IJI), Vol.3, Issue 1, ISSN 1742 4712.
Dear Authors ( Rock),
Many thanks for participating in the The 4th International Conference for
Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2009). Your paper,
which presented in the conference proceedings, has been selected to be
published as an extended version of the paper in the International Journal
for Infonomics (IJI), Vol.3, Issue 1,
ISSN 1742 4712 (http://www.infonomics-society.org/IJI/).
Please note that you are expected to do the following changes before submitting
the final paper to the IJI:
1. The Title must be changed.
2. The extended version should contain 35-40% of new additional material.
3. Follow the same format as the conference paper submission template.
4. The total words should not be more than 7000 (see Author's Guidelines).
5. The extended version of your paper must be sent to
ijipapers@infonomics-society.org by the 28th of February 2010.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact
Best regards,
Professor Charles Shoniregun
ICITST-2009 Steering Committee Chair