( LV9,RANK:230 )
11 楼
004013ED |> /8D48 >/lea ecx, dword ptr [eax+1]
004013F0 |. |C600 >|mov byte ptr [eax], 21
004013F3 |. |C601 >|mov byte ptr [ecx], 16
004013F6 |. |8008 >|or byte ptr [eax], 1
004013F9 |. |8BC1 |mov eax, ecx
004013FB |. |8D0C0>|lea ecx, dword ptr [esi+eax]
004013FE |. |81F9 >|cmp ecx, 493DF
00401404 |.^\7C E7 \jl short 004013ED
00401406 |. 6A 02 push 2
00401408 |. 59 pop ecx
00401409 |. 5E pop esi
0040140A |> 803C0>/cmp byte ptr [edx+ecx], 0
0040140E |. 74 18 |je short 00401428
00401410 |. 81F9 >|cmp ecx, 249F0
00401416 |. 8D040>|lea eax, dword ptr [ecx+ecx]
00401419 |. 7D 0D |jge short 00401428
0040141B |> 80240>|/and byte ptr [edx+eax], 0
0040141F |. 03C1 ||add eax, ecx
00401421 |. 3D E0>||cmp eax, 493E0
00401426 |.^ 7C F3 |\jl short 0040141B
00401428 |> 41 |inc ecx
00401429 |. 81F9 >|cmp ecx, 249F1
0040142F |.^ 7C D9 \jl short 0040140A
00401431 \. C3 retn
cmp byte ptr ds:[esi+ecx+A0],al
( LV3,RANK:30 )
12 楼
老实说,这种 CM 一看就反感,没精力和你耗,如果有创意的还可以跟跟,这样的消耗生命 ,分析十分钟 DEL
00401467 . 81F9 A0860100 cmp ecx, 186A0 必需小于这个数
0040146D . 7C 44 jl short 004014B3
0040146F . 81F9 DF930400 cmp ecx, 493DF 同时小于这个数
00401475 . 7D 3C jge short 004014B3
00401477 . 33C0 xor eax, eax
00401479 388431 A00000>cmp byte ptr [ecx+esi+A0], al ECX 作为指针,找到不是 0
00401480 . 74 33 je short 004014B5 的可以过第一关
00401482 . 53 push ebx
00401483 . 57 push edi
00401484 . 8BC1 mov eax, ecx
00401486 . 6A 64 push 64
00401488 . 99 cdq
00401489 . 5F pop edi
0040148A . F7FF idiv edi ; / EDI
0040148C . 8BC1 mov eax, ecx
0040148E . BF 10270000 mov edi, 2710
00401493 . 8BDF mov ebx, edi
00401495 . 52 push edx ; /上面余数就是这里有用
00401496 . 6A 64 push 64 ; |
00401498 . 99 cdq ; |
00401499 . F7FB idiv ebx ; |
0040149B . 5B pop ebx ; |
0040149C . 8BC2 mov eax, edx ; |第二次有用的东西
0040149E . 99 cdq ; |
0040149F . F7FB idiv ebx ; |
004014A1 . 50 push eax ; |第三个有用
004014A2 . 8BC1 mov eax, ecx ; |
004014A4 . 99 cdq ; |
004014A5 . F7FF idiv edi ; |
004014A7 . 8BCE mov ecx, esi ; |
004014A9 . 50 push eax ; | 4
004014AA . E8 1E000000 call 004014CD ;
进上面的 CALL 后一大堆的东西, DEL
004014CD /$ 55 push ebp
004014CE |. 8BEC mov ebp, esp
004014D0 |. 83EC 10 sub esp, 10
004014D3 |. 53 push ebx
004014D4 |. 56 push esi
004014D5 |. 57 push edi
004014D6 |. 33F6 xor esi, esi
004014D8 |. 33FF xor edi, edi
004014DA |. 3975 0C cmp dword ptr [ebp+C], esi
004014DD |. 894D F8 mov dword ptr [ebp-8], ecx
004014E0 |. 8975 FC mov dword ptr [ebp-4], esi
004014E3 |. 74 0A je short 004014EF
004014E5 |. 3975 08 cmp dword ptr [ebp+8], esi
004014E8 |. 74 05 je short 004014EF
004014EA |. 3975 10 cmp dword ptr [ebp+10], esi
004014ED |. 75 0D jnz short 004014FC
004014EF |> 56 push esi
004014F0 |. 56 push esi
004014F1 |. FF35 C0B04200 push dword ptr [42B0C0] ; CrackMe0.0042B0D0
004014F7 |. E8 FF6C0100 call 004181FB
004014FC |> 8B45 08 mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+8]
004014FF |. 83E0 0F and eax, 0F
00401502 |. 3975 0C cmp dword ptr [ebp+C], esi
00401505 |. 8945 F4 mov dword ptr [ebp-C], eax
00401508 |. 7E 22 jle short 0040152C
0040150A |. 8B4D 0C mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp+C]
0040150D |> 6A 10 /push 10
0040150F |. 5A |pop edx
00401510 |. 2BD0 |sub edx, eax
00401512 |. 8B0485 F02542>|mov eax, dword ptr [eax*4+4225F0]
00401519 |. 33C2 |xor eax, edx
0040151B |. 8BD0 |mov edx, eax
0040151D |. 83E0 0F |and eax, 0F
00401520 |. C1FA 04 |sar edx, 4
00401523 |. 83E2 01 |and edx, 1
00401526 |. 0155 FC |add dword ptr [ebp-4], edx
00401529 |. 49 |dec ecx
0040152A |.^ 75 E1 \jnz short 0040150D
0040152C |> 8B4D 08 mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp+8]
0040152F |. C1F9 04 sar ecx, 4
00401532 |. 837D FC 00 cmp dword ptr [ebp-4], 0
00401536 |. 894D F0 mov dword ptr [ebp-10], ecx
00401539 |. 74 20 je short 0040155B
0040153B |. 7E 1E jle short 0040155B
0040153D |. 8B55 FC mov edx, dword ptr [ebp-4]
00401540 |> 6A 10 /push 10
00401542 |. 5B |pop ebx
00401543 |. 2BD9 |sub ebx, ecx
00401545 |. 8B0C8D F02542>|mov ecx, dword ptr [ecx*4+4225F0]
0040154C |. 33CB |xor ecx, ebx
0040154E |. 8BD9 |mov ebx, ecx
00401550 |. C1FB 04 |sar ebx, 4
00401553 |. 83E3 01 |and ebx, 1
00401556 |. 03F3 |add esi, ebx
00401558 |. 4A |dec edx
00401559 |.^ 75 E5 \jnz short 00401540
0040155B |> C1E6 04 shl esi, 4
0040155E |. 03F1 add esi, ecx
00401560 |. 8B4D 10 mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp+10]
00401563 |. C1E6 04 shl esi, 4
00401566 |. 03F0 add esi, eax
00401568 |. 8BC1 mov eax, ecx
0040156A |. 83E0 0F and eax, 0F
0040156D |. 85F6 test esi, esi
0040156F |. 7E 1F jle short 00401590
00401571 |> 6A 10 /push 10
00401573 |. 5A |pop edx
00401574 |. 2BD0 |sub edx, eax
00401576 |. 8B0485 F02542>|mov eax, dword ptr [eax*4+4225F0]
0040157D |. 33C2 |xor eax, edx
0040157F |. 8BD0 |mov edx, eax
00401581 |. 83E0 0F |and eax, 0F
00401584 |. C1FA 04 |sar edx, 4
00401587 |. 83E2 01 |and edx, 1
0040158A |. 0155 FC |add dword ptr [ebp-4], edx
0040158D |. 4E |dec esi
0040158E |.^ 75 E1 \jnz short 00401571
00401590 |> 8B55 FC mov edx, dword ptr [ebp-4]
00401593 |. C1F9 04 sar ecx, 4
00401596 |. 85D2 test edx, edx
00401598 |. 74 1D je short 004015B7
0040159A |. 7E 1B jle short 004015B7
0040159C |> 6A 10 /push 10
0040159E |. 5E |pop esi
0040159F |. 2BF1 |sub esi, ecx
004015A1 |. 8B0C8D F02542>|mov ecx, dword ptr [ecx*4+4225F0]
004015A8 |. 33CE |xor ecx, esi
004015AA |. 8BF1 |mov esi, ecx
004015AC |. C1FE 04 |sar esi, 4
004015AF |. 83E6 01 |and esi, 1
004015B2 |. 03FE |add edi, esi
004015B4 |. 4A |dec edx
004015B5 |.^ 75 E5 \jnz short 0040159C
004015B7 |> C1E7 04 shl edi, 4
004015BA |. 8B75 0C mov esi, dword ptr [ebp+C]
004015BD |. 03F9 add edi, ecx
004015BF |. C1E7 04 shl edi, 4
004015C2 |. 03F8 add edi, eax
004015C4 |. 33D2 xor edx, edx
004015C6 |. 897D 10 mov dword ptr [ebp+10], edi
004015C9 |. 33FF xor edi, edi
004015CB |. 83FE 01 cmp esi, 1
004015CE |. 7E 63 jle short 00401633
004015D0 |. 4E dec esi
004015D1 |. 8975 0C mov dword ptr [ebp+C], esi
004015D4 |> 8B4D 08 /mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp+8]
004015D7 |. 8B45 F4 |mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-C]
004015DA |. 85C9 |test ecx, ecx
004015DC |. 7E 1E |jle short 004015FC
004015DE |> 6A 10 |/push 10
004015E0 |. 5E ||pop esi
004015E1 |. 2BF0 ||sub esi, eax
004015E3 |. 8B0485 F02542>||mov eax, dword ptr [eax*4+4225F0]
004015EA |. 33C6 ||xor eax, esi
004015EC |. 8BF0 ||mov esi, eax
004015EE |. 83E0 0F ||and eax, 0F
004015F1 |. C1FE 04 ||sar esi, 4
004015F4 |. 83E6 01 ||and esi, 1
004015F7 |. 03FE ||add edi, esi
004015F9 |. 49 ||dec ecx
004015FA |.^ 75 E2 |\jnz short 004015DE
004015FC |> 8B4D F0 |mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp-10]
004015FF |. 85FF |test edi, edi
00401601 |. 74 1F |je short 00401622
00401603 |. 7E 1D |jle short 00401622
00401605 |. 8BF7 |mov esi, edi
00401607 |> 6A 10 |/push 10
00401609 |. 5B ||pop ebx
0040160A |. 2BD9 ||sub ebx, ecx
0040160C |. 8B0C8D F02542>||mov ecx, dword ptr [ecx*4+4225F0]
00401613 |. 33CB ||xor ecx, ebx
00401615 |. 8BD9 ||mov ebx, ecx
00401617 |. C1FB 04 ||sar ebx, 4
0040161A |. 83E3 01 ||and ebx, 1
0040161D |. 03D3 ||add edx, ebx
0040161F |. 4E ||dec esi
00401620 |.^ 75 E5 |\jnz short 00401607
00401622 |> FF4D 0C |dec dword ptr [ebp+C]
00401625 |.^ 75 AD \jnz short 004015D4
00401627 |. C1E2 04 shl edx, 4
0040162A |. 03D1 add edx, ecx
0040162C |. C1E2 04 shl edx, 4
0040162F |. 03D0 add edx, eax
00401631 |. EB 03 jmp short 00401636
00401633 |> 8B55 08 mov edx, dword ptr [ebp+8]
00401636 |> 8BFA mov edi, edx
00401638 |. 33D2 xor edx, edx
0040163A |. 8BC7 mov eax, edi
0040163C |. C745 0C 04000>mov dword ptr [ebp+C], 4
00401643 |. 83E0 0F and eax, 0F
00401646 |. 33F6 xor esi, esi
00401648 |> 85FF /test edi, edi
0040164A |. 7E 20 |jle short 0040166C
0040164C |. 8BCF |mov ecx, edi
0040164E |> 6A 10 |/push 10
00401650 |. 5B ||pop ebx
00401651 |. 2BD8 ||sub ebx, eax
00401653 |. 8B0485 F02542>||mov eax, dword ptr [eax*4+4225F0]
0040165A |. 33C3 ||xor eax, ebx
0040165C |. 8BD8 ||mov ebx, eax
0040165E |. 83E0 0F ||and eax, 0F
00401661 |. C1FB 04 ||sar ebx, 4
00401664 |. 83E3 01 ||and ebx, 1
00401667 |. 03F3 ||add esi, ebx
00401669 |. 49 ||dec ecx
0040166A |.^ 75 E2 |\jnz short 0040164E
0040166C |> 8BCF |mov ecx, edi
0040166E |. C1F9 04 |sar ecx, 4
00401671 |. 85F6 |test esi, esi
00401673 |. 74 22 |je short 00401697
00401675 |. 7E 20 |jle short 00401697
00401677 |. 8975 08 |mov dword ptr [ebp+8], esi
0040167A |> 6A 10 |/push 10
0040167C |. 5B ||pop ebx
0040167D |. 2BD9 ||sub ebx, ecx
0040167F |. 8B0C8D F02542>||mov ecx, dword ptr [ecx*4+4225F0]
00401686 |. 33CB ||xor ecx, ebx
00401688 |. 8BD9 ||mov ebx, ecx
0040168A |. C1FB 04 ||sar ebx, 4
0040168D |. 83E3 01 ||and ebx, 1
00401690 |. 03D3 ||add edx, ebx
00401692 |. FF4D 08 ||dec dword ptr [ebp+8]
00401695 |.^ 75 E3 |\jnz short 0040167A
00401697 |> FF4D 0C |dec dword ptr [ebp+C]
0040169A |.^ 75 AC \jnz short 00401648
0040169C |. C1E2 04 shl edx, 4
0040169F |. 03D1 add edx, ecx
004016A1 |. 5F pop edi
004016A2 |. C1E2 04 shl edx, 4
004016A5 |. 5E pop esi
004016A6 |. 03D0 add edx, eax
004016A8 |. 3B55 10 cmp edx, dword ptr [ebp+10]
004016AB |. 5B pop ebx
004016AC |. 6A 00 push 0
004016AE |. 6A 00 push 0
004016B0 |. 75 08 jnz short 004016BA
004016B2 |. FF35 C4B04200 push dword ptr [42B0C4] ; CrackMe0.0042B0C8
004016B8 |. EB 06 jmp short 004016C0
004016BA |> FF35 C0B04200 push dword ptr [42B0C0] ; CrackMe0.0042B0D0
004016C0 |> 8B4D F8 mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp-8]
004016C3 |. E8 336B0100 call 004181FB
004016C8 |. C9 leave
004016C9 \. C2 0C00 retn 0C