【破文标题】CR-Game vXO crackme 0.7 算法分析
【破解工具】Ollydbg 1.10a
【破解平台】 Win2000/XP
【软件名称】CR-Game vXO crackme 0.7
运行CR-Game0.7,可以看到左下角Level 001,那里是设置破解的难度,CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E来设定.
我们直接跳到Level 007.
0040221C |> \E8>call CR-Game0.00401967 //关键CALL,我们跟进
00402221 |. 83>cmp eax,0
00402224 |. 0F>je CR-Game0.004022B3
0040222A |. EB>jmp short CR-Game0.00402248
0040222C |. 59>ascii "You have passed "
0040223C |. 61>ascii "all levels.",0
00402248 |> EB>jmp short CR-Game0.00402259
0040224A |. 43>ascii "Congratulation",0
00402259 |> 68>push 1000 ; /Style = MB_OK|MB_SYSTEMMODAL
0040225E |. 68>push CR-Game0.0040224A ; |Title = "Congratulation"
00402263 |. 68>push CR-Game0.0040222C ; |Text = "You have passed all levels."
00402268 |. FF>push dword ptr ss:[ebp+8] ; |hOwner
00401971 |. 50 push eax ; /lParam
00401972 |. 6A>push 21 ; |wParam = 21
00401974 |. 6A>push 0D ; |Message = WM_GETTEXT 取注册码
00401976 |. FF>push dword ptr ds:[404074] ; |hWnd = 2017A
0040197C |. E8>call ; \SendMessageA
00401981 |. 83>cmp eax,10
00401984 |. 75>jnz short CR-Game0.00401A05 //长度必须为16位
00401986 |. 6A>push 11 ; /Length = 11 (17.)
00401988 |. 8D>lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-43] ; |
0040198B |. 50 push eax ; |Destination
0040198C |. E8>call ; \RtlZeroMemory
00401991 |. 8D>lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-43]
00401994 |. 50 push eax ; /Arg2 注册假码1234567890123456
00401995 |. 8D>lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-21] ; |
00401998 |. 50 push eax ; |Arg1
00401999 |. E8>call CR-Game0.004012E8 ; \CR-Game0.004012E8 注册码算法,跟进后,算法还是比较清晰:
eax=0040401C (CR-Game0.0040401C), ASCII
0040199E |. 8D>lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-32]
004019A1 |. 50 push eax ; /lParam
004019A2 |. 6A>push 11 ; |wParam = 11
004019A4 |. 6A>push 0D ; |Message = WM_GETTEXT 取公司名
004019A6 |. FF>push dword ptr ds:[404070] ; |hWnd = 901C4
004019AC |. E8>call ; \SendMessageA
004019B1 |. 83>cmp eax,1 //公司名不能为空
004019B4 |. 72>jb short CR-Game0.00401A05
004019B6 |. 83>cmp eax,10 //公司名大于16位时,取左边16位
004019B9 |. 77>ja short CR-Game0.00401A05
004019BB |. 8D>lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-21]
004019BE |. 50 push eax ; /lParam
004019BF |. 6A>push 21 ; |wParam = 21
004019C1 |. 6A>push 0D ; |Message = WM_GETTEXT 取用户名
004019C3 |. FF>push dword ptr ds:[40406C] ; |hWnd = 200CE
004019C9 |. E8>call ; \SendMessageA
004019CE |. 83>cmp eax,1
004019D1 |. 72>jb short CR-Game0.00401A05
004019D3 |. 83>cmp eax,10
004019D6 |. 77>ja short CR-Game0.00401A05 //用户名必须小于等于16位
004019D8 |. 8D>lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-32]
004019DB |. 50 push eax
004019DC |. 8D>lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-21]
004019DF |. 50 push eax
004019E0 |. E8>call CR-Game0.004011AE //跟进发现里面是用户名和公司名相连接
004019E5 |. 8D>lea esi,dword ptr ss:[ebp-21] ; //堆栈地址=0012FB1F, (ASCII
004019E8 |. C6>mov byte ptr ds:[esi+C],0 ; //Stack ds:[0012FB2B]=47 ('G'),取左边12位
004019EC |. 8D>lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-43] ; //cAtEyEBCGDFC
004019EF |. 50 push eax
004019F0 |. 8D>lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-21] ; //堆栈地址=0012FB1F, (ASCII