( LV2,RANK:10 )
276 楼
( LV2,RANK:10 )
277 楼
谢谢啊 辛苦了啊```
( LV2,RANK:10 )
278 楼
[ PE工具 ]
[ 重定位表工具 ]
[ RelocEdit ]
Bin_RelocEditor_2008-7-23_21.12_RelocEdit.rar 10524 Bytes
[ ReloX ]
ucfrlx10a.zip 154962 Bytes
[ ReloREC ]
ReloREC 1.0.rar 37856 Bytes
[ Dll Rebaser ]
DLL_Rebaser.rar 71582 Bytes
[ Dll Loader ]
dllloader_xIkUg.rar 38754 Bytes
Dll_LoadEx_WiNrOOt.rar 4886 Bytes
DLL_Loader.zip 1763 Bytes
[ 输入表工具 ]
[ UIF ]
UIF-Final-Plus.zip 171849 Bytes
[ Import REC ]
[ src ]
ImpREC_lite_v11.zip 127427 Bytes
[ plugin ]
Bin_ImpREC_Plugin_Pack_2008-2-23_14.12_ImpREC_plugin_pack_080222.zip 345626 Bytes
[ ImpREC 1.7 ]
ImpREC 1.7c.rar 479318 Bytes
[ ImpREC 1.6 ]
[ patch ]
说明.txt 7804 Bytes
ImportREC.v1.6.final.Unpacked.Inc.patch.rar 236028 Bytes
ucfir16f.rar 446839 Bytes
[ CHimpREC ]
[ 库文件 ]
说明.txt 294 Bytes
vcredist_x86.exe 2723264 Bytes
CHimpREC-Chinese.rar 95045 Bytes
[ 输出表工具 ]
[ PeMove ]
pemove.rar 35097 Bytes
[ ExpX ]
expxv.5.rar 326952 Bytes
[ AheadLib ]
AheadLib 2.2.150.rar 35255 Bytes
[ 综合工具 ]
[ Stud_PE ]
Stud_PE-v2.4.0.1.rar 726460 Bytes
Ha-Stud_PE.v2.4.0.1-Feisu.rar 327443 Bytes
[ PETools ]
PETools_hh.rar 1678965 Bytes
PETools.rar 308260 Bytes
[ PEDIYTools ]
PEDIYTools1.10.rar 269629 Bytes
[ LordPE ]
LPE-DLX.rar 364203 Bytes
[ Export Editor ]
ExpX64.rar 349983 Bytes
[ Cff ExPlorer ]
CFF_Explorer.zip 2175169 Bytes
[ 增加区段工具 ]
[ topo ]
Bin_topo_2008-7-23_21.0_topo12.rar 126633 Bytes
[ Zero Add ]
zeroadd 1.0.zip 7117 Bytes
[ PE资源 ]
[ 资源重建 ]
[ freeRes ]
freeRes0.94.zip 530243 Bytes
[ ResFixer ]
resfix.zip 9742 Bytes
[ DT_FixRes ]
FixRes.rar 239940 Bytes
[ 资源编辑 ]
[ reshacker ]
reshacker V3.5中文版.rar 1041846 Bytes
[ eXeScope ]
exesc6.5.zip 556325 Bytes
[ Restorator ]
restorator2007_full_1709.rar 3516370 Bytes
[ ResScope ]
ResScope1.94.rar 1536565 Bytes
[ 开发工具 ]
[ fasm ]
fasmw16727.zip 840000 Bytes
[ cnPack ]
cnpack_20081209.zip 3520811 Bytes
[ Yasm ]
Yasm.rar 407474 Bytes
[ VisualSVN ]
说明.txt 62 Bytes
VisualSVNKenKeyGen.rar 414727 Bytes
TortoiseSVN- 18763264 Bytes
[ RadAsm ]
RadASM 汉化增强版.rar 26124682 Bytes
[ Masm32 ]
m32v9r.zip 3537002 Bytes
beta10k.zip 3923609 Bytes
[ Dll2lib ]
dll2lib.rar 2598610 Bytes
[ 补丁工具 ]
[ dUP ]
dup2 2.19beta4.rar 256813 Bytes
dUP2 v2.18.3 汉化版.rar 993115 Bytes
[ Key maker ]
keymaker2.rar 999226 Bytes
keymake1.73.rar 1034995 Bytes
[ CodeFusion ]
CODEFS30.rar 783152 Bytes
[ 监视工具 ]
[ 进程工具 ]
[ TaskInfo ]
key.txt 75 Bytes
TaskInfo 2918181 Bytes
[ Spy ]
Spy.rar 234327 Bytes
[ Process Explorer ]
ProcessExplorer.zip 1615442 Bytes
[ MFCspy ]
mfcspy.rar 80051 Bytes
[ Cprocess ]
cprocess.zip 40462 Bytes
[ Auto Runs ]
Autoruns_chs.zip 566280 Bytes
Autoruns v9.33.zip 569493 Bytes
[ 网络工具 ]
[ wpe0.9 ]
wpe0.9.rar 368785 Bytes
[ iris ]
iris.rar 5349379 Bytes
[ 系统工具 ]
[ everest ]
everestultimate460.rar 8007675 Bytes
[ antieviltools ]
antieviltools.rar 127446 Bytes
[ WSysCheck ]
wsyscheck0223中文版.rar 423218 Bytes
[ SandBox ]
SandboxieInstall.rar 443415 Bytes
[ RKU ]
RkU3.8.341.553.rar 155639 Bytes
[ Kernel Detective ]
Kernel_Detective_v1.0.zip 700813 Bytes
[ IceSword ]
IceSword122cn.zip 2210176 Bytes
IceSword.cn.rar 2159938 Bytes
[ HookShark ]
HookShark.rar 434779 Bytes
[ Gmer ]
Bin_GMER_2008-2-27_10.17_gmer.zip 695350 Bytes
[ Dark Spy ]
darkspy105_en.rar 641193 Bytes
[ 注册表工具 ]
[ Registry Monitor ]
Regmon_fix7.03.rar 154040 Bytes
[ RegShot ]
regshot1.72.zip 56820 Bytes
[ 文件监视 ]
[ SoftSnoop ]
SoftSnoop .rar 62180 Bytes
[ FileMonitor ]
Filemon_fix7.03.rar 158222 Bytes
[ 内存工具 ]
[ 金山游侠 ]
youxiav.exe 18995300 Bytes
[ Cheate Engine ]
Cheat Engine.CN.rar 3397347 Bytes
[ API工具 ]
[ APIScan ]
APIScan_21.zip 213859 Bytes
[ 编辑工具 ]
[ 比较工具 ]
[ Beyond_Compare ]
Beyond_Compare.rar 3112163 Bytes
说明.txt 31 Bytes
[ 16进制编辑 ]
[ WinHex ]
XWAY.WHEX.15.1.6.rar 1752021 Bytes
[ Ultra Edit ]
Ultraedit.14.hh.rar 7589408 Bytes
Ultra-Edit.rar 18043614 Bytes
[ Hiew ]
hiew761.zip 126735 Bytes
[ HexWorkShop ]
Hexworkshop502.rar 3169503 Bytes
Hex_Workshop_v5.1.1.3963_CN.rar 2126236 Bytes
[ 010 Editor ]
010.Editor.v3.0.3.zip 5121074 Bytes
[ 调试器 ]
[ WinDBG ]
WinDbg下载地址.txt 90 Bytes
WinDbg 6.10.3汉化版.rar 174548 Bytes
[ Syser Debugger ]
SyserSetupTrial.zip 4336040 Bytes
[ SoftICE ]
[ IceExt ]
IceExt0.7.rar 521735 Bytes
[ DriverStudio3.2 ]
Compuware.DriverStudio.v3.2.rar 203333850 Bytes
Compuware.DriverStudio.v3.2.kg.rar 316475 Bytes
[ OllyDBG ]
[ 工具 ]
OSCEditor.rar 135043 Bytes
OD_APT_RES_TOOl.rar 723892 Bytes
[ plugin ]
添加工具拦.rar 58478 Bytes
phantom.plugin.1.45.zip 103019 Bytes
ollyvbhelper.zip 29981 Bytes
olly toolbar manager gold.rar 289928 Bytes
nonawrite1.2.rar 53705 Bytes
excounter v0.1b.rar 57337 Bytes
advancedolly.rar 46022 Bytes
StrongOD v0.2.1.rar 126613 Bytes
ODbgScript1.65.4 by sunbeam .rar 393091 Bytes
Loaddll.rar 2472 Bytes
HideOD_v0900.rar 281265 Bytes
FullDisasm v1.0.rar 156728 Bytes
API_Break.rar 33810 Bytes
[ OllyDBG ]
[ OllyDBG2.0 ]
odbg200i.zip 838719 Bytes
[ OllyDBG1.x ]
[ OllyDBG原版 ]
OllyDBG.rar 797137 Bytes
[ OllyDBG修改版 ]
[ OllyICE ]
OllyICE.rar 2933878 Bytes
[ OllyDRX ]
OllyDRX.rar 1912149 Bytes
[ DeFixed_Edition ]
DeFixed_Edition.rar 3095436 Bytes
[ DarkOlly ]
DarkOlly.rar 1723807 Bytes
[ Immunity Debugger ]
ImmunityDebugger_setup1.73.exe 13944251 Bytes
[ Dos & Windows 9x ]
[ windows 9x ]
[ tools ]
[ SuperBPM ]
[ softice 4.05 fox win9x ]
Softice 4.05.rar 5672514 Bytes
[ TWX2002 ]
twx2002.zip 568275 Bytes
Twxsys.rar 55138 Bytes
[ TRW2000 ]
[ plugin ]
[ xdt ]
xdt.zip 4676 Bytes
[ trwkb ]
trwkbd.zip 2030 Bytes
[ trdump ]
trdump.zip 3059 Bytes
[ sim ]
sim.zip 12533 Bytes
[ screen ]
screen.zip 16199 Bytes
[ logpro ]
logpro.zip 4309 Bytes
[ log3 ]
log3.zip 6750 Bytes
[ kbd ]
kbd.zip 1314 Bytes
[ hercdrv ]
hercdrv.zip 10071 Bytes
[ fpu ]
fpu.zip 3375 Bytes
[ dbgload ]
dbgload.zip 31618 Bytes
[ blfix ]
blfix.zip 8185 Bytes
[ arrow ]
arrow.zip 6085 Bytes
[ TRW1.2X ]
trw1.23.zip 347590 Bytes
ptrw1.22.zip 254590 Bytes
TRW2000_regto_LiuTaoTao.zip 346856 Bytes
[ TRW1.03 ]
ptrw103.zip 208503 Bytes
TRW103.ZIP 267772 Bytes
[ TRW-p11621 ]
TRW-p11621.zip 323353 Bytes
TRW2000.HTM 8863 Bytes
[ DOS ]
[ TR ]
tr252.zip 96175 Bytes
tr250.zip 98163 Bytes
[ Softice ]
sicetool.zip 42661 Bytes
sice280.zip 165313 Bytes
[ 反汇编工具 ]
[ 反汇编引擎 ]
[ xde ]
xde101.zip 14078 Bytes
[ mlde32 ]
mlde32.zip 169445 Bytes
[ ade ]
ade202.zip 50591 Bytes
[ Udis86 ]
udis86-1.6.tar.gz 168270 Bytes
[ OD反汇编引擎 ]
[ 原版 ]
disasm.zip 59098 Bytes
[ VC修改版 ]
ODDisasm.rar 40832 Bytes
[ LDE ]
readme.txt 839 Bytes
LDE64.lib 10764 Bytes
LDE64.bin 7745 Bytes
LDE64.asm 49817 Bytes
[ FullDisasm ]
readme.txt 2426 Bytes
FullDisasm.zip 51253 Bytes
[ Disasm.dll ]
Disasm.dll.rar 33194 Bytes
[ 反汇编器 ]
[ W32dsm ]
W32dsm8.93.rar 999336 Bytes
[ PE Explorer ]
PE Explorer.rar 2052622 Bytes
[ Ida pro ]
[ 脚本 ]
IDAPython脚本 自动识别DELPHI6中的类型信息.rar 10933 Bytes
[ sig ]
Signature.Project.v.1.1.bLaCk-eye.zip 117367 Bytes
CryptoSIG.v2.0.rar 46907 Bytes
Bin_Rockey4_2.x_Dongle_C++_library_IDA_Signatures_2007-11-18_0.50_rockey4-sig-r1.zip 5621 Bytes
Bin_Matrix_Dongle_C++_library_IDA_Signatures_2007-11-18_0.47_matrix-sig-r1.zip 5352 Bytes
Bin_Matrix_Dongle_2.6.0_IDA_Signatures_2008-9-13_20.5_matrix260.zip 1484 Bytes
Bin_Key-lok_II_C++_library_IDA_Signatures_2007-11-18_0.41_keylok2-sig-r1.zip 1508 Bytes
[ plugin ]
[ IDA 小插件:获取当前异常处理函数地址 ]
getceh.zip 13978 Bytes
[ Hex-Rays.Decompiler ]
readme.txt 81 Bytes
Hex-Rays.Decompiler.v1.0.for.DataRescue.IDA.Pro.Advanced.v5.2-YAG.zip 840233 Bytes
idakey.rar 481 Bytes
bug.txt 146 Bytes
HH.IDA.Pro.v5.2.rar 66934 Bytes
DataRescue.IDA.Pro.Advanced.v5.2.windows-YAG.zip 68032724 Bytes
DataRescue.IDA.Pro.Advanced.v5.2.SDK-YAG.zip 3839371 Bytes
DataRescue.IDA.Pro.Advanced.v5.2.Official.Utilities.Addons-YAG.zip 1878168 Bytes
DataRescue.IDA.Pro.Advanced.v5.2.MacOSX-YAG.zip 58422976 Bytes
DataRescue.IDA.Pro.Advanced.v5.2.Linux-YAG.zip 58880597 Bytes
[ C32asm ]
c32asm.rar 1119752 Bytes
[ 文档资料 ]
[ 看雪论坛精华 ]
readme.txt 4654 Bytes
index.chm 225192 Bytes
crackme.chm 27764600 Bytes
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crack7.chm 18555229 Bytes
crack6.chm 17886475 Bytes
crack5.chm 6864353 Bytes
crack4.chm 3365555 Bytes
crack3.chm 5309299 Bytes
crack2.chm 1072511 Bytes
crack1.chm 420819 Bytes
[ Library ]
WinUser.h 305956 Bytes
WinNT.h 432282 Bytes
WinBase.h 308665 Bytes
[ Intel手册 ]
24319202.pdf 5399547 Bytes
24319102.PDF 6773008 Bytes
24319002.PDF 2644229 Bytes
reverse c++.pdf 988836 Bytes
protectmod.chm 221629 Bytes
Windows_System_Call_Table.htm 635303 Bytes
Windows NT 2000 Native API Reference.pdf 2104870 Bytes
WIN32.HLP 24804587 Bytes
Undocumented Windows NT 中文版.chm 397446 Bytes
PE格式结构图.jpg 581071 Bytes
FPHELP.HLP 59124 Bytes
ASMHELP.hlp 194174 Bytes
[ 文件类型检测 ]
[ Pe Detective ]
PE_Detective.zip 622026 Bytes
[ PEiD ]
[ plugin ]
[ xInfo PEiD Plugin ]
xInfo PEiD Plugin 1.01.rar 19228 Bytes
[ advanced.scan.peid.plugin ]
advanced.scan.peid.plugin_Sep2008.rar 4324 Bytes
[ PEID Plugin To Exe ]
PEID Plugin To Exe v1.01.rar 14121 Bytes
[ Add Signature PEiD Plugin ]
Add Signature PEiD Plugin v1.04.rar 222290 Bytes
PEiD.0.95.rar 394859 Bytes
PEiD.0.94.rar 1249859 Bytes
[ Fi ]
fi401.rar 259602 Bytes
FI.rar 258419 Bytes
[ FastScanner ]
Flashback Best Analisator v1.4.0.rar 545318 Bytes
AT4RE_FastScanner_V1.0_Full.rar 3550589 Bytes
[ FBA ]
FBA16b.rar 910898 Bytes
FBA16.rar 935561 Bytes
[ Exeinfo ]
[ 其它版本 ]
exeinfope_0.0.2.1.zip 525981 Bytes
exeinfope2008.07.09_0.0.1.8.G3.zip 534679 Bytes
exeinfope0.0.1.9.B.zip 476269 Bytes
exeinfope0.0.1.8.F.zip 421933 Bytes
exeinfope.zip 472963 Bytes
Exeinfope0.0.1.8.F3_2008.04.10.zip 443496 Bytes
Exeinfo PE v0.0.1.8 E - 360 sign.zip 10678 Bytes
ExeInfo PE ver. C.zip 451784 Bytes
ExeInFo PE .rar 410857 Bytes
exeinfope_work0.0.2.1_II汉化版 .rar 434485 Bytes
[ DogCheck ]
dogcheck.part2.rar 665630 Bytes
dogcheck.part1.rar 819200 Bytes
[ 代码计算 ]
[ oPcodeR ]
oPcodeR.zip 201916 Bytes
[ Jump generator ]
jumpgen.v0.4b.zip 7743 Bytes
[ IEEE浮点数计算 ]
FloatConvert.rar 10064 Bytes
[ Fpu Calculator ]
fpucalc.cybult.zip 6665 Bytes
[ 32bit Calculator ]
32bit Calculator v1.7.rar 9063 Bytes
[ 加密保护工具 ]
[ !Eprootect ]
!eprot-0.0_1_beta_.protector_tmx.rar 264684 Bytes
[ upx ]
支持壳上壳upx.rar 293515 Bytes
upx203w.zip 254239 Bytes
upx202w.zip 253795 Bytes
upx200w.zip 251212 Bytes
upx125w.zip 158181 Bytes
upx100w.zip 115502 Bytes
UpxShellv1.3.rar 627776 Bytes
UPX_Shell.zip 624254 Bytes
Morphine_Shell v1.5.zip 547976 Bytes
Free_UPX.zip 593788 Bytes
[ peArmor ]
pe-armor0.765+romra2.rar 296754 Bytes
PE-Armor0.765.rar 296754 Bytes
PE-Armor0.74.rar 77660 Bytes
[ nPack ]
npack.zip 64917 Bytes
nPack v1.1.800.2008 Beta.rar 61624 Bytes
Nspack3.7.rar 578178 Bytes
[ mup execryptor ]
MUP__EXECryptor.v2.4.1.All.Protection.rar 2037584 Bytes
[ mpress ]
mpress.125.zip 61514 Bytes
mpress.075.zip 55367 Bytes
MPRESS-64.zip 910595 Bytes
[ eXPressor ]
eXPressorNoNag.rar 833462 Bytes
eXPressor1.6.rar 831701 Bytes
eXPressor.zip 1892954 Bytes
eXPressor 694173 Bytes
Expressor_unpacking.rar 2051745 Bytes
[ Zprotect ]
ZProtect_Demo_v1.4.1(2008-10-26).part2.rar 1624573 Bytes
ZProtect_Demo_v1.4.1(2008-10-26).part1.rar 2000000 Bytes
ZProtect Demo v1.4.3.0.zip 5523648 Bytes
ZProtect Demo v1.4.2.0.part2.rar 2032327 Bytes
ZProtect Demo v1.4.2.0.part1.rar 2050000 Bytes
[ Yoda Protector ]
yp1.03.3.zip 106217 Bytes
yP.zip 104377 Bytes
[ Xtreme protector ]
XprotDemoSetup1.05.rar 2078229 Bytes
Xprot1.8.zip 1357639 Bytes
[ Xprotector ]
Xprotector.v1.08.incl.keyfile.WinApp-GTT.part4.rar 744156 Bytes
Xprotector.v1.08.incl.keyfile.WinApp-GTT.part3.rar 1000000 Bytes
Xprotector.v1.08.incl.keyfile.WinApp-GTT.part2.rar 1000000 Bytes
Xprotector.v1.08.incl.keyfile.WinApp-GTT.part1.rar 1000000 Bytes
[ XCompXPack ]
XComp098.zip 141033 Bytes
XComp097.zip 109679 Bytes
[ Winlicense ]
[ winlicense v1.9.5.0 ]
对话框汉化.rar 1691 Bytes
winlicense.rar 538968 Bytes
generators.part2.rar 538091 Bytes
generators.part1.rar 600000 Bytes
winlicense1855.chs.rar 462517 Bytes
Winlicense_1.4.0.2.rar 4407039 Bytes
WinlicenseFiles.rar 5458044 Bytes
Winlicense193_Loader.rar 581175 Bytes
WinLicense_1.8.5.5.rar 5976338 Bytes
[ WinUtilities EXEProtector ]
WinUtilities EXE Protector 2.1.exe 1530436 Bytes
[ WinUnapck ]
winupack39.rar 101461 Bytes
WinUpack36.zip 74550 Bytes
WinUpack.zip 73805 Bytes
Upack399.zip 25295 Bytes
[ VProtector ]
vprotector1.2.rar 433221 Bytes
vprotectcompile1.3.rar 208007 Bytes
vp1.1a.rar 202016 Bytes
[ VMprotect ]
vmprotect109.rar 383241 Bytes
vmprotect108.rar 382984 Bytes
vmprotect107.rar 387417 Bytes
vmprotect105.rar 396070 Bytes
vmprotect103.rar 376700 Bytes
vmprotect1.7.exe 1345400 Bytes
vmprotect1.22.rar 609339 Bytes
vmprotect1.1.rar 388272 Bytes
vmprotect1.02.zip 429107 Bytes
vmprotect0.71.rar 331361 Bytes
VMProtect1.63.rar 1760256 Bytes
VMProtect1.21.rar 596321 Bytes
VMProtect1.2.rar 495948 Bytes
VMProtect 1.56.rar 871136 Bytes
[ Themida ]
thmeida1.0.0.8.rar 5156675 Bytes
themida1.3.5.5.rar 4356246 Bytes
Themida_1.8.5.5.rar 5190228 Bytes
Themida_1.8.0.0.rar 4260572 Bytes
ThemidaFiles.rar 2915566 Bytes
Themida1.7.3.0.rar 6890042 Bytes
Themida1.5.3.0.rar 4661345 Bytes
Themida1.5.0.0.rar 4395193 Bytes
Themida1.2.0.1.rar 3997758 Bytes
[ TeLock ]
telock.zip 81021 Bytes
[ TTproctect ]
ttprotectdemo.zip 9881696 Bytes
[ Stealth PE ]
Stealth PE 2.2.rar 266419 Bytes
[ Software Compress ]
softcomp.zip 776856 Bytes
[ SVK Protector ]
svkp_setup1.32.rar 1883277 Bytes
svkp1.43.zip 2849869 Bytes
[ SDProtector ]
pro116.rar 615228 Bytes
[ RLPack ]
RLPack116_Full_cracked_Flashback^tmx.rar 85821 Bytes
RLPack.v1.21.Full.Edition_KEYGEN-FFF.zip 55143 Bytes
RLPack.rar 454154 Bytes
RLPack.cn.zip 509049 Bytes
[ Private EXE Protector ]
Private.exe.Protector.v2.7.1_KEYGEN-FFF.zip 81196 Bytes
[ PoxLock ]
FoxLock2.0b1.zip 1562297 Bytes
[ Power Shield ]
powershield.rar 455225 Bytes
[ Phoenix_Protector ]
Phoenix_Protector.rar 969354 Bytes
[ PeTite ]
petite22.zip 108531 Bytes
[ PeLock ]
pelock.rar 406706 Bytes
[ PESpin ]
pespin132.rar 121004 Bytes
pespin1304.rar 79672 Bytes
pespin13.rar 77742 Bytes
pespin11.rar 72067 Bytes
pespin07.rar 35624 Bytes
pespin03.rar 18859 Bytes
pespin01.zip 30510 Bytes
[ PECompact ]
pec2setup.zip 940291 Bytes
pec297b1.part3.rar 249233 Bytes
pec297b1.part2.rar 500000 Bytes
pec297b1.part1.rar 500000 Bytes
a-p293b3.rar 1284021 Bytes
PECompact.2.70.rar 1536040 Bytes
Bitsum.PECompact.v2.96.2.Retail-ROGUE.zip 1250284 Bytes
Bitsum.PECompact.v2.80.Beta5.WinALL.Retail-CzW.rar 1221116 Bytes
[ PC Guard ]
pcguard406c.zip 373707 Bytes
[ Obsidium ]
Obsidium_1.0.rar 1003993 Bytes
Obsidium1363nonag.rar 160542 Bytes
Obsidium130_Cr.rar 827807 Bytes
Obsidium1304_Cr.rar 1166481 Bytes
Obsidium130.rar 1492167 Bytes
Obsidium1.25_c.rar 682968 Bytes
Obsidium1.2.zip 1770868 Bytes
Obsidium1.1.rar 1114747 Bytes
MSLRHv0.31a.rar 55068 Bytes
[ Krypton ]
krypton03.zip 351451 Bytes
krypton02.zip 87331 Bytes
Krypton05.zip 842443 Bytes
Krypton04.zip 374918 Bytes
[ Fsg ]
fsg2.0.rar 23677 Bytes
[ Flashback Protector ]
Flashback Protector (FProt) 1.0 build 08.17 beta 3.rar 1079070 Bytes
[ FLEXlm ]
[ FLEXlm SDK ]
FLEXLM Linux SDK.tar 7157760 Bytes
[ ExeCryptor ]
EXECryptor226Cr.rar 1828296 Bytes
EXECryptor226.zip 2499905 Bytes
EXECryptor2.2.5.1.zip 2513204 Bytes
EXECryptor2.0.26.zip 2530096 Bytes
EXECryptor1.5.3.zip 1510939 Bytes
EXECrypter2.1.1.zip 2572289 Bytes
[ Exe Stealth ]
ExeStealth275a.zip 374342 Bytes
[ Enigma Protector ]
enigma1.02.zip 1080102 Bytes
[ DbPe ]
dbpe2.33.rar 4000690 Bytes
dbpe2.20.rar 1854282 Bytes
[ CryptKey ]
cki.rar 230275 Bytes
cki V7031.rar 322457 Bytes
[ Code Virtualizer ]
Virtualizer_v1.3.1.0.rar 5797991 Bytes
[ AspProtect ]
asprotect_133.zip 797853 Bytes
asprotect12.zip 485755 Bytes
asprotect1.23rc1-SDK.zip 621170 Bytes
asprotect.ske.2.41.build.02.26.beta.retail.incl.keygen.3000th.release-rev.part2.rar 1213473 Bytes
asprotect.ske.2.41.build.02.26.beta.retail.incl.keygen.3000th.release-rev.part1.rar 1572864 Bytes
aspr135release0425.zip 1948606 Bytes
aspr135_keygenerator.rar 203860 Bytes
ASProtect_SKE_2.3beta0514.zip 3174843 Bytes
ASProtect2.0b0113.rar 839294 Bytes
ASProtect1.32Beta.rar 1767598 Bytes
ASProtect1.31build06.14.rar 698736 Bytes
ASProtect.SKE.v2.x.Keygen.zip 328584 Bytes
ASProtect.SKE.22release0425.zip 4390955 Bytes
ASProtect.SKE.2.11.Build.03.13-RES-crk.zip 862204 Bytes
ASProtect.SKE 2.3.build 04.23.beta.rar 1257152 Bytes
ASProtect.1.4.0226_setup.rar 1972627 Bytes
[ AsdPack ]
xuecrack_AsdPack2.0.rar 15033 Bytes
[ Armadillo ]
Armadillo_Custom4.40.0250.zip 2577620 Bytes
Armadillo_Custom4.00.0230.zip 1648836 Bytes
Armadillo_Custom3.78.0194.rar 1981991 Bytes
Armadillo_Custom3.77.0021.rar 1975654 Bytes
Armadillo.v6.04.Custom.Build.0447-RES-crk.rar 675211 Bytes
[ AT4RE_Protector ]
AT4RE_Protector_1.0.rar 8562 Bytes
AT4RE_JOINER_V2.rar 348017 Bytes
[ ACProtect ]
acpr_pro2.10.exe 1734235 Bytes
ACProtect2.0.rar 1808230 Bytes
ACProtect132.zip 1506168 Bytes
ACProtect1.09g.rar 1488859 Bytes
ACProtect.Pro.2.10.080925.RemoveNAG.rar 701009 Bytes
ACProtect.Pro. 702175 Bytes
ACP14.rar 1670822 Bytes
[ 平台和语言 ]
[ 易语言 ]
[ E-Code Explorer ]
EcE.rar 10191404 Bytes
[ 安装程序 ]
[ Windows Installshield Deccompiler ]
WISDEC.rar 304203 Bytes
[ WinPack ]
WinPack v3.00.rar 485235 Bytes
[ Sid ]
sid.rar 58884 Bytes
[ IsDcc ]
ISDCC2.zip 98704 Bytes
[ InstallShield Decompiler ]
ISD.zip 131409 Bytes
[ swf ]
[ Swf Decomplier ]
swfdecomp1.8.zip 2312604 Bytes
[ Flash DeComplier ]
efd.zip 4201405 Bytes
[ net ]
[ 调试工具 ]
[ PeBrowsedbg ]
PEBrowseDbg.zip 2018380 Bytes
[ Dile ]
dile_v0_2_6_x86.zip 378517 Bytes
[ 破解辅助 ]
[ 脱壳相关 ]
xenocode solution v2.0.rar 24820 Bytes
RE-Max.rar 16335788 Bytes
Net Domain Dumper.rar 36981 Bytes
NETUnpack.rar 153910 Bytes
KDD(dotNET Dumper 0.4).rar 621311 Bytes
FPE.CliSecure.Unpacker.rar 120835 Bytes
CoVei Unpacker.rar 613555 Bytes
CLRInjection.rar 1619920 Bytes
Bin_DotNET_Tracer_2008-7-1_11.31_KDT03.rar 136658 Bytes
[ 强名称相关 ]
[ StrongNameRemove ]
StrongNameRemove20.rar 44760 Bytes
Bin_Strong_Name_Remove_2008-6-16_17.4_StrongNameRemove21_(binary_and_source).zip 305909 Bytes
[ RE Assign ]
readme.nfo 4443 Bytes
RE-Sign.exe 82944 Bytes
[ AdmiralDebilitate ]
admiraldebilitate_source.zip 235205 Bytes
admiraldebilitate.zip 206956 Bytes
[ 反混淆相关 ]
[ smartkill ]
{smartkill} v0.6.exe 1138688 Bytes
{smartkill} v0.4.exe 524288 Bytes
{smartkill} v0.3.exe 524288 Bytes
[ Kurapica DeObfuscator ]
[ DeObfuscator_0.5 ]
DeObfuscator.exe 650240 Bytes
[ DeObfuscator_0.2 ]
DeObfuscator.exe 701440 Bytes
Kurapica DeObfuscator0.4.exe 690688 Bytes
Kurapica DeObfuscator 0.1.exe 1823744 Bytes
DeObfuscator0.41.exe 749056 Bytes
[ DotFuckScator ]
[ v1.3 ]
readme.nfo 5174 Bytes
DotFuckScator.exe 353792 Bytes
[ DotFuckScator v1.1 ]
readme.nfo 4916 Bytes
DotFuckScator.exe 353792 Bytes
[ DotFuckScator v1.0 ]
readme.nfo 4826 Bytes
DotFuckScator.exe 352768 Bytes
[ DeSmart1.0.0.4 ]
DeSmart.exe 868584 Bytes
[ DeObfuscator ]
Phx Deobfuscator.part3.rar 610900 Bytes
Phx Deobfuscator.part2.rar 1000000 Bytes
Phx Deobfuscator.part1.rar 1000000 Bytes
DeObfuscator_0.2.rar 252940 Bytes
[ DeDot1.0.0.3 ]
DeDot.exe 619208 Bytes
[ 其它 ]
[ n00b-rsa.net.generator.v1.0.final ]
readme.txt 1407 Bytes
n00b-dotnet_reversing_paper_no2.pdf 137425 Bytes
RSAGenerator.exe 196608 Bytes
[ dotNetTools ]
dotNetToolsX64.msi 2533376 Bytes
dotNetToolsWin32.msi 1674752 Bytes
[ XeCoString v1.0.1.3 ]
XeCoString.exe 908376 Bytes
[ DOtNetBox ]
DotNetBox3.5.exe 48400279 Bytes
DotNetBox2.0.exe 23721795 Bytes
dotnet version detector 2007.exe 1172480 Bytes
Unicode.exe 650752 Bytes
Instant VB v2.4, C# to VB converter.rar 390061 Bytes
ILMerge v2.8.0626.msi 666112 Bytes
DevComponents.DotNetBar2.rar 930420 Bytes
Bin_NetAsm_2008-7-26_3.54_NetAsm-BinDocAndDemoSrc.zip 906186 Bytes
[ Profiler ]
CLRProfiler v2.0.EXE 5189840 Bytes
[ 文件结构 ]
[ SAE.20081115 ]
user.config 3597 Bytes
Tools.txt 215 Bytes
SimpleUtils.dll 67584 Bytes
SimpleProfiler.dll 73728 Bytes
SimpleAssemblyExplorer.rar 98867 Bytes
SimpleAssemblyExplorer.exe.Config 859 Bytes
SimpleAssemblyExplorer.exe 310272 Bytes
SimpleAssemblyExplorer.Plugin.dll 7168 Bytes
Patterns.txt 1636 Bytes
Mono.Cecil.dll 358912 Bytes
[ RebelDotNET ]
RebelDotNET1.2.0.1.zip 225865 Bytes
Rebel.net offical guide.pdf 376932 Bytes
[ NetDasm ]
NetDasm.zip 724574 Bytes
NetDasm.exe 294912 Bytes
Mono.Cecil.dll 355840 Bytes
Fireball.Windows.Forms.dll 221184 Bytes
Fireball.Win32.dll 53248 Bytes
Fireball.SyntaxDocument.dll 114688 Bytes
Fireball.Core.dll 319488 Bytes
Fireball.CodeEditor.dll 184320 Bytes
Fireball.CodeEditor.SyntaxFiles.dll 446464 Bytes
[ ExplorerSuite ]
ExplorerSuite20081106.rar 5237146 Bytes
[ 反编译 ]
[ Xenocode Fox ]
xenocode_fox_2007.rar 1187545 Bytes
[ Reflector ]
Reflector4.2.51.zip 421986 Bytes
Reflector.zip 1088238 Bytes
ildasm2.0.rar 132345 Bytes
ildasm1.1.rar 113527 Bytes
[ DisasMSIL ]
DisasMSIL.zip 30513 Bytes
[ Dis# ]
Dis#3.1.4.rar 1087886 Bytes
Dis#3.1.3.rar 1087048 Bytes
[ Decompiler .NET ]
Decompiler .NET 2005.rar 2631284 Bytes
[ 加密工具 ]
[ 虚拟机 ]
[ SecureLM ]
SecureLM.CodeProtector.msi 15934464 Bytes
[ 混淆 ]
[ {smartassembly} ]
[ v3.2.3268 ]
{smartassembly}3.2.3268.rar 4741775 Bytes
[ v3.2.3260 ]
{smartassembly}3.2.3260(crack).rar 4765918 Bytes
{smartassembly}.license.xml 495 Bytes
{smartassembly}.Setup.msi 3014656 Bytes
readme.txt 12 Bytes
[ dotnet Protector ]
dotNetProtectorX86.msi 6882816 Bytes
[ Skator ]
[ Skater3.5 ]
Setup.exe 1161517 Bytes
ReadMe.txt 2800 Bytes
SkaterLight.zip 1143952 Bytes
Skater.zip 1128852 Bytes
Skater 3.0.zip 1126678 Bytes
[ SharpObfuscator ]
SharpObfuscator-4455.rar 506579 Bytes
[ PhoenixProtector ]
[ ]
keygen.exe 100777 Bytes
file_id.diz 386 Bytes
Phoenix.Protector. 967515 Bytes
HAZE.nfo 9273 Bytes
Phoenix_Protector_Demo.msi 1314304 Bytes
Phoenix_Protector1.5.0.1.msi 1357312 Bytes
Phoenix_Protector1.3.0.1.msi 1330176 Bytes
Phoenix_Protector 1356800 Bytes
[ Eazfuscator ]
Eazfuscator.NET 2.1.chm 704600 Bytes
Eazfuscator.NET 2.1 Setup.msi 2636288 Bytes
[ Dynu.net ]
DynuObf_setup.exe 668337 Bytes
[ CodeWall ]
CodeWall3_0_9.exe 5643412 Bytes
CodeWall2_0_3.exe 1232873 Bytes
[ Babel_1.3.0.0 ]
Setup.msi 489984 Bytes
[ Aspose Obfuscator ]
Aspose.Obfuscator.msi 223744 Bytes
[ 加壳 ]
[ Xbuild ]
XBuild_6935.part2.rar 1135682 Bytes
XBuild_6935.part1.rar 1900000 Bytes
[ Studio ]
Studio_6.0_218.part3.rar 983310 Bytes
Studio_6.0_218.part2.rar 1900000 Bytes
Studio_6.0_218.part1.rar 1900000 Bytes
Studio crack.exe 5686675 Bytes
[ Sixxpack24 ]
Sixxpack24.exe 85530 Bytes
ReadMe.txt 3301 Bytes
[ Postbuild ]
Postbuild_6935.part2.rar 1563588 Bytes
Postbuild_6935.part1.rar 1900000 Bytes
[ NET Reactor ]
dotnet_reactor_setup.exe 7516785 Bytes
dotNET_Reactor3.8.0.0 Beta.part7.rar 412300 Bytes
dotNET_Reactor3.8.0.0 Beta.part6.rar 1000000 Bytes
dotNET_Reactor3.8.0.0 Beta.part5.rar 1000000 Bytes
dotNET_Reactor3.8.0.0 Beta.part4.rar 1000000 Bytes
dotNET_Reactor3.8.0.0 Beta.part3.rar 1000000 Bytes
dotNET_Reactor3.8.0.0 Beta.part2.rar 1000000 Bytes
dotNET_Reactor3.8.0.0 Beta.part1.rar 1000000 Bytes
dotNET_Reactor.part3.rar 623159 Bytes
dotNET_Reactor.part2.rar 1003520 Bytes
dotNET_Reactor.part1.rar 1003520 Bytes
INTELLILOCK_crack.part5.rar 564927 Bytes
INTELLILOCK_crack.part4.rar 1900000 Bytes
INTELLILOCK_crack.part3.rar 1900000 Bytes
INTELLILOCK_crack.part2.rar 1900000 Bytes
INTELLILOCK_crack.part1.rar 1900000 Bytes
[ DNguard ]
DNGRuard1.0.rar 1115098 Bytes
[ CLISecure ]
CliSecure4.0.msi 10833408 Bytes
CliSecure3.0.msi 1252864 Bytes
CliSecure2.5.msi 1132544 Bytes
[ delphi ]
[ DEDE ]
DeDeDark.rar 5249100 Bytes
DeDe3.5.rar 5310779 Bytes
[ VB ]
[ exdec ]
exdec818.zip 160226 Bytes
[ Vb de ]
Vbde085.zip 231487 Bytes
[ Vb Explorer ]
vbexplorer1.1.rar 415362 Bytes
[ VB Parser ]
VBParser1.2.zip 118336 Bytes
[ VB Decomplier ]
[ VB Decompiler V7.0 ]
vb_decompiler_plugins_sdk.zip 32824 Bytes
vb_decompiler_lite.zip 3498189 Bytes
vb_decompiler_help.zip 304510 Bytes
[ VB Decompiler V5.0 ]
VB.Decompiler.Pro.rar 5937835 Bytes
[ SmartCheck ]
smartcheck.rar 21943902 Bytes
VBLocalize1.1.rar 792253 Bytes
VBLocalize1.1.Emulate.rar 783731 Bytes
[ PowerBuilder ]
[ PBkiller ]
PBKiller2.5.18.rar 2082385 Bytes
PBKiller1.5.07.rar 3092205 Bytes
[ De Pb ]
DePB_1.0_fix.rar 385412 Bytes
[ Java ]
[ Java Decomplier ]
DJ_JAVA_Decompiler_v3.9.9.91_READ_NFO_Incl_Patch-DIGERATI.rar 4658150 Bytes
[ Decafe ]
decafe.zip 630595 Bytes
[ 密码学 ]
[ 识别工具 ]
[ kanal ]
kanal23.zip 6686 Bytes
[ cc ]
cc 11b5.rar 70906 Bytes
[ CryptoSearcher ]
CryptoSearcher.rar 65891 Bytes
[ Crypto Scanner ]
CScan_v1.1.rar 10431 Bytes
[ 计算器工具 ]
[ StKman的大数计算器 ]
BigCalc.zip 173971 Bytes
[ Prime Generator ]
primegenerator11.egoiste.zip 30918 Bytes
tomabechi_ppsiqs11.zip 194224 Bytes
[ Gf calculator ]
gf_calc.zip 254094 Bytes
[ DLPTool ]
figugegl_dlptool.zip 29207 Bytes
RDLP-v1.12.rar 109639 Bytes
DLPTool_v1.1.rar 51950 Bytes
[ CrytoCalc ]
christal_cryptotool12.zip 265944 Bytes
[ BigIntCalc ]
BigIntCalc_v1.13.rar 62863 Bytes
[ Base64计算器 ]
x3chun_base64encodedecode.zip 31781 Bytes
base64kit_v1.3.rar 8355 Bytes
32Bit Calculator v1.7.rar 20171 Bytes
[ 综合辅助工具 ]
mdcrk30.rar 196823 Bytes
hash0.3.rar 68318 Bytes
christal_cryptotool12.rar 223456 Bytes
X_CRYPTO v1.2.rar 292395 Bytes
UltraCrackingMachine.bart.zip 46782 Bytes
PasswordZilla.v2.1.Cracked-MAZE.rar 223183 Bytes
HashCalc.rar 171156 Bytes
DAMN Hash Calculator .zip 52012 Bytes
[ 算法库 ]
[ zlib算法库 ]
[ zlib123-dll ]
[ test ]
untgz_d.exe 7168 Bytes
testzlib_d.exe 5120 Bytes
minigzip_d.exe 4608 Bytes
foo.gz 31 Bytes
example_d.exe 8704 Bytes
[ lib ]
zlib.def 981 Bytes
zdll.lib 10590 Bytes
zdll.exp 6109 Bytes
[ include ]
zlib.h 67545 Bytes
zconf.h 9876 Bytes
zlib1.dll 59904 Bytes
USAGE.txt 3114 Bytes
README.txt 1528 Bytes
DLL_FAQ.txt 18325 Bytes
[ zlib123 ]
[ win32 ]
zlib1.rc 1063 Bytes
zlib.def 981 Bytes
VisualC.txt 120 Bytes
Makefile.msc 2907 Bytes
Makefile.gcc 3670 Bytes
Makefile.emx 1490 Bytes
Makefile.bor 2547 Bytes
DLL_FAQ.txt 18325 Bytes
[ qnx ]
package.qpg 6568 Bytes
[ projects ]
[ visualc6 ]
zlib.dsw 1081 Bytes
zlib.dsp 17360 Bytes
minigzip.dsp 10796 Bytes
example.dsp 10750 Bytes
README.txt 2504 Bytes
README.projects 1827 Bytes
[ old ]
[ os2 ]
zlib.def 829 Bytes
Makefile.os2 4240 Bytes
zlib.html 58904 Bytes
visual-basic.txt 6220 Bytes
descrip.mms 1593 Bytes
README 136 Bytes
Makefile.riscos 3918 Bytes
[ msdos ]
Makefile.tc 2524 Bytes
Makefile.msc 2839 Bytes
Makefile.emx 1481 Bytes
Makefile.dj2 2689 Bytes
Makefile.bor 2980 Bytes
[ examples ]
zran.c 15710 Bytes
zpipe.c 6006 Bytes
zlib_how.html 29162 Bytes
gzlog.h 2957 Bytes
gzlog.c 11945 Bytes
gzjoin.c 14462 Bytes
gzappend.c 17338 Bytes
gun.c 26192 Bytes
fitblk.c 8827 Bytes
README.examples 1557 Bytes
[ contrib ]
[ vstudio ]
[ vc8 ]
zlibvc.vcproj 28762 Bytes
zlibvc.sln 10649 Bytes
zlibvc.def 4483 Bytes
zlibstat.vcproj 20099 Bytes
zlib.rc 929 Bytes
testzlibdll.vcproj 12937 Bytes
testzlib.vcproj 20566 Bytes
minizip.vcproj 12689 Bytes
miniunz.vcproj 12875 Bytes
[ vc7 ]
zlibvc.vcproj 12792 Bytes
zlibvc.sln 5325 Bytes
zlibvc.def 4483 Bytes
zlibstat.vcproj 6572 Bytes
zlib.rc 929 Bytes
testzlib.vcproj 3202 Bytes
minizip.vcproj 3221 Bytes
miniunz.vcproj 3221 Bytes
readme.txt 3040 Bytes
[ untgz ]
untgz.c 17216 Bytes
Makefile.msc 298 Bytes
Makefile 248 Bytes
[ testzlib ]
testzlib.txt 205 Bytes
testzlib.c 7638 Bytes
[ puff ]
zeros.raw 1213 Bytes
puff.h 1359 Bytes
puff.c 37873 Bytes
README 3139 Bytes
Makefile 109 Bytes
[ pascal ]
zlibpas.pas 8269 Bytes
zlibd32.mak 2226 Bytes
readme.txt 3080 Bytes
example.pas 16286 Bytes
[ minizip ]
zip.h 9082 Bytes
zip.c 38572 Bytes
unzip.h 13322 Bytes
unzip.c 50890 Bytes
mztools.h 712 Bytes
mztools.c 8266 Bytes
minizip.c 12082 Bytes
miniunz.c 15966 Bytes
iowin32.h 443 Bytes
iowin32.c 6681 Bytes
ioapi.h 2610 Bytes
ioapi.c 3871 Bytes
crypt.h 4844 Bytes
Makefile 482 Bytes
ChangeLogUnzip 2122 Bytes
[ masmx86 ]
readme.txt 616 Bytes
mkasm.bat 127 Bytes
inffas32.obj 14893 Bytes
inffas32.asm 16378 Bytes
gvmat32c.c 1815 Bytes
gvmat32.obj 10241 Bytes
gvmat32.asm 27178 Bytes
bld_ml32.bat 93 Bytes
[ masmx64 ]
readme.txt 1096 Bytes
inffasx64.obj 5913 Bytes
inffasx64.asm 10532 Bytes
inffas8664.c 7585 Bytes
gvmat64.obj 4119 Bytes
gvmat64.asm 15043 Bytes
bld_ml64.bat 86 Bytes
[ masm686 ]
match.asm 11328 Bytes
[ iostream3 ]
zfstream.h 12706 Bytes
zfstream.cc 13926 Bytes
test.cc 1540 Bytes
TODO 508 Bytes
README 1525 Bytes
[ iostream2 ]
zstream_test.cpp 736 Bytes
zstream.h 9590 Bytes
[ iostream ]
zfstream.h 2595 Bytes
zfstream.cpp 5441 Bytes
test.cpp 550 Bytes
[ inflate86 ]
inffast.S 44210 Bytes
inffas86.c 41765 Bytes
[ infback9 ]
inftree9.h 2429 Bytes
inftree9.c 13724 Bytes
inflate9.h 2038 Bytes
inffix9.h 6706 Bytes
infback9.h 1631 Bytes
infback9.c 21850 Bytes
README 52 Bytes
[ dotzlib ]
[ DotZLib ]
UnitTests.cs 7683 Bytes
Inflater.cs 3746 Bytes
GZipStream.cs 11195 Bytes
DotZLib.csproj 5396 Bytes
DotZLib.cs 9944 Bytes
Deflater.cs 4006 Bytes
CodecBase.cs 6339 Bytes
CircularBuffer.cs 2251 Bytes
ChecksumImpl.cs 8051 Bytes
AssemblyInfo.cs 2511 Bytes
readme.txt 2369 Bytes
LICENSE_1_0.txt 1359 Bytes
DotZLib.sln 907 Bytes
DotZLib.chm 72728 Bytes
DotZLib.build 1178 Bytes
[ delphi ]
zlibd32.mak 2226 Bytes
readme.txt 2576 Bytes
ZLibConst.pas 197 Bytes
ZLib.pas 16969 Bytes
[ blast ]
test.txt 13 Bytes
test.pk 8 Bytes
blast.h 3308 Bytes
blast.c 17869 Bytes
README 78 Bytes
Makefile 135 Bytes
[ asm686 ]
match.S 9567 Bytes
README.686 1083 Bytes
[ asm586 ]
match.S 11181 Bytes
README.586 1658 Bytes
[ ada ]
zlib.gpr 531 Bytes
zlib.ads 13922 Bytes
zlib.adb 21101 Bytes
zlib-thin.ads 16269 Bytes
zlib-thin.adb 3470 Bytes
zlib-streams.ads 4444 Bytes
zlib-streams.adb 6221 Bytes
test.adb 13643 Bytes
readme.txt 2243 Bytes
read.adb 4404 Bytes
mtest.adb 4623 Bytes
buffer_demo.adb 3823 Bytes
README.contrib 2771 Bytes
[ as400 ]
zlib.inc 21177 Bytes
readme.txt 4786 Bytes
compile.clp 7056 Bytes
bndsrc 5152 Bytes
[ amiga ]
Makefile.sas 1776 Bytes
Makefile.pup 1911 Bytes
zutil.h 7128 Bytes
zutil.c 7454 Bytes
zlib.h 67545 Bytes
zlib.3 4645 Bytes
zconf.in.h 9876 Bytes
zconf.h 9876 Bytes
uncompr.c 2148 Bytes
trees.h 8572 Bytes
trees.c 45246 Bytes
minigzip.c 8340 Bytes
make_vms.com 13695 Bytes
inftrees.h 2428 Bytes
inftrees.c 14085 Bytes
inflate.h 6031 Bytes
inflate.c 50345 Bytes
inffixed.h 6437 Bytes
inffast.h 418 Bytes
inffast.c 12886 Bytes
infback.c 22787 Bytes
gzio.c 32129 Bytes
example.c 16963 Bytes
deflate.h 12445 Bytes
deflate.c 65899 Bytes
crc32.h 31009 Bytes
crc32.c 13616 Bytes
configure 13626 Bytes
compress.c 2568 Bytes
algorithm.txt 9545 Bytes
adler32.c 4708 Bytes
README 5821 Bytes
Makefile.in 4287 Bytes
Makefile 4287 Bytes
INDEX 1369 Bytes
FAQ 15419 Bytes
ChangeLog 43783 Bytes
[ crypto ]
cryptopp552.7z 3375240 Bytes
[ 分类辅助工具 ]
[ RsA ]
[ RsaKit ]
Bin_DESkey_Analysis_2008-7-3_11.13_DESkey_docs.rar 59416 Bytes
[ RSAtool ]
RSATool2v14.RAR 73100 Bytes
RSATool1.10.zip 59105 Bytes
[ RAT ]
RAT.0.2beta.zip 68077 Bytes
[ Hash ]
eofmcv30.zip 998829 Bytes
WinMD5.rar 14707 Bytes
Blowfish Encrypt Tool.rar 40845 Bytes
[ ElGamal ]
[ ElGamal Keypair Generator ]
blackeye_elgamalkeygenerator10beta3.zip 72496 Bytes
ElgamalGenerator12.jopas.zip 30953 Bytes
[ ECC ]
[ Elliptic Curve Builder ]
Elliptic Curve Builder.v.1.0.0.martin.zip 366326 Bytes
[ Ecc Tool ]
Bin_ECCTool_2008-7-6_19.1_ECCTool_1.02.rar 237753 Bytes
[ Des ]
Bin_DESkey_Analysis_2008-7-3_11.13_DESkey_docs.rar 1620394 Bytes
[ DSA ]
[ DSAtool ]
dsatoolv13.zip 51034 Bytes
[ 脱壳工具 ]
[ 通用脱壳工具 ]
[ 超级巡警虚拟机自动脱壳机 ]
超级巡警虚拟机自动脱壳机VMUnpacker1.5.rar 1003672 Bytes
VMUnpacker1.5.rar 1003672 Bytes
[ Trial Reset ]
HA_Trial-Reset_34Final.rar 213486 Bytes
[ RL!dePacker ]
RL!dePacker.rar 111800 Bytes
[ Qunpack ]
QUnpack.part2.rar 367619 Bytes
QUnpack.part1.rar 512000 Bytes
[ GunPacker ]
GUnPacker0.5.rar 1810838 Bytes
[ AoRE ]
AoRE_Unpacker_0.3.rar 621293 Bytes
[ 分类脱壳 ]
[ 易语言 ]
EUnpacker.rar 757850 Bytes
[ themida ]
unthemida 2.0.rar 737984 Bytes
XprotStripper.rar 1365184 Bytes
WL_Watermark_Viewer.zip 816771 Bytes
UnThemida_2.0.rar 1295468 Bytes
UnThemida_1.0.rar 524966 Bytes
Themnet_Unpacker_1.9.1.0- 2075925 Bytes
TheMida_WinLicense_Unpacker_v2.0.rar 1157672 Bytes
Detemida.zip 657585 Bytes
[ tElock ]
unte.zip 30433 Bytes
[ Zprotect ]
ZProtect_1.3_Repair_Scripts.rar 2760 Bytes
[ Yoda Protector ]
FredUnYP1.02.zip 15034 Bytes
[ Win Unpack ]
wupack0.3x.rar 65237 Bytes
[ Vprotector ]
wvp.rar 79904 Bytes
[ VFP ]
vfpupker.rar 117304 Bytes
vfpkill150.zip 121967 Bytes
[ TMD ]
TMD脱壳.rar 600273 Bytes
[ Shrinker ]
dshrnk16.zip 188293 Bytes
[ SafeDisc ]
UnSafeDisc_46.rar 25283 Bytes
Safedisc2Cleaner.zip 60413 Bytes
[ SDProtector ]
wsdp116.rar 79273 Bytes
[ Petite ]
enlarge13.zip 36492 Bytes
[ PeSpin ]
unpespin0.7.rar 431042 Bytes
unPESPIN1.1.rar 290353 Bytes
unPESPIN.rar 140728 Bytes
[ Pe Armor ]
romra.rar 42338 Bytes
PE-Armor0.765.rar 296754 Bytes
PEunLOCK.PUBLiC.v1.2.rar 163841 Bytes
[ Orien ]
unorien.rar 51345 Bytes
[ Nspack ]
wnspack.rar 385959 Bytes
UnNsPack.rar 808011 Bytes
Nspack 3.x脱壳机 v1.0.rar 808356 Bytes
[ Kryton ]
Krykiller.zip 68071 Bytes
[ Gie Protector ]
Gie Protector 0.2 (Unpacking).rar 1053440 Bytes
[ ExeCryptor ]
Unpacker ExeCryptor 2.x.x. beta 2.rar 37844 Bytes
Unpacker ExeCryptor 2.x.x. RC1 [Public].rar 42594 Bytes
ExeCryptor_HWID_Patching.rar 2019336 Bytes
ExeCryptor-Inline-Patching.rar 458133 Bytes
EXECryptor_CHS_fIvEbB.rar 48158 Bytes
[ EnCryptPe ]
deepev1.0.rar 53832 Bytes
EPE_V2_Stripper.rar 424636 Bytes
EPE.411.121.rar 208982 Bytes
[ DDeM Protector ]
DDeM_RT.zip 192798 Bytes
[ DBpe ]
undbpe106.zip 10433 Bytes
[ Asprotect ]
vera.zip 47764 Bytes
stripper_v213b9.rar 199023 Bytes
stripper_v207ht.rar 294599 Bytes
stripper211.zip 141157 Bytes
stripper v2.13b9.rar 199023 Bytes
stripper v2.11rc2.zip 140945 Bytes
stripper v2.07f.zip 187362 Bytes
iatfixer_2.2s.rar 42154 Bytes
asprdbgr.zip 5977 Bytes
Caspr110.zip 84641 Bytes
CASPR v1.0.12.rar 81566 Bytes
Aspr v2.XX unpacker v1.0E.rar 21041 Bytes
ASProtect.zip 32009 Bytes
ASProtect 1.3x - 2.xx Unpacker v1.13SC (Skip CRC Check).rar 78283 Bytes
ASPriNF v1.6 beta.rar 24542 Bytes
[ Armadillo ]
dilloDIE v1.6.rar 63432 Bytes
armakg.zip 32850 Bytes
Unpacking_Armadillo_1.84.rar 1430518 Bytes
UnArmadillo v1.4.rar 43193 Bytes
HWID Changer v.0.2 by TrueLies.rar 4918 Bytes
Fixing_Armadillo_5.xx_Hardware_FingerPrint__with_Copy_MemII_.rar 1337974 Bytes
Demaradillo v0.4.rar 41057 Bytes
Armageddon_v13_by_CondZero.rar 346077 Bytes
Armageddon_v132_by_CondZero.rar 343453 Bytes
Armadillo_v3.x_v5.x_Finger_Print_Patcher_0.1.rar 2694 Bytes
Armadillo_Detach_CopyMemII.txt 4526 Bytes
Armadillo_3_xx_4_xx_5_xx_Standard_Protection_Debug_Blocker.txt 12381 Bytes
Armadillo_3.xx___5.xx_Fingerprint_Patcher_v0.2.rar 2812 Bytes
ArmadilloKiller v2.6.rar 63235 Bytes
ArmadilloFindProtected v1.4.rar 18569 Bytes
Armadillo502_Loader.rar 10990 Bytes
Armadillo.Password.Patcher.rar 55152 Bytes
Armadillo.Killer.v1.3.CopyMem.Edition.rar 18398 Bytes
Armadillo.Killer.2.6.build.5.rar 64608 Bytes
Armadillo.Goblin.v1.0.rar 3687 Bytes
Armadillo.DLL-OCX Stripper.v1.6.rar 45379 Bytes
Armadillo tools.rar 1297 Bytes
Armadillo Reducer 1[1].7.1 RC2.rar 303230 Bytes
Armadillo Find Protected.rar 38619 Bytes
Armadillo Find Protected V1.8.rar 32768 Bytes
Armadillo 5.xx HWID Changer v.0.1 by TrueLies.rar 4767 Bytes
Armadillo 5.x Auto Fingerprint Changer.rar 196126 Bytes
ArmaPatcher.zip 18281 Bytes
ArmaGeddon_by_Condzero.rar 268753 Bytes
ArmaGeddon_by_Condzero v1.1.rar 270617 Bytes
ArmaGeddon V1.2g.rar 270814 Bytes
ArmaG3ddon_v151_by_CondZero.rar 1023038 Bytes
ArmaFP.rar 31425 Bytes
ArmaDetach.v1.3-RES-tool.zip 26015 Bytes
ArmaDetach.rar 29474 Bytes
ArmaCRC_1.4.1.rar 80946 Bytes
ArmaCRC.v1.4_RES_tool.zip 80789 Bytes
ArmKiller_v1_2_Tool_by_[TLG]XQuader.Zip 93298 Bytes
ArmKiller_v1_2_1_Tool_by__TLG_XQuader.Zip 93514 Bytes
All_Armadillo_tools_20080405.part2.rar 1326315 Bytes
All_Armadillo_tools_20080405.part1.rar 1945600 Bytes
[ Acprotector ]
[ ACProtect Stripper ]
ACProtectStripper1_0.rar 30747 Bytes
[ ACKiller ]
ACKiller_0.20_beta.rar 27524 Bytes
ACKiller 0.31 pre-release.rar 32802 Bytes
ACKiller 0.30 pre-release.rar 32533 Bytes
ACKiller 0.12 beta.rar 19696 Bytes
[ ASPack ]
[ waspack ]
waspack.rar 17850 Bytes
[ Aspackdie ]
AspackDie141.zip 28382 Bytes
[ All Version Aspack unpacker ]
ASPack_u_11.zip 195732 Bytes
光盘说明.txt 1215 Bytes
Autorun.dll 270336 Bytes
Autorun.exe 1857024 Bytes
music.mp3 1537636 Bytes
Tools.ico 67646 Bytes
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