Private Sub Timer1_Timer() '4042C8
'Data Table: 403CA0
loc_40414A: ' Referenced from: 4041F7
loc_404151: var_94 = 9 'Variant
If ((Text1.Text = "IranVig Crackers") And (Me.global_52 = 2008)) Then
loc_40418C: var_BC = "OK! This is True!" 'Variant
loc_4041AD: GoTo loc_40420A
loc_4041C2: Label3.Top = CDbl(CVar(((3 * (5 + (8 Mod Me.global_52))) * &H64)))
loc_4041E5: MsgBox("LoL! Could be true but NO!", 0, var_FC, var_11C, var_13C)
loc_4041F7: GoTo loc_40414A
loc_4041FA: GoTo loc_4042C3
End If
loc_404206: var_BC = "This is not a valid code!" 'Variant
loc_40420A: ' Referenced from: 4041AD
If (Me.global_52 > 8) Then
loc_40421F: Me.global_52 = 8
End If
If (Me.global_52 = 0) Then
loc_404237: Me.global_52 = 1
End If
loc_40427E: var_CC = (((CVar((8 Mod Me.global_52)) + 5) * 3) * 100) 'Variant
If CBool(var_CC <> CVar(Label3.Top)) Then
loc_4042BB: Label3.Top = CDbl(var_CC)
loc_4042C3: ' Referenced from: 4041FA
End If
loc_4042C7: Exit Sub
End Sub