[已经解决]OD反汇编引擎 立即数的解释问题
发表于: 2008-11-8 12:23 4769
int Assemble(char *cmd,ulong ip,t_asmmodel *model,int attempt,int constsize,char *errtext);
cmd - pointer to zero terminated ASCII command;
pi - address of the first byte of generated binary command in memory;
model - pointer to the structure that receives machine code and mask, see detailed description below;
attempt - index of alternative encoding of the command. Call Assemble with attempt=0,1,2... to obtain all possible versions of the command. Stop this sequence when Assemble reports error;
constsize - requested size of address constant and immediate data. Call Assemble with constsize=0,1,2,3 to obtain all possible encodings of the version selected by attempt;
errtext - pointer to text buffer of length at least TEXTLEN bytes that receives description of detected error.
t_asmmodel: structure that receives assembled code.
typedef struct t_asmmodel { // Model to search for assembler command
char code[MAXCMDSIZE]; // Binary code
char mask[MAXCMDSIZE]; // Mask for binary code (0: bit ignored)
int length; // Length of code, bytes (0: empty)
int jmpsize; // Offset size if relative jump
int jmpoffset; // Offset relative to IP
int jmppos; // Position of jump offset in command
} t_asmmodel;
int Assemble(char *cmd,ulong ip,t_asmmodel *model,int attempt,int constsize,char *errtext);
把ASCII 的代码 比如 "push eax"这类转化成对应的机器码.....
都正常, 就是转化 "push 256" 或者 "STC" 这样的带立即数或者符合的都说不支持......
int attempt,int constsize 置0即可.....为什么...不大懂.... 等E文不错的朋友说说
cmd - pointer to zero terminated ASCII command;
pi - address of the first byte of generated binary command in memory;
model - pointer to the structure that receives machine code and mask, see detailed description below;
attempt - index of alternative encoding of the command. Call Assemble with attempt=0,1,2... to obtain all possible versions of the command. Stop this sequence when Assemble reports error;
constsize - requested size of address constant and immediate data. Call Assemble with constsize=0,1,2,3 to obtain all possible encodings of the version selected by attempt;
errtext - pointer to text buffer of length at least TEXTLEN bytes that receives description of detected error.
t_asmmodel: structure that receives assembled code.
typedef struct t_asmmodel { // Model to search for assembler command
char code[MAXCMDSIZE]; // Binary code
char mask[MAXCMDSIZE]; // Mask for binary code (0: bit ignored)
int length; // Length of code, bytes (0: empty)
int jmpsize; // Offset size if relative jump
int jmpoffset; // Offset relative to IP
int jmppos; // Position of jump offset in command
} t_asmmodel;
int Assemble(char *cmd,ulong ip,t_asmmodel *model,int attempt,int constsize,char *errtext);
把ASCII 的代码 比如 "push eax"这类转化成对应的机器码.....
都正常, 就是转化 "push 256" 或者 "STC" 这样的带立即数或者符合的都说不支持......
int attempt,int constsize 置0即可.....为什么...不大懂.... 等E文不错的朋友说说
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