; FileName: msgbox2.asm
; Function: Demo how to hook MessageBoxA locally
; Author: Purple Endurer
; log
; 2006-07-10 Optimized code
; 2006-07-08 Created, success under Windows XP +SP1
.model flat, stdcall
option casemap: none
include \masm32\include\windows.inc
include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
include \masm32\include\user32.inc
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
m_m2m MACRO d1, d2
push d2
pop d1
g_szUser32dll DB "user32.dll", 0
g_szMsgBox DB "MessageBoxA", 0
g_szHookedOK db " has been hooked OK!", 0
g_dwOld_protect DD ?
g_lpfnMessagBox dword ?
g_dbOldCode db 10 dup(?)
g_dwReaded dword ?
g_hCurProc HANDLE ?
invoke GetModuleHandle, ADDR g_szUser32dll
invoke GetProcAddress, eax, ADDR g_szMsgBox
mov edi, eax ;finally got MessageBoxA address
mov g_lpfnMessagBox, eax
push 0
push OFFSET g_szMsgBox
push OFFSET g_szMsgBox
push 0
call g_lpfnMessagBox ;确认得到MessageBoxA的地址
invoke GetCurrentProcess
mov g_hCurProc, eax
; BOOL ReadProcessMemory(
; HANDLE hProcess, // handle of the process whose memory is read
; LPCVOID lpBaseAddress, // address to start reading
; LPVOID lpBuffer, // address of buffer to place read data
; DWORD nSize, // number of bytes to read
; LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead // address of number of bytes read
; );
invoke ReadProcessMemory, eax, g_lpfnMessagBox, ADDR g_dbOldCode, 10, ADDR g_dwReaded
test eax, eax
jz @FinalMsgBox
test eax, eax
jz @FinalMsgBox
mov esi, eax ;allocation for MBI
invoke VirtualQuery, edi, esi, MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION_SIZE
;typedef struct _MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION { // mbi
; PVOID BaseAddress; // base address of region
; PVOID AllocationBase; // allocation base address
; DWORD AllocationProtect; // initial access protection
; DWORD RegionSize; // size, in bytes, of region
; DWORD State; // committed, reserved, free
; DWORD Protect; // current access protection
; DWORD Type; // type of pages
test eax, eax
jz @free_mem
invoke FlushInstructionCache, g_hCurProc, edi, 5 ;just to be sure
lea eax,[esi+014h]
push eax
lea eax, [esi+0Ch]
push [eax]
push [esi]
call VirtualProtect
;we will change protection for a moment, so we will be able to write there
test eax, eax
jz @free_mem
mov byte ptr [edi], 0E9h ;写入jmp跳转指令
mov eax, OFFSET @newMsgBox ;计算跳转地址
sub eax, edi
sub eax, 5
inc edi
stosd ;传送32位跳转地址
push OFFSET g_dwOld_protect
lea eax, [esi+014h]
push [eax]
lea eax, [esi+0Ch]
push [eax]
push [esi]
call VirtualProtect ;return back the protection of page
push 0
push esi
call VirtualFree ;free memory
invoke MessageBoxA, 0, ADDR g_szMsgBox, ADDR g_szMsgBox, 0
invoke ExitProcess, 0
@newMsgBox: ;004010CD
;mov [esp+16], MB_ICONINFORMATION ;修改信息ICON
m_m2m [esp+16], MB_ICONINFORMATION
;mov [esp+12], OFFSET g_szHookedOK ;修改标题
mov eax, [esp+8] ;修改信息内容
invoke lstrcat, eax, ADDR g_szHookedOK
; BOOL WriteProcessMemory(
; HANDLE hProcess, // handle to process whose memory is written to
; LPVOID lpBaseAddress, // address to start writing to
; LPVOID lpBuffer, // pointer to buffer to write data to
; DWORD nSize, // number of bytes to write
; LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten // actual number of bytes written
; );
invoke WriteProcessMemory, g_hCurProc, g_lpfnMessagBox, ADDR g_dbOldCode, 10, ADDR g_dwReaded
jmp g_lpfnMessagBox ;push g_lpfnMessagBox
;ret; 10H
end start
[招生]科锐逆向工程师培训(2024年11月15日实地,远程教学同时开班, 第51期)