Private Function CheckKey(UN As String, SN As String) As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, l As Long
Dim nRowCount As Long, n108 As Long, n10C As Long, n110 As Long, n114 As Long, n118 As Long, n11C As Long, n120 As Long, n124 As Long
Dim tbTemp40(MAXLEN - 1) As Long
Dim tbTemp100(100) As Long
Dim tbRet(MAXLEN * 2) As Byte '返回字符串
Dim tbSN(53) As Long '注册码
Dim tbNO(MAXLEN - 1) As Long '用户名各字符的大小顺序
'----init table------
For i = 1 To Len(UN)
For j = 1 To Len(UN)
If Mid$(UN, i, 1) > Mid$(UN, j, 1) Then
tbNO(i - 1) = tbNO(i - 1) + 1
End If
For i = 1 To Len(SN)
tbSN(i - 1) = Val(Mid$(SN, i, 1))
If i > 53 Then Exit For
i = 0
j = 0
k = 0
l = 0
Do Until i >= MAXLEN
tbTemp40(i) = &H1E
i = i + 1
nRowCount = 0
n108 = 0
If tbSN(0) > 0 Then
nRowCount = MAXLEN \ tbSN(0)
End If
n10C = 0
Do Until n108 >= 2
If n10C > 0 Then
tbTemp40(tbNO(n10C - 1)) = &H1E
End If
n10C = 0
Do Until n10C >= MAXLEN
If n10C > 0 Then
tbTemp40(tbNO(n10C - 1)) = &H1E
End If
If n108 = 0 Then
tbTemp40(tbNO(n10C)) = &H28
n10C = n10C + 1
End If
If n108 = 1 Then
tbTemp40(tbNO(n10C)) = &H14
n10C = n10C + 1
End If
k = 0
For i = 0 To tbSN(0) - 1
For j = 0 To nRowCount - 1
tbTemp100(i * 4 + j) = tbTemp40(k)
k = k + 1
n110 = 0
n114 = 0
For i = 0 To nRowCount - 1
n110 = tbTemp100(tbSN(1) * 4 + i) + n110
n114 = tbTemp100(tbSN(2) * 4 + i) + n114
If n110 = n114 Then '==============================================================================================
If (tbTemp100(tbSN(3) * 4 + tbSN(4))) = (tbTemp100(tbSN(5) * 4 + tbSN(6))) Then
If (tbTemp100(tbSN(7) * 4 + tbSN(8))) = (tbTemp100(tbSN(9) * 4 + tbSN(10))) Then
tbRet(l) = &H6C '"l"
l = l + 1
tbRet(l) = &H6B '"k"
l = l + 1
End If
If (tbTemp100(tbSN(7) * 4 + tbSN(8))) = (tbTemp100(tbSN(9) * 4 + tbSN(10))) Then
tbRet(l) = &H6A '"j"
l = l + 1
tbRet(l) = &H69 '"i"
l = l + 1
End If
End If
End If
If n110 > n114 Then '==============================================================================================
i = 0
n118 = 0
n11C = 0
tbTemp100(tbSN(1) * 4 + tbSN(11)) = tbTemp100(tbSN(12) * 4 + tbSN(13))
tbTemp100(tbSN(1) * 4 + tbSN(14)) = tbTemp100(tbSN(15) * 4 + tbSN(16))
tbTemp100(tbSN(1) * 4 + tbSN(17)) = tbTemp100(tbSN(18) * 4 + tbSN(19))
tbTemp100(tbSN(2) * 4 + tbSN(20)) = tbTemp100(tbSN(21) * 4 + tbSN(22))
tbTemp100(tbSN(2) * 4 + tbSN(23)) = tbTemp100(tbSN(24) * 4 + tbSN(25))
tbTemp100(tbSN(2) * 4 + tbSN(26)) = tbTemp100(tbSN(27) * 4 + tbSN(28))
For i = 0 To nRowCount - 1
n118 = tbTemp100(tbSN(1) * 4 + i) + n118
n11C = tbTemp100(tbSN(2) * 4 + i) + n11C
If n118 > n11C Then '--------------------------------------------------------------------------
If (tbTemp100(tbSN(29) * 4 + tbSN(30))) = (tbTemp100(tbSN(31) * 4 + tbSN(32))) Then
tbRet(l) = &H65 '"e"
l = l + 1
tbRet(l) = &H61 '"a"
l = l + 1
End If
End If
If n118 < n11C Then '--------------------------------------------------------------------------
If (tbTemp100(tbSN(33) * 4 + tbSN(34))) > (tbTemp100(tbSN(35) * 4 + tbSN(36))) Then
tbRet(l) = &H67 '"g"
l = l + 1
End If
If (tbTemp100(tbSN(33) * 4 + tbSN(34))) < (tbTemp100(tbSN(35) * 4 + tbSN(36))) Then
tbRet(l) = &H66 '"f"
l = l + 1
End If
If (tbTemp100(tbSN(33) * 4 + tbSN(34))) = (tbTemp100(tbSN(35) * 4 + tbSN(36))) Then
tbRet(l) = &H68 '"h"
l = l + 1
End If
End If
If n118 = n11C Then '--------------------------------------------------------------------------
k = 0
For i = 0 To tbSN(0) - 1
For j = 0 To nRowCount - 1
tbTemp100(i * 4 + j) = tbTemp40(k)
k = k + 1
If (tbTemp100(tbSN(37) * 4 + tbSN(38))) > (tbTemp100(tbSN(39) * 4 + tbSN(40))) Then
tbRet(l) = &H62 '"b"
l = l + 1
End If
If (tbTemp100(tbSN(37) * 4 + tbSN(38))) < (tbTemp100(tbSN(39) * 4 + tbSN(40))) Then
tbRet(l) = &H63 '"c"
l = l + 1
End If
If (tbTemp100(tbSN(37) * 4 + tbSN(38))) = (tbTemp100(tbSN(39) * 4 + tbSN(40))) Then
tbRet(l) = &H64 '"d"
l = l + 1
End If
End If
End If
If n110 < n114 Then '==============================================================================================
i = 0
n120 = 0
n124 = 0
tbTemp100(tbSN(1) * 4 + tbSN(11)) = tbTemp100(tbSN(12) * 4 + tbSN(13))
tbTemp100(tbSN(1) * 4 + tbSN(14)) = tbTemp100(tbSN(15) * 4 + tbSN(16))
tbTemp100(tbSN(1) * 4 + tbSN(17)) = tbTemp100(tbSN(18) * 4 + tbSN(19))
tbTemp100(tbSN(2) * 4 + tbSN(20)) = tbTemp100(tbSN(21) * 4 + tbSN(22))
tbTemp100(tbSN(2) * 4 + tbSN(23)) = tbTemp100(tbSN(24) * 4 + tbSN(25))
tbTemp100(tbSN(2) * 4 + tbSN(26)) = tbTemp100(tbSN(27) * 4 + tbSN(28))
For i = 0 To nRowCount - 1
n120 = tbTemp100(tbSN(1) * 4 + i) + n120
n124 = tbTemp100(tbSN(2) * 4 + i) + n124
If n120 > n124 Then '--------------------------------------------------------------------------
If (tbTemp100(tbSN(41) * 4 + tbSN(42))) > (tbTemp100(tbSN(43) * 4 + tbSN(44))) Then
tbRet(l) = &H66 '"f"
l = l + 1
End If
If (tbTemp100(tbSN(41) * 4 + tbSN(42))) < (tbTemp100(tbSN(43) * 4 + tbSN(44))) Then
tbRet(l) = &H67 '"g"
l = l + 1
End If
If (tbTemp100(tbSN(41) * 4 + tbSN(42))) < (tbTemp100(tbSN(43) * 4 + tbSN(44))) Then
tbRet(l) = &H68 '"h"
l = l + 1
End If
End If
If n120 < n124 Then '--------------------------------------------------------------------------
If (tbTemp100(tbSN(45) * 4 + tbSN(46))) = (tbTemp100(tbSN(47) * 4 + tbSN(48))) Then
tbRet(l) = &H65 '"e"
l = l + 1
tbRet(l) = &H61 '"a"
l = l + 1
End If
End If
If n120 = n124 Then '--------------------------------------------------------------------------
k = 0
For i = 0 To tbSN(0) - 1
For j = 0 To nRowCount - 1
tbTemp100(i * 4 + j) = tbTemp40(k)
k = k + 1
If (tbTemp100(tbSN(49) * 4 + tbSN(50))) > (tbTemp100(tbSN(51) * 4 + tbSN(52))) Then
tbRet(l) = &H63 '"c"
l = l + 1
End If
If (tbTemp100(tbSN(49) * 4 + tbSN(50))) < (tbTemp100(tbSN(51) * 4 + tbSN(52))) Then
tbRet(l) = &H62 '"b"
l = l + 1
End If
If (tbTemp100(tbSN(49) * 4 + tbSN(50))) = (tbTemp100(tbSN(51) * 4 + tbSN(52))) Then
tbRet(l) = &H64 '"d"
l = l + 1
End If
End If
End If
n108 = n108 + 1
CheckKey = StrConv(tbRet, vbUnicode)
End Function