1>------ 已启动生成: 项目: EmptyDriver1.WXP, 配置: WXP checked Win32 ------
1>OSR DDKBUILD.CMD V7.3/r27 (2008-09-06) - OSR, Open Systems Resources, Inc.
1>DDKBLD: WXP (checked) using the Windows XP DDK and %WXPBASE%
1>DDKBLD: Run build -M -Ze for checked version in .
1>OSR DDKBUILD.BAT V6.12 - OSR, Open Systems Resources, Inc.
1>ERROR: Unknown type of build. Please recheck parameters.
1>usage: ddkbuild [-W2K] "checked | free | chk | fre" "directory-to-build" [flags] [-WDF] [-PREFAST]
1> -W2K indicates development system uses W2KBASE environment variable
1> to locate the win2000 ddk
1> -W2K64 indicates development sytsem uses W2KBASE environment variable
1> to locate the win2000 IA64 ddk
1> -WXP to indicate WXP Build uses WXPBASE enviornment variable.
1> -WXP64 to indicate WXP IA64 bit build, uses WXPBASE
1> -WXP2K to indicate Windows 2000 build using WXP ddk
1> -WNET to indicate Windows .Net builds using WNET ddk
1> -WNET64 to indicate Windows .Net 64 bit builds using WNET DDK
1> -WNETXP to indicate Windows XP builds suing WNET DDK
1> -WNETXP64 to indicate Windows XP 64 bit builds suing WNET DDK
1> -WNETAMD64 to indicate Windows .NET build for AMD64 using WNET DDK
1> -WNET2K to indicate Windows 2000 builds using WNET DDK
1> -NT4 to indicate NT4 build using NT4 DDK.
1> -WLH to indicate Windows LH builds using WLH DDK
1> -WLH2K to indicate Windows 2K builds using WLH DDK
1> -WLHXP to indicate Windows XP builds using WLH DDK
1> -WLHNET to indicate Windows NET builds using WLH DDK
1> -WLHNETX64 to indicate Windows NET X64 builds using WLH DDK
1> -WLHNETI64 to indicate Windows NET IA64 builds using WLH DDK
1> -WLHX64 to indicate Windows LH X64 builds using WLH DDK
1> -WLHI64 to indicate Windows LH IA64 builds using WLH DDK
1> checked indicates a checked build
1> free indicates a free build
1> chk indicates a checked build
1> fre indicates a free build
1> directory path to build directory, try . (cwd)
1> flags any random flags you think should be passed to build (try /a for clean)
1> -WDF performs a WDF build
1> -PREFAST preforms a PREFAST build
1> ex: ddkbuild -NT4 checked . (for NT4 BUILD)
1> ex: ddkbuild -WXP64 chk .
1> ex: ddkbuild -WXP chk c:\projects\myproject
1> ex: ddkbuild -WNET64 chk . (IA64 bit build)
1> ex: ddkbuild -WNETAMD64 chk . (AMD64/EM64T bit build)
1> ex: ddkbuild -WNETXP chk . -cZ -WDF
1> ex: ddkbuild -WNETXP chk . -cZ -PREFAST
1> In order for this procedure to work correctly for each platform, it requires
1> an environment variable to be set up for certain platforms. The environment
1> variables are as follows:
1> NT4BASE - You must set this up to do -NT4 builds
1> W2KBASE - You must set this up to do -W2K and -W2K64 builds
1> WXPBASE - You must set this up to do -WXP, -WXP64, -WXP2K builds
1> WNETBASE - You must set this up to do -WNET, -WNET64, -WNETXP, -WNETXP64,
1> -WNETAMD64, and -WNET2K builds
1> WLHBASE - You must set this to do any -WLH* builds
1> WDF_ROOT must be set if attempting to do a WDF Build.
1> OSR DDKBUILD.BAT V6.12 - OSR, Open Systems Resources, Inc.
1> report any problems found to info@osr.com
1> -
1>生成日志保存在“file://c:\Documents and Settings\use\桌面\MyDriverC\EmptyDriver1\EmptyDriver1\BuildLog.htm”
1>EmptyDriver1.WXP - 0 个错误,0 个警告
========== 生成: 成功 1 个,失败 0 个,最新 0 个,跳过 0 个 ==========