[下载]PEBrowse Professional v9.3.2
发表于: 2008-7-26 01:43 5135

[下载]PEBrowse Professional v9.3.2

2008-7-26 01:43
PEBrowse Professional v9.3.2


PEBrowse Professional (v9.3.5) is a static-analysis tool and disassembler for Win32/Win64 executables and Microsoft .NET assemblies produced according to the Portable Executable specifications published by Microsoft. For Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, and others. (We have received reports that the software also works on other OSes, including Wine (!) and Windows CE.)

With the PEBrowse disassembler, one can open and examine any executable without the need to have it loaded as part of an active process with a debugger. Applications, system DLLs, device-drivers and Microsoft .NET assemblies are all candidates for offline analysis using PEBrowse. The information is organized in a convenient treeview index with the major divisions of the PE file displayed as nodes. In most cases selecting nodes will enable context-sensitive multiple view menu options, including binary dump, section detail, disassembly and structure options as well as displaying sub-items, such as optional header directory entries or exported functions, that can be found as part of a PE file unit. Several table displays, hex/ASCII equivalents, window messages and error codes, as well as a calculator and scratchpads are accessible from the main menu.

While the binary dump display offers various display options, e.g., BYTE, WORD, or DWORD alignment, the greatest value of PEBrowse comes when one disassembles an entry-point. An entry-point in PEBrowse is defined as: module entry-point
exports (if any) debug-symbols (if a valid PDB, i.e., program database file, is present)
imported API references relocation addresses
internal functions/subroutines
any valid address inside of the module

Selecting and disassembling any number of these entry-points produces a versatile display rich in detail including upper/lowercase display, C/Pascal/Assembler suffix/prefixing, object code, color-coded statements, register usage highlighting, and jump/call target preview popups. Additional information, such as variable and function names, will also be present if one has access to a valid PDB file. Disassembly comes in two flavors: linear sweep (sequential disassembly from a starting address) and recursive traversal, aka, analysis mode (disassembly of all statements reachable by non-call statements - extended analysis disassembles all internal call statements as well). The latter mode also presents local variables with cross-referencing, highlighting, and renaming options. If one adds/changes variable name or adds comments to specific lines, these can be displayed in a session file which will record and save all currently opened displays.

PEBrowse Professional will decompile type library information either embedded inside of the binary as the resource "TYPELIB" or inside of individual type libraries, i.e., .TLB or .OLB files. PEBrowse Professional also displays all metadata for .NET assemblies and displays IL (Intermediate Language) for .NET methods. It seamlessly handles mixed assemblies, i.e., those that contain both native and managed code. Finally, PEBrowse can be employed as a file browse utility for any type of file with the restriction that the file must be small enough that it can be memory-mapped.


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