call GetRVAOffset,offset @@KillIDA
jmp eax
;db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
sub esp,100h
mov ebp,esp
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
mov ebx,[ebp+100h+8*4]
dec ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call GetPEOffset,ebx
mov ebx,eax
xor esi,esi
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
inc esi
call GetGPANameByIndex,ebx,esi
or eax,eax
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
jz short @@RepScanGPA
mov edi,eax
call GetGPAString
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
mov edx,eax
call CompareMemory,edi,edx,15
or eax,eax
jnz short @@RepScanGPAName
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call GetGPARVAByIndex,ebx,esi
mov esi,eax
;//ebx=Kernel32 Base;esi=GetProcAddress
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call GetGTCString
call esi,ebx,eax
mov [ebp+GET_TICK_COUNT],eax
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call GetIDPString
call esi,ebx,eax
mov [ebp+IS_DBG_PRESENT],eax
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call GetEXPString
call esi,ebx,eax
mov [ebp+EXIT_PROCESS],eax
;//Save Old TickCount
call [ebp+GET_TICK_COUNT]
mov [ebp+OLD_TICK_COUNT],eax
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
;//Seh Check
call SetSehFrame,offset @@SehCheckContinue
xor eax,eax
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
div eax
call ClsSehFrame
;//Calc Old Entry RVA
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call GetRVAOffset,offset PCStart
mov ebx,eax
call GetRVAOffset,offset RRVAEIP
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
add ebx,[eax]
call GetRVAOffset,offset JRVAEIP
mov [eax],ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
;//Time Limit Check And Debug Check
call [ebp+GET_TICK_COUNT]
cmp [ebp+OLD_TICK_COUNT],eax
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
ja @@ExitProcess;
sub eax,1000
cmp [ebp+OLD_TICK_COUNT],eax
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
jb @@ExitProcess;
call [ebp+IS_DBG_PRESENT]
or eax,eax
jnz @@ExitProcess;
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
GetRVAOffset proc Address:DWORD
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call @@PushRVAOffset
pop eax
sub eax,offset @@PushRVAOffset
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
add eax,Address
GetRVAOffset endp
SetSehFrame: ;SafeEip Change eax ecx edx
pop edx
pop ecx;//Pop Param Safe Eip
call GetRVAOffset,ecx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
mov ecx,eax
call GetRVAOffset,offset Exception
push eax
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
push fs:dword ptr[0];//Push Old Seh Frame
mov fs:dword ptr[0],esp
call GetRVAOffset,offset SafeEIP
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
push dword ptr[eax];//Push Old Safe Eip
mov dword ptr[eax],ecx;//Set Safe Eip
call GetRVAOffset,offset SafeESP
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
push dword ptr[eax];//Push Old Safe Esp
sub esp,100h;//Sub Safe Stack Space Size
mov dword ptr[eax],esp;//Set Safe Esp
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
jmp edx
ClsSehFrame: ;Change ecx edx,Not change eax
pop edx
mov ecx,eax
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call GetRVAOffset,offset SafeESP
mov esp,[eax];//Get Safe Esp
add esp,100h;//Add Safe Stack Sapce Size
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
pop dword ptr[eax];//Pop Old Safe Esp
call GetRVAOffset,offset SafeEIP
pop dword ptr[eax];//Pop Old Safe Eip
pop fs:dword ptr[0];//Pop Old Seh Frame
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
pop eax;//Pop Exception
mov eax,ecx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
jmp edx
Exception proc uses ebx esi edi,Record:DWORD,Frame:DWORD,Context:DWORD,Dispatch:DWORD
mov edx,Context
call GetRVAOffset,offset SafeESP
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
mov eax,[eax]
mov dword ptr[edx.cx_Esp],eax
call GetRVAOffset,offset SafeEIP
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
mov eax,[eax]
mov dword ptr[edx.cx_Eip],eax
xor eax,eax;忽略错误继续执行
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
Exception endp
CompareMemory proc uses ebx esi edi,Src:DWORD,Des:DWORD,Size:DWORD
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call SetSehFrame,offset @@NotSame
mov esi,Src
mov edi,Des
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
mov ecx,Size
rep cmpsb
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
mov ebx,ecx
call ClsSehFrame
mov eax,ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call ClsSehFrame
mov eax,-1
CompareMemory endp
EncodeString proc uses ebx esi edi,PChar:DWORD,Size:DWORD
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
mov ecx,Size
mov esi,PChar
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
xor [esi],dword ptr XX
add esi,4
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
loop short @@ContEncode
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
EncodeString endp
GetGPAString proc uses ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call @@PushGetProcAddressStr
dd 'PteG' xor XX,'Acor' xor XX,'erdd' xor XX,'ss' xor XX
pop ebx
cmp [ebx],word ptr 'eG'
jz short @@HasEncode
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call EncodeString,ebx,4
mov eax,ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
GetGPAString endp
GetGTCString proc uses ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call @@PushGetTickCountStr
dd 'TteG' xor XX,'Ckci' xor XX,'tnuo' xor XX,0
pop ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
cmp [ebx],word ptr'eG'
jz short @@HasEncode
call EncodeString,ebx,3
mov eax,ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
GetGTCString endp
GetIDPString proc uses ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call @@PushIsDebugPresent
dd 'eDsI' xor XX,'ggub' xor XX,'rPre' xor XX,'nese' xor XX,'t' xor XX
pop ebx
cmp [ebx],word ptr 'sI'
jz short @@HasEncode
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call EncodeString,ebx,5
mov eax,ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
GetIDPString endp
GetEXPString proc uses ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call @@PushExitProcessString
dd 'tixE' xor XX,'corP' xor XX,'sse' xor XX
pop ebx
cmp [ebx],word ptr 'xE'
jz short @@HasEncode
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call EncodeString,ebx,3
mov eax,ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
GetEXPString endp
GetPEOffset proc uses ebx esi edi,MZOffset:DWORD
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call SetSehFrame,offset @@RepScanPEOffset
mov ebx,MZOffset
dec ebx
and bx,0f000h
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
movzx eax,word ptr[ebx]
xor eax,XX
cmp eax,dword ptr 'ZM' xor XX
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
jnz short @@RepScanPEOffset
movzx esi,[ebx+PeHeadOffset]
add esi,ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
movzx eax,word ptr[esi]
xor eax,XX
cmp eax,dword ptr 'EP' xor XX
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
jnz short @@RepScanPEOffset
call ClsSehFrame
mov eax,ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
GetPEOffset endp
GetGPANameByIndex proc uses ebx esi edi,MZOffset:DWORD,Index:DWORD
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call SetSehFrame,offset @@NotFound
mov ebx,MZOffset
movzx ecx,[ebx+PeHeadOffset]
add ecx,ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
mov esi,[ecx.peExportsRVA]
add esi,ebx
mov edi,[esi.etExportNameList]
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
add edi,ebx
mov ecx,Index
cmp ecx,[esi.etExportNameSum]
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
jae short @@NotFound
mov edi,[edi+ecx*4]
add edi,ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
or eax,[edi];//Test
or eax,[edi+15];//Test
call ClsSehFrame
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
mov eax,edi
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call ClsSehFrame
xor eax,eax
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
GetGPANameByIndex endp
GetGPARVAByIndex proc uses ebx esi edi,MZOffset:DWORD,Index:DWORD
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
call GetRVAOffset,offset @@NotFound
call SetSehFrame,eax
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
mov ebx,MZOffset
movzx ecx,[ebx+PeHeadOffset]
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
add ecx,ebx
mov esi,[ecx.peExportsRVA]
add esi,ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
mov ecx,Index
cmp ecx,[esi.etExportAddrSum]
jae short @@NotFound
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
mov edi,[esi.etExportOrdlList]
add edi,ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
movzx ecx,word ptr[edi+ecx*2]
cmp ecx,[esi.etExportAddrSum]
jae short @@NotFound
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
mov edi,[esi.etExportAddrList]
add edi,ebx
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
mov edi,[edi+ecx*4]
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
add edi,ebx
or eax,[edi];//Test
call ClsSehFrame
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
mov eax,edi
call ClsSehFrame
xor eax,eax
db 0ebh,001h,0e8h;//乱码样版
GetGPARVAByIndex endp
db 068h
db 0c3h
RRVAEIP dd -1000h
SafeESP dd ?
SafeEIP dd ?
MsgFmt db 'RRVAIP:%X,Size:%x',0
MsgBuf db 256 dup(?);